001C9610 THE EVEST VAN NEEVS October 26, 1928. USE YOUR PHONE! A few words over the tele- phone will bring the family food. Order your groceries over the phone from us. Our service consists not only of free delivery, but guaran- teed quality at lowest prices ~" i,i,'i»(Oi.il S G 40CEJ(Y We deliver We~t 16 Craig's ,'II'ew ,3attery Service Next to West Van Garage AUTO or RADIO Charging -- Repairs, Etc. Phone West 130. Phone West 130 GORDON ROBSON Barrister X Solicitor West Vancouver office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 403 Suite S01; 510 Hastings St., %'. Phone Seymour 4199. Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The )vest Van Watchmaker III Jeweller 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside I I:R.SON ~ I g We received so many nice compliments ort our PUMPKIN PIES Stan, son of Mr. and iAIrs. Alex Stro»ge, 14th a»d i~larine Drive, who is employed at the Ocean Falls paper mills, won the 100 yai.ds men's swininii»g event at the co»ipa»y's sports last week, the prize bei»g a ha»dsome shaving set. Stan says that the swimming tank, which is just a »ew one, is better tha» any he has seen in Vancouver. Mr. and )Irs. C. IVintle are re- joici»g in the birth of a so», the event occurring «t the Notch Vancouver General Hospital. ihlrs, Wintle, who is a daughter of A. F. Tabor, 13th a»d Ingle- wood, is well know» to the people of West Vancouver. She now re- sides on 10tli Ave., Vancouver, John Reid, 18th and Marine Drive, is having his lot cleared o» the north side of Keith Road between 12th and 18th Streets. Percy Andrews, who recently underwent an operation is suffi- ciently recovered to be able to take charge of the pole contract he has obtained at Gambier Is- land. Peggie, daughter of AIr. and AIrs. Robert Davies, 14th and Inglewood, has been sick and confined to her home. IiIr. and Mrs. AVm. Reid and family returned on Wednesday to their home at 2295 Fulton Ave., from Kelowna, where they have been spending the summer. Harold Byrnell and his wife spent the week end with his par- ents, at their home at 15th and Gordon. Mr. and )Irs. Byrnell reside at Nanaimo. EV. C. Thompson, 21st and Bel- levue, spent the week end in Se- attle. Cecil F. Cotton of Vancouver, is having a house built on his property on Keith Road between 12th and 18th Streets. R. F. )Vhitaker is the contractor. Mrs. H. B. Garland, 18th and Marine Drive, who is ill and in the North Vancouver General Hospital, is now much better and is expected to be home shortly. liIr. Roberts of Roberts'et- ter Meats, is having the balance of the stock and fittings of his old store at Ambleside moved to the larger store in the )Iesseng- er block which now houses his own business as well as that of the Cash and Carry i4Ieat AIark- et. Combining the two stores under one roof is, says )Ir. Rob- erts, working out very satisfac- torily and is productive of better service for their customers. Nat- urally for a few days, whilst the change was being made, some little inconvenience was caused, but now business is running a- long smoothly and efficiently. In the new store will be found a full supply of meats, fish, poul- try, and delicatessen, as well as vegetables and fruits. The West Vancouver Conser- vative A~~ociatio» is holdi»g theii first regular meeting of the seaso»;it 8 p.m. Mo»day week, 5th November, in the Legion roonis, ferry building. Mis. EV. I~. Woodcock, 24th and Waterfro»t, has returned home after spendiiig the last six weeks holidaying i» Victoria and the vicinity. Mrs. T. Nicholson, 29th a»d hlarine Drive, has take)& the Fin»ey house at 25th and Ki»gs. Mr. and AiIrs. Van Balkom and family, who have been occupy- ing the Reid house at 2295 Ful- ton Ave., have moved to Vancou- vel. Mrs. Sword, who a few weeks ago broke a hip and has since been a patient in the North Van- couver General Hospital, is re- turning shortly to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jones of I-Iorseshoe Bay. Mrs, Harry Atkins, 18th and )Iarine Drive, has as her guest her little niece Kathleen Nor- myle of Scenic, Washington. Now Selling Fish 8'hips You do not have to go to the city now when you want fish and chips. You can get them right here at Lunn's Cafe, 14th and &Iarine Drive. Cracks and Nail Holes in plas'.- ered walls can easily be filled by taking a small amount of plaster of Paris and wetting same to consistency of putty and filling those ugly holes, which can be painted and kalsomined over without notice.--DIrs. G. O'L, last Hallowe'cn that we wish to lct all our customers know wc are now ready to supply them «gttin with the same EXCFPTIONAL QUALITY Our noted Lemon and Fruit I'ies are also very good. Ordertt taken for decorated Il allo» c'en Cakes. Mrs. Draper's IIOhl E COOKING Sl'ECIAI,IST 243'"i hIARIi JE Dl(IVE Next Dundarave IIall. NOTE PiiONEt West 366 MRS. F. X. HODGSON ARRANGING I.ADIES CHOIR FOR FESTIVAL At the meeting of the Ladies'ocal Cla~s held last Tuesday at Dundarave FIall it was suggeste(l to the leader--AIrs. F. X. Hodg- son--that she form a choir to participate i» the B. C, Musical Festival next year. After some discussion amongst the members of her class, Mrs. Hodgson a- greed to arrange such a choir and to prepare it for Festival work. The choir is now being formed and an advertising an- nouncement in this issue re- quests any ladies who may be in- terested to phone Mrs. F. X. Hodgso» at West 665R for par- ticulars or to see her at the Ladies'ocal Class which meets in Dundarave Hall each Tuesday