001C95FE Alberta Butter 3lbs. for $ 1.32 H. A. Loaf Cheese, ',Iilb pkts-- 20c Tomatoes, large tins........ 2 for 25c Serv-us Pumpkin............ 2 tins 23e P. E G. Naphtha Soap.. 5 Bars 19c Hunt's Spinach, large tins........ Ise Serv-us Floor IVax, 1G Soekeye Salmon.... Quaker Cnrn ... 2 Peas, No. S.... Split Peas .. oz. tin 39c . 2 tins 37'ins for 25e . 2 tins 35c 2 lbs. 15e Prompt De).ivery ~ S WHAT KLND oF A CHOP DO You wAHT VoQAY Qova SEE. 0 DISPLA Government Inspected bleat D. ROBERTS, Prop. Next to Piggly Wiggly Daily Extra Specials All Week Specials SATURDAY No. 1 iNEW ZEALAND BUTTER ............... 3 lbs. $ 1.35 Pork Legs, fores, per lb....... 19!rye Young Boiling Fowl, per lb........ 23c Shoulder Local Lamb, lb.......... 25c Ribs, Local Lamb, lb........ 25c Loins, Local Lamb, lb....... 35c Legs, Local Lamb, lb............... 35e Spare Ribs ....................... 4 lbs. 25c Side Bacon, sliced, lb......... 40c Back Bacon, sliced, lb...... 40c Ayrshire Ham, by piece, 1b...... 30c 100 lbs. Highland Potatoes.... $ 1.30 I'RlhIE STEER BEEF Hamburg Steak, 1b.. 15c Boiling Beef, per lb ... 13c Rolled Ribs, lb............................ 25e Oven Roast, 1b from................ 15c Prime Ribs, lb............................ 25c Rump, 1b from ..................... 25c EGGS -- EGGS Baby Extras, per doz........ 31c Pullett Extras, per doz....... 42c First, per doz................................ 51c'xtras, per doz...................... 53c Smith 's ~ rocery IVe Delirer A. HAItVEY ShllTH, Prop. 24th AND hlAItlNE, Opp. Dundarare Ilail. I'hone IVEST 469 CHAIN l (ED AS WHITE STORE SPECIALS--Friday and Saturday TH E BLUEST VA N NEREUS I UAIBER COhll ANY NOW OCCUPIES NEW BUILDING The West Vancouver Lumber Co. has moved this week into their new premises at the corner of 15th a»d Marine Drive. The »ew building is up-to-date i» every way. Its construction is a credit to )Vest Vancouver and has ad(led very materially to the »umber of up-to-date business places at Ambleside. In the buildi»g itself ample accomoda- tion has bee» provi(led for the storage of all kinds of lumber. The office of the company is commodious and well lighted. Its appearance compares favorably ivith any in Vancouver or the larger centres. DIr. Turnbull has shown good judgment and foresight in build- i»g such commo(lious quarters for his growi»g business. "HUNkY DORY" SPECIAL SCOTTISH COilIEDY NEXT THURSDAY The Theatte Gu&ld of Vancou- ver is producing at the Lonsdale Theatre, North Vancouver, next Thursday evening, October 18th, "Hunky Dory" a three-act Scot tish comedy of laughter, the outstanding successful Scotch character comedy since "Bunty Pulls the Strings." This is a real treat, special attention having been given to excellence of make-up and attention to de- tail, and its recent production by the Theatre Guild in the city drew the highest enconiums from the critics of the Va»cou- ver press. Tlute object of the Theatre Guild is to present the higher forms of artistic and in- tellectual dramatic expression, and its members are trained and directed by Richard Bellairs, an Australian actor of great exper- ience in producing. Come to the Lonsdale next Thursday evening and see a real comedy put on by the best amateur talent in Great- er Vancouver. Curtain at 8.15. Tickets can be obtained at the Lesage Drug Store or at the Theatre. Tea Room for Whytecliff October 12, 1928. I'RESH ANI) CURED hIEATS, BUTTER, FG('S. BAC()N AN I) LAIID Demand the Best Meats No use taking a chance on inferior qualities of iWeat. It's poor economy to begin with. The 5Ieat we sell is pure and whole- some, thoroughly inspected. SAFETY FIRST IEUY AT JL'FFERI I:S Next to Hollyburn Theatre I'HONE lVEST 3 Closed Thursday at I o'lock IVE DELIVEIt A hiAiN does get a Iot of pleasure out of life if he is broadminded and deals fairly with his fellowmen. AVhen a chap says to you, "You certain- ly gave me a square deal and I'm going to tell my friends a- bout it," it makes you feel that life is worth living. That is the material that life is built of and we are in the bUilding material business. ~ THE Ge.aD~PH PiraSu.sr~~. N&N CAN FML --)5 Q&MING I ~ «&4~~ 4 t ooOSmuORCDEPi I I I I,'Sl; 4'l III'.I.llIJljti)",, lI 'Ill:II,'I I). 15th and hlarine LIAIITED Phone West 115 MO&EY 'I'0 LOAg on First blortgage at current rages. London & British North America Co., Ltd. Mortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents. 626 Pender Street West Phone Sey. 6285 I'ROV I SION ShIONiDA Y Cottage Ham, 1b ............... 55c Fresh Tripe................... 