001C9619 November 2, 1928. Building Permib='seful Recipes:- Buil(ling permits up to date for th month total $ 14400. Particulars are as follows Dii ellings ~frs. J. Southwell, 24th and Ifayi«ood Ave. $ 4,000 EV. A. Stringer for Sydney and Esther Adie, 11th and Esquimalt ............ 2,500 Sydney 8; Fsther Adie.... lE'. T. Graham, Sherman's 800Ilrs. Hazel ~f. Clarke, Trevers Ave.. 3,500 Afrs. W. Gourlay, Belle- vue Ave....... 3,500 Additions J. D. Elliott, Cypress I'ark ........................... 100 CRICKET I'OI'UI.AR V ON NORTH SHORE Corn pr Tomato Toast affix cutoff sweet con, ker- nels first scored doivn the mid-' ]e) ivith enough highly sea- s„ned steived tomato to moisten ]ibera]ly, add to each pint a but- ba]] and pour over we]l-but- hot toast; garnish ivith niinced parsley and serve atj once. For variation add a mincedgreen sweet pepper, or lay poached egg on each slice. I t serves as a delicious main article for lunch or supper. Ad hemi ve Tape for i&larking ]']ates is the best thing I knoiv of. When sending dishes to a community supper they often get mixed or lost, but a small piece of adhesive tape with an initial or name written in inde]- ible pencil saves trouble. The plaster does not ivash off and remains from one function to an- other. At the annual meeting of the North Shore Cricket Club last Friday, Ifr. %for(]e» ivas elected to the plcsiJcncy for his seventh consecutive term. Other officers elected were: Vice-I'resident, C. A. L. Payne; Secretary-treasur- er, H. G. Rerrie', assistant sec- retary, Reg. Haworth of West Vancouver; executive committee W. J. Tompkins, Roy Johnston, P. T. Dale, Donald Ffudson, J. M. Pe»nycock. Leslie Booth was elected captain of the team, and Roy Johnston was chosen super- visor of the juvenile and ju»ior sections of the club. In giving a resume of the ac- tivities of the club in the past season, Mr. Morden made special mention of the rapid strides "the good o]d game of cricket" is making on this side of the Inlet. He considered the past season to have been the best the North Shore Cricket Club had experi- enced since its inception. "Our ilfain]and League team made a splendid shoiving. and we are @ti]] of the opinion that ive can beat anything in the league." The president also made speci- al mention of the popularizing of the game among the boys and in this connection he paid a glow- ing tribute to the valuable work done by i%fr. C. A. L. Payne, who for years has been the boys'est friend on the cricket field. bfr. Morde» made reference to improvements made this year to Boulevard Park, and with fur- ther improvements contemplated next year, both for the ground and the pavilion, he thought Boulevard Park would soon con- stitute one of the finest cricket grounds in the province. For the purpose of raising funds for improvement work in the comi»g year, the club mem- bers have made plans for the holding of a series of social func- tions. Stuffed Tomatoes Four large tomatoes One small head celery lettuce Three-quarters of a cup nf grated cheese Salt and pepper. Chop celery an(l lettuce anil mix ivith grated cheese. C~t tops off tomatoes an(l scoop but centres. affix a portion of these centres with lettuce, celery an(l cheese and place mixture in to- matoes. Put a teaspoonful of mayoiinaise on top. Sprinkle with paprika and serve on a let- tuce leaf. Needing a ICnob for Tea Kettle I hit upon the idea of using the cork that comes on a bottle of fruit salts. It is a good size and has a metal cap on top which is easily grasped. Ply husban(l rivette(l it on, but a screw from the underside of the lid will do instead. Omelet Souffle Another mixture similar to the puffy omelet is knoivn