001C9608 CORI'ORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER Vo'I'ERS'IS l'929 Persons desiring and entitled to have their names placed on the Voters'ist for 1929 as Householders or Licence Holders, must file a declaration (which may be made before a Notary Public or the undersigned) in the form provided, on or before the 31st day of October 1928. Forms may be obtained at the Municipal Hall. Dated this 12th clay of October 1928. Hollyburn, B. C. JAS. OLLASON, Municipal Clerk. '1HF st-'SLA'NKET 5 F ~E L crooo ~ . 5%II WE'U 'WaSH Vooa BLA~KN PpRe As sioH AND THEYLL SE I CoYifoSTpLQ,gg QG KNOW.g I'lM Rurrar&I Laundry Limited For People IVho Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS 2'.orth Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS I'hone West 410L - Q - I-" c ~ X '(& I I (& ~ bef~ mo r express incxfgraaauqinqpbint +I ="I+i(~'ih~I VtmsE ft VjtLLvr ihs+iaei M 1LQfor Safety Phone North 122 HARRON BROS. R AVILLIAhiSON jfiineial Birectars Ambleside Tea Rooms Ferry AVharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp and Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, etc. North Vancouver Parlors 122 AVest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 A GOOD U IKKÃD(MJCWI Phone North 345 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y BURRARD S Iipl!i. ei.ci Anything in Sheet hyetal Furnaces, Stoves, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights Tar and Gravel Roofs, General Repairs of all kinds. 229 Lonsdale Ave. North Vancouver, B. C. IS A CONSTANT JOY. Have the children taken regularly and so keep a record of their develop- ment. THE (.IIG S'I'IJI)jIO,-- (V. V. VINSON, Prop.) Will give you satisfactory work. STUDIO: 311 Hastings St., lV., Phone Seymour 1046 TIIE ltEXALL STORE Cut Rate Drugs FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS When your Physician ~vrites a prescription for you he IiNOWS that your Pharmicist has had years of College trai»- i»g and experience ivhieh qualifies him to fill it. That the ACCURATE compoiinding of his prescription is as importa»t " as the proper diagnosis. Your Pharmisist des.rves your coiifidence aiid your patroii- ,", age. He helps to safeguard the health of the commuity. 10c Mug Shaving Soap.... for 1 ic 15c Fountain Pen Ink............. 1]c $ 1.00 Listerine .........- ----.---.- - 69c 60c Phillips biilk of blagnesia tsc $ 1.10 Lydia Pinkham's ~ ege 35c Cocoanut Oil Shampoo........ 29cable Compound ....................... 9Sc 36c Venos Lightning Cough $ L25 Absorbine Jr.. $ 1.15 Syrup .................................... 27c 45c French Olive Oil, 6ox....... 33c 45c PePsodent Tooth Paste....... 37c 60c Angora Cream............... )9c $ 1.00 Tasteless Cod Liver Ex- 60c Petussin ............ tract .......................................... 7Sc ioc Kruschen Salts ............... 63c $ 1.00 Emulsion Cod Liver Oil.. 78c Ovnline ............... 50c, 75c, tt'; $ 1.50 $ 1.50 Bayer's Aspirin (100 tab- Soc Writing Pads..........,.„29c lets- ........................................ $ 1.39 60c Syrup of Figs and Senna.. &1c 75c Hospital Absorbent Cotton 51c S6c Cherisetta Talcum ............ 29c Kepler's Cod Liver Oil and blalt 25c Tar Shampoo Soap.......... 16c ...............,.............. 95c k $ 1.50 EXTI&A Sl'ECIAL--Regular $2.60 $ 1.00 Rinex ................................. S9c Hot AVatcr Bottles ............ $ 1.69 It il Ayest Van. Agents C. I'. R. Telegraphs and Can. Pac. Exp. bloney Order , i -esage i'.irug Store G. E. REID, ilIanager Prescriptions Filled By Fully Qualified Druggist at City Prices Net Building--Corner hlarine and 14th. t FAST DELIVERY No ORDER IS TOO SblALL WEST 323 THE EVEST VAN NEKVS The )Vest Vancouver Liberal Association helcl a meeting last Tuesday at Ambleside Hall. Del- egates were appointed for the meet ing of t he Federal Associa- tion to be held in North Van- couver. John Gi'ay of Toronto, was the guest on Su»dav of Captain and Mrs. F. F. Lovegrove, 21st and Marine Drive. Mr. Gray, who came out from the east for a hunting trip in the Cariboo coun- try with DIajor 51ontague Moore of Bur»aby Lake, was successful in shooti»g a large grizzly. The high school cadets held their fi'st practice at the Ingle- wood school auditorium on Fri- day, the evening bei»g spent in basketball games. Miss Smith, who is a former )Vest Vancouver resident and the ow»er of a cottage at 27th and Ottawa, was a visitor here over the week end. Miss Smith, who is in charge of one of the government employment agenci- es in the city, has just returned from a trip to the old country. AIrs. 5Iatthews, who has been occupying a cottage on the wat- erfront at West Bay, has moved into a house on Creery Ave., )Vest Bay. George Reid, manager of the Lesage Drug Store here, was one of those who was out after the birds on Monday, going to Boun- dary Bay. The ducks were fly- ing high, but he and his two companions managed to get a bag of ten. No pheasants were shot, as the rain on that day drove them into the shelter of the bush. 5Ir. a»d Mrs. Ben Taylor who, we announcecd in our last issue, &vere going to move to Coquit- lam, have noiv decided to remain in KVest Vancouver which has been their home for ten years. They have, however. sold their house at 12th and Duchess and moved in a cottage at 13th and Watel'f1'ont. E. L. Walker has rented the Chinnery cottage at Clyde and 14th. Grigor's Dry Goods Store is holding a 95 cent sale on Satur- day and Monday. Special bar- gains are being offered and it will be worth while for the ladies and the men too, to visit this store for real values in Dry Goods and Furnishiings. Mrs. Grigor is particularly popular with her regular cus- tomers. She has been many years in the dry goods business and she is endeavoring to give the people of EVest Vancouver a service equal to any in Van- couver both in price and quality. The store operated by Mrs. white next to Seeds Grocery which was known as the Novelty Dry Goods, is now known as Mrs. )Vhite's Dry Goods Store. Gen- eral staple lines are carried as iiell as notions and a good as- sor:ment of novelties suitable for presents and party gifts. Dressmaking, Plain Sewing and alterations are other branches of this business. Mrs. 4V. G. Caslor, 21st and Argyle, is confined to her home .through sickness. Funeral services for Williatrt Morrison, aged 50, of EVhyecliff, who passed away Saturday in in the Vancouver General Hos- pital here, were held wednesday, at 2.30 p. m. in Nunn & Thom- son's chapel, Vancouver. Rev. J. Richmond Craig officiated. Neivstead--Hatcher The wedding took place on Oc- tober 10 at the home of Mr. and AIrs. E. kV. Tinson, 1028 Twenty- second street, Capilano, KVest Vancouver, of their niece Bessie. second daughter of Mrs. E. E. Hatcher, to Mr. Hugh Newstead, Rev. J. C. Switzer officiating. The bride who was given in mar- riage by her mother, was attired in maize georgette with cape ef- fect and a corsage bouquet of Marshall Neill roses. Attending t hebride and groom were Mr. and Mrs. AV. K. Hatcher, the lat- ter wearing an attractive silk gown in tones of cream and white, and wearing a corsage of roses. Earl Phillips, Harry liight, and Bob Cripps have returned to their homes here after spend- ing a number of weeks in the prairies harvesting. Major and Mrs. Dufresne and Mr. and Mrs. B. Bordessa, all of Vancouver, were the guests o» Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Murray, 25th and Ottawa. Both Major Dufresne and Mr. Bord- essa were formerly assistant engineers of the municipality. A. wilson's or jack snipe has been spending the last week in the gardens of houses in the vic- inity of 21st and Marine Drive. These birds which have estab- lished a breeding ground at the mouth of the Capilano, are not as plentiful as they might be, and the close season for them lasts ten months of every year. Mr. and Mrs. L. Emerton and family, 22nd and Mathers, left on wednesday by 'the Aorangi" for New Zealand, where they will in future reside. Mr. Emer- ton, who has been very ill, spent all last fall and winter in the Vancouver General and Shaugh- nessy Hospitals. Mrs. Emerton is a native of New Zealand, and it is hoped that the milder clim- ate of that country will restore her husband's health. Jesse Cripps and Ray Lambert who have been on the "Princess Louise," on the run to Alaska during the summer, have return- ed to their homes here. Mrs. E. J. Pearce, 21st and Bellevue, moved on Tuesday to a suite in the Messenger block, 16th and AIarine Drive. Mrs. Baillie of )Vest Bay is confined to her home through sickness. LEGION DANCE TONIGHT The Canadian Legion, West Vancouver branch, is giving their first dance of the season tonight (Friday) in Dundarave Hall. Child's orchestra will be in attendance, and there will be re- freshments. Dancing from 8.30 to 12. A prize will be given for the best lady waltzer, and ar- rangements have been made for several novelty dances. Duncan Mitchell Pierce of Cloverdale, has bought Ben Tay- lor's house at 12th and Duchess. Pitman Business College Vancouver's Leading Business College. INDIVIDUAL ATTEiVTION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH WEEK Students may enrol at any time 422 I(ICHARDS STREET (At Hastings) I'IIONE SEYblOUR 9135 October 19, 1928. AUTO I,EAPS OVER BRIDGE Hurled through the railing on the span svhen their ear skidded on the turn at Capil- ano bridge, Marine Drive, Don- ald NcbIaster 999 Thit&eenth avenue west, and i41iss Patraicia g Lock, 3181 George street east, & Vancouver, had a narrow escape from death shortly after 6 p. m Sunday. Their car landed up- side down on the boulder-strewn bed of the river, thirty feet be- low the bridge. &IchIaster sustained a fracture of the left leg and a few minor abrasions and IIIiss Lock suffer- e:I injuries about the right eye and bruises. I'inned Under Car Both were conveyed to the North Vancouver General Hos- pital in the ambulance and were attended by Dr. A. C. Nash. EVhen the car plunged from the bridge, it took 35 feet of the railing with it and turned com- pletely over in its fall to the river bed, thirty feet below. Const- able Thomas Snelgrove of the EVest Vancouver police, and help- ers, experienced great difficulty in freeing the occupants from the car, which was completely wrecked. DIiss Lock was taken from the wreckage first and removed to the hospita), but it was almost an hour before McMaster was re- moved, owing to the manner in which he had become entangled in the wreckage and the difficul- ties with which Constable Snel- grove and his assistants had to contend. Rescuers found Mc- Master lying with his head down and feet in the air. AVork on the new B C Elec tric sub-station at 18th and AVat- erfront is being pushed forward rapidly. Cement pillars for the support of the roof have been erected, and the brick walls are being built around them. Some of the roof is on, this being of solid mill construction and fire- proof. 49 Specials for This Week Quaker Pork and Beans, 2's 10c Regal Shaker Salt 10c Brunswick Sardines ... 4 for 25c Pink Salmon, r6'i's........ 3 for 25c Bulk Tea, extra special, Ib 50c Ha).j.owe'en Favors NARI.i'E GROCERY 22nd and blarine ALLISOiV, Prop. PHONE WEST 96 P&ObIPT DELIVEItY Bobs Always on the Job McLeod River HARD COAL and the famous Newcastle Coal Alvin ays Suits -- Never Soote. Stock up for winter. before prices rise kiln Dried I'laner Ends. Hobb Coal 8 Transfer in West Vancouver Phone West 17. bloving and Transfer IVork.