001C95FE THE iVEST VAN NEEVS Oi'ctober 12. 1928. ~ rigor s ..~ry ~ Doc s S:ore 1540 Illarine Drive, between 15th & and 16th. i&IAkE I'I.ANS FOR DANCE. Very elaborate plans were made at the Monday meeting of the I.O.D.E. for their 7th annual Hallowe'en dance to be held on the 24th inst. in the Hollyburn pavilion. Choice prizes i'll be given for the best costumes in various classes, besides a free chance on a &:~ ton of coal to all who attend. With the delectable refreshments already planned and the music for dancing in the capable hands of Bert Kool's or- chestra a most enjoyable even- ing can be assuredlv promised. A ceremony for the presenta- tion of the flag recently purchas- ed bv the chapter for the Ingle- wood High School will be held after school on Friday, Novem- ber 9th, and on Sunday the 11th a service will be held at the Memorial Arch at 10.30 a. m. After the adoption of numer- ous reports and tea served by the hostesses, Mrs. Ogilvie, Mrs. Waite, Mrs. Jaffary and IITrs. Dauphinee, the meeting ad- J ouriled, Mrs. Laffertv--"Ten stitches did the doctor have to take in me ould man after the fight last night." Mrs. O'ara--"Tin? Was that all? Shure, when the doctor seen me poor husband carried in this morning he says 'Has any wan got a sewing-machine'?"--Bost- on Transcript. Prof. J. M. Morgan VOICE PRODUCTIOiV SINGING Vancouver Studio: Seymour 101 IVest Van. Studio: IVest 173 i i' i ~ I I ~tQ ii i i ~ i in' hfember of the B. C. Mining and Stock Exchange Stocks Real Estate Insurance and Loans Orders promptly and efficiently executed. 579 Dunsmuir St., Vancouver Phone Seymour 8894 THE &(est I an¹es Published Every Friday H. HODGSON and F.F.LOVEGROVE Publishers Women's iblissionary Auxiliary of United Church. Tlie Annual Thankoffering meeting of Women's blissionary Auxiliary of the United Church will take place in Church hall on Tuesday, October 1Gth, at 2.15. Mrs. E. Graves, Presbyter- ial President will give the ad- dress. All ladies heartily wel- come. A very happy gathering was held in the United Church Hall last Wednesday evening when a large number of the congrega- tion gathered together in a soci- al way. Addresses were given by the Rev. Harry P. Davidson, EV. Herrin, Harry Davison and B. R. Harrison. Music was pro- vided bv members of the choir. 5Iiss Durbin sang a solo and blesdames Carefoot and McLean sang a duet. Miss Marion Blair gave a pianoforte solo. Refresh- ments were served by the wives of the Session, assisted by a number of the young people. At the close the request was made that we have more of these soci- al get-together gatherings. Next Friday evening, October 19, is Missionaig night in the United Church. Lantern slides illustrating Mission EVork in China, have been secured from Toronto and will be shown on the screen. This meeting will be open to all. HAVE YOUR NAAIE PLACED ON THE VOTERS'IST Persons desiring and entitled to have their names placed on the Voters'ist for 1929 as Householders or Licence Hold- ers, must file a declaration (which may be made before a Notary Public, or the undersign- ed) in the form provided, on or before the 31st day of October, 1928. The above notice under the signature of James Ollason, Municipal Clerk, is given in the advertisiiig columns of this pap- er. Forms may be obtained at the Municipal Hall. To Sell Fish and Chips. In Lunn's Cafe there will be installed next week modern ap- pliances for Fish and Chips. Mr. Lunn announces that he will be ready to serve the public with the finest "fish and chips" at the end of the coming week. Cust- omers can eat them on the prem- ises or take them home as they desire. H EA LTH SER VICE Our Health Service is based on scientific principles which have been tested and proved. It covers all ills. A Word to the Wise is Sufficient! THIS IS THE LI'ITLE STORE OF Hler VA LU ES What about your Winter