001C95E9 September 28. 1928. THE WEST VAN NEWS Voice Production and Siiiging Class FOR I.ADIES Solo, Ensemble, Breathing Part Singing, Phraseing, Rythm, Diction. Meets at Hollyburn School, each wednesday at 8 p. m. under the direction of Prof. J. M. Morgan For further information Phone IVest 173. Archery Club Elect Officers The annual meeting of the iVest Vancouver Archery Club divas held last Saturday in the of- fices of Dr. Roberta Vass who has been acting president since the death of Mr. Barwis. A good representation of members was present. Officers for the year were elected as follows: President--ilrs. J. D. Tait Vice President--Dr. Roberta Vass, Secretary-Treasurer--Mrs. R. C. I'rocter. Arrangements ivere made at this meeting for the tea and shoot held at the residence of iIiss E. B. Bolton, 26th and iIathers. Other seasonable soci- al affairs are being organized by the Club. SiVDDIING CI.UB DANCE TOiIORROiV NIGHT TENDERS CA LI.ED FOR I AINTING OI D COUNCII CHA il I)ER Tomorrow night the 4Vest Vancouver Amateur Sivimming Club is giving a dance in Dun- darave Hall, when the Kollejeans 5-piece orchestra ivill be in at- tendance. Dancing &vill take place from 8.30 to 11.30 p. m. A feature of the evening ivill be a dancing contest for which the prizes ivill be two bathing suits. Tenders are being called by the municipal clerk for the wash- ing, sizeing, and painting of the interior of the former council chamber, which is noiv to be- come the general office of the municipal hall. Specifications may be obtained at the hall, and tenders must be in not later than 5 p. m. next Wednesday, 3rd Oc- tober, «t the office of the muni- cipal clerk. An advertisement relative to this appears in this~~ ~ issue. ESSA Y CoiII ETI rION FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS g(.OTTISH SOCI ET% The Order of the Blue Goose and the Fire Insurance Under- writers Association, Vancouver, are putting on for the fifth year an essay competition on fire pro- tection open to all the public school scholars in B. C. The province is divided into districts, and there is a gold medal for the best essay written in each district. Essays must be handed into the school principals by the 15th of November. Last year Joan Dorchester of Pauline Johnson School won the gold medal for the North Shore Dis- trict, and i» 1926 Stanley Boshi- er of the same school was the gold medalist. The Scottish Society will hold its second semi-annual dance in the IIollyburn Pavilion on Wed- nesday, 17th October. Dakin's Orchestra will be in attendance «s on former occasions and square dances ivill be a feature. It is expected that the sale of tickets will be heavy as these dances are very popular and an enjoyable time is assured. Invi- tations can be had from the fol- lowing: iiIr. and Mrs. R. Mc- Vean, Mr. and Mrs. McGowan, iMr. and iMrs. 4V. McQuaker, Mr. Fiddes, iiIrs. Allison, Mrs. Elgar. The ivhist drive held recently at "the Clachan" was well at- tended, the prizewinners being as follows: First ladies'. Mrs. illasterman, Mrs. Herrin. First Gentlemen': Mr. )Iast- erman, Mr. McQuaker. Consolation: Ladies' Miss Blackstock, 11rs. Young. Gentlemen--Mr. Foreman, Mr. Edwards. EX-HIGH TO ELECT OFFICERS AND AR- RANGE I'LANS The KVest Van. Ex-High As- sociation will meet next iiIon- day at 8 p. m. in the Ingle~vood School. Officers for the coming year will be elected at this meet- ing and the programme for the activities of the association for the season will be drawn up. All members are requested to attend the meeting. AIR ilAIL STAiII'SSUED. Five-cent Canadian air mail postage stamps have been print- ed and can now be obtained at city post offices. They will be available at other post offices as soon thereafter as possible. The stamp is in sepia and bears a design as follows:--3Iap of Canada on a globe with two fe- male figures joining hands over a panel bearing the. words "air"; at the top an airplane; at the bottom figures 5 with the word "cents" between. This special air mail stamp should be used to prepay all classes of air mail at the rate of 5 cents for the first ounce:ind 10 cents for each additional ounce for conveyance over the following air mail routes: Mantreal-Toronto, daily, ex- cept Sunday. Montreal-Toronto, daily, ex- except Sunday. Ordinary Canadian postage stamps may also be used in Can- ada to prepay air mail for con- veyance over any air mail route in Canada or the United States, but in all cases covers should be conspicuously endorsed "Via Air Mail." This air mail rate covers ord- inary postage, but fees such as registration, etc., are additional. TEA AND iilUSICAL AFTERNOON BY DEACOilESS'OiiliiIITTEE A tea and musical afternoon, under the auspices of the Deac- oness'ommittee of the United Church has been arranged for Thursday of next week, October 4th, in the United Church. The proceeds of the affair will be used for community purposes. The programme and directing is in the hands of Mrs. P. EVait. TA YLOR-ilATH ESON ilARRIAGE At the quaint little church of St. Francis in the iVood, Caul- feild, Miss Betty Matheson, sec- ond daughter of iIr. and ~Irs. Mackenzie Matheson, became the bride of ilr. Bridgman Taylor of San Francisco, son of ilajor and Mrs. T. E. L. Taylor of Van- couver, last Saturday evening. The church was beautifully dec- orated for the quiet ceremony, N;hich was attended by a small group of friends, and later a re- ception was held at the Shaugh- nessy Heights home of the bride's parents, which was at- tended by others. The bride divas given away by her father, and wore a modish ensemble of navy blue wool crepe trimmed with bands which in- troduced red, blue and green. iVith this divas worn a close-fit- ting little hat of blue felt, and she carried a bouquet of siveet- heart roses and gladioli. bliss Helen iIatheson, her sister and only attendant, was also in a navy blue ensemble. with close-fitting sports hat, and she carried ping roses. iiIr, Ralph Shaw was the best man. 51r. and Mrs. Taylor left for San Francisco following the re- ception. UNITED IVOiIEN'S iIEETING The EVomen's Association of the United Church will hold its regular meeting next Tuesday, October 2nd, in the Church Hall, starting at 2.15 p. m. MARE l~E GROCERY 22nd and IIarine ALLISON, Prop. PHONE %VEST 96 Specials for This Week Aylmer Soups, all kinds..... 10c Quick Quaker Oats ..--..-- 2~c Cho&ce Tomatoes 'arge tins 23c Cocoa-- Fry's or Bakers, 4-Ib tin........................ 27c Pumpkin, large tins............ 15c Sugar . 10 lbs. 63c Prompt Delivery .. Y...I.VA.. ~Iember of the B. C. Mining and Stock Exchange Stocks RcR1 Estate ~suraace aad Loaas Orders promptly and efficiently executed. 579 Dunsmuir St.. Vancouver I'hone Seymour Ssgg Pitman Business Qogege i ancouier s I~adlng Busln~ College IN I) I VI DUA I ATTENTION DAY AND FIGHT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL I'OUR NIGHTS EACH iVEEE Students may enrol at any time 422 ltICHAI(DS STltEKI'At Hastings) I'HONE SEY~IOt It 9133 Cc3.. Co.. A,NNOUNC:EMENT Ferguson Motor Transfer Have taken over the ivhole delivery of The Pembina Sootless Coal for Greater Vancouver, and have added three more trucks to their fleet. Seven Trucks st vour service Phone Seymour 6217 or )Vest 85. gpss St - ~ ardor~Q AiSS ~ 2: ~ = Ij C'i„"=if'. :~ l QAQTI~HAT NCBUSTLE ~OmeRS e '-1 ii 'p -, eVc. '- ~ ~ j~ )A~ Refinery of the Home Oil Distributors Li of Surra rd tn le t A 100 per cent. mited, North Shore Canadian Industry I ~J ~ v~- ~Q ~Q g&II' ~ ~ ~ HOGTIE, OIL DISTRIBUT(1Rli l. I D. psoo&l f Rc 547 Burrsrd sr o)& f s & II& Iil&% \ a n owi~ i g g ii Q. T HE light vaporizinp constituentsand the heavier ~uitaining con- stituents in Home Gas are secured in correct proportions by fractionation --a patented process used hi flome Oil Distributors Limited Fractiona- tion assure» the maximum in popover, pickup ~nd perform a rice. sol D TIIRAl till lg DF.PE%i'0 ENT DEA LF.RS Theres no Gas lihe