West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Oct 1928, p. 3

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001C95F1 October 5, 1928. Personals Poisson, 30th and Bellevue, who has been confined to the house with a severe col(i, is now better. s 0 0 )Vest Vancouver L. O. L. ~~ 2990, he]d their regular meeting in St. Stephen's Church EIall on Tuesday evening, ivhen a large number of visiting brethren we« present from Vancouver County Lodge and North Vancouver Imdge. Reports of the Grand Lodge and Vancouver County Lodge were received and a num- ber of splendid addresses given on the occasion of this the third anniversary of the lodge here. A very ploasa»t ev«»ing came to a close ivith the serving of re- fresh men ts. 0 0 0 The I.O.D.E. has made an of- fer to the Board of School Trus- tees to pay for a flag for use orr the new flag pole at Ingleivood School. The offer was accepted. 0 0 The flag pole at Dundarave School is to be taken doivrr and painted. Arrangements were left in the hands of Trustee Leyland. iAIrs. George A. Stone of Caul- feild and &liss 4ladeline Stone are leaving for Victoria tomor- rosv night. iblrs. Stone will sail from Victoria on Sunday morn- ing for San Francisco and Los Angeles to spe»d the rrext three months with relatives a»d friends . 0 0 illr. Yeo, who has been oc- cupying a house «t 27th and Ot- tawa, has moved to North Van- couver ~ a 0 AIrs John Speck 29th arrd ~lathers, left on Tuesday to spend a month at Nootka, where Mr. Speck has a position. 0 0 0 Dlr. Hansen is sick and in Mrs. Grundy's nursing home at -19th and Marine Drive. s J. R. Orr of the Land Titles Office, Edmonton, divas here last week visiting )Ir. and iAIrs. A. B. Stro»ge, 14th and Bellevue. iAIr. Orr is a cousin of Mrs. Stronge. EVork on the EVhytecliff exten- sion is being pushed forward. The steam shovel has dug out the surface as far as Eagle Har- bour in preparation for laying the road. A car driven by a Vancouver motorist going west on Dlarine Drive on Tuesday, crashed into a telephone pole at 17th Street when the driver turned out to avoid a truck coming on to the Drive from the south at that cor- »er. One tire was burst and the front bumper was smashed, the motorist escaping avithout in- Jury s Mr. and ~lrs. A. F. Valentirre a»d their daughter have return- ed to their home at 11th and Esquimalt, after spending a month with their daughter in Nort h Vancouver. 0 0 0 A co»cert party from St. Thomas'hurch, South Vancou- ver, will give a musical enter- tainment in St. Stephen's parish hall in aid of the organ fund of St. Stephen's church. The 4 pound 5 oz. beetroot grown by C. Barrow of which we wrote in our last week's is- sue. is after all not fully repre- s ntative of the best that can be grown in )Vest Vancouver. i~lrs. O'. Holliday, 15th and Esquimalt has a»swered the challenge by producing a beetroot weighing 4 pounds 12 ounces. 3lrs. Gray, 14th and Clyde, had one weigh- ing I pounds 5 oz. when dug. but, as this divas not officially inveighed until twenty-four hours afterwards, there was found to be a 3 oz. shrinkage. It is evid- ently a habit with i~lrs. Holliday to produce big things in her gar- den, as she has parsnips, each weighing 2 pounds. Tomatoes, beetroots and par- snips in record size. These are some of the things ive know sve have in IVest Vancouver. There are lots of other outstanding things about the district which we don't all yet fully realise. However, we know not only that IVest Vancouver can grosv, but that IVest Vancouver will groiv. Think it over. Four Hundred Contribute to Int- eresting Programme at Iiahon I'ark. Four hundred Girl Guides and Brownies contributed to an int- eresting programme at ~lahon Park last Saturday afternoon, the annual rally of the North Shore division, the Juvenile Na- tional Band of Vancouver adding an appropriate touch of color. The feature of the programme divas the march past at which ~Irs. A. ~lorkili of Victoria, pro- vincial commissioner, took the salute. The programme also consisted of an exhibition of country dancing by Nor th Van- couver No. 3 Company, a flag drill by North Vancouver No. 1 Company, a display by North Vancouver No. 3 Company, a dis- play by EVest Vancouver No. 2 Company and a camp scene by North Vancouver No. 2 Comp- any, after which all Girl Guides and Brownies participated in a fire drill and bucket display. Sports for Girl Guides and Brownies followed and at the close Provincial Commissioner Mrs. A. i11orkill presented the ribbons to the winners, and also presented badges won by the Girl Guides and Brownies at the camp held during the summer. Among the officials present were: North Shore Divisional Commissioner bliss A. Davies, Cheam Divisional Commissioner hlrs. Claude wilson of Chilli- ivack; westminster Divisional Commissioner airs. John Heaps; 8'estminster Divisional Commis- sioner Mrs. A. Arnott; No. 2 Dis- trict Vancouver Commissioner, ~lrs. Dallas Perry; AVest Van- couver Divisional Commissioner 3lrs. EV. B. Small; North Van- couver District Commissioner Mrs. Don Munday; North Van- couver Assistant