Wear? Isn't it time yoii &vere getting into the wai.mer things. %EST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CIIURCII EDIFICE 20th and Esquitnult, Ilollyburn Sunday Services 11.30 n. m. and 7.30 p. m. Subject October 14th "ARE SIN, DISEASE AND DEATH REAL?" Sunday School at 10,00 a. m. Testimony h?ecting IVednesday at 8.16 p. m. %Vest Vancouver Sible School Ambleside Hall, hIarine at 14th Sunday, October 14th, nt 3 p.m. Lender MR. PERCY KING Subject: "TIIE Al)hllNISTRATOR OF ISRAEI.." EVERYBODY IVELCOhIE United Church 21st street near Marine Come to the Clnss on Sunday. A real welcome awaits you. Lord's Day Services 10.00 a. m.--Sunday School. 11.15 a. m.--Morning )Vorship 7.15 p. m.--Evening worship. The secrament of the Lord' Supper will be observed next Sunday morning. A series of interesting Sunday evening ser- vices have been arranged for the United Church during the winter months. The first of these will be given next Sunday evening when a number of friends from the Central City 5Iission under the leadership of the Superinten- dant, Rev. Frank Bushfield, will take part in the service. Mr. Rush field will give a talk on "The Lights and Shadows of City Mission AVo1.k" and will show the power of the Gos- pel to redeem and uplift. "A man may be down but he is not out." Special music will be rendered by the Central City Mission party as follows: Duet: "Thanks Be to God," Misses Ethel Smith and Eleanor Jones. Solo: "0 Rest in the Lord," Miss Doris Coghill. Violin Solo: Ma)ter,Arthur Gordon. Miss Evelyn Shepherd will be accompanist. Trinity 19 (Oct 14th ) 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11.15 a. m.--Morning Prayer. 7.16 p. m.--Evensong. All young people are specially invited to the Sunday evening service which will be attended by the members of the A.Y.P.A., who will take part in the service. The annual sale of work of St. Stephen's 4V. A. will be held Friday, November 80th in the Parish Hall. Both a juvenile and a junior football team has been entered in the G. V. S. S. A. A. soccer league. There was a good attendance of young people at Tuesday night's meeting of the A. Y. P. A. when plans were made for the autumn's programme. In the "Ask Me Another" intelligence contest the secretary's side won a victory over that captained by the vice-president, and in the athletic contest the decision was reversed. St. Anthony s Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.80 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a. m. Benediction, 7.80 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a.m. An afternoon tea was given by i~Irs. Peter )Vait in aid of the Deaconess Fund in the Church Hall on Thursday afternoon, 4th inst. Despite the unfavorable state of the weather quite a number turned out: to show their tangible ir,terest in the work which the Society is doing. A musical programme was ar- ranged by Mrs. Colin McLean and enjoyed very much by the appreciative audienc.. Solos were sung by Airs. Eagar, Miss Durbin and Mrs. McLean. Violin solos by Master Rex Rhodes ac- companied by 3Iiss Margaret Mc- Intyre. bliss Ida Allen gave two recitations which were much en- joyed. The Deaconess Aid So- ciety desire to thank Mrs. Wait, Mrs. McLean and all who assist- ed in the success of the after- noon. . baptist Ciliurch 15th and Duchess Pastor: Arthur B. Schulte. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a.m. Weekly prayer service eacli Wednesday at 7.80 p. m. HA I'PECIAL Saturday and hlonday Only. Values to $3.75 for i) 2. You can buy here cheaper than in the city. Tasty and Satisfying That's what you'l say about our HOhIE COOKING Don't take our word. Just come and make a sample pur- chase. C. & M. STORE Next B. C. Electric Office. iVEILSOiV'S walnut Topped Chocolates. reg. 75c lb for 60c Mrs. Draper's HOhI E COOKING Sl'ECIALIST 2435 hIARIiVE DRIVE Next Dundarave Hall. NOTE PHON E: West 368 HOLLYBUR'iV Barber Shop 15th 8: hlarine EXPERT SERVICE E. ihIARSH Proprie:or St. Stephen's Church hlinister, Rev. A. 3I. O'Donnell =-=.W%%lggg84r==.