West Van. News (West Vancouver), 28 Sep 1928, p. 8

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001C95E9 Graham Wafers, large packets 17c Fels Naptha Soap...... 3 for 21c B. C. Icing Sugar.......... 3 lbs. 25c gs-lb cack s2.25 .....24-lb sack $ 1.15 FIOnr J .. "-a mek ssc Shredded Wheat, per pkt........ 10c Shelled iWalnuts (new) lb........ 35c Silver Gloss Starch.... 2 pkts. 23c Squirrel Brand Peanut Butter per lb...................................... 15c Servus Green Beans (new pack) --.................................. 3 tins 50c Prompt Delivery ~ a . r c ARE ARMED TO WAGE A FI&HV ~ FOR THE HEATS WE a KHO RIGHT! Government Inspected hIeat D. ROBERTS, Prop. Next to Figgly Wiggly Saturday Extra Special All Week Specials No. 1 NEW ZEALAND BUTTER .............. 3 lbs. $ 1.35 Pork Legs (fores) ~ per lb .... 20c Boiling Fowl, per lb................ 26c Shoulders Spring Lamb, lb......25c 100 lb. sk. Highland Potatoes $ 1.30 Salmon, by the piece, per lb.... 17c &IONDAY Pure Lard in 1 lb. pkg............. 18c Hedlund's Sandwich Spread, Regular 15c per tin, for....... 10c TUESDAY hfinced Steaks, per lb ........... 13c Fresh Tripe............ 3 lbs. 25c N EDNESDAY Fresh Liver, per lb.... .. 12c Bacon, sliced, per lb .................. 40c THURSDAY Shoulder Steaks............ 2 lbs. 35c PRlillE STEER BEEF Boiling Beef, per lb.................. 12cPot Roast, lb from................... 13c Oven Roast, lb, from........... 17c Rolled Rib Roast, lb.......... 25c Rump Roast, lb........................ 25c Hamburg Steak, lb................. 15c LOCAL SPRING LAi&IB Legs, per lb.....,..........-- --------.. 36c Loins, per lb............................ 38cRib and Breast lb.................. 25c Shoulders, 1b ............................... 25c Local EGGS -- EGGS, Local New Laid Pulletts, per dozen................ 40cFirst, per dozen ........................ 46cExtras, per dozen .................... 48c New Zealand Butter.... 3 lbs. $ 1.39Lard, 1 1b pkg.......................... 20c Side Bacon, sliced, lb............... 45cBack Bacon. sliced, lb............... 45cAyrshire Bacon, sliced, 1b....... 35cCottage Ham, sliced, lb........... 35c Pure Pork Sausages, lb........... 25cCambridge Sausage, ........ 2 lbs. 25c Smith 's I~rocery AVe Delirer A. IIARVEY SMITH, Prop. 24th AND hIARINE, Opp. Dundarave Hall. I'hona IVEST 469 CHAIN RED AN9 WHITE STORE SPECIALS--Friday and Saturday THE AVEST VAN NEAVS Building Permits Ten building permits have been issued this month for a tot- al of $6,900. Particulars are as follows.'&vellings John 4V. Carr, Gth anti AIathers ..................... g 4pp F. Kinnemont, 14th anti Haywood ..................... 2,750 C. 3I. Sinclair, Whytecliff 1,000 Additions A iM Cooke, 12th «nd Duchess ....................... 500 R. H. Simmo»ds. Kings Ave............................. G00 H. A. Eager, 22nd and Fulton .......................... 250 Anne W. Brine, 15th and Bellevue ........................ 500 Geo. Clarke, 29th and DIathers..................... 500 Garages J. ill. Sinclair, 19th and Duchess .................. 250 F. Buscombe, Caulfeild .... 150 $6,900 NET I)ROADCAST COilIPANY TO IAIPROVE RADIO PROGRADIS The Trans-Canada Broadcast Company is a new organisation just formed ivith the object of improving the quality of domes- tic radio programs. It is a na- tional chain broadcast organisa- tion, and mill be divicled into two sections with key stations at )Vinnipeg and Toronto. Stations at Vancouver, Edmonton, Leth- bridge, Saskatoon and Regina will make up the western sec- tion, while the eastern stations will be located at Montreal, Ot- tawa, Hamilton, Kingston, Que- bec and London. It is expected that the company, the formation of which represents a suggestion of P. J. A. Cardin, minister of marine and fisheries, will start operations shortly. AVORK STARTED ON PROVINCIAL CENSUS W. F. Pochin, secretary of the )Vrigley Directories Ltd., an- nounces that a start has been made in the provincial census. A crew of men has been sent to Keloivna to stait work. That town will have the first census under the arrangement whereby the wrigley company has been authorized to take a census in co-operation with the cities and towns under the municipal act's provisions. Un-organized dis- tricts will not be included in the census. The census is not compulsory and cities or towns that do not wish it need not have it. September 28 1928 )f'.:.