001C95E1 September 21, 1928. THE 4UEST VAN NEREUS Only I'art of It. Fred, six, in school his first day, was asked by his teacher what his father's occupation w'as. Fred did not know, so the teacher told him to find out and tell her next day. That nigh: Fred's mother explained to him that his daddy was a telegrapher. Next day Fred told his teacher his daddy was some kind of "grafter." He could i't remernter th whole word COR R ESPON DE%i'C E Editor IVest Van News- t~ I understand that the idea cf making an addition to the Paul- ine Johnson school is being ent- ertained. If the idea is still in its preliminary stage, I shnulc& like to suggest that it should in- clude the auditorium ivhich has always been a part of the final scheme. The ordinary school class-room is a good place fnr small meetings add ressecl by speakers with no particular strength of voice. It is too small, hoivever, for general school announcements or for favell-attended meetings of a Par- ent-Teacher Association; and its desks are not always comfort- able for adults, There is also the rather serious objection that the books and papers of the pupils in the shelves under the desks are apt to get upset; and anyone who can carry his mind back to his own school days can recall cases of boys getting into trouble from circumstances which ivere no fault of theirs, a- rising out of this very case. There is another aspect of the question. Now that singing has been made a matter of special provision by the trustees, it is very desirable to have a room iri any large school in which the pupils of several rooms can be assembled for musical drill, es- pecially in the more advanced stages. I am not one of those who believe in musical competi- tions; but there is a great dif- ference between providing fac- ilities for training teams of sing- ers and providing the means for taking full advantage of com- munity singing in the schools as a hygienic and aesthetic exercise of substantial value. The question of what the people can be persuaded to vote for must inevitably govern the actions of the trustees in the matter; but it should not be im- possible to ivork up public sup- port in advance for the complet- ed school if ive stick to discus- sion on practical lines and leave rhetoric out of account. Yours truly, J. PORTER. The Q est Van Neivs Dear Sirs:--We appreciate the AVest Van News very much. The articles on Gardens and Garden- ing by ~Iina G. Hutt, we find very helpful. After reading the results of the Horticultural Fxhibition, we feel sure that the soil here in West l ancouver must be especi- ally good. EVe ar newcomers, so this is our first season of digging up stones. But one thing we feel quite prourl of is our tomatoes. It was quite interesting to us to read of the growth of one vine belonging to IIr. ~fcNair, 147 tomatoes. Being quite interest- ed in this, we counted one of our vines, and found to our surprise no less than 225 tomatoes. Thinking this might be inter- esting to you, also ivanting to tell you, that we feel greatly en- couraged to k ep digging aivay at the stones. Thanking you for all the help the IVest Van Neivs contains. AIRS. 4U. TINNEY. Only Temporary "Hullo, William, old bean, &vhat are you doing at the sea- side all alone? I thought your ivedding was coming oà this week." "Yes, so it was, but it's been postponed for a bit." "I say, I am sorry. Hope the little gir] isn't ill or anything." "Oh, no. She married another fellow." THE FLEA Mistress (just returned from a shopping trip): "Did anyone call dur- ing my absence, BridgctT" Bridget: "Only a commitay o'adies, ma'am, but Oi sint thim oN wi' flea in their ears!" hfistress (greatly perturbed): "Oh, my. iVhat did you say to them and why?" Bridget: "Sure, an'hey said they called t'ollect money t'uy coal E'r th'hurch, an'i to@id thim ye may look simple but yes're no fool, f'r well ye know th'hurch is h'atcd by stame!" Let Us Get the 'Champion." Dear Editor West Van News, IVe read with great pleasure about the many happy growers of tomatoes on page 3 of your paper last iveek and would sug- gest that hfr. 3ilcNair and the others would tell us their biggest counting on one single plant. If you ivill come to ilfr. Bulk- leys'arden we ivill show you 160 on one plant. Congratulations to you Mr. ihfcNair, we have others well laden too, so we think it must have been an exceptