001C9619 THE )VEST VAN NEYVS November 2, 1928. Alorton's Fr&~ I(unning Snit per carton Red Devil hlntches ...3 boxes 25c Wild Rose I'astry Flour 10 Ib snck .14 Pearl Barley............ 3 lbs. 2lc Squirrel I'eanut Butter, lb........ 15c Roynl Crown Soap, large bnr.. 5c Smith's ibfnypole Tea (reg. 59c) per lb ...................................... 50c Lux, per package................ 10c Fletcher's No. 1 Bacon, sliced per lb............. 50c Almond Macaroon Biscuits, Ib 23c Cowan's Fancy Cakes, per box 25c Blue Mountain Pineapple ...,...... 2 tins 23c Jell& Powders, nil flavors, 4 for 25c H. P. Sauce, per bottle ......... 25c Classic Cleanser ................ 3 for 2lc Finest Tomatoes, large tins 2 for 25c Seedless Raisins new crop ................................ 2 lbs. for 19c New Re-cleaned Currnnts 2 Ihs for 29c Swansdown Cake Flour, per package .................................. 37cHunt's Fancy Asparagus Tips large tin .............................. 2ric B. C. Granulated Sugar 10 lbs. 6lc Serv-us Flour, makes better Bread nnd Cakes,........ 7 lbs. 35c 24 Ibs, $ 1.15, .l9 lbs. $2.25I'ure Jnm and hlarmalade, 8 oz. glass, ............................ 2 for 21c Golden Meadow Butter, the Can- adian Butter that beats New Zealand ............. 3 lbs. for $ 1.39Jonathnn Apples, delivered, per box .............................. $ 1.75 SEE OTHER SI'ECIALS on I'ngps 2. 5 and 6 r I.S Next to Piggly 'Wiggly ALL PIEATS GOVERNAIENT INSPECTED AND KEPT IN MODERN REFRIGERATOR D. ROBERTS, Proprietor. No Phone YOU SAVE No Delivery Daily Extra Specials All Week Specials SATURDAY NEW ZEALAND BUTTER 3 lbs. $ 1.35 Jonathan Apples, 40 1b box.. $ 1.75 Local Lamb, rib 4 breast, lb.... 23c Back Bacon, by piece, lb............ 35c Side Bacon, by piece, Ib ....... 35c Cottage Roll, by piece, lb.... 32c Picnic Ham, lb............................ 21c Sweet Eating Apples.... 6 lbs. 25c Pork Sausages, our own make per lb....................................... 25c Cambridge Sausage, our oem make, ....................... 2 lbs. 25c EGGS--Baby Extra, Dozen .............. 35c Pork Legs (fores) lb 19c Pork Loins, 1b ......... 31c LOCAL YOUNG FOAVL 3 - 4 lbs, per Ib 24c i~ioiN DA Y Pork Steak ................ 2 lbs. 45c Sweet Mincemeat.......... 2 lbs. 25c TUESDAY Fresh Liver, lb....................... 10c Shoulder Steak ................ 2 lbs 35c IVEBNESDA Y Fresh Tripe.............. 3 lbs. 25c Hamburg Steak.............. 2 lbs. 25c THURSDAY Head Cheese ................. 2 for 15c Ayrshire Ham, sliced, lb............ 30c FRIDAY Loggie Haddies, per lb.......... 17"zc PRIi4IE STEER BEEF Boiling Beef, lb ......... 13c iC; 15c Pot Roast, Ib from............... 13c Oven Roast, from lb..... 17c Rolled Rib Roast, lb.............. 25c Rump Roast, Ib .................... 25c LOCAL SPRING LAilB Shoulder, lb .......,..........,,...,... 25c Rib and Breast, lb ................... 25c Legs. 1b ................................. 35c Loins, Ib ............................... 37c LOCA L ii I LK-FED V EA L Oven Roast, from lb........ 20c Stewing Veal, Ib ............... 15c Tender Veal Steaks, lb........ 30c G RAIiV-FED PORK Pork Butts, Ib ...... Pork Steak. Ib .. Pork Bones, ................ ..... 24c ...... ... 27c 4 I bs. for 25 c FRESH AND CURED FISH EGGS -- EGGS -- EGGS Pullets, per dozen.......... 43c Firsts, per dozen............. 53c Extras, per dozen...................... 57c Back Bacon, sliced, lb................ 40c Side Bacon, sliced, lb........... 40c Cottage Ham, s'.iced, lb............ 35c Pure Lard, 1 lb. pkg................. 20c Ayrshire Ham. sliced, lb........... 35c New Zealand Butter... 3 lbs. $ 1.39 Anniversary Friday, Sat., L Sale Specials Monday Smith s I~rocery We Deliver A. HARVEY ShllTH, Prop.24th AND hlARINE, Opp. Dundarave Hall. Phone IVEST 469 CHAIN RED AN9 WHITE STORE I.O.D.E. TO SEI.I. POPPIES NEXT lVE K Next ivek the ladies of the Duncan I.aivson Chapter, I.O.D. E., will be selling poppies throughout the munlclpalIty. and it is hoped that, «s in previ- ous years, their efforts ivill meet ivith a symp;Ithtltic response from our residents. The money derived from the sale of these poppies goes into the Poppy Day Relief fund, ivhich is used en- tirely for relieving distress a- mong the needy families of ex- service men. The fund is administered by a committee made up of two mem- bers of the Duncan I.awson Chapter and tive members of the IVest Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion. Every case is carefully investi- gated by the committee before assistance is extended. In the past year and particularly dur- ing last winter a number of needy families were helped, ivho had no means to purchase either food or fuel. The committee has made it a rule never to make any gifts of money, the assistance granted being food and