West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Oct 1928, p. 4

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001C95F1 THE )VEST VAN NEWS October 5, 1928. SiUIh151ING CI.UB DANCE GREAT SUCCESS --': +SO.4A. iSTHE REXALI STORECaat Rate Draags The first dance given by the West Vancouver Swimming Club on Saturday night in Dundarave Hall was a decided success, the floor being crowded with danc- el's thioughout the evening. The walls of the hall were prettily decorated with diving girls and red and white streamers were hung in festoons across the hall. The feature of'he evening, a waltzing contest, was conductecl in a novel way, the orchestra choosing the six best couples and the remainder of the dancers by their applause picking the best out of those six. The lucky couple were J. Ross of North Vancouver and Gwen Clay, who were awarded the prizes, con- sisting of two bathing suits. Frank Ellis, of the municipal bus staff, who has been spend- ing his holidays motoring to Ed- monton and points in Alberta, returned here on Sunday. A large auto driven by a Vail- couver motorist skidded on the Marine Drive at West Bay on Sunday a»d turned over, smash- ing both wheels on one side and caving in the top. The wrecking cars of the Marine Motors and the West Van. Garage hauled it upright and took it to the gar- age. William H. Cowley of Vancou- ver, has rented the McLean house at 2134 Bellevue. 0 o 0 Mrs. C. V. Inman entertained at the tea hour on Thursday, 27th September, at her home, 14th and Inglewood, in honor of Mrs. Ida Mitchell Butler of Se- attle. ay, .',rii ay, Saturn'y...1UI'8( If you can't ca11---P11one KUest 323 Miss Gallop, who has been spending the summer at the Bar- bour house at 26th and Belle- vue, has returned to the city. AIrs. 4U. Reid, 21st and Esqui- malt, and Mrs. M. L, Lothrop, 19th and Marine Drive, spent the week end in Seattle, going bymotor. Mr. J. H. Redden and Mr. Owen Porter of Caulfeild, are away on a trip to the Cariboo country. I I 60c Jonteel Face Powder 2 for Glc 76c Cherisette Face Powder ..................................... 2 for 76c $ 1.00 Cherisette Single Com- fort ........................... 2 for $ 1.01 35c Jonteel Eye Brow Pencil 2 for S6c 35c Cherisette Talcum Powder 9 10c Cake Egyptian Palm Soap I I2 for I lc 15c Cake Radio Toilet Soap 2 for 16c 35c Klenzo Tooth Paste.... 2 for SGc 25c Tube Rexall Tooth Paste rfor 6c 35c Klenzo Tooth Brush 2 for 36c $ 1.25 Shaving Brushes 2 for $1.26 25c Hand Brushes............ 2 for 26c 25c Men's Combs................ 2 for 26c 10c Assortment of Safety Pins I I2 for 1 lc 15c KVash Cloths ........... 2 for 16c 35c whisk Brooms............ 2 for 36c 35c Tube Rexall Shaving Cream ................................... 2 for 36c 40c lb Humbug Peppermints ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ kr II 5c Walnut Bars ................ 2 for 6c 16c Pk. Linen Envelopes 2 for 16c I I 10c Business Envelopes.... 2 for llc 60c Box Embassy Note Paper and Envelopes ........ 2 for 51c 50c Wedgewood Portfolio Paper and Envelopes ............... 2 for 5lc 15c Bottle Mucilage....... 2 for 16c 75c Old Colony Playing Cards C ~7g I Ifor I I II Ii hs and Can. Pac. Exp. Money Order 25c. Boots Meloids ........ 2 for 26c 60c Bronchial Salve........ 2 for 5lc 50c Syr. Tar and Cod Liver Oil ................................... 2 for 5lc 60c Broncchial Syrup....,... 2 for 51c 25c Throat Pastilles......., 2 for 26c 2oc Headache Powders.... 2 for 26c $ 1.00 Cod Liver Oil Emul- sion ......................,..... 2 for $ 1.01 25c Rexall Orderlies...... 2 for 26c 25c Bromide Quinine..... 2 for 26c 60c Kidney Pills ........... 2 for Slc 25c Corn Solvent ............ 2 for 26c 25c Absorbent Cotton.... 2 for 26c 75c Pound Absorbent Cotton 2 for 76c 10c Baby Bottles............... 2 for llc 25c Belladonna Plasters.... 2 for 26c 16c Tin Boracic Acid........ 2 for 16c 25c Hydrogen Peroxide .. 2 for 26c $ 1.00 Norwegian Cod Liver Oil ................................ 2 for $ 1.01 15c Tin Epsoms Salts........ 2 for 16c 26c A. B. S. 8: C. Tablets 2 for 26c 25c A. S. A. Tablets........ 2 for 26c 60c Syrup of Figs and Senna 9 r 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fol 0 ic 25c Stomach and Liver Pills ................................... 2 for 26c 50c Lorie Solid Brilliantine ................... 2 for olc 35c Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 2 for 36c 50c Almond Bloom Cream 2 for Slc 50c Jonteel Cold Cream .. 2 for 5lc 50c Jonteel Combination Cream ..... 2 for 51c 75c English Bath Salts... 2 for 76c Mr. and 5Irs. H. Godfrey Les- lie, 554-24th Street, have moved into a house at 24th and Hay- wood. How We Progress In the old days if anybody missed a stage coach he was con- tented to wait two or three days for the next. Now he let's out a squawk if he misses one sec- tion of a revolving door. A serious bush fire broke out at 2 a.m. on Saturday at 15th and Mathers. The fire brigade turned out and finally succeeded in putting it out. A watchman was left there on guard on Sat- urday and Sunday to guard a- gainst any recurrence of the con- flagration. Mrs. Hurst, who has been spending the summer at "Thrums" cottage, AUest Bay, has returned to the city. There was a good turnout of members of the local swimming club for their initial practice on Monday night in the Memorial tank, Vancouver. Two of the city coaches were present, and the evening was spent by the members in swimming and div- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Feris, who have been spending the summer at 26th and Lawson, have moved