West Van. News (West Vancouver), 28 Sep 1928, p. 7

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001C95E9 September 28, 1928. THE AVEST VAN NEWS Whimsical Review I'ity the Cripple Candidate for Parliament:-- "iNow, you'e heard my opinions hand I think you'l agree with me that my opponent hasn't a leg to stand on." Voice from the Crowd:--"All the more reason he should have the seat then." ~rI Irate Employer -- "Surely, Miss Jenks, you know the King' English." Surprised Tyq&ist--"Of course he is--isn't he, sir?" Oh, hfy Aunt iitfrs. Small was annoyed. Her maid was always going out. "Sarah," she said. "I cannot have you continually going out. Next Sunday you must stay at home." "Oh, ma'm, but I'e promised my aunt to spend the afternoon with her." It was just then that little Jackie chipped in. "Do let her go, mum!" he said. "Her aunt has just been made a sergeant and he's got a new coat with stripes on. "But, my dear, you are half naked! That is not a dress!" "Oh, don't let us quarrel about such a little thing!"--Ruy Blas, Pal is. The Charleston's Origin. IVe are informed that the ~ ' i harieston is now reputed to 's. I ~i)ave been originated by a col- )l lege student who absently-mind- edly stuck a lighted pipe in his hip pocket. Dad says: "There would be fewer accidents on the road if engines were lubricated more and drivers less." Someone has said it is allright to be wisely worldly but not worldly wise. A Typical Heading Sub Editor: "I see here that an English General was badly cut in opening a wine bottle. )Vhat sort of heading shall I put on it?" Managing Editor: "Oh, just say, 'Serious accident to British man-of-war in attempting to get into port'." Reciprocity There was some confusion on the golf links and the purple- faced elderly gentleman waited grimly so that he might admon- ish the player following him. "Confound you, sir, how dare you drive off before we'e play- ed our second shot? Do you know you almost hit my wife?" "Did I, sir?" exclaimed the culprit apologetically. "Look here," indicating his own spouse, "have a shot at mine." On Government Service "Has he been on government service before?" asked the sup- erior of the clerk referring to an applicant for work. ")Veil, nearly, sir," replied the clerk. "EVhat do you mean by near- ly?" ")Veil you see, sir, there was not enough evidence." The covers of many books now appearing are too far apart. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER NOTICE TO I'AINTING CONTI(ACTORS Tenders are hereby invited for the following work: Washing, Sizeing and Painting (Two (2) Coats) the interior of the former council chamber which now becomes the general office of the municipal hall. Specifications may be obtained at the municipal hall, The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Tenders to be in not later than 5 p. m. Wednesday, October 3rd. 1928, at the office of The hlunicipal Clerk and marked "Tenders for Painting General Office." JAMES OLLASON. Municipal Clerk. AblBLESIDE HALL FOR RE'AT Applications for reservations of the Ambleside Hall for the present may be made to the agents. GEO. HAY Notary Public 1405 Marine Drive Phone West 21 LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to I'urchase Land. In New Westminster Land Record- Ing District of British Columbia and situate about Five Hundred Eeet West of the entrance to Fisherman's Cove, Howe Sound. Take notice that Henry blillor Par- ry of Vancouver, occupation Fire Marshal, intends to apply for permis- sion to purchase the following describ- ed lands:-- Commencing at a post planted on the S. E. Corner of a small Island about 600 feet W. of the entrance to Fisherman's Cove, and about 