fuel. IVhen you are approached, there- fore, to buy a poppy, be gener- ous, knowing that every cent you give will go only to assist famil- ies and particularly children who «re in desperate need of such help. All this ivork is done grat- is «nd there are no administra- tion charges. FEDERAL BIEAIHER QUILL ADDRESS NORTH SHORE CANADIAN CI.UH William G. Emst, representa- tive of the constituency of Queen'-Lunenburg, in the fed- eral house, will address the North Shore Jubilee Canadian Club in the K. P. Hall, Fourth Street )Vest, on November 7. He is making a lecture tour of Canada, under the auspices of the Association of Canadian Clubs and will speak on "The Conditions and Problems with which the Slaritimes have to Deal." The speech will be preceeded bv a supper at 6.30. Air. Ernst, who was elected to parliament in 1926, is a barrist- er by profession. He is one of the youngest members of parlia- ment, and is considered an ex- ceptionally clever speaker. Mr. Ernst was educated at Dalhousie University, when he won a Rhodes scholarship. He served as captain in the 85th Battalion, being awarded the M.C. and bar. His tour takes him through all th eprairie provinces. Ladies'uxiliary to the Horse- shoe Bay Boating and Yachting Club will hold a court whist, bridge and dance tonight in Heather Hall, Heather Street aIId Broadway, at 8.30 p. m. Announcement by James Jefferies The AMBLESIDE MEAT MARKET The New Store at Ambleside, corner of hlarine and 14th IS NO)V OPEN FOR BUSINESS. A full line of the well known quality meats as always dealt iII at Jefferies'eat illarket. &Vatch the IVindow for Everyday Specials. Ambleside. I'hone West 303 WO tOreS .. „„„,,...„..„ Skuw~pR -- CONE HtRg T GaOO I ItKNTIONS giR BUII DF,I( , you s ou ~HOW AND SU'V YOU$LLQNQ&Q, up to the fact that this lumber yard presents you with n magnifi- cent opportunity. You should come in nnd carefully scrutinize the lum- ber we neo offering the building public nnd you wi]l become con- vinced of its undoubted worth. 111'SI. i'L III!I,'ll( Iltli,'II 'III:115 'l. 15th and MarIne LIMITED Phone AVest 115 MONEY iO LOAX on First Mortgage at current rates. t &~ISO ~li Ma e s ~ Deli eeriecostsmore than Generating T T is the cost of transmission and disuibution systems that makes electricity cost more in your home than at the power house switchboard. In an average system, the power plant costs $ 150 a horse power while the transmission and dis- tribution lines cost $ 150 more. Most of the distribution system--the substations and the power lines--are required by the small customer. That is one reason why electric service costs more in small quantities than in large. smrISII COI, « i 'IZCTRIClbssLMIFCO. VANCOUVER VICTORIA 'esmse London & British North America Co., Ltd. Mortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents.626 Pender Street )Vest Phone Sey. 6285 p jI Itp Eve.a . %VER gHDW Y~E To t'he use of the auditorium ofInglewood School from 7.30 to8.30 p. m. on Saturdays has been granted for the boys of the Un- ited Church Sunday School and those of St. Stephen's Church. The Capilano Timber Comp- any wrote the Board of School Trustees saying that arrange- ments have been made to instal a new stove in the Capilano School. ilOST FOLKS HEREABOUTS HAVE BECOi~lE Acquainted with the fact that this is the proper place to trade. They'e found out that we sell high charactered meats at prop- er prices and that we wait upon them with consumate care and courtesy. ROBERTS'etter Meats 15th and Alarine West 90 IVe Deliver hlorning and Afternoon. Play a game of ~ ~ ~ 3 tables for your pleasure CHE'I.'HI '..DS „"„',"„,.",;„".,'.„„.„„...,„, THE I'. G. E. RLY. CONTROVERSY (Continued from Page 1) quandary. The glamor of anticipating themselves as the term- inal of the P. G. E. has blinded them entirely to the fact that )Vest Vancouver is responsible for its own district. Naturaily we wish to help in every possible way in the development and ivelfare of our industrially ambitious sister municipalities, but can we afford, and can it be reasonably expected, that we should jeopardise our own well-being for the sake of their ambitions. A good wide highway is an absolute necessity for the full development of our district. Such a highway would be usedalmost as much by the people of North Vancouver and the Cityof Vancouver as by our own residents. SASH, DOO.&S AND Interior I'inish GI.ASS antI G.AZING OF ALL IZIN DS No Job too small, and none too large. Work Guaranteed and Prices Right. Keep your work here and help )Vest Vancouver grow. 2 L III.I 15,( I', il] 'II,II! 'l.l. ii;I:. 5IAI(INE DRIVE AT 16th STREET Phone West 199 BUFFETS, KITCHEN CUP-BOARDS, DRAEUERS-- 9x7x5 Green House. Complete. Set up..................... $ 70.00 Gx4x5 I'ortable Chicken House. Complete. Delivered $20.00