001C95FE October 12, 1928. THE WEST VAN NEWS Personals Mr. Baker, 22nd and Bellevue, is back after an extended trip south and in Alberta. He was all through the country adjacent to Edmonton. going by motor car, and reports that in that section of the prairies the wheat ccrop io excellent. EV. R. Sutton formerly with the ~Vest Vancouver Investment Co. is now connected with Gillespie, Hart & Todd of Vancouver. i41r. Sutton will continue to deal in North Shore properties and to reside here. His home is at 29th and ~larine.. 0 0 0 a4lrs. 3 larling who operates the Nu Hone Corset Shop next door to the Royal Hank,is shownig rr Hpecially large range of dolls at «ttractive prices in her store window. iblrs. Alarling's store is filled with the finer clothing which makes a strong appeal to the ladies. You can buy in the stores of West Vancouver any kind of garment you want--the finest quality or the cheaper gl'ades. 0 0 0 This iveek is National Pharm- acy Week, when all the drug stores throughout Canada put displays in their windows show- ing the ethical side of their bus- iness. 0 Double Crop of I'otatoes E. J. Crickmay, 21st and Gor- don, has had wonderful success with potatoes on his property. He pl«nted some of the early rose variety last i~larch «nd took off a crop in June. Using the same ground, he last week gath- ered a second crop, this time of netted gems, which he had put in the ground in July. One hill produced nine potatoes weighing 12 pounds. st 0 ~ Engagement Dlr. and Airs. H. AV. Wright, 1298 Gordon Avenue, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Queenie Hannah, to Nr. Thos. Constable. The wed- ding to take place on October 20th at 4 p. m. in St. Stephen's Church. 1300TH I.EADS ALIi NORTH SHORE I3ATTERS H. Booth, 19th and Esquimalt, headed the batting averages for the cricket season on the Nor&h Shore just. ended; his average being 25.41. He also headed the bowling averages with 9.06 runs per wicket, T. R. Howarth, 25th and Bellevue, being second with 9.98. However, the latter play- er bowled 280 overs, as against 88 overs for i11r. Booth. NEW MEAT STORE AT AAIBLES Jefferies i~leat Market is open- ing a new store at Ambleside on Saturday, the 20th inst. This store which is located on the South side of Marine between Gemmill's Drug Store and Kirk- ham's, will be in charge of Mr. Joe hlurch, who has been for 20 years in the butcher business in Vancouver. i~lr. Jefferies in- tends carry'ing a full line of ~ meats and the other things usu- ally found in a butcher store. NAOill CHA I'TER DANCE A 1)EI.IGI4TFUI. FUNCTION The semi-annual dance given by the Naomi Chapter, Order. of the Eastern Star on Friday eve- ning in the Hollyburn Pavilion was «most delightful affair. The liavilion was very prettily decor- rrted with stars in various colors and «uturnn leaves. Two spot prizes were given, the winners being i~lr. and Mrs. Menzies, and "Brick" Spouse. Dairity refreshments were served during the evening. Correspondence Objects to Home IVork for School Children Editor, EVest Van News, Dear Sir: I would like to call the attention of interested read- ers to a subject, which, despite the acquired and stored know- ledge and intelligence of very many decades, we still have with us. I refer to the cruel and dan-- erous practice of the system of home-work for school children, a practice which is hated by the children, disliked by their par- ents and condemned unqualified- ly by the majority of medical men. Sir, I view with extreme cau- tion the importation of "new- fangled" ideas in our education- al life, but surely this is an «nci- ent weed which should be rooted out. Not so long ago the British ~ledical Journal described home- ivork as "a menace to the physi- cal and mental welfare of the adolescent." It is a source of wonder to me that such a system should last when it is and has been so uni- versally condemned by those who had the insight and courage of their convictions. Today, as never before, the presentation of educational prob- lems has become so diverse, so complex, and yet so intensive that ive are apt to forget that the real aim of education (e duco) is cultural, that is, to so draiv out and upwards the lat- ent and inherent virtues and talents in the child as to induce a healthy and vigorous mental and spiritual growth towards a point whence a full appreciation of the duties and pleasures of the coming and ever-nearing years, shall be reached. This, at least, is my view and I regard with suspicion anything which smacks of 'cramming." EVhy should a child of eleven or fifteen (and this is the aver- age boy or girl) all hands and feet, who is growing at the rate of one and a half to tivo inches a year, ivho cannot move without knocking a what-not galley-west or kicking up a car~et, why should this child at this critical age be compelled to work over- time. If six hours a day is not enough for the proper presenta- tion and absorption of school problems there is something wrong with the teacher or the pupil and this ivill not be cor- rected by an extra dose from the same vintage, which compels the studious boy or girl to a daily round of nine hours of strenuous mental exertion. I am afraid, sir, that we have become so obsessed with the idea that "modern education" is so vital to the creation of every- day welfare as to become callous to the plastic receptive and