001C9619 THE EVEST VAN NEKVS November 2, 1928. s ".rue P HiRSONAI S .'011011Ii( To buy your Groceries at this store. You can rely upon re- ceiving the very best quality and you pay no more than for some cheaper grades. GREENWOOD'S customers aim all satisfied customers. I'i)I',,[IlWI) I:II'. '8 G HOCERY We deliver West 16 Craig's New Battery Service Next to )Vest Van Garage AUTO or RADIO Charging -- Repairs, Etc. Phone West 130. Phone West 130 GORDON ROBSON Barrister E- Solicitor West Vancouver office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 403 Suite 801; 510 Hastings St., W. Phone Seymour 4199. Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The AVest Van Watchmaker & Jeweller 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside Coal and %Vood Get your minter's supply nom. Building Supplies. Flour and Feed, Etc. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Men's Suits and Overcoats cUsTOhl isp3 ppfrom The new Fall Sam pIes are now here for your choice. Qual- ity and Fit Guaranteed. YOU'L BE SATISFIED M. WILLIAMS 16th and iblarine, Ambleside CUSTOM TAILOR CLEANING AND PRESSING Phone West 20 Arthur Bennett, 22nd a»d Av- gyle, is moving into a house»ext door to that xvhich he is at pres- ent occupyi»g. iiIvs. Joe iAIichell, with hev i oullg SOll, is liel'e fvonl G'llllbiev Islaiid, visiti»g hev father, DIv. Davie, 15th and Gordon. AIv. and Airs. IIavvy SIcDo»aid ivho reside o» Buv»aby Stveet, Vancouver, weve week-end vis- itors at the home of Mr. AIcDo»- aid'» mother, 15th and I ulton. AiIrs. W. G. Caslor, 21st and Argyle, ivho has been sick fov some weeks ~vith an infected fi- nge followed by other complica- tions, is much improved, but it will be necessary for her to ve- mai» at home for several weeks before full convaleescence. Tlie North Shore Operatic So- ciety which numbers among its members several West Vancou- ver residents, is putting on the play "Rip Van Winkle," this sea- son. The first rehearsal took place on Tuesday evening in the Ii. P. Hall, North Vancouver. H. Cox, chief signaller of Prospect Point station, was this week the recipient of a box of candv sent from Singapore, be- cause he divas the only radio op- erator on this coast to hear a broadcast from there. This is not the first time Mr. Cox has avon distinction, he having last year received a prize for pick- ing up a special message from Florida. Dr. G. E. Bayfield and George Reid of the Lesage Drug Store, spent a few hours on Tuesday morning shooting at AVhytecliff, returning with a bag of nine fine ducks. Mrs. AValton and her daughter, 19th Street, have taken a suite at the Fortune Cup Inn. Mr. and 5Irs. J. Birch Kelly, who have been residing at Caul- feild, have returned for the wint- er to Vancouver. L. O. L. No. 2990 is holding their next regular meeting on Tuesday, 6th November, at 8 p. m. in St. Stephen's Hall. Ted Harvis of North Lonsdale is a guest at the Fortune Cup Inn. Mr. and AIrs. Oscar L. Erickson, 28th and Waterfront, moved to the city on Saturday. BIRTHDAY PARTY Last Saturday afternoon, Oc- tober 27th, Marjory O'Donnell, daughter of Rev. A. 5I. O'Don- nell, celebrated her ninth birth- day with a party. The afternoon was spent in games. The guests present were Helen Ed- wards, Joan Parker, Judy and Barbara Good, Eraine Patterson, 5Iargavet Hall and Connie Dav- idson. Good progress is being made o» the iAIari»e Drive extension. The cemeiit strips have been laid as fav east as Eagle Harbour fvom Whyteclif7, the road pvoper being const vucted after this wovk has bee» done. Mv. a»d DIrs. Roberts and fam- ily, who have bee» occupying a flat i» the Keith block, 15th a»d Mavi»e Di'ive, have moved to Va»couvev. G. J. Tannev. 23rd and Fulton, was at his home for a few days this iveek ivhile his ship was in port. DIr. and AIrs. J. A. Bradley and family, 20th and Esquimalt, left heve oii Tuesday for Port- land, Ovego», where they expect to veside for a few months. J. H. Paterson and william Russell returned on Saturday from a hunting trip to Williams Lake, going by auto. They found they had not the time to do much hunting, but managed to shoot a coyote before starting o» their return journey. Mr. and 5Ivs. Kitchener, who have been residing for the past few months in a house at 18th and AIari»e Drive, have returned to Vancouver. AIv. and Mrs. Devaney and family, who have been living up the coast, have moved into a house on Bellevue between 28th and 29th Streets. iiIiss Nellie Stevenson has been spending a few days this week visiting her cousin Miss Cun- ningham, who resides in Seattle. She is expected back tomorrow. Mr. and AIrs. Ben Howell, who have been south for the pasi year, have returned and are now back at their old home at 22nd and 3Iathers. i4Ir. and AIrs. How- ell are old AVest Vancouver resi- dents, and are well known throughout the district. Miss Fveda Herrin, 1387 Hay- wood Ave., was one of the avtists at the fourth fortnightly recital given by the pupils of the J. D. A. Tripp Piano School in Unity Hall, Vancouver, last Saturday evening. Miss Hevrin was at home in a conceit valse by Gran- ados, displaying a beautiful touch and indicating much prom- ise. The West Vancouver bran«h of the B. C. Nurseries, which is situated on Marine Drive just west of Capilano bridge, is offer- ing fov one week only four year old English Green Gage trees at G5 cents each. These trees are sold regularly for $ 1.50. Q (A.i ~.'