001C9619 THE EVEST VAN NEREUS November 2, 1928. FAST esrige i i|rug S&ore G. E. REID, &I»ager iVew Building--Corner Alarine and 14th. DELIVERY NO Ol(DER IS TOO ShIALL WEST 323 pitman Business College Vancouver's Lending Business College, INDIVIDUAL ATTEiVTION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL IGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH WEEK Students may enrol at any time RICHARDS STREET (At Hastings) PHOiVE SEYhIOVR 91352 2e FOR A GOOD SQUARE MEAL come to The Pantry Marine Drive, Ambleside. All kinds of Home Cooking. yae BURRARD J!Il).W .%.)S o '3 The Alnnual A.nniversary Supper of The United Church will be held at G.30 p. m. on IVEDNESDAY, iVOVEhlBER 7 in AhlBLESIDE HALL TICKETS:--Adults 60c; Children 35c. may be obtained from Mrs. G. Gardiner, 730 15th St. 0 // ~ ~ li IS AN ART P H&suKwM T'4~ ~ 'To LAUNDER CLGTHK$ I Y~a wagwit Da 4urrart l.alta,ry Limited For People Who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L HARRON BROS. R WILLIAMSON P'uneral Birertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Phone North 345 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y FURNACE REPAIRS Anything in Sheet Metal Furnaces, Stores, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights Tar and Gravel Roofs, General Repairs of all kinds. Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale North Vancouver A special musical programme, and there will be a brief address by Rev. C. A. williams of Wes- ley Church. GOOD BREAD is always enjoyable. Everybody likes "STRAT- TON'S BREAD. There's a reason! It's pure and wholesome. You get full value when you buy our Bread, Rolls and Past- ries. PHONE WEST 27 And our Delivery man will calL 5TRATTON'S BAKERY W~Ah'll / cr era~ ~ - //& Oe= '"'- rusfmrL be 5 Our. fast moor express modish,rLuinluufpl&t IJi ="i~gIIh dc4vc~ fp ~ ShNB g P.„, doorstep from Qe~ utspert14 QIirt PDgNL ev Qe hiqhast, score- P ABASER VALLVr'a:gurize4 M i 1 gfor Safely I'hone North 122 TIIE ItEXALI. STORE Cut Rate Drugs REhiEhIBER! the proper compounding of the doctor's prescription is ns important ns the right diagnosis. Only the purest chemicals pro- curable are used in our dispensing. Our checking system prevents the possibility of any mistake. Prescriptions called for and delivered. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS 35c Citrate of Magnesia ..... 16c $ 1.00 Peroxine Powder ...... 79c 75c I iquid Petrolatuni............ 49c 60c Jonteel Face Po 10c Dutch Drops................ 4 for 25c 50c Pulford's Creain Olives........ 39c $ 1.00 Burdock Blood Bitters.... 89c 25c Camphorated Oil ............ 19c GO hl '$c 40c Lorie Paris Lavender lVater 29cGOc hiurine ............................ ~ c $ 1.50 Ayerst's Cod Liver Oil $ L45 50c Fruitatives ..........,............ 13c $ 1.00 Danderine ........ 98c 25c hIecca Ointment .... 22c S5c hIellin's Food .................. 69c 50c Kidney Pills . „......... 39c GOc Robertson's Patent Barley 49c 25c A. B. S. E. C. Tablets 26c Rexall Orderlies.................. 17c 26c Seidlitz Powders ............ 17c GSc Vacuum Bottles ..... 57c Specials for This Week": +SOY V,S B. E'. Rolled Oats... 7 lbs. 15c Snowflal e Pastry Flour 10 lbs. 50c Mixed Nuts, new stock, lb 25c Loran, Percy and Chester Rey- nolds returned on Saturday from a hunting trip of several days'urationup the Pitt River, go- ing there in their inotor launch. Due, however, to the fog that hu»g over that part of the coun- try, they came back with empty bags. Miss IIilda Wilson, daughter of i~Irs. Clara Wilson, Marine Drive, divas one of the artists at the advanced stu&lent recital held by the Vancouver Women' 5Iusical Club last )VednesrIay in the auditorium of the Wonien's Building. Miss Wilson played a piano solo, "The Erl King" by Schubert-Liszt. Her artistic rendering creating much favor- able comment. Bob Tabor left last Monday for an up-coast point, where he has secured employment. G. N. Ford, 13th and Fulton, who has been enjoying a holi- day from his work in the B. C. Assay office, Vancouver, re- turned early this week from sev- eral days'isit to Bellingham and Seattle. Mrs. Chet Shields left last Friday for a two weeks'rip to Portland, Oregon, where she will visit relatives and friends. Mr. Smith is having an addi- tion built to his house at the corner of 24th and Mathers. Nr. and Mrs. G. F. Cox, who hav ebeen conducting 'the Glow'roceryon Marine Drive, be- tween 21st and 22nd Streets, are leaving today for Nurrayville, where they will in future reside. Sidney Dowling, 1841 15th St., ivho is employed at the Capilano Timber Co., is a patient at North Vancouver General Hospital suf- fering from a poisoned hand through cedar poisoning. Mr. and Mrs. Dowling came to live in )Vest Vancouver about two months ago. Mr. and AIrs. E. A. Rathje, 13th and Gordon, are rejoicing in the birth of a daughter, ivho arrived at 4 a.m. last Tuesday at Nor th Vancouver General Hospital. Jonathan Apples per box $ 1.65 I aim Olive Soap Finest Nei~ Zealand Butter ibm. $ 1.35 A chimney fire broke out at 4.30 p.m. on Thursrlay 25th in- stant at the home of Mr. and Airs. Jagger, 20th an(I Bellevue. The fire brigade were quickly on the scene and soon had the fire out. No damage was done. Henry Davison, who has been residing at 14th angl Gordon, has moved into a house