001C95FE Pitman Business College Vancouver's Leading Business College. INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH WEEK Students may enrol at any time 422 RICHARDS STREET (At Hastings) PHONE SEYhlOUR 9135 CORPORATION OF TH E DISTRICT OF %EST VANCOUVER VO'I'ERS'IS'I' 929 Persons desiring and entitled to have their names placed on the Voters'ist for 1929 as Householders or Licence Holders, must file a declaration (which may be made before a Notary Public or the undersigned) in the form provided, on or before the 31st day of October 1928. Forms may be obtained at the Municipal HalL Dated this 12th day of October 1928. Hollyburn, B. C. JAS. OLLASON, Municipal Clerk. .ou Can SaveiGtne Ii~ollar If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY Phone North 345 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y BURRARD S III)l)'. Pl I Anything in Sheet Metal Furnaces, Stoves, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights Tar and Gravel Roofs, General Repairs of all kinds. 229 Lonsdsle Ave. North Vancouver, B. C. HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON gtineral 6ireftars North Vancouver Parlors 122 AUest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THE ItEXALL STORE Cut Rate Drugs Your Physician puts all his knowledge, skill and experience into his prescription. You want it filled right. Bring it here. That's Our Specialty. SATURDAY AND MONDAY SPECIALS for that Cold. 60c Thermogene Wool.............. 50c $ 1.00 Fountain Syringe Fitting: 79c 25c Bromide Quinine tablets.... 19c 60c Jergen's Lotion................ 39c 36c Gripe Fix ........................,... 23c 60c Dryco ...............,.... 25c Zymole Troches.................... 18c $3,00 Glazo .......,.........,... $2.40 25c Roivntrees Cough Pastilles 19c $ 1.25 Citro Carbonate......... $ 1.09 50c Syrup Tar with Cod Liver 33c Castoria Oil ........................................ 39c 15c Fountain Pen Ink ........... 9c 60c Kidney Plasters ............. 3lc 76c Lesol Antiseptic, 16 oz......... 49c 25c Belladonna Plasters ........... 16c 40c Glycerine Suppositories, IVampole's Extract of Cod Liver adults ........................................ 29cOil,........., ................... $ 1.00 26c A. B. S. 4 C. Tablets.......... 18c $2 00 Kepler's Cod Liver Oil.. $ 1.50 35c Venos Cough Syrup ............ 29c $ 1.15 Kepler's Cod Liver Oil.. 95c 35c Cocoanut Oil Shampoo."".-. 29c Ova]tine ................. 50C, 75c, $ 1.25 36c Bayers Aspirin Compound.. 2Sc 60c Kotex .................................... 49c 50c Ex-Lax Figs ........................ 33c I I West Van. Agents C. I'. R. Telegraphs and Can. I'ac. Exp. hloney Order i-esage iitrug Store 11 G. E. REID, AIanager Prescriptions Filled By Fully Qualified Druggist at City Prices New Building--Corner 51arine and 14th. FAST DELI% ER Y NO ORDER IS TOO ShIALL WEST 323 THE KUEST VAN NEREUS A large number of students an(l teachers from the Vancou- ver Normal school paid a visit to Point Atkinson Lighthouse on Saturday, among them was John Allen of )Vest Vancouver. iIIr. and 51rs. J. C. Anderson and three children of DIarysville, EUash., visited with 5Ir. and Airs. Grafton and family at Point At- kinso» the past week. Mr. And- erson is a brother of Mrs. Graf- ton. EUith his family he is leav- ing this ~veek to make his home near Los Angeles, California. 0 Don Tyrell of Collingwood, spent the week end as the guest of the Grafton family at Point Atkinson. Jack Jacob of Vancouver, spent several days the past iveek at Point Atkinson recuperating from an injury to his head re- ceived in a Rugby game at North Vancouver a couple of weeks ago. Owing to an error in last week's issue of the News we wish to announce that Miss Mad- eline Stone of Caulfeild left for Los Angeles last Sunday and not Mrs. George Stone as reported in our columns. The Hollyburn Public Library has this week received twenty- three of the newest books, both fiction and non-fiction, which are now on the shelves for the use of subscribers. The mountains received their first touch of winter over the week end. Small patches of snow are visible on Cathedral Mountain. Allan Yuill, Kings Ave., has taken a cottage at 18th and AUat- erfront. Mr. and Mrs. william H. Cow- ley and family of Vancouver, who recently rented the McLean house at 21st and Bellevue. took possession today. Leslie Bowman and Blair Ed- wards, both of Dundarave, have returned home after spending some time in the prairies assist- ing in the wheat harvest. Tom Armstrong, who used to reside in AUest Vancouver, and who also was with them on the pairies, has returned to the city. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis of Vancou- ver, have taken the Davies cot ~ tage at AUest Bay. H. Broderick of Dundarave, has left for a trip to San Fran- cisco, Mrs. Harold Busst, who rec- ently arrived here from Eng- land, has taken a house at 28th and Marine Drive. J. D. Allen is having an addi- tion made to his house at Rad- cliff Ave. He is also having a big lattice fence built. iAIrs. Alfred Vernon, 23rd and Haywood,and Miss Vernon, 22nd and Bellevue, returned home from a short visit to Gallieni Is- land. Miss Agnes Spiers of Point Grey, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Steven, 22nd and Ingle- wood. J. N. Leggatt is having an ad- dition built to his house at 2466 Bellevue. Roy Barry's studio on Hast- ings Street AUest, was damaged by water and chemical on Tues- day during a fire which broke out in the building in which it is situated. Occtober 12, 1928. ARCHERY CLUB BRIDGE PARTY TO BE QUELL ATTENDED Mrs. Edgley, who has under- gone a long and serious illness, has just recently been able to be out for the first time. 0 0 J. B. Foottit of Vancouver has taken a house at 1147 Keith Road, formerly occupied by Mrs. AUillits. AIrs. EVinnifred Reid, 21st and Esquimalt, is conducting the shorthand classes in the night classes this season. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Holt, Amble- side, are leaving tomorrow for Emory Creek, Cariboo, where they will spend the week end fishing. They will join there Ted Kennett of the AUest Van. Garage, who has been in that locality for the past week, deer hunting. The Vancouver fire depart- ment on Tuesday night phoned the local fire department that there was a fire on the beach op- posite Prospect Point. The bri- gade turned out and rushed to the spot but found that the fire was in the District of North Vancouver. Mrs. Seward has returned to her home at 18th and Fulton, after spending the summer in the interior. Mrs. Venables, who has been staying with Mrs. AU. Carley, 22nd and Marine Drive, for the past five weeks convalescing aft- er a serious operation, has re- turned to Vancouver. ROSS--ROBINSON o» Saturdav evening of next week the members of the Arch- ery Club will entertain their friends pt a bridge party for which purpose Mrs. B. )I. Grady, 24th an(l waterfront, has offer- ed the use of her home. An i»- vitation is extended to friends and well-wishers of the club. There are still a few tables a- vailable but the number is limit- e(l and it is requested that those intending to be present should acquaint the Secretary, Mrs. A. B.Rawkins, )Vest 682L, as quick- ly as possible so that accommo- dation can be arranged. There was a meeting of the club members last Tuesday to ar- range details for the affair. Every endeavor is being made to make the evening a pleasur- able one. If you wish to enjoy this eve- ning of bridge you should phone Mrs. Rawkins to assure a seat being kept for you. The L.O.B.A. held a meetin„'n St. Stephen's Church hall on the evening of Thursday, 4tli October, when it was decided to give a whist drive and dance at a date to be announced later. "Bob's Always on the Job" McLeod River HARD COAL and the famous Newcastle Coal Always Suits -- Never Soots. The wedding took place in St. Stephen's church, AUest Vancou- ver, at 8 o'lock on Friday eve- ning, October 5th, of Margaret Dorothy, youngest daughter of Mrs. M. B. Robinson, Hollyburn, B. C., and Charles Murray Ross, youngest son of Mrs. J. E. Ross of Cloverdale, B. C., the Rev. J. Harding Priest officiating. The church had been most beautifully decorated by friends of the bride, with masses of aut- umn flowers and foliage. The bride wore a becoming gown of fawn silk crepe with a small felt hat to match, and a bouquet of Ophelia roses. She was attended by her cousin, Miss Beatrice AUalker, and Mr. Mc- Conell Knight supported the groom. After a reception at the home of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Ross left for Victoria on a short wed- ding trip; and on their return will reside in Cloverdale. Stock up for winter. before prices rise. Hobb Coal & Transfer in West Vancouver Phone AUest 17. hloving and Transfer Work. 1HEst SLANNBTS f &EL Goop l WE,LLWA5$ Young. SLANKEB Pyle As sg ~ AND THE,yet. gp ~ CDYifoRTA5L.Q ViG KNOW. ~ 'Ilf, .)lmarfI .amIly Limited LEGION TO GIVE DANCE NEXT FRIDAY The EUest Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion is giving their first dance of the season next Friday evening, 19th Oc- tober, in Dundarave Hall. Child' Orchestra will be in attendance, and dancing will take place from 8.30 to 12. Refreshments will be served during the evening. The monthly dances of the Leg- ion were very popular last wint- er, and it is expected that a large crowd will be on hand next Friday evening. Admission: gentlemen, 50 cents, ladies 25 cents. For People Who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. AVest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone IVest 410L -.V.: --".- -- ~&r) A+ c t'I l I //~ ~QQSZ rushy be (9 stir ftisL moor express rnotlm Gsinftnq pl t iii dctivered, tp your +4gf8 g P, & doors from pa~ insp?ctt4, QRi. IKQQKL ur+ Qe ~ Icore- f f1ASE R VALLEY M I ilr'fo s~f&v Phone North 1'2 HODGSON ELECTED BADMINTON HEAD At a well-attended annual meeting of the AUest Vancouver Badminton Club, Frank X. Hodgson was elected president for the year, vice-president, 0. Bibbs, secretary-treasurer, Chas. Reid. Dundarave hall will be used for play and the meeting decided to play every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday night. Saturday afternoon will be de- voted to juvenile players.