as omelet souffle. This special mix- ture is much like the puffy ome- let but is usually served as a dessert. Pepper and liquid are omitted from the mixture an(l 2 tablespoons of sugar and vani]- la or other flavor are added for each egg used. The mixture is veig gently folded together and is cooked and browned in a dish which can be served on the table. It is put in the oven at about 350 degrees F. and baked until when touched with the fin- ger the egg does not adhere. It must be taken from the oven dii- ectly to the table. JAAIES--AVILLIAiISON On Thursday, October 25th, at the home of ilfrs. Bransby white, 24th and Jefferson, the marriage took place of Dfiss Ol- ive James. el(lest daughter of Dfrs. E. James, 24th and Hay- ivoo(l, a»d Jack Williamson, so» of bfr. and AIrs. Nick IVi]]iamson 17th and Bellevue. Father Kelly officiated at the ceremony, which ivas he]d at 11 a.m. ilfiss info»a Smith of Afarpo]e, attend- e(l the bri(le and hfr. George Hackett of Vancouver ivas best ma». Only the immediate rela- tives ail(l frie»ds of the bride a»(l groom ivere present. A buffet lunch was served later at the home of the bride's mother. rifi. an(l AIrs. William- son ivill reside in IVest Vancou- ver. EVhen making pies such as custar(l or pumpkin, the crust is likely to become soggy or damp when the filling is put in. Try brushing the crust over first ivith butter. This keeps the fill- ing from soaking into it and makes it much better. Near-French-Fried Potatoes Cut pared ivhite potatoes i»to regular French-frie(] shape using a fluted cutter if possible; (they are much pret tier) . Soak in cold ivater u»ti] crisp. (. y on a toivel. Place in one layer in a butter pan. set in tlie oven, and ivhen~~ hot brush with some sort of sav- f ory fat--sausage or bacon fat is nice--or butter; sprinkle ivith salt, an(l set in a hot oven (450 (legrees) until delicately broiv»- e(l and soft, stirring occasional- ly. These are exactly as nice as the frie»(l an(l are much easier to do. Robert Steve»s--"I'e a ques- tion to ask you." Leo Besselma»--"All right. shoot." Robert--"If a boy is a lad, a»d the lad has a stepfather--" Leo (deeply interested) --"Go on." Robert (ivalking sloivly aivay) --"Does that make the la(l (i step]a(l(lor?" Galvanize(] ivash tubs some- times leave black, gritty marks oil clothing, an(l iv;ishi»g iv!t]& SO'ip ali(l iVatel Wll]»(st reniOVe them. Coal oil rubbe(] on these marks ivill iemove t]icni easily, also use coal oil for clea»ing the tub, ~E BLUEST VAN NEREUS Whimsical Review Johnny's grandmother had come from a long distance to visit her son ivhom she had not seen for many years. "Are you my mamma's moth- er?" asked Johnny, by way of conversation. "No, dear, I'm your grand- mother on your father's side." "SVe]]," said Johnny decidedly, "al] I'e got to say is that you'e on the wrong side." "ls that all the work you can do in an hour?" asked Sam's employer, as he surveyed the scanty result of his new man's labor. "Well, boss," said Sam. "I dussay I could do more--but, believe me, I never was one for showin'ff." A stout woman drove up to a filling station. "I ivant two quarts of oil," she said. "EVhat kind, heavy?" asked the attendant. "Say, young man, don't get fresh with me," was the indig- nant response. Lady Friend: "I suppose you carry a memento of some sort in that locket of yours." hfrs. H.: "Yes, it is a lock of myhusband's hair." Lady Friend: "But your husband is still alive," Mrs. H.: "Yes, but his hair is gone." "EVe]], madam, why don't you wish to serve on the jury?" ask- ed the judge. "I'm opposed to capital pun- ishment." "But this is merely a case in which a wife is suing her hus- band for an account. It