at 13th and Fulton, The work of making a big ski- hill is being put forward on Hol- lvburn Ridge. It will be situated near the ski-camp, and should be a great attraction to the follow- ers of this sport during the com- ing winter. Dr. and Mrs. H. Perrin and family, who have been residing for the past eighteen months at 19th and waterfront, moved to Vancouver on Tuesday. J. Parker of Vancouver has moved into a house at 761 20th Street. NARI,',I'E GROCERY 22nd and hl n r inc J. A I.LISON, Prop. PHONE WEST 96 It's Coming! THE COLD SNAP ARE YOU I'REI ARED2 Our Advice:--Stock up with the Famous Newcastje Coal Always Suits -- iVerer Soots. Hobb Coal ff Transfer PHONE WEST 17 "Bob's Always on the Job." We hlore Anything Anywhere, Any Time. LEGION TO HOLD CHRISTAIAS RAFFLE A chimney fire occurred on Sunday at the home of Mls. Vyvyan, East Beach. The fire was put out by the family and neighbors, it not being thought necessary to turn in the alarm. No serious damage was done. A good deal of work has been done the past few weeks in the reconstruction of Hollyburn wharf at the footof 17th Street. New piles have been driven in on the front and sides, and they are now being connected togeth- er with stringers, the open space in between being filled in mith loads of large stones. AVhen the work is finished, the wharf should be good for a number of years. Will Attend blemorial Service on Armistice Day. At the regular meeting of the Canadian Legion AVest Vancou- ver branch, last Friday night it was decided to hold again this December the usual raffle, the proceeds of which go to the Christmas Cheer fund. This fund is used for providing Christmas cheer for the families of needy ex-service men, and it has been the custom to also give an entertainment for the bene- fit of their children during the Yuletide festivities. The members of the branch will attend in a body the mem- orial service organized by the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E., on Sunday morning, 11th November, at the Memorial Arch, and all ex-service men whether members of the legion or not are asked to fall in with the branch on this occasion. Miss Grigor, daughter of Mrs. Grigor of the dry goods store, who lives on Ful ton Avenue, near 18th Street, left last F1~- day night for Fort )Villiam, where it is expected she will re- main for the winter. Peggy, the daughter of Mr. and AIrs. R. 4V. Davies, 14th and Inglewood, who has been sick for several we ks, is now very much improved and able to be up and about. Mr. H. 3Torgan with his wife and family, have arrived here from Cuba on a visit to his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Mor- gan, )Vest Bay. Mr. Adie, East Beach, is hav- ing ahouse built at 11th and Es- quimalt which he will occupy when completed. 51rs. Rotherham, a former res- ident here, but who now lives in Victoria, was visiting friends in AVest Vancouver this week. The mild fall this year seems to extend to the far north, for Dr. Stainsby, in writing from EIayo, Yukon Territory, to Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Thompson, 20th Street, states that so far they have had very little snow and no cold weather. The doctor and his wife appear to like their new location. Miss Marie Blanche, George Robey's leading lady, who is an old friend and co-artiste of Mrs.ink Johnston, 20th and Ingle- wood, recently sent to Mrs. John- ston, who by the way is better known to English audiences as Miss Doris Barrington of the vaudeville and comedy stage of London, a letter of appreciation for the basket of flowers sent on the opening night of "Be- tween Ourselves." It will be in- teresting to our people to knoiv that Miss Blanche and Mrs. Johnston stan ed for 6 years under the same management in in London. Owing to Mrs. John- ston's illness from blood poison- ing and Miss Blanche's being busy with rehearsals for a new production, they were to their mutual regret unable to meet here. Mrs. Johnston and her child left yesterday to take up residence in North Vancouver. Autoist EVhere do you get auto parts around here?" Native: "At the railroad cross- ing." "Gimme twenty two twenty two," said the perspiring gentle man in the telephone booth. "Dvo two two two?" repeated the voice with the smile. "Now see here, young lady," came back the exasperated one," "you just get me my number and you and me will play choo- choo some other time." Friday, Sat., Sc Nonday Anniversary Sale SpecialsCaptain Edwards, manager of the municipal transportation system, left on wednesday after- noon for a few days holiday iii Victoria. B. C. Granulated Sugar....10 lbs. 64c Royal Crown Soap, large bar 5c Fletcher's No. 1 Boiled Ham, lb 65c Almond bIacaroon Biscuits, lb 23c Squirrel Peanut Butter, .... pail 2lc Classic Cleanser.......... 3 for 21c Cowan's Jelly Rolls, each........ 25c H. P. Sauce, per bottle............ 25c Blue hlountain Pineapple 2 tins 23c Jelly Powders, all flavors 4 For 25c Jonathan Apples, delivered, per box ..................................... $ 1.75 hIeadowvale Butter, 3 lbs. for $ 1.32Nr. and Mrs. John Reid are having a house built on their property on Keith Road between 12th and 13th Streets. SEE OTHER SI'ECIALS on I'ages 2, 5 and 8 Smith 's ~ rocery 24th AND blARINE, Opp. Dundarave Hall. Phone WEST 469 &HA» .k D fBl9 W., sTQRE