001C9608 CHAIN STORE SPECIALS--Friday and Saturday Aylmer Chicken, per tin...... 3Sc Serv-us Pears, "s, tin............... 2!c Pork and Beans, tall tins 2 tins 19c Almond Biscuits, ihlacaroon style Per lb........................................ 21c English hlalt Vinegar, per bot. 2ic Serv-us Toilet Paper, ....,..................... 3 large rolls 25c Serv-us Tea, per 1b Introductory Prt(e. Sunmaid Seedless Raisins ............................... 2 I'kts. for Red Arrovv Sodas, per pkg........ B. C. Lump Sugar......... 2 lbs. Serv-us Palm Oil Soap 3 cakes Tomato Catsup, per bottle....... 75c 23c 19c 19c 20c 20c Prompt Delivery Nezt to Figgly Wiggly ALL iilEATS GOVERNiilENT INSPECTED D. ROBERTS, I'roprietor. No Phone YOU SAVE No Delivery Daily Extra Specials All Week Specials PRlhIE STEER BEEFSATURDA Y Nn. 1 NEW ZEALAND BUTTER ................ 3 lbs. $ 1.35 Local Young Fowl, 1b............. 23c McIntosh Apples, box............ $ 1.65 Local Lamb Rib E. Breast, lb 22c Back Bacon, by the piece, lb.... 3Sc Side Bacon, by the piece, lb.... 37c Pork Legs, fores, lb............... 19c Pork Loins, lb......................... 32c Baby Extra Eggs, per doz......... 31c GIVEN FREE IVITH IVITH EVERY $ 1.00 hlEAT PUR- CHASE, One 15c Tin Sand- wich Spread. Boiling Beef, 1b ......... 13c 4 15c Pot Roast, lb from.................. 13c Oven Roast, 1b from ......... 17c Rolled Rib Roast, 1b.......... 25c Rump Roast, 1b ........... 25c LOCAL Sl'RING LAhl B Shoulder, 1b ....................... Rib and Breast, lb.......... Legs, 1b Loins, lb .................... 25c 25c 3i) c 37c LOCAL hl I LK-FED VEAL Oven Roast, from lb.............. 20c Smith 's ~ rocery IVa Daliver A. HARVEY ShllTII, Prop. 24th AND hlAI(INE, Opp. Dundarave Hall. I'hone IVEST 469 THE AVEST VAN NEEVS CHII.I)REN'S HATS The C': M Store has just re- ceived a sample lot of childveii's hats which they are offering at prices from $ 1.50 to $ 1,95. Dlvs. C. G. Henshaw of Caul- feild is the guest fov a few days of illvs. 11erbert Drummond, Va i1couve I . hllLL EillpLOYEE LOSES ARbl While working at the Capilano Timber mills on Thursday forenoon, Allan Gillis'eft arm was hit by a log trimmer an(l so badly lacerated that it had to be amputate(l immediately close to the shouldev. He resi(les at 348 Thirteenth Street Eas'., Novth Vancouver, but is now in Novth Vancouver General Hos- pital ~ The Cailadian Legion dance is the big event foi tonight --Dull (la rave Hall. Tomorrow at St. Stephen's Church at 4 p. m. the wedding of Queenie Hannah, daughter of Alv. and Airs. H. 4V. EVright, Gordon Ave., to Nv. Thomas Constable, will take place. Girls choir meets tomorrow morning in Hollyburn School at 10 o'lock. DR. DORCHESTER TO LECTURE Commencing Monday next, at 8 o'lock. Dr. Frank E. Dorches- ter will give a series of three lectures in the lower bailquet hall of the Hotel Vancouver. Dr. Dorchester is noted for his many health articles as well as . lectures. He is the author of five or six books. The last is just issued by the Christopher Publishing Co. of Boston. He has also written many articles on physique and general natural science. October 19, 1928. Announcement by James Jefferies The New Store at Ainbleside, cornel'f blavine aild 14tlis « be known as The AMBLESIDE MEAT MARKET will be OPEN FOR BUSINESS Tomorrow--Satur(lay--morn- »g cavvyi»g a full line of the i~ell knoo» quality meats as always dealt in at Jefferies'Ieat Market. IVatch the IVindoiv for I'rices. TIVO S'I'ORES--Hollyburn and Ambleside. TH6 LIFE OF t'Rang &S 8'bN6,STD -- +en ~oopsoF R'Ecr'LKR GLUAl n'v ! j ~~~ „g'6'balll&le/ ONEST HK 8 USING N SuR+ I* UPON the quality of building material you buy depends the beauty, strength and enduring qualities of the structure you bring into being. We will sell you the proper materials at a price that will help us retain your trade. III5; /81II:I,'llo,ltl'„,'% 'Il.ll!l'). 15th and blarine LIDIITED I'hone 0'est 115 MONEY I'0 LOAX on First blortgage at current rates. London & British North America Co., Ltd. hlortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents. 626 pender Street &Vest Phone Sey. 6285 100 1b Sack Highland Potatoes hlONDAY Cooked Ham, lb ...................... 55c Pears. eating and cooking ........................................ 6 lbs. 25c TUESDAY Hamburug Steak ............ 2 lbs. 25c Fresh Tripe ................. 3 lbs. 25c iVEDNESDAY Shoulder Steak .......... 2 lbs 35c Veal Loaf, 1b ..................,........ 25c THURSDAY Fresh Liver, lb......................... 10c Pure Lard, 1 lb. pkt................. 18c FRIDAY Fresh Kippers ................ 