seems she gave him 1100 to pay down on a handsome fur coat, and he is alleged to have lost the money at poker." The woman juror spoke up promptly: "I'l serve f Maybe I'm wrong about capital punish- ment." Ikey had just taken his wife and baby to the movies, and just as the picture was getting interesting, the baby started to cry. The parents were trying ineffectually to hush the babe when the manager appeared and re- spectfully told them that they would have to take the child and leave the house, and that they would receive the money back if they would apply at the box office. The next week they came again to the same theatre, but said Ikey: "This show is punk." "Yah," said his wife, "stick a pin in the baby, Ikey." Patron: "I say, waiter, isn' this an incubator chicken?" AVaiter: "I dunno, boss; why?" Patron: "EVe]], anything that ever had a mother, could never grow up to be as tough a bird as this." An exacting dentist says that he had an absent-minded motorist in his chair the other day. "Will you take gas?" he asked. "Yeah," he replied the A.hf. patient, "and you'd better look at the oil, too." "Did you strung]e against the consequences of temptation?" asked the prison chaplain. "Yes, I did," replied the con- vict. "Ah, but you should have fought a little harder and you ivould not be here now." "I done the best I could, mist- er. It took seven policemen to get me to the station. Once an old darkey visited a doctor and was given definite instructions as to what he should do. Shaking his head he started to leave the place, when the doctor said: "Here, Rastus, you forgot to pay me." "Pay yo fo what, boss? "For my advice," replied the doctor. "Naw. suh, naw, suh; I ain't gwine to take it," nnd Rastus shuffled out. Tommy: "iffy sister. Nellie, ivas first in history, and my sis- ter, Dora, ivas first in drawing." Uncle: "Are you first in any- thing at school?" Tomniy: "No, but I am alivays first out of it." Seven tins assorted Corn Peas Tomato s and Peaches Large sizetins. Choice Quality for....... -..................................... $ 1.00 'ECARE SPECIA& Y SPECIAL Niickle Plated Copper Tea Kettles, worth $3 for .. $ 1.9512-inch Galvanized Pails ..................... 35cGalvanized Wash Tubs, $2 size for .. . $1~Five String Corn Brooms .......................... "-.--.-- ---.--.-- -.............. 39cSpecial prices on Pudding Bowls, &fixing Basins and Sundry Kitchenrequ is i tes. SEE OUI'INI&OW. BUY NOiV ANiD SAVF CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SAI.E--Columbia Grafanola full sized cabinet with records. Good as new. Phone West 1. SEVERAL VARIETIES of Choice Iris plants for sale. Dr. Thorn pson, West 489. FOR It EVT Reasonable. Furnished or unfurnished on waterfront, Dun- darave,cosy bungalow. living room with open fiireitlace, two bedrooms, modern bathroom and kitchen. Phone West 413L. SEiVING WANTED -- Ladies'nd Children's work. birs. Bloxham, Phone West 226. IVINDOW BLINDS--bfade to order and installed. Estimates free. Pearce's Drygoods. 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144. R. P. Clark Br, Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. BUII.DING or INDUSTRIAL SNAI'. Two fifty foot lots S.E. corner 20th and Mathers, offered as a bargain, on cash or terms. Look it over and make a quick offer. IVATERFRONT LOT -- This Ls the cheapest lot on the seafront. Can be bought within the next ten days for $ 1500. Terms third cash, bal- ance arranged. FOR THESE and other bargain snaps see Exclusive Agents R. P. Clark Nc Co. (Vancouver) Ltd 823 Hastings St. AV. Sey. 7483, 7481 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, N est 225. TENDERS FOR DiVELLING G LEiV EAGLES The undersigned invite tend- ers for the erection of a resi- dence at Gleneagles. Plans and specifications may be inspected at the office of It. I'. CLARK dk CO. (Vancourer) LTD. 790 Dunsrnuir St., Vancouver TEiVDERS FOR ROAD WORK GLENEAGLES The undersigned invitee tend- ers on about 500 feet of road clearing and rockwork, to be completed in accordance with Municipal Engineer's specifica- tions and requirements. Partic- ulars obtainable from R. I'. CLARK dk CO. (Vancouver) LTD. 790 Dunsmuir St., Vancouver E ouses for .(ent Four ltooms, Semi Furnished. T~ o blocks from Ferry, $25. Four l(ooms, Nook. Fully ifodern and Furnished. Two blocks from ferry, $30. Front Suite in Ifay Block (last word in comfort). iVe specialize in iVest Vancouver properties. LOANS -- INSURANCE GEO. HAY FOR SALE--Real Wicker Baby Car- riage, good condition. cream, $20.Oak crib on ~heels, $7.60. Oak lib- rary table. $ 10. Phone West 29L. && ANTED--Band Stump Puller with or without tackle Must be in firstclass condition. State lowest pricefor cash. Apply "Stump Puller," c o iVest Van News. &ODD BOifE offered to elderly wo-nan in return for light duties Two in family. Phone West 318Yl. FOUND--Pink Silk Scarf. originally white Apply West Van News BEATTY ii BlfECAI'lectric Wash-er for sale. Perfect condition, $65cash. Apply 2061 Esquimalt Ave. LANDSCAI'E and General Gardening Rock Gardens, Lily and Ornamental Pools, La~ns, Rustic Work, Fencing Concrete Paths, Drives, etc., Prun- ing, Spraying, Painting and Kalso- mining, Repairs. R. J. Kyte, Phone West 172X1. SCH iV EI'I'ES L Eif ON A DE hIACat the Ambleside Tea Rooms has some, 10c Bottle. SHOT GUN FOR SALEs $ 15 00. Ap ply Ambleside Tea Rooms. iVEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dundarave. GRAhfAI'HONE AND VIOLIiVS For Sale--Sonora Cabinet Gramaphone, fumed natural oak finish. $75, cashor $86 on terms to responsible party also several three quarter size vio- lins in good condition, suitable for beginners, with case and bow, $ 10to $ 15 complete. Apply Grigor's Dry Goods Store. NORTII SHORE ELECTRIC for wiring,-- Radio,-- Fixtures. Get our prices. Phone 79, North Van- couver. COIV iIANURE FOR SALE--IVell rotted, $6 Two yards; $ 10 for 44 yards. Mr. Raine. Phone iVest 74L2. RADIO-- ifarconi and Stewart-iVarn- er, Batteryless, demonstrated at our shop. Before buying a radio see these. West Van. Electric (Jack Paterson). FOR RENT -- Comfortable modern house close to ferry, $30. Also, furnished four room modern bung- alow in Dundarave. Phone West ~i20L after 6 p. m. hlODERN BUNGALOiV FOR RENT $30. Five large rooms: Lot 132xl32 Garage, newly decorated. corner Mathers and 25th, on Bus line. Ap- ply, B. R. Harrison or any West Van Real Estate Agent. FOUiVDATION, CLIENT WORE, Landscaping, Lawns made, Grading and Clearing. T. Barnott, Resid- ence Phone West 672R. CABINET 3IAKER--A Olirer, 15th and Waterfront. Repair work done. Cedar chests from $ 16. HEhfSTITCHINC~Plain. white.. Sc yard; silk and colored 10c yard. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street antf bfarine. Phone West 144. NEiVbIAN dt ROBBINS -- Builders and Contractors--Painting, paper- hanging and kalsomining. chimneys built. 28th and Marine. Phone %Vest 74R1. Notary I'ublic 1405 bfarine Drive Office Phono West 21 or Sey. 1'60 Residence Phone iV. 32R or IV. 204X F()UR ROOhl COTT.AGE -- Wafer, Light, Phone, Garden, Fine view. Lot 76xl29; $850, terms. iVEST VANCOUVER INVEST- bf ENT COY. West 102. Amhleside Hall FOR RENT Applications for reservations of the Ambleside Hall for the present may be made to the agents. GEO. HAY Notary Public 1405 bfarine Drive Phone iVest 21 Phone West 28 Ambleside GROCERIES - HARDWARE