001C9608 THE WEST VAN NEWS October 19, 1928. Saturday and Monday 95c DAY VAI.UES FOll i~lEN bien's Handkerchiefs.... 12 for 95c Silk Br~~st Pocket Hand- kerchiefs .................... 75c - 95c bien's Fancy Sox...... 7 pairs 95c hfen's IVork Sox........... 5 pairs 95c Penman's Underwear, per gar- ment .................................... 95c Men's Silk Neckwear ... 2 for 95c Men's Bow Ties...... 3 for 95c 95c DAY VALUES FOIE WOIIEN Dainty Handkerchiefs.... 6 for Lace Edge Handkerchiefs, Boxed ............................ 3 for Art Silk Hose, new shades 2 pairs Lisle Hose, Assorted colors I pairs Bridge Scores, blemo Books, etc. in Calf and blorocco Leather, special ...................... 29 inch Flannelettes, xvhite and colored, ................ I)'t yards 95c 95c 95c 95c 95c 95c Special Values in Shirts and Underavett AVomen's and Children's Siveaters Specially priced. -- BUY YOUR HALLOIVE'EN PIRE CRACKERS NOW-- i~rigor's '.~ry ~afoot s S:ore 1540 51arine Drive, between 15th and 16th. THE NERVES As the nerves control and reg- ulate ALL the tissues and organs of the body, it must be evident that any disease could be caused by pressure upon the nerves at various points. CHIROPRACTIC WILL HELP YOU Phone West 383 Roherta A. Vass D.C„Ph. C. Graduate of Palmer School (',: Rl.tFRAC"OII Next to Stratton Bakery Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver Prof. 3. M. Morgan VOICE PRODUCTION SLVGING Vancourer Studio: Seymour 101 We~t Van. Studio: %Vest 173 I I I Qe,g ~ Member of the B. C. bfining and Stock Exchange Stocks Real Estate Ins . ce and Loans Orders promptly and efficiently executed. 579 Dunsmuir St., Vancouver Phone Seymour 8894 THE ~)Pest ~Van Neu)s Published Erery Friday H. HODGSON and F.F.LOVEGROVE Publishcrs Phones: West 363 West 412I Business and Editorial Oflice. 1361 bIarinc Drive Mail Address: P. O. Box 101, Hollyburn, B. C. $1.00 a year by mail or carrier, News stands Sc per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION PROFESSOR AIORGAN AWARDED CERTIFICATE (Continued from Page 1) appreciated by the Mayors of the various cities of which he has had the pleasure of being a citi- zen. Some of the above are numbered among his many pup- ils, and he still retains their sin- cere friendship. He has been director of:--The Welsh Baptist Choral Union, Wales; the Welsh Baptist (Beth- any) Church, Resolven, Wales; Harmonic Society, Resolven, Wales; Male Choir, Resolven, Wales (Winners 1904 (2), 1905 (3), 1906 (2), 1907 (2), Nation- al and semi-National prizes, Wales; Orpheus Choir, Nanai- mo; Ladies Musicale, Nanaimo; )Iixed Choral Society, Nanaimo; Male Choir, Victoria; bletropoli- tan Methodist Church Choir, Victoria; St. Augustine's R. C. Church Choir, Vancouver; St. Patrick's R. C. Church Choir, Vancouver, Sacred Heart R. C. Church Choir, Vancouver; Meis- ter Glee Club, Vancouver; First Congregational Church Choir, Vancouver; Apollo Choir, Van- couver; Welsh Choral Society, Vancouver. And is now director of: West Vancouver Musical Society, (winners four times of the B. C. Festival); West Vancouver Lad- ies Choral Society; West Van- couver Boys Choir; West Van- couver Girls Choir; West Van- couver United Church Choir. Autoist: "Say. Do you know any- thing about an automobile?" %Vise Man: "Sure! That's why I am riding the street cars." HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 15th E: Marine EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH Pt oprierot " l'5 New ones every week at the same POPULAR PRICES $X.75 to $4 NEILSON'S HIGH GRADE CHOCOLATES Fresh supply just in 60c and 75c per lb. Candy, Fireworks and Bogie Faces for that Ha]lowe'en party. C. Et M. STORE Next B. C. Electric Office. , 17tg Foi ~vo days only we offer you exceptional values in Season- 7 mas Novelties are included in this sale. So you can effect a timely saving by shopping early. See the new "Leathercraft" Novelties, Vaiiity and Maiii cure Sets imported from Londoii, Eliglalld. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CIIU INC H EDIFICE 20th and Esquimalt, llolly burn Sunday Services 11.30 n. m. and 7.30 p. m. Subject October 21st -DOCTRINE OP ATON Ehl EN'I"'unday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony bleeting wednesday at S.15 p.m. %Vest Vancouver Bible School Ambleside Flail, blarine at 14th Sunday, October 21st, nt 3 p. m. a.ender MR. PERCY'ING Subject: "SKI)UCTIVE Sl'II(ITS AND 1)OCTRINE OF DEVILS." EVERYBODY AVELCOME Tonight a Lantern Lecture on Dlission work in China will be given in the United Church Hall under the auspices of the C. G. I. T. Mrs. Chilton will lead a song servicce at 7.16 and Mr . B. R. Harrison, Superintendeiil. of the Sunday School will pre- side. Betty Edwards and Mary O'Donnell will sing a duet. This meeting is open to all. Meeting will begin at 7.30. Come to the Class on Sunday. A real welcome awaits you. St. Stephen's Church Trinity 20 (October 21st) ~ 8 a. m. Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Children's Service. 11.16 a. m.--Morning Prayer. 7.11 p. m.--Evensong. The third Sunday is kept throughout Canada in the Angli- can communion as Children' Day. There wil] be a children' service at 10 a. m. at which the speaker will be Mr. W.A. Rundle. Parents with children in the primary department of the Sun- day School are invited to attend with them. The Harvest Festival will be kept Sunday at St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild, for the first time. There will be a celebra- tion of the Holy Communion at 9 a. m. and Evensong at 3 p. m. at which the preacher will be His Grace Archbishop de Pencier. Next Tuesday the A. Y. P. A. will hold a Hallowe'en Social and have invited as guests the A. Y. P. A.'s of St. John's and Si,. Agnes'hurches, North Vancou- ver. The annual Thank-Offering meeting of the Alissionary So- ciety was held in the Church Hall last Tuesday afternoon at 2.15. Despite the stormy weath- er there was a good number present who enjoyed very much the address given by Mr. Grav- es, the President of the Vancou- ver Presbyterial. Refreshments were served at the close. At their opening meeting of the season held last Thursday, the Cougar Camp of Trail Rang- ers elected officers as follows:-- Grand Chief, Scott Richardson; Sub Chief, Alan Richardson; Tal- lv, Bob White; Cache, Philip Farmer. ONing to an oversight the name of our esteemed Church Organist, Mrs. Durbin, was omit- ted from the list of tho:-e who assisted at the Deaconess Tea and Congregational Social, both held last week. The juvenile football team lost their first game of the season last Saturday to West Van. Un- ited by 4-1. The opponents of the junior team failed to appear. Both teams will play tomorrow. In connection with the annual visit to Vancouver of Dr. Hiltz, general secretary of the G. B. R. E., an Older Boys'onferencce will be held Friday evening, Oct. 26th and and Older Girls'nd Leaders'onference Saturday and Sunday, October 27th and 28th. The Juvenile football team were fortunate to win against St. Stephen's last Saturday. Al- though the score was 4-1, yet t?:e play was much closer and the game was hard fought to the very end. Jim Brown scored 3 and Ronnie Irish 1 of the West Van. United Goals. I'ROGRESSIVE BRIDGE TO 5IORROW -- ARCH ERY CLUB AFFAIR TO HE WELL ATTENDED There are a few, but very few, tables left for the Progressive Bridge to be held tomorrow night at Beach House, 24th and Water- front. This affair is under the auspices of the West Vancouver Archery Club Mid promises to be one of the most successful parties of the season. Those lavishing to attend should reserve seats by telephoning the Secre- tary, Airs. Rankins at West 682L. Mrs. J. D. Tait is the pres- ident of the Archery Club. Airs. R. C. Procter is Secretary-Treas- urer. Dr. Roberta Vass is Vice- President and Airs. Rawkins, Secretary. I'lay starts at 8 p. m. St. Anthony s Church Pastor--I:ev. Father Kelly Sundav--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a. m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a.m. baptist CI&urch 15th and Duchess Pastor: Arthur B. Schulte. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Morning Service, 11 a. m. Evening Service, 7.15 p. m. Weekly prayer service eacli Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. B.Y.P.U. Tuesday 7.30 p. m. All young people invited. Dancing Classes For Children at the "Clachan" Each Wednesday Afternoon at I o'lock conducted by Miss Kathleen Ellis For particulars-- I'hone IVest 147 lt3. THE 9 arCe. S IO~ 1520 blarine Drive blnrcel, Steam and Finger IVav- ing, Haircutting, Shantpooing nnd Scalp Treattnents I'or Appointment iVEST 304 Unitea Church 21st street near hlarine Minister, Rev. A. 5I. O'Donnell Lord's Day Services 10.00 a. m.--Sunday School. 11.15 a. m.--Dlorning Worship 7.16 p. m.--Evening Worship. The Rev. Frank Bushfield of the Central City Mission gave a very interesting talk on the xvork carried on in the down town section of the City. He was assisted by several of the workers who sang and took part in the service. aoLLYBURN IlALL Corner 14th nnd Duchess SUN 1)A Y at 7.30 Address by Mr. %V. REID of Glasgow, Scotland. Mr. Reid is a very gifte&l young man. You will be interested. bliss Jones will sing Useful Recipes - ~ . I'uffy Omelet The creation of a puffy ome- let, which is the goal of many a woman's ambition, depends upon just the right heat applied in exactly the right way and for the right length of time. For this the eggs are separat- ed and the whites beaten stiff and dry. The yolks are beaten until liL'h't and thick, with 1 tablespoon of liquid, milk, toma- to juice or stock, and salt and pepper added to each egg yolk before beating. This results in having a very light and foamy yolk mixture. When they are light and thick the yolk mixture is poured over the stiffly beaten egg whites and combined by gently cutting and folding the two mixtures together. This egg mixture is then poured into a frying pan in which butter has been melted and heated, &/q table- spoon for each egg used. The omelet should be cooked first over a low heat; if the pan is covered with a cover which haa been heated while the pan was heating the omelet may cook on the top at the same time that it cooks on the bottom, so that the top of the omelet does not stick to the fingers when touched, the bottom is a golden brown, and the egg all over is delicately firm. If the omelet is not covered while it is being cooked it may be necessary to put it into the oven for a few minutes and fin- ish cooking the top of the ome- let. The temperature of the oven should be about 350 degrees F. If too hot it shrivels the omelet; if too cool it will not become firm quickly enough. An omelet of this sort is so very high and light that it is especial- ly difficult to turn it nicely. It is often wise to make a sma]1 mark at each side of the omelet in the middle in order that it may be turned and folded more readily, following the directions given above for folding and turn- ing a French omelet. Some people prefer this ome- let without mixing beaten yolks and whites of the eggs. The yolk mixture is first poured into the omelet pan and allowed to set slightly, then the whites season- ed with salt are put on top and very slightly mixed with the yolks and finished as suggested above. ~larrow blarmalade Cut marrow into small pieces and add three-quarters of a pound of marrow. To every five pounds of marrow allow one lem- on and half ounce ginger root. Slice lemon thinly, bruise ginger root and soak in cold water over night. Also mix marrow and sugar and let stand the same time; then boil altogether until~ the marrow is clear and it is of the desired thickness. Omelet Desserts French omelets, puffy omelets and omelets souffle make very nice desserts when a sweet sauce is served with them, and in ad- dition jelly may be spread over the omelet before it is folded, or sections of orange, or crushed pineapple, or canned chen.ies, or canned sliced peaches, or orang» marmalade may be used. The sweet omelets are sometimes sprinkled with powdered sugar.