001C95F1 THE AVEST VAN NEKVS October 5, 1928. ,,&e .)est .. rocura s e That's ivhat you get whe» you deal here. Our first concern is our reputation and your satisfaction. Quality is not sacrificed for price in this store. The Store ivith a Reputation i 'I!I!.[1lWOI,II S GROCERY We deliver West 16 allen's Suits and Overcoats TAILoR ~&g3 pp The new Fall Samples are now here for your choice. Qual- ity and Fit Guaranteed. YOU'L BE SATISFIED M. WILLIAMS 16th and hlarine, Ambleside CUSTOM TAILOR CLEAiNI'XG AND PRESSIiNG Phone West 20 Craig's New 3attery Service Next to West Van Garage AUTO or RADIO Charging -- Repairs, Etc. Phone West 130. Phone West 130 GORDON ROBSON Barrister 8" Solicitor West Vancouver office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 403 Suite 801; 510 Hastings St., W. Phone Seymour 4199. Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The %Vest Van Watchmaker L Jeweller 1522 i&larine Drive Ambleside Coal and %Vood Get your winter's supply now Building Supplies. Flour and Feed, Etc. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 &Irs. Lester ill. White has re- tur»ed to her honie in Cypress Park after a four mniiths'isit to Portland, elaine, New York, and Chicago. Dlrs. David Norga» of West Bay, ivho is visiting Spring- brooke, Saltair, Va»couver Is- laiid, was a guest of the Porter Chapter, I.O.D.E., Chemainus, whe» it gave a luncheon recent- ly for the visiting British School girls. AIrs. and Miss Emerto» have returned to their home on East Beach after a» extended visit to the old country. They expiess themselves a» being very glad to be back in West Vancouvei'. C. Cornish, 17th and Go!.don. left here o» Friday to return to his duties in Wi»nipeg, where he is headmaster of the Faraday Public and High School. &Irs. Frank Johnston, 20th and Inglewood, who has been seriously ill and confined to the bouse is noiv on her way to re- covery. L. H. Clement, 10th and Math- ers, left on Tuesday for a busi- ness trip to illalkin Island. Doors with glass windows have this week been built on t»» after deck of "the Sonrisa," on both sides. This is a great im- provement a»d will keep out the rain and wind to which passeng- ers were exposed i» stormy or cold weather. Stan Stronge, 14th and Mar- ine Drive, left here on Alonday for Ocean Falls, where he has obtained a position in the mills there. Claud G. Barrow, 24th and Nelson, reports seeing several sandhill cranes hovering on Tues- day near the property of the Murray Brothers in D.L. 555. This is somewhat remarkable in view of the fact that they are not usually found in this part of the province. bliss Elsie Harrison has re- turned to her duties with the B. C. Telephone Co.'s staff here aft- er spending her vacation in Al- berta. Mrs. S. wilson, 25th and Mar- ine Drive, is moving this iveek to a house at 24th and Marine Drive. Mrs. Scavington, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and iAIrs. W. Cuthbert, 22nd and Jef- ferson, has taken up residence at her new home in Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ridley and Dr. and Mrs. Chas. Ridley, ivho left here recently for a motor trip south, have reached Los Angeles, where they are visiting relatives. Bert Ridley, who started from here with them, has taken up residence in Port- land, where he is attending the North Pacific Dental College. Wlr. and 3lrs. Cull'ie of EVest»y, »ve moved into one of the Steve»son cottages at 24th a»d Haywood. illrs. I. A. Pionnalie of Los Aiigeles, aunt of Airs. (Dr.) W. H. Thompson, and Miss Gorman of Toi'onto, are the guests of Dr. and 51rs. Thompson at their home at 2174 Argyle Ave., for a feiv weeks. I. O. D. E. The October meeti»g of the Duncan Lawso» Chapter will be held on bio»day, 8tli instant, at 2.15 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Bernard Hayes, Radcliff Avenue IVest Bay. AIrs. E. R. Roivan, 26th a»d Mathers, is confined to her home through sickiiess. George Williamson is putting the finishing touches to a house he is building at 23rd and Kings. H. Bradley is building a house for Mrs. Southwell at 24th and Haywood. Nr. and Mrs. Herbert Wood and family, who have been spending the summer at their cottage in Caulfeild, have return- ed to their home in Shaughnessy Heights. Mrs. Wood is leaving shortly for Kingston on a visit to her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Knight. Jack Neill of West Beach, is having a new home built at the corner of 13th and Clyde. Colin Turner is the contractor. Mrs. Jennings xvho operated the Candy Box at 20th and Mar- ine Drive, has moved with her daughter to the city. Mrs. Harold Busst arrived here yesterday from England on a visit to her mother-in-law, Mrs. Busst, 24th and Ottawa. 