back to their suite in the Shaft- esbury Apartments, Vancouver. The West Vancouver Baptist Church is now holding an even- ing service as well as a morning service. Mr and Mrs Martin of Van couver have taken Mr. McIlroy's home at West Bay. f Mrs. Draper Re-Opens Store Mrs. Draper, who has been away at Sechelt for a couple of weeks, returned last week after a good rest and holiday and re- opened her home baking store at Dundarave last Saturday. Next Sunday afternoon at the West Vancouver Bible School at Ambleside Hall, Mr. Percy King will continue his special address on "the Message to the Seven Assemblies." This subject is a specially interesting one, and a cordial invitation is extended to the people of West Vancouver to be present next Sunday after- noon at 8 o'lock. Mr. and Mrs. Jones who have been residing in the city, have moved back to West Bay. The West Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion gave a very enjoyable whist drive for members on Friday evening in W. Carley's house at 22nd and Bellevue. F. Rivers won the first prize, the second going to H. G. Ware. Mr. and Mrs. Remnant, who have been summering at a house at 25th and Bellevue, have mov- ed back to Vancouver. McLeod River HARD COAL and the famous Newcastle Coal Always Suits -- Never Soots. Stock up for winter. before prices rise. Hobb Coal 8 Transfer in West Vancouver %'est Van. Agents C. P. R. Telegrap I I ~ -esage i.irug Store G. E. REID, 51anager II Prescriptions Filled By Fully Qualified Druggist at City Prices New Building--Corner 51arine and 14th. FAST DELIVERY NO ORDER IS TOO SMALL Phone West 17. hloring and Transfer Work.Mrs. M. McDonald of Honolu- lu, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rhodes, 1269 Esquimalt. Mrs. McDonald, who is a former West Vancouver resident, is sailing on 17th instant on the Aorangi to return to her home in Honolulu. Mr. and Mrs. Perrin, who have been occupying a house at 14th and Bellevue, moved to Vancou- ver on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Young of Van- couver, have rented the Fox cot- tage at East Beach, moving in there on Monday. Mrs. E. Anderson, a former West Vancouver resident, who has been spending a two months'isit at Athabaska, has taken up permanent residence there. Mr. and Mrs. J. Reid of Nel- son, have moved into H. B. Gar- land's house at 18th and Marine Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Reid are property owners here, and we understand it to be their inten- tion to build at a later date. Miss Adams, who has been a guest of Mrs. E. M. Grady, 24th and )Uaterfront, for some time, has returned to Vancouver. Magnus Ross is still gathering strawberries (everbearing) on his ranch at 24th and Ottawa. They are certainly justifying their name, but then this is West Vancouver, where we can grow everything from turnips to roses and beat the rest of Greater Van couver all down the line. Horseshoe Bay Boating and Yachting Club held a military whist, bridge, and dance, last night in Heather Hall, Vancou- ver. Mrs. G. W. Webster and fam- ily, 21st and Bellevue, have mov- ed to 20th and Esquimalt. YouR SAH1TARY „ HETwonS ", PLf45'E! 4 s, J 'oMK% 09 R.E~~ ~ D&~C,R&nhLNAtl ~ --P&AlsE Qs 'pa~ aug g ~A%i rA Y&O~ ! a ~ 3'llie 4urrard Launclry Limited For People who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1810. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L WEST 323 DUDLEY ROBERTS CAPTURES TARANTULA Last Wednesday when Dudley Roberts was cutting bananas off a bunch hanging in the Cash and Carry Meat Market, a large tarantula jumped off the ban- anas on to his chest and from there to the floor. By the aid of a scantling the deadly insect was finally pushed into a box and was afterwards chloroformed. It is quite a large specimen, its body measuring about two and a half inches in length. Mr. Roberts is having it preserved in spirits. Y, you may ask, cannot domestic customers gec electric service as cheaply as industrial users'lectricityis produced at the power house switchboard at a very low cost. But it must still be distributed to each of ics customers: It coscs the corner grocer more to deliver his goods ac recail than it docs the wholesaler co deliver the same goods to him. When the delivery cost of power is spread over a large aumbec of kilowatt hours used for industrial power, the resulcing cost per unit is low; when this cost is spread over the small number of kilowatt hours takea by the average domestic customer, the resulciag cosc per unit is greater. qPS& '1 0~ g pigERIC LAUDER WINS ART SCHOLARSHIP PAL QF.Alp wa'&11 On XVX~ street Eric Lauder of Dundarave, is one of five winners of ten dol- lar scholarships at the School of Decorative and Applied Arts, Vancouver. The scholarships, which are tenable at the art school, were donated by the B. C. Art League, and the announce- ment of the names of the five winners was made by Director Charles H. Scott of the school at the beginning of this week. Eric Lauder is a son of Charles Laud- er, the Dundarave butcher. "From the Dairy toith the Highest Score" Phone North 345 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y BURRARD 8 IIei!I. Iil,ci HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON [funeral Ifceclors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 9 QUARTS for $ 1.00Anything in Sheet MetalFurnaces, Stoves, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights Tar and Gravel Roofs, General Repairs of all kinds. 229 Lonsdale Ave. North Vancouver, B. C. Phone North 122 nnxnn~ '~ &~i uacRauearCo-. VANCOUVER VICTORIA C14 Xd