. Ii'S E. GRANGER is now in a position to serve his old customers personally, and to give both old and new the very best service. Marine L 21st ) '..'" .('.?) (.?.( .'S NOiV STABILISED We will tell you exactly how much your repairs will cost before the job is started. There is on file in our office a price list covering every op- eration on every make of car. Don't take chances. Know exactly what the repairs are going to cost you. AUTO LICENSE I'LATE FOR 1929 WILL HE CREAihl AND GREEN Bi'itish Columbia automobiles wi ll next yea v be adorned wi th at ti",ic t ive license plates clone in green and cream. The back- grou»d will be in cveam while the figui'es and lettering will be i» "Paul Revere" green it was announced at the provincial pol- ice headquarters here. R. I'. CLARK 4 CO. CAI.L FOR TENDERS FOR BU I I I) IN G AN D ROA D WORK Te»devs ave being called by R. P. Clark 8: Co. for the erection of a residence at Gleneagles. Plans and specifications may be inspected at theiv office at 790 Dunsmuiv Street, Vancouver. This firm is also calling for tend- ers on about 500 feet of road clearing and rockwork at Glen- eagles to be completed in accord- ance with the specifications and requirements of the municipal engineer. Particulars of same may be obtained at 790 Duns- muir Street, as in the case of the first tender. Advertisements relative to this appear in this issue. WANT FREIGHT v'NLYON ROAD P.G.E. Railway Finds Revenue from This Source Profitable Though they propose to aban- don passenger sei vice on the North Shore line from North Vancouver to Whytecliff, direc- tors of the Pacific Great East- ern plan to retain their frieght operations, it is revealed follow- ing Premier S. F. Tolmie's con- ference with the board here on Tuesday. Revenue from freight opera- tions on the line is now nearly as large as that from passenger train, it is stated, and the opera- ting expenses are much lower. The Pacific Great Eastern has leases with several industrial concerns on the Noith Shore and will continue to give these firm freight sew&ice. This can be done at a profit, it is declared. Premier Tolmie's conference with the directors was an in- formal one. The board will meet shortly to decide whether some action can be taken to satisfy EVest Vancouver and other mun- picialities which oppose aband- onment of the passenger service. Legality of the agreement be- tween the P.G.E. and the Muni- cipality of West Vancouver by which the company agreed to maintain passenger service is questioned by directors. Much will depend, it is stated, on the legal status of the agree- ment, in reaching a settlement with KVest Vancouver on the matter. AVe understand that the Rail- way Directors intend ha~~ng n 1".ieeting with the West Vancou- ver Council next AIonday night to further discuss the railway proposals. Mrs. J. A. C. Brydo»-Jack and daughter, 21st and Argyle, mov- ed on Tuesday to Vancouver. ARE YOUR GROUCHY? If you are dull in the morn- ings -- if your appetite fails- if you are grouchy and jumpy-- there's something wrong--some interuption. Chiropractic Will Help You. Consultation Free. Phone West 383 Roberta A. Vass Take a Tip From Noah He Built the Ark BEFORE it Rained, Everybody should have on hand remedies for common em- ergencies. Aromatic Spirits of Ammonia Tinctuie of iodine Bandage Gauze Adhesive Plaster Castor Oil Quinine Capsules Thermometer Unguentine-- for burns Vaseline Aspirin I Let us make you up an Emer- gency Kit. Si."ii. A.S FOR CHURCHES and ASSOCIATIONS Buy your Home Baked Goods at our store. Everything is Absolutely I'ure »es, Cakes, Pastries, Etc., made to order if desired Store open all day Thursdays. Mrs. Draper's EIOiiI E COOKING Sl'ECIA LIST 2435 iiIARINE DRIVE Next Dundarave Hall. NOTE PHONE: west 366 NUBONE CORSETS Surgical Belts and Binders. LINGERIE, HOSIERY 17th & Marine. West 224 ].UN5'S CA '.3 1421 Marine Drive at 14th St. 7 A. 5I. to 11 P. AI. Public Phone West 611-0 F]S]- & C]-I.)S at LUNN'S CAFE Take Some Home. ..'"or .'.xc iange CITY HOUSES and BUNGALOWS for WEST VANCOUVER PROPERTY (. W. SAVO(Y 1429 51arine Drive Ambleside PHONE--West 698R1 or West 340 Evening--West 143 (Established over 74 Years) C. J. Overington 14th and 51arine WEST VAN l'HARNACY Thc Store of Service Prompt Delivery I'hone W. 37 R I'..D 01.0: t'5 &IEAIBERS OF THE AUTO SERVICE CLUB. Phone %Vest 456 l'H05 '. WEST'05 D.C., Ph. C. Graduate of Palmer School CHIRP I'RAC T0R Next to Stratton Bakery AIarine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver ar )=;. For appointment PHONE WEST 135