( .:.l:& S:.t". A. LOCAL FRESH KILLED BOILIN'G FOWL ~ 75c. Average weight 31bs. Next to IIolly burn Theatre I'IIONE IVEST 3 Closed Thursday at 1 o'lock iVE DELIVER TNf. MAN WHO WING &EST SHow Soet h9EKO-- HAVE LOYAL OV PEP BUT ~Ln'tLE (-"-REED y &y(9ILII&l///$g4 ~/Zj~ C There s lots of speed but not a particle of greed in our busi- ness make-up. LVe just keep hustling from morn till night in an effort to please our patrons. As to how well we have suc- ceeded they will assure you that they are perfectly satisfied. I ICOSI; lt'I 'll:I:IIII.VIs,', balll 'III:Ili 'l,'I. 15th and hlarine LIAIITED Phone West 115 .V.. 0 I I eg:O,02l. I on First 5Iortgage at current rates. Let us finance the building of your new home in West Van- couver. London & British North America Co., Ltd. hIortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents. 626 Pender Street West Phone Sey. 6285 Local Representative;--F. X. Hodgson, )Vest 665R C NGE OF SCHEDULE The pacific Great Eastern Railway Company Now Effective The train service between North Vancouver and Whytecliff will be: 'j AVEEK DA YS Leave 1:40 p. m., Leave p. m., 4:50 Leave Leave Leave Leave North Vancouver for AVh ytecliff 7:00 a. m., 9:00 a. m.,4:00 p. m., 5:40 p. m. IWhytecliff for North Vancouver 7:50 a.m., 9:50 a. m., 2:30 p. m„G:30 p. m. North Vancouver for Altamont 11:20 a. m., 3:18 p. m. Altamont for North Vancouver 11:40 a. m„3:38 p. m. North Vancouver for Pemberton Ave., 6:40 a. m. Pemberton Ave. for North Vancouver 6:49 a.m. OUR hl EATS have a superior tentlerness -- flavor -- that' what counts. Try our meats just once and you ll be convincecl. %'1'W'+~'"i "q y'1 '&~ '1T'1 « iJi i! s i 4 I ,,L.. FRIDAY Haddies, per lb. =............ 16c Salmon, by the piece, per lb........ 15c HE FINEST OUVE RATEH. TS FLAVOR CANT BE SE'ATE N. Robert's Better Meats Our Sausages are as famous as our Ham. Hoome-made from finest in- gredients by our own private recipe. Pork Sausages, per lb............ 30c Beef Sausages, per lb........... 15c JUST SAY ROBERTS')etter Sausage Daily delivery to all parts. Weal: "='0 Eating Apples .............. 5 lbs. 25cField Tomatoes................ 6 lbs. 25cPotatoes ........................ 13 lbs. 25c THE NARROWS ROADHOUSE WANTS TO RE-OPEN After a lengthy debate North Vancouver district council AVed- nesday night decided toinvite AV. Cooke to appear before a special committee consisting of Reeve J. M. Fromme and Councillors Marshall, EVoods and Dennis, for interrogation regarding his ap- plication for a license to reopen "The Narrows" roadhouse. Several councillors contended that as the roadhouse had caused considerable trouble in the past careful investigation should be made before granting a license to anyone. A Kitchen 5Ieeting Doctor: "I am afraid your hus- band is dead, Mrs. Larsenf" Mr. Larsen: "I am not." Mrs. Larsen: "Hush, dear. The doctor knows better than you!" Student (being arrested).-- But, officer, I'm a student. Officer--Ignorance is no ex- cuse. ~Vorse Than Ever. "Did that patent medicine you bought cure your aunt 7" "Mercy, no! On reading the circular that was wrapped a- round the bottle she got two more diseases." The meeting of the kitchen brigade was called to order at 8 o'lock, Cane Bottom being in the chair. The kitchen clock kept the minutes of the meet- ing. There was quite a stir in the cake batter when the broom swept into the kitchen. The corn divas all ears and the potatoes all eyes. The question before the house was whether to give the ironing board or not? The flour said that with the aid of the milk and water delegation, it would furnish the dough. The bread got crusty, and said itwasn't fair. That made the stove hot, and the fire roaring about it. The kettle was just boiling over, too. Just then the cook came in. She beat the eggs and whipped the cream. The match- es flared up, and went out, the butter ran, the vinegar looked sour, and even the kitchen win- dow wore a paneful look. Ach Louie, such a business wat nef- fer was. SASjI, DOO.(S G..ASS anc AND GLAZ. b~G ,Interior .'inis.& OF AI L KINDS BUFFETS, KITCHEN CUP-BOARDS, DRA)VERS-- JOBBING and ALTERATION of all kinds. No Job too small, and none too large. EVork Guaranteed and Prices Right. Keep your work here ancl help AVest Vancouver grow. 8 I 'll;I I!s ( I'.,Ill.'III:II! I' ll. i,",I:. 5IARINE DRIVE AT 16th STREET Fhone liVest 199 Illustrated folder and further information may be obtained at P.G.E. Station, Lonsdale Ave., 'Phone North 300. I |