800 feet, and in a Westerly direction from the S. E. Cor. Post of D.L. 771, Group ), New Westminster District, thence West, thence North, thence East, thence South along Foreshore and a- bove High Water Mark to Point of Commencement. and containing about acre, more or less. HENRY MILLER PARRY, Dated August 25th, 1928. LAiND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Purchase Land. In the Land Recording District of New Westminster and situate near Grace Harbour. Gambier Island. Take notice that I, AlCred Louis Del- nmare, of West Vancouver, occupation Labourer. intends to apply Eor per- mission to purchase the following de- scribed lands:-- Commencing at a post planted at South East corner, aproximately 600 feet from South corner of Lot 42, D. L. 2768, Gambier Island, thence 245 feet to North East corner; thence 40 feet to North West corner,'thence 250 feet to South West corner; thence 60 feet to South East corner more or less, and containing 1(7 acre more or less. PURPOSE--To build a wall from said islet to Lot 42 opposite. 90 feet distant, for shelter; Secondly to beau- tify what is a bare rock, by planting trees thereon. ALFRED LOUIS DELAMARE. Dated 29th August, 1928. .4. S..".:S Ambi eside Phone KVest 28 Groceries Hardware Have Bacon and Eggs for Breakfast (KEEPS THE FOG OUT) Get them at Seeds'l'ECIAL THIS WFEK ~ WORK WANTED by reliable and cap- able woman. Mrs. Buss t, Phone West 98L3. I OPI' Ladies Tan Velour Hat on Radcliff Avenue or hlarine Drive. Phone West 374. FOR RENT--Plastered cottage.. Full plumbing. Dundarave. Phone Sey. 1461. CONGOLEUhi RUG FOR SALE--Ia good shape. Phone West 236R. W. JENVEY, Builder, Cabinet Work of all kinds. Phone West 346L. LONSDAI.E SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING ACADEMY, Ma- sonic Temple Building. Phone North 1055. IVe advance you rapid- ly. BATTERIES TESTED, ltented, Re- charged and Repaired by experienc ed Battery man. The New Battery House next West Van. Garage. City Prices. WANTED BY LADY--Bedroom and Sitting room with board. Furnished or unfurnished. Phone, mornings, West 103L. BREAKFAST in ~uiet Strictly modern home available for gentleman. Apply "Board," %Vest Van News. AUTO FOR $ 100--An absolute bar- gain, 6 cylinder car in good condi- tion. Want to sell within next few days. Phone West 17 Eor demon- stration. FOR RENT -- Comfortable modern house close to ferry, $30. Also, furnished Cour room modern bung- alow in Dundarave. Phone West 620L after 6 p.m. FOR SALE--Two sturdy nanny goats 3 months old, $5 for the two. Phone West 208R. F'R RENT--Four roomed furnished cottage. Bath. hot and cold water. Waterfrontage, $20. Also 3 rooms furnished. Hot and cold water $ 15. Phone Seymour 7261. MALKIN'S BEST TEA, perlb.. 65 TAVO JELLY POWDERS FREE with eaach pound; one Jelly with Va lb. any flavor. FLETCHER'S PEA blEAL BACK BACON, sliced, per lb.... 45c F LETCH ER'S SIDE BACON, perlb.. 50c LOCAL NEW LAID EGGS, Extras, per dozen ................................. 50c Non-stop Run Crom the Ranch to our store. IVe fetch 'em. FREE DFLAKRY CLASSIFIED ADS o-$ ~INTER TI E TABLES Effective Octo')er 1st iVESTBOUND: Lv. Ar. ancouver......V North Vancouver................. Am blesi de.. I Ioiiyburn .................. Dundarave ............ ~ . ~ .. IVest Bay.. Sherman.................... Cypress Park........~.....~........... Caulfeiid...................... iIorseshoe Bay... A. Af. 9.30 9.55 10.05 10.07 10.13 10.15 10.17 10.19 10.20 A.M. P.!I f. P. Af. 11.30 2.30 5.45 11.55 2.55 6.10 12.05 3.05 6.20 12.07 3.07 6.22 12.13 3.13 6.28 12.15 3.15 6.30 12.17 3.17 6.32 12.19 3.19 6.34 12.20 3.20 6.35 1 2 . 40 ....... 6 . 55 P. 5 f. P.ili. 8 '0 11.30 8.55 11.55 9.05 12.05 9.07 12.07 9.13 12.13 9.15 12.15 9.17 12.17 9.19 12.19 9.20 12.20 12.40 EASTBOUND: 'Lv. IIorseshoe Bay... Cau if el id .... Cypress Park ........................ he coo e oo ~ ~ w ~ o IVest Bay............................ Dundarave. ~..................... IIoil buybuburn. Ambi sesside.............. North Vancouver ~..~.........- eooe o» ocr e o ~ A.0 f. A.0 f. P.h f. P.hf. 7 . 35 ... .... 1 . 05 8 . 00 1 0 . 3 0 1 . 30 3 . 30 8 . 0 1 1 0 . 3 1 1 . 3 1 3 . 3 1 8 . 03 1 0 . 33 1 . 33 3 . 33 8 . 05 1 0 . 35 1 . 35 3 . 35 8 . 07 1 0 . 37 1 . 37 3 . 37 8 . 1 3 1 0 . 43 I . 43 3 . 43 8 . 1 5 1 0 . 45 1 . 45 3 . 45 8 . 25 1 0 . 55 1 . 55 3 . 55 8 . 50 1 1 . 20 2 . 2 0 4 . 20 P.hf. P.hf. 7. 05 ~,30 9,s5 ( 7.31 9.46 7.33 9.48 7.35 9.50 I 7.37 9.52 7.43 9.58 7.45 10.00 7.55 10.10 8.20 10.35 'aily Service. g C3a~ S., l."),',) l'..A,'.l.l. l Scgl&ogl1'ag gpggggggpgggQ CALL SEYMOUR 4000 FOR FURTIIER INFORbiATION VANCOUVER - NORTII VANCOUVER - AVEST VANCOUVER- IIORSESI IOE BAY SERVING WANTED -- Ladies'nd Children's work. blrs. Bloxham, Phone West 226. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WRAITH BEST--Dundarave. WINDOW BLINDS--blade to order and installed. Estimates free. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144. FOUR ROOhl CO'ITAGE -- IVater, Light, Phone, Garden, Fine view. Lot 75x129; $850, terms. WEST VANCOUVER INVEST- MENT COY. IVest 102. .7 ot em, omes We have some specially good buys in new modern houses which we can sell on easy terms. GEO. HAY Notary Public 1405 Marine Drive Office Phono West 21 or Sey. 1260 Residence Phone W. S2R or W. 204X SIX HOLE blcCLARY "REGINA" Cook Stove for sale; porcelain back. nickle plated trimmings, warming oven; perfect condition. Phone West 465L3. ATT RACTI V E blODERN BU NG A- LOWs open fireplace, two bedrooms, For Rent. Waterfront at Dundar- ave. Low rent to good tenant. Phore West 413L after 7 p.m. Itoohl AND BOARD OFFERED-- Suitable for ladies or gentlemen. Home comforts and good cooking. 2061 Esquimalt. blODERN BUNGALOW FOR REYIT $30. Five large rooms: Lot 132x132 Garage, newly decorated. corner Mathers and 25th, on Bus line. Ap- ply, B. R. Harrison or any West Van Real Estate Agent. ELECTRIC LIGHTING. IViring, 3 lot- ors, Electric and Battery Radio Sets and Supp)ies. North Shore Electric. Phone 1540 Lonsdale Ave., North 79. FOUNDATIONs CEMENT IVORK, Landscaping. Lawns made, Grading and Clearing. T. Barnott, Resid- ence Phone West 672R. THAT LITTLE JOB -- Gardening, Rock IVork, Rustic AVork, Lawns, Pruning, Spra)ing, Concrete Paths, Drives, etc. Fencing, Rough Car- pentery, Painting and Kalsomin- ing. Repairs of all kinds. Saws sharpened. Phone West 17~%1. R. P. Clark k Co. (Vancouver) LtcL STORES in Ambleside Block for rent from $ 16 per month. Immediate possession. Apply Geo. Hay, phone IVest 21. CABINET MAKER--A Oliver, 15th and Waterfront. Repair work done. Cedar chests from $ 15. H IDISTITCHING --Plain.. white.. Sc yard; silk and colored loc yard. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and blarine. Phone IVest 144. CHICKEN DINNER on Sunday 50c. at Lunn's Cafe. R. P. Clark 4 Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. 823 Hastings St. W. Sey. 7483, 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, IVest 225. NEWblAN Jh ROBBINS -- Builders and Contractors--Painting, paper- hanging and kalsomining, chimneys built. 28th and blarine. Phone West 74 R 1. SEASIDE 14 ESI DENT I A 1 HOSI E- site, beautifully situated with mag- nificent view, extra large area 65x 450 feet. Real Bargain. Sound investment. $ 1850 on terms. CONSUI.T US Cor waterfront, Home- sites, Acreage, Investments, Insur- ance and Loans. Insurance in all its branches.