~~~ I Recipes I'Uhl PIK INS I'or AVinter Use Pumpkins and squash may be canned by the cold pack method. Have the jais thoroughly stelil lized. Cut the vegetable into suitable pieces for packing ant then blanch for ten minutes in boiling water P.lunge at onca into cold water and pack in jars, add half teaspoon of salt to eac]i pint fill gals to overflowing with boiling water. Adjust tops, place jars in boiler and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil and let boil steadily for two hours. When using for pies rub through sieve or put through a potato ricer and let boil until thick and dry. Another way of canning which leaves the pump- kin or squash ready to use with- out further cooking is very handy. Prepare then as directed for pies. EVhen it is boiled down dry enough, fill sterilized jars with the boiling vegetable and seal. If there is a shortage of jars for canning, pumpkin and squash may be dried, and although not quite so convenient to use, is equally as nice. To di".z, cut into half-inch strips, blanch for five minutes, then dry in a slow heat ~ To use.'oak in cold water for a few hours then cook until sof: enough to rub through a collan- der. Another very nice way to dry them is to prepare them as directed for pies, then grease pie plates or flat pans and spread a thin layer of the cooked fruit in them. Place in gentle heat until quite dry. To use; soak in cold water overnight, using just enough to soften it and cook for a few minutes before adding the other ingredients of pie fill- ing. Pumpkin Pies 1&/i, c. cooked pumpkin 1/.c. sugar 1 c. rich milk 2 eggs, slightly beaten &/g tsp. salt &/ tsp. ginger 1/4. tsp. nutmeg Line pie plate with pastry and pour mixture in. Bake in a mod- erate oven until stiffened. Preserved Pumpkin G lbs. pumpkin 6 lbs. white sugar 1 lemon i'i oz. ginger root. Cut pumpkin into inch strips, half-inch thick. Put into a kettle ivith the sugar and let stand 24 hours. Cut the lemon very thin, bruise ginger root and let soak in cold water for the same length of time, then put altogether. Cook until the pumpkin is trans- parent, and bottle. Preserved Pumpkin Rind Remove the inside of the pumpkin, peel the rind and cut into inch squares. Cover with vinegar and 'let stand for 24 hours. Drain and make a syrup of the vinegar and brown sugar using three-quarters cup of sug- ar to one of vinegar. Add two teaspoons of cloves tied in a bag. Put the pumpkin in the syrup and boil slowly until it is trans- parent. skimming when neces- sary. If a very swe t product is desired, equal parts of vinegar and sugar may be used. YVest 868 Phones: West 412L Business and Editorial Office: 1361 hIarine Drive Mail Address: P. O. Box 101, Hollyburn, B. C. $ 1.00 a year by mail or carrier, News stands 6c per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION CHIROPRACTIC iVILL HELP YOU Phone IVest 383 Roherta A. Vass D.C., Ph. C. Graduate of Palmer School CIIIROFRACTOR Next to Stratton Bakety Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver Miss Kathleen Ellis DANCING Children's Fancy Dancing and Physical Culture Classes will be held at Dundarave IVcdnesday Afternoons For particulars-- Phone IVest 147R3. THE 7 arce S &0) 1520 hIarine Drive hlarcel, Steam and Finger IVav- ing, Haircutting, Shampooing and Scalp Treatments For Appointment iVEST 304 Pumpkin Souffle To two cups cooked and mash- ed pumpkin add gradually one cup rich milk. AVhen well blend- ed, add two well-beaten eggs, salt and pepper to taste and one tablespoon melted butter. Add lastly the stiffly-beaten whites of the eggs. Pour into buttered dish and bake until firm and brown. To be used as a veget- able.