at 4 p.m. It seems therefore that there is every likelihood of EVest Van- couver taking all the premier honors in choral work at the next Festival as we will be rep- resented by the Choral Society, the Ladies'hoir and this new one, as yet unnamed. L. S. Garthorne is building a pit for the repair of autos at his service station at 22nd and Mar- ine Drive. Choral Society Big Asset to District Drug Store Birthday Party This week we complete our Eighth Year of Drug Service in Wt st Vnncouv«r. We want you to celebrate with us. Come in on Saturday or hlon- dny and receive n useful souv- enir. We have something for the children also if you bring them. To all our Customers--those whom we have served for Eight Years and those whom we hope to serve for a much longer time, wc extend a cordial invitation. WEST VAN PHARijIACY Thc Store of Service Prompt Dclitery I hone lV 37 NUBONE CORSETS Surgical Belts and Binders. LINGERIE, HOSIERY 17th &, Marine. West 224 :S- 8 C- 'S at LUNN'S CAFE Take Some Home. j.Ub.i'S CA ". 1421 hlarine Drive at 14th St. 7 A. 51. to 11 P. 51. Public I'hone West 611-0 Coal and Mood Get your winter's supply now. Building Supplies. Flour and Feed, Etc. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone AVest 9 iNOTICE is hereby given that any person found dis- figuring or destroying pub- lic or private property at Hallowe'en or any other time will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. CHIEF CONSTABLE )."." (i,'A ( ..'( .'S NOW STABILISED We will tell you exactly how much your repairs will cost before the job is started. There is on file in our office a price list covering every op- eration on every make of car. Don't take chances. Know exactly what the repairs are going to cost you. 8 'I.De 01.0. S iWIEilIBERS OF THE AUTO SERVICE CLUB. Phone %Vest 456 The following letter was sent under a nom de plume, but the subject with which it deals is one which we think should be brought to the particular atten- tion of all who have the welfare of West Vancouver at heart. Hence we asked the writer to al- low his name to appear as the author. After our pointing out the necessity for this, the ivriter concurred. We agree with 51r. Leyland most heartily as to the meat benefit West Vancouver District receives from the suc- cess of the Choral Society. This organization should receive the extreme support of our people. The Editor of the West Van News, Dear Sir: No less than twenty organizations in West Vancou- ver are e»gaged in community work of one kind or another. It is certain that these organiza- tions are rendering splendid ser- vice in community development, covering many varied spheres of activity. It is doubtful, how- ever, if any have done more for )Vest Vancouver than our adm'r- able Choral Society. This socie- ty has attracted the attention of music-lovers throughout the province, and has done well, not only in advertising West Van- couver abroad, but in bringing music, sunshine, and beauty into the homes and hearts of our own citizens. The Choral Society is now en- gaged in two beautiful works, namely Verdi's "Stabat )Iater" and "Tales of Old Japan" by Col- eridge Taylor; later on, they will prepare to enter the B. C. Music- al Festival, and hope to again bring the shield to West Vancou- ver. This effort, however, is not carried on without considerable expenditure of time a»d money. In the past, the Society has de- Charming 5 Room fully modern BUNGALOW Well built and warm. Glassed in verandah. (. W. SAVO (Y 1429 DIarine Drive Ambleside PHOiVE--West 698Rl or N'est 340 Evening--pcs t 143 (Established over 74 Years) C. J. Overington 14th and 5Iarine a""li 'or appointment PHONE WEST 135 16e»'s Suits and Overcoats CUSTOM t s)3 from The new Fall Samples are now here for your choice. Qual- ity and Fit Guaranteed. YOU'I.L BE SATISFIED M. WILLIAMS 16th and hInrine, Amblcside CUSTOiW TAILOR CLEANING AND PRESSING I'hone West 20 pended for its financial support on small fees collected from its active members and from a Council donation. However, the present large membership of nearly one hundred requires much greater funds, as is evid- enced by the fact that the music alone for each member has cost to date $2.75, with more to fol- low, and other over-head expens- es. The estimated expense for this year is nearly $900.00. The present enthusiasm of the Society has never been surpass- ed, and if we expect them to maintain their enviable record and to continue their good work without the responsibility of fin- ancial obligations, they are just- ified in expecting the support of their many well-wishers, whose numbers are legion throughout the municipality. This letter is intended as a special and timely appeal to the citizens at large to show their appreciation of the work of the Choral Society by becoming As- sociate Members. The fee of $5.00 includes two seats at each of the concerts to be given, and vill help very materially in al- lowing the members to continue their good work with enthusi- asm and without the fetters of financial burden. The Choral Society is a worthy asset and an inspiration to our community life. As citizens, should we not consider it a duty and privilege to offer them not only moral but also practical support, wherever possible. If the members are assured of en- thusiastic support from their fel- low citizens, the future of the Choral Society as an important factor in the musical life of West Vancouver and the prov- ince has only just begun. Yours sincerely, J. B. LEYLAND.