31r. and AIrs. S. B. Willoughby 19th and Marine Drive, have moved to the Hotel Georgia, Van- couver. iAIr. AVillioughby, who was assistant manager of the Hotel Georgia has recently been promoted general manager suc- ceeding the late J. A. AVeldon. Peter Greer of South Vancou:- ver, has taken a house at 24th and Ottawa and will take posses- sion there shortly. ARCHERY CLUB TO HOLD BRIDGE On Thursday of last week members of the Archery Club were entertained at a tea and shoot at the home of Miss E. B. Bolton, 26th and Mathers, a- mong those present being the president, Mrs. J. D. Tait, vice president, Dr. Roberta Vass, Mrs. Colin Marshall, Mrs. J. D. Allan, Mrs. Rawkins, Mrs. Hill, and Miss Pauline Edmund. During the afternoon a short business meeting was held and arrangements made for the ac- tivities of the club during the winter season. E". S D W A. I S S mcmugiO Ilere are a number of whole- some, tasty and seasonable reci- pes for your recipe book. Sea- so»able recipes will be printed in this column from time to tmie and if you have any that you thi»k might assist your neigh- bors send them in and they will be printed in this column. Also, if you have not already started a recipe book, do so now. A good plan is to get a loose leaf note- book with an index and paste in «ny recipes you fancy. Cooking School Sweet Potatoes Cover the bottom of a shallow liberally buttered glass baking dish with sweet potatoes and ba- nanas, halved, and arranged al- ternately and regularly, close to- gether. Sprinkle with salt, add liberal bits of butter, and pour over them enough maple syrup to fill chinks well. Set in a good oven (400 degrees) until richly goldened, tipping the dish and basting occasionally with the sy- rup and melted butter. These are most rich and delicious. Melted sugar syrup may be used when maple syrup is not obtain- able. Ripe Cucumber Sweet Pickles Ten pounds ripe cucumbei pickles Four pounds sugar One tablespoonful stick cinna- mon One quart vinegar One tablespoonful whole clov- es One tablespoonful allspice One cupful hot water Slice the cucumbers and let stand in weak brine overnight. Next morning drain and scald slightly in clear water. Put the sugar in a preserving kettle with the cupful of hot water, boil and skim, add the vinegar and spices and cucumbers, and cook until the cucumbers are clear. Re- move to jars and cook syrup ten minutes longer. Pour over the cucumbers and seal. Corn Omelette This requires three eggs yolks and whites beaten separ- ately. To the yolks add half a cupful of milk or a little less, half a teaspoonful of flour, half a teaspoonful each of salt and sugar, and one cupful or less of uncooked corn which has been scored down middle of kernels, tips shaved off, and every bit of pulp and milk pressed from cob. Combine well, fold in whites, and pour into a good-sized hot frying pan in which two tablespoonfuls of butter are melted; set into the oven until top is set, remove to top of stove to brown bottom, fold over, slip onto hot platter, surround with hot tomato or mushroom sauce, and serve at once, with hot corn cake if pos- sible. This, accompanied with a green salad, will make an unri- valed course for a family or com- pany lunch. The sauce may be omitted, but while tomatoes are plentiful, I should advise its be- ing used, as it is a great addi- tion. Make tomato sauce in quantity and keep in the ice box for frequent use. , I".Iva tine- The New Prices are 50c. - 75c. - $ 1.25 This is n wonderful tonic bev- erage--excellent as n neri e builder. Our line of Cough Medicines and Cold Remedies is complete. Vick's Vapo-Rub and hluster- ole are good things to keep on hand. Phone us and we will send them up. THE STORE OF SERVICE WEST VAN NARMACY The Store of Service Prompt Delivery I'hone IV. 3? NUBONE CORSETS Surgical Belts and Binders. LINGERIE, HOSIERY 17th Er, Marine. West 224 -UN5I'S CAFE 1421 hfarine Drive at 14th St. 7 A. 51. to 11 P. M. Public I'hone West 611-0 Charming 5 Room fully modern BUNGALOW Well built and warm. Glassed in verandah. (. W. SAVO.(Y 1429 hlarine Drive Am bleside PHOiVE--West 698R1 or West 340 Evening--West 143 (Established over 74 Years) C. J. Overington 14th and 5larine a:.":ie:. For appointment PHONE WEST 135 Ambleside Tea Rooms Ferry Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp and Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, etc. A "." .('..'A ( ..'.( .'S NOW STABILISED AVe will tell you exactly how much your repairs will cost before the job is started. There is on file in our office a price list covering every op- eration on every make of car. Don't take chances. Know exactly what the repairs are going to cost you. arise o1;OjVS MEWIBERS OF THE AUTO SERVICE CLUB. Phone %Vest 456 Mrs. B. 5I. Grady, 24th and waterfront, has offered the use of her home for the evening of the 20th instant, when the mem- bers and friends of the Archery Club will meet for an evening at bridge. AVe understand that cut glass prizes will be awarded to the leaders in play, and refresh- ments will be served. An en- deavor is being made to make it a specially pleasant evening for those who attend. Sandy Macbeth had starved to death. On a one-man car we spied him, A sign which read "Pay as you leave," Lay on the floor beside him. Citron Preserve Peel and seed citron. Place in kettle. Cover with water. Boil until it can be pierced with a straw. Put citron on platter and add sugar (one and a half pounds to each pint of juice). Cook juice until scum stops rising. Put citron back and boil one hour. Take citron out and boil clear juice 15 minutes. Slice three lemons to four quarts of juice. Fill the jar half full of citro» and pour into it the boiling juice. To prevent the jar or bottle cracking put a spooq in when pour in the boiling juice and set the jar on a cloth well wet with cold water. )+~~&~cacD'DcM~QQRmamxlxlxga~zz~lg A GOOD «-I I i I IS A COiVSTANT JOY. Have the ch&ldren taken regularly and so keep a record of their develop- ment. THE l(lb G STUDIO (V. V. VINSON, I'rpp.) Will give you satisfactory work. STUDIO: 311 Hastings St., W., Phone Seymour 1046 XDtlXIXM25