001C9608 Service that All Housc~vives Lil(c There's no delay with the meal you'e planned at a certain hour for when we te11 you that your Groceries will be delivered at a named time we do it. YOU CAN SAF ELY ORDER BY I'llON E for everything a grocer should carry. Phone or call at JI'i! I!.RWOI'.ll S GROCERY We deliver West 16 1llen's Suits and Overcoats CUSTOil SIADE from ra23.00 The new Fall Samp1es are now here for your choice. Qual- ity and Fit Guaranteed. YOU'L BE SATISFIED M. WILLIAMS 16th and i~larine, Ambleside CUSTOM TAILOR CLEANING AiND PRESSING Phone West 20 Craig's New Battery Service Next to West Van Garage AUTO or RADIO Charging -- Repairs, Etc. Phone West 130. Phone West 130 GORDON ROBSON Barrister 8'olicitor West Vancouver office No. 1447 blarine Drive. Phone West 403 Suite 801; 510 Hastings St., W. Phone Seymour 4199. Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The West Van Watchmaker tI Jeweller 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside Coal and %Vood Get your winter's supply now. Building Supplies. Flour and Feed, Etc. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 AIr. and AIrs. Gallilee of Va»- couver, who have 'harl a new home built at 1671 Duchess Ave., moved in o» Saturday. The boys soccer team of Paul- ine Joh»son school defeated the Hollyburii boys on Thursday aft- ernoon 11th i»sta»t, by a score of 3 to 1. The match was play- ed on the Hollyburn school grounds. AIr. and Mrs. A. J. Ridley of Caulfeild have retur»ed from a motor trip to California, going as far south as Los Angeles. They report having had a very pleasant trip. The West Vancouver school teachers have formed a Badmin- ton Club, and it is their inten- tion to play at the Inglewood School auditorium, where a single and double court have been marked out. AIrs. Stavert, daughter of AIr. and AIrs. A. Webb, of 25th and Marine Drive, who left here rec- ently for Saskatoon after spend- ing the summer with her parents has had an article accepted by the Red Book magazine. AIrs. Heaton, who was a guest at the Fortune Cup Inn last week returned to Point Grey on Sun- Charles Roberts and his son Dudley, returned here on Tues- day morning from Ladner, where they went on Monday for the opening of the shooting sea- son. W'hile they came home with seventeen ducks, they report that the opening of the shoot- ing ."«t 7 a. m. instead of an hour earlier made conditions hard for hunting, as by that time the ducks were flying high. AIrs. Jennings, who has been residing at 2061 Esquimalt Ave. moved to Vancouver last week. At the Canadian Legion Dance in Dundarave Hall tonight a prize will be given for the best lady waltzer. There will also be several novelty dances. Mr. and Mrs. McCulloch, who have been renting the Clarke house at KVest Bay, have moved to Vancouver. Mrs. A. 4V. Turner, who has been visiting AIr. and Mrs. A. Harvey Smith, 24th and Marine Drive, has left to return to her home in Fernie. Mrs. Turner had a new house built last fall on her propertv at the corner of 20th and AIathers. Nrs. Cook, who has been occu- pying a house at 26th and AIar- ine Drive, moved to Vancouver Nrs. Strachan and family, 24th and waterfront, moved to Vancouver on Monday. Jack Summerfield, who has been working for the past few months at Kelowna, has return- ed to his home here. R."lnC 01.0. t'S iWIEAIBERS OF THE AUTO SERVICE CLUB. Phone %Vest 456 A."."..4.'.. A 4 . 4 .S NOWT STABILISED AVe will tell you exactly how much your repairs will cost before the job is started. There is on file in our office a price list covering every op- eration on every make of car. Don't take chances. Know exactly what the repairs are going to cost you. THE AVEST VAN NE)VS rrtrtnrn~ AIr. anti Nrs. Bishop of Van- couver, have moved into the a- partme»t connected with Hall' Cil'ocery, at 25th a»d Bellevue, the stock of which AIr. Bishop 1'ecellt ly pu1'chased from N1. H811. AIrs. P. C. Steven, 2nd and I»glenwood ha~ 1t.tui ned f1om spending the week c»d at Squamish as the guest. of her son Ber»arel, who resides i» that tOW 11. Nr. a»d AIrs. T. F. Dundas, who have beer& living at 2139 Argyle Ave., have moved to Va»cotiver. AIrs. George Phillips of Esqui- malt, who has been visiting AIrs. G. A. Stone of Caulfeild, is stay- ing in Vancouver. The girls of the Pauline John- so» school held their first basket- ball practice on wednesday, 10th instant, in the Inglewood school gymnasium. Quite a large num- ber turned out and it is expecterl that several teams wil] be form- ed shortly for the winter season. Nr. and AIrs. Dayton Case, 14th and Marine, spent last week end in Belli»gham, )Vash. They brought back with them Nr. Case's mother who will pay a visit with them here. Nr. and AIrs. L. Burley of 2Sth and Waterfront, are touring the Continent and have visited the battlefields of Ypres, Hill No. 60, the large German gun, German Frontier, British Frontier, Men- in Gate, where 56,000 British names are inscribed. They notic- ed in the Visitors'ook at Menin Gate that