2 lbs. 25c Haddies, Loggies, Ib ............ 16 $ q c Nuke@ fc.&005 ~&&T Harps sv A& Yo f3UV 5 HOVLD Youa P NO, hIAN CANNOT LIVE ON BREAD ALONE and he needs the assistance of meats chosen for their whole- someness and life-giving qual- ities. This naturally suggests that you do your meat shopping at this market. We purvey the most palatable and thoroughly enjoyable meats that have ever found their way to a hungry man's appreciation. ROBERTS'etter Neats 15th and blarine West 90 IVe Deliver Morning and Afternoon. GRAIN FED I ORK Whimsical Review Pork Butts, lb ................... 24c Loin Pork, Ib .......................... 33c Leave It to Them "I can't marry him, mother. He' an atheist, and doesn't believe there' a hell." "hilarry him, my dear, and between us we'l convince him that he's wrong.'RESHAND CURED FISHFRESH FRUIT i% VEGETABLES EGGS -- EGGS from Mrs. Davis'1th Street, West Vancouver Poultry Ranch. Pulletts, per dozen ............. -12c First, per dozen ........... 50c Extras, per dozen ............... 52c "Uucle John," said the little nephew from the city, "lvhich cow gives the butter-milk?" "All of them," said Uncle John with a twinkle in his eye. "EVhat could a cow give but 'er milk?"PRO4 ISIOiVS Back Bacon, sliced, lb............... 43c Side Bacon, sliced. 1b............... 43c Cottage Ham, sliced, lb............ 55c Ayrshire Ham, sliced, lb............ 30c Pure Lard, 1 lb. pkg.. 20c New Zealand Butter.... 3 lbs. $ 1.39 Guide (to tour party of the Ford plant). "Do you know what would happen if that man on the right side ever missed a day at work?" Interested Onlooker: "No, what would happen?" Guide: "Two thousand and sixty-one Fords would go out of the factory without springs." Interested Onlooker: "Say, mister, that fella's been sick a lot lately, ain' he?" Shy is it that a led headed ivoman always marries a very meek man?" "She doesn't ~ He just gets that way." Give me a good example of the word 'ruminate,'aymond." Ray Hurray: "I was mad at the family at sup- pei'nd hardly touched a thing on my plate, But I slid a lot in my pockets And &vent up in my ruminate." This is Truth He took her hand in his and gazed pvouilly at the engage- ment ring he had placed on her fair finger only three days be- fore. "Did your friends admire it?" he enquired tenderly. "They did more than that," she replied coldly. "Two of them recognized it." Helen was at her first party. AVhen the refreshments were served, she refused a secon(l helping of ice cream with a polite "No, thank you," tho'he looked wistful. "Do have some more, dear," the hostess urged. 'Slother told me to say, 'No, thank you,' the little girl ex- plained naively, 'but I don't be- lieve she knew how small the dishes were going to be." Floorwalker (to very nervous and flustered man): Yes, sir: is there any thing we can do for you today? The man: Well my wife sent me down for a casserole or a camisole. I forgot which. Floorwalker: IVell, that depends on what kind of chicken you want to put into it. IVas There a Iteason? As Widow Watts bent industriously over her wash-tub she was treated to polite conversation by a male friend, who presently turned the conversation to matrimony, winding up with a pro- I.osal of marriage. "Are ye sure ye love me?" sighed the buxom widow, as she paused in her wringing. The man vowed he did. For a few minutes there was silence as the widow continued her labor, Then suddenly she raised her head and asked: "You ain't lost yer job, 'ave yer?" hVo &&aiEingin line J5rHEi."Tirlt."/i~i & AT the Grand Cenual stauon, New York, there aresometimes 600 to 800 persons waiting in line to buy tickets. To provide ticket offices and sellers for such rush periods would entail an expense which would increase the cost of service enormously. There is no waiting in line for electric light. VFc must be prepared for the maximum demand. Catering in this way to such demand is costly because extra equipment, extra generators, transformers and transmission line capacity must be provided. Such service is just as expensive as providing more ticket sellers in the Grand Central station would be. Biniisii Col,lPIBM Q) ELsxfHclbiii,HHv'Gh VANCOUVER VICTORIA t1$ X4 SASH, DOORS AND Interior Finish GLASS anc. G.AZNIG OF ALL KINDS BUFFETS, KITCHEN CUP-BOARDS, DRAEVERS- 10x1G Portable Garages, complete.. Gx6 I'ortable Chicken Houses .. $45.00 ............ $ 18.00 No Job too small, and none too large. Work Guaranteed and Prices Right. Keep your work here and help )Vest Vancouver grow. i,L 'Ill ',I I!8 I:,I'., ill 'III:II'..".l.,.l;I:. MARINE DRIVE AT 16th STItEET Fhone West 100