re- sponsive nature of the media we are working upon, and forget- ting meanwhile, that by an im- proper or over application of its principles we can and may create a very Frankenstein monster. I have ventured to describe home work as cruel and danger- ous, cruel because unnecessary, and dangerous because hundreds of studious and conscientious West Vancouver boys and girls will go to bed tonight, with their brain in such an acutely active state as to be inimical to their mental and physical well-being, and this through home-svork. I would say in concclusion that I am so convinced of the earn- estness, sincerity and loyalty to high principles on the part of the teachers of our district that I have no fear of beirig accused of prejudice or invidious infer- ence, I just protest against that pa% of a system which may make a monster breakrieck of the whole, and I would, through your columns, ask the opinions of the several medical gentlemen i~ ~ ...A,A,J ~ l ~ ~ . U ~ & y,A...~ ~ arne Exclusive Agents: Sternway, Herntzman, Ennis and IVeher I'ianos; Victor Records, 8'c. l3runs~ ick I'anathropes; Victor, Rogers'nd llarconi Radios; Small t~lusical Instruments; Sheet llusic and Teachers'upplies; Vctor Records, 8'c. Musicians and music lovers on the North Shore are cordially invited to consult me about their problems and requirements, assured of the very best service possible, backed by the repu- tation of the J. lV. KELLY I'IANO CO., LTD., for the quality of its merchandise and for its square-dealing policy. NICK I fILLIAl MSON Hollyhurn Pavilion, AVest Vancouver, B. C. I'hone: IVest 350-R. Grace Hospital Asks For Your Help son Chapter, I.O.D.E., were then anxious to take charge of the up- keep of the grounds and refer- ence to the records at the i~luni- cipal Hall will show that assist- ance was rendered by the engin- eering staff and generous sup- port given by the reeve and coun- cil. and of the parents of IVest Van- couver youth, on this important subject. Yours sincerely, PURCELL HARDMAN s couver and district for funds for Grace Hospital which is operat- ed by the Salvation Army. The army in its various activities does a tremendous amount of good and their efforts generally have the sympathetic support of most people. Grace hospital, however, is a specially deserving interest. The work there is chiefly maternity cases and any financial help you can give towards this institu- tion will be money well spent. Donations or subscriptions will be received in IVest Vancouver by W. R. Sutton, 29th and llar- ine, ivho will be glad to call upon you if you phone him at EVest 53R2. Dear ) Ir. Editor, Sand for Our Beaches. The Evening papers state the contract for the dredging of Cal- amity Point has been let to the North AVest Dredging Co. These contractors will have to carly and dump the sand dredg- ed out to sea. CouM our council not make ar- rangements whereby this sand could be deposited on Ambleside Dundarave and )Vest Bay beach- es, thereby saving money for the Mnuicipality and the Dredging Company owing to shorter tow- ing? Yours very truly, EDITH A. FORD, Secretary, EV. V. Horticultural Assn. Editor, EVest Van News, Sir,--In a recent edition of the "Sun" ive came across the picture of a young lady and an item of Horticultural news to the effect that watermelons had been grown by the young lady' parents in South Vancouver. Now, we scarcely want to be behind so as the gentleman here- under "hides his light under a bushel," I want to tell you that Mr. Curry of 25th and 4larine, had some very fine watermelons in his garden, quite ripe and juicy, and could be seen by any- one passing had they cared to look. My motto is "credit avhere credit is due." Yours for )Vest Van., MR. and MRS. BULKLFY, J. NYLAND. Re Memorial Park Arch. pEditor West Van News, IVith reference to a communi- cation in your last issue signed Hollyburn Resident the follow- ing might be of interest to her or him, and to residents general- ly who are not acquainted with the interest taken by the reeve and council in the Dlemorial Arch. In the spring of 1926 the Hort- icultural Association (through a committee of the Directors) ap- proached the council and offer- ed to beautify the grounds at the Association's expense. Per- mission was readily granted and by the generosity of the council a grant of $50.00 was made to- wards the expense. In addition the grant was aug- mented from the funds and the ground divas tiled, drained, and graded, and afterwards seeded to clover. The Association pur- chased several ornamental shrubs and trees and through the goo:i offices of the late Capt. Jones, P«rk Commissioner, « large number of trees and shrubs were donated by the Vancouver Parks Hoard. A record of the disbursement of the $50.00 was kept and duly submitted to the council. The 1«dies of the Duricari Laiv- Tag Day The Salvation Army was granted permission to tag in West Vancouver but not on the municipal ferry boats, on Satur- day, 20th October, for their Grace Hospital campaign. T-.IE CAiiNA) AII ..('Iii 9'est Vancouver Branch ls glvrlrg A DANCE on FRIDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER 19th, in Dundarave Hall RefreshmentsDancing 8.30 to 12. Play a game of 3 tables for your pleasure CHET SHIELDS,"„',,"„.",;„".„'.„„..„... „, It gioes me great pleasure to announce my appointment AS NORTH SHORE REPRESENTA TIVE of the