District Com- missioner Mrs. V. Hunt. AIR I OSTAGE IVith reference to the recent issui. of air mail stamps mail mat ter posted in the United States, prepaid by U. S. postage, and marked for transmission by any air mail route in the United States or Canacia will be for- ivarded ivithout «ny further charge by any Canadian air route. A similar reciprocal ar- rangement has been made as re- gards matter sent by air mail from Canada over any air mail route in the United States. "THEY SAY"-- "They say"--ah well'uppose they do, But can they prove the story true. Suspicion may arise from naught But malice, envy, want of thought, Avhy count yourself amongst the "Thev," who whisper what they dare not say. A PRAYER HYIIN Lord of all pots and pans and things, since I'e not time to be A Saint by doing lovely things, or watching late with Thee. Or dreaming in the dawnlight, or storming Heaven's gates, Make me a saint by getting meals, and washing up the plates. Although I must have Martha's hands. I have a iAIary mind; And when I black the boots and shoes, Thysandals, Lord, I find I think of how they trod the earth, what time I scrub the floor; Accept this meditation, Lord, I haven't time for more. AVarm all the kitchen with Thy love, and light it with Thy peace; Forgive me all my worrying, and make all grumbling cease. Thou )Vho didst love to give men food, in room, or by the sea, Accept this service that I do-- I do it unto Thee. --ihl.K.H., in the westminster Record. This Hymn written in July of this year (1928) by a girl nine- teen years of age, who is in do- mestic service, in England. (Contributed by F.J. Troughton) AIr. Anthony of EVest Bay has moved to Vancouver. The Pantry HOif E COOkli G I ies, Cakes, Cookies, Etc. Hot bfeals Served. MARINE GROCERY 22nd and Ifarine ALLISON, Prop. PHONE %EST 96 Specials for This Week Quaker Pork and Beans (Large) .-......--....----..--, 20e Rice, No. 1 Jap....... 3 lbs. 23c Jelly Powders. all flavors I for ~c Pure )fait Vinegar, large . 20c I.X.L. Butter........... 3 lbs. $ 133 Apples--Mcfntosh Red, per box . . ..... ...,... ........ .. S 1 .S5 Prompt Delivery VA. Member of the B. C. bfinisig and Stock Exchange Stocks Real Estate ~su ce and Lr . Orders promptly and efficiently executed. 579 Dunsmuir St, Vancouver Phone Seymour 8894 Pitman Sussness C011ege Vancouver's I.eading Business College. INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH WEEK Students may enrol at any time 422 RICHARDS STREET (At Hastings) I'HONE SEY~IOIrR 9135 "They say"--but why the tale re- hearse, And help to make the matter worse, No good can possibly accrue, From telling what may be untrue; And is it not a nobler plan To speak of all the best you can. "They say"--well, if it should be so, Why need you tell the tale of woe, AVill it the bitter wrongs redress, Or make the pang of sorrow less? )Vill it the erring one restore, Henceforth to go and sin no more? "They say"--oh, pause and look with- rn, See how the heart inclines to sin, IVatch, lest in dark temptation's hour You, too, should fall beneath its power; Pity the frail, weep o'r their fall, But speak of good--or not at all! ~ ~ ~ '~' ~ R Q iI~ I I i WINTER TI E TABLES Effective October 1st VANCOUVER - NORTII VANCOUVER - IVEST VANCOUVER- I IORSESI IOE BAY KVESTBOUND: Lv. Vancouver North V rncouvcr.......... Amblesid e.. I lollyburn.................. Dundarave............. IVest Bay.. Sherman ............. Cypress Park............. Caulfeild ......... Ar. Ilorseshoe Bay ... A.'AI. 9.30 9.55 10.05 10.07 10.13 10.15 10.17 10.19 10.20 A. Al. 11. 30 11.55 12.05 12.07 12.13 12.15 12.17 12.19 12 20 12.40 I P. ill. 2.30 2.55 3.05 3.07 3.13 3.15 3.17 3.19 3.20 P. ill. 5.45 6.10 6 20 6 22 6 28 6 30 6.32 6.34 6.35 6.55 P. II. 8.30 8.55 9.05 9.07 9.13 9.15 9.17 9.19 9.20 I p.xr. I 11. 30 11.55 12.05 12.07 12 13 12.15 12.17 12.19 12 20 12.40 Mrs. White's DRY COODS STORE Next Seed's Grocery I'hone West 355 D R ESSbf A K I NG I'LAIN SEWIN('LTEltATIONS Fancy Goods and Dry Goods lteaiionable I'rices. EASTBOUND: Ilorseshoe Bay... Cau 1 fe lid........... Cypress Park...... Sherman. Vest 8:ry.. Dundarnve... I I oily burn. A mb1eside........... North Vancouver.. Vancouver......... Lv. Ar. A.'A I. A. ill. P. AI. P. II. 7.35 ... ... 1.05 8.00 10.30 1.30 3.30 S.01 10.31 1.31 3.31 8.03 10.33 1.33 3.33 8.05 10.35 1.35 3.35 8.07 10.37 1.37 3.37 8.13 10.43 1.43 3.43 8.15 10.45 1.45 3.45 S.25 10.55 1.55 3.55 8.50 11.20 2.20 4.20 P.M. 7.05 7.30 7.31 7.33 7.35 7.37 7.43 7,45 7.53 8.20 9. 46 9.4S 9.50 9.52 9.5S 10 00 10.10 10.35 THE WEST VAN NEWS THE BEETROOT BEATEN. NORTH SHORE GIRL GUIDES HOLD RA I.LY IVest Vancouver Scottish Society Second Semi-Annual IA in the Hollyburn I'avilion WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17th Dancing 9 to 1. Square Dances will be a special feature. Dakin's Orchestra Invitations ca» b«had from the following: ~lr. and ihirs. R. hlcVearr, ibir. arrd hlrs. ~lcGowa», i~ir. and Airs. lV. Dlc- Qurrk«r', i~fr. I"r(ides, iAIrs. Allisoll, i~lrs. Elgal. 'aily Service. gey ~g gpss~~ CALL SEYiifOUR 4000 FOR FURTHER INFORbiATION