3 lbs. 25c New Zealand Butter.... 3 lbs. $ 1.39 Pure Lard, 1 lb. pkg................. 20c Pure Pork Sausage, lb........... 25c Cambridge Sausages, lb........... 15c ....................................... 2 lbs. 25c Side Bacon, sliced, lb.... 40c 8. 45c Back Bacon, sliced, lb....40c R 45e Cottage Ham, sliced. lb........... 35c Ayrshire Ham. sliced, lb ..... 35c 3c lb. less by the piece. FRUITS 8; VEGETABLES Mclntosh Apples, box ........... $ 1.65 Local Tomatoes, lb.................. 5c Large Grapes, lb ...................... 15c Potatoes ........................ 13 lbs. 25c Large Head Lettuce, each... 5c Eating Apples.................. 5 lbs. 25c ~ Grape Fruit ................. 3 lbs. 25c Bananas, per lb............................ 12c TUESDAY Shoulder Steak ............ 2 lbs 35c Pure Lard, 1 lb. pkt................ ISc WEDNESDAY Fresh Sliced Liver, lb..., .. IOc Bacon, sliced, lb .................. 35c THURSDAY Hamburug Steak ........... 2 lbs. 25c Head Chease, ........... 2 for 25c FRIDAY Haddies, per lb ....... Fresh Kippers ............. 16c . 2 Ibs. 25c A controversy over radio pro- grams rages in England. The lineup is highbrows versus low- brows. The highbrows want Bach, Brahms and Beethoven. The low-brows want Blues, Ber- lin and Bedlam. Both sides, how- ever, have agreed to the elimin- ation of "Valencia." E. 3V. )IcCrea had made appli- cation recently for permission to build a tea room at AVhytecliff. The council wrote him stating that they were awaiting his sub- mission of a plan of his proposed tea room, and that if, when re- ceived, it was found to be satis- factory, they would raise no ob- jection to the construction of the building. FOOTBALL AT Ai&IBLESIDE I'ARK The apphcatlons of Rev. A. 5I. O'Donnell and Rev. A. Harding Priest for permission to use the playing field at Ambleside Park on Saturday afternoons during the 1928-1929 football season was granted by the council, but it was pointed out to the appli- cants that the high school grounds were much better for the purpose, and it was suggest- ed to them that they apply to the school board for permission to use these grounds. THE TENDEREST hIEAT YOU'E EVER EATEN can be purchased at this store. You can get just the cut you want and can feel sure that you are not being overcharged. You will find that you will be treated properly and that your purchase will be delivered with celerity. ROBERTS'etter Meats 14th and &Iarine West; '~ SHOULD SCHOOL CHILDREN HAVE HOihlE WORK (Continue(l from Page 1) EVe would not presume to dictate what changes should be made in the schedule of our schools in order that most if not all of homework should be dispensed with. That is a matter for the Department of Education to deal with. AVe are, how- ever, most decidedly of the opinion 'shat homework should either be entirely done away with, or so reduced as to lighten the burden which it is at present placing upon our scholars, and especially our younger scholars. AVe hear and hear with concern of children going over their home work in their sleep, and that means a condition of brai i fag which is dangerous to health and should»ot be tolerated for a minute. AVe live in a civilisation that is largely based on the eight-hour day for men and women in the noonday of their strength, and yet we expect children, who need all the ad- ditional strength possible to reach that maturity, to work al- most a like number of hours. There is no reason for such a condition being allowed to exist, indeed there is more than ~ suggestion of cruelty in it, and we trust that steps will be taken ere long to do away with a system which in many cases at least is producing neither a sound mind nor a sound body. rN these modern days when accidents aboundit is refreshing to think that there is one way by which the public can travel in safety. Dominion Government figures for 1926 show that out of 749,000,000 passengers carried by the elec- tric railways of Canada, only three were killed. Not a single accident occurred to a passenger on our interurban lines last yern. IllKl'IsII CQLlP(BM -'gp: ELEcTIUcIbiuvr H'Q. VANCOUVER VICTORIA SAS}, .)00 (S AND nterior 'inisl& G-ASS an( G.AZ. 5 G OF ALIi KINDS No Job too small, and none too large. )York Guaranteed and Prices Right. Keep your work here and help West Vancouver grow. i, & II.& I'.I..i', 1Il.'(I.'ii,'l';I, „,I:. hl A It I N E D R I V E AT 16 t h STItEET PhoIIe West 199 BUFFETS, KITCHEN CUP-BOARDS, DRA4VERS-- 10x1G Portable Garages, complete................ $45.00 6xG Portable Chicken Houses ....................... $ 18.00