E. Odium, M.A., of Vancouver, had signed on Sept. 26th, just four days previous. They are accompanied by their niece, Miss AIabel Couper, the celebrated Scottish soprano acid her mother, Nrs. Couper of Glas- gow, Scotland. The directors of the AVest Van. Horticultural Association met at the home of Nr. J. J. Dutton on Monday, October 15th. The President, Mrs. Adair, in the chair. It was decided to hold the annual meeting on Tuesday, No- vember 27th, in Ambleside Hall, when the report of the Secretary and the Financial Statement will be given. There will also be a speaker for the evening dealing on horticultural work and stand- ardizing of judging. G. C. AIiller, the successful candidate for aldermanic honors in AVard 2 at the Vancouver civ- ic elections this week, who poll- ed 1131 votes to 850 for Alder- man Almond is the eldest broth- er of Mrs. C. V. Inman who re- sides at 14th and Inglewood and Mrs. H. J. Mitchell of 27th and Bellevue. Mr. AIiller is elected for a two year term. DEATH OF O'ILLIAAI A- Ll BENSON, AN OLD TIAIK RESIDENT william Allan Benson, grand- father of AIrs. C. B. Greenwood, died at the Vancouver General Hospital on Friday in his eight- ieth year. AIr. Benson was «n old time resident of )Vest Van- couver, having lived at 21st and Fulton. A few years ago he moved to the city. The deceas- ed is survived by five sons, all resident in the United States, and one daughter, Mrs. R. H. Chestnut, 1304 Lakewood Drive, Vancouver. Funeral services were held on Monday at the Mt. Pleasant Undertaking parlors and interment was made in Ocean View Burial Park, Rev. C. C. Owen officiating. SCO'I'TISH SOCIETY DANCF VERY SUCCESSFUL AFFAIR The semi-annual dance under the auspices of the W'est Va»- couver Scottish Society held last IVednesday night was a verv happy affair. Holyburn Pavilion was comfortably crowded with care-free dancers each of whom u as piesented i&1th a papt.1 Glen garry for the evening's wear. The effect of these added to the decorative streamers in the hall gave a decided festive appear- ance to the gathering. The eve»ing was featurecl by Lancers, Quadrilles, AIinuets, Barn Da»ce and other old time favorites which were enjoyed to the music of familiar airs played by a very energetic orchestra. It divas a happy throng and every- one seemed to have a royal time. Many out of tow» people attend- ed from North Vancouver. Some even coming from New EVest- minster. Dancing started at 9 p. m. and continued until 1 a, m. A more than generous supply of refresh- ments was supplied by the ladies who attended their self-imposed tasks in a thoroughly hospitable manner. Nrs. J. Allison was convenor of the dance and was assisted by AIiss Blackstock. Mrs. Elgar Nrs. McVean, Mrs. AIcQuaker and Nrs. Edwards. 4V. McQuaker and John Ny- land acted as masters of cere- mony, other members of the committee being Jimmy Fiddes, R. NcVean and Robt. Reid. SCOTTISH SOCIETY HOLD- ING ANNUAL AIEETING TONIGHT The annual meeting of the Scottish Society will be held to- night (Friday) at the Clachan. At this meeting officers for the coming year will be elected and it is desired that as many as possible attend this meeting. The Ex-high Association held a meeting on wednesday night, when Miss Jean McKenzie was elected president. It is hoped to make arrangements to play basketball in the Inglewood School Auditorium on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Nothing is as satisfying and nutritious as Real Home Cooking Everything in our store is ab- solutely pure. BREAD, ROLLS, Pl ES, Etc. Mrs. Draper's HOillE COOKING SPECIALIST 2435 ilIARINE DRIVE Next Dundarave Hall. NOTE PHONE: West 366 October 19. 1928. FREE-. A New Service Seicct your Xmas Carrls nt leisure in your o»n home phone West 37 and wc will send you our samples by mes- senger. You'l finri it will result in much less expenditure than a hurried selection later on. No+ is the time to order fot Oiri Country mailing. Order now and pay for them when they arrive. TIIE STORE OF SERVICE WEST VAN FHARNACY The Store of Service I'rontpt l)clivery Phone lV. 37 NU BONE CORSETS Surgical Belts and Binders. LINGERIE, HOSIERY 17th 8c Marine. AVest 224 LUNN'S CAFE 1421 Marine Drive at 14th St. 7 A. Al. to 11 P. AI. I'ublic I'hone West 611-0 Charming 5 Room fully modern BUNGALOW EVell built and warm. Glassed in verandah. K. W. SAVO(Y 1429 AIarine Drive Ambleside PHON~West 698 R1 or West 340 Evening--West 143 (Established over 7% Years) C. J. Overington'4th and Alarine For appointment PHONE WEST 135 DUNCAN LAWSON CHAPTER, I. O. D. E. will give their Seventh Annual HALLOWE'EN DANCE at the HOLLYHURN PAVILION on IVEDNESDAY, 24th OCTOBER, 1928, Dancing 9-12,30. Bert Kool's Orchestra Prizes (Roy Harry) Refreshments Admission 75 cents each. Under the auspices of THE WEST VANCOUVER ARCHERY CLUB Progressive Bridge at Beach House, 24th and waterfront TOAIORROW (Saturday) Play will start at S p. m. Reservation may be made by phoning the Secretary, AIrs. Rawkins at AVest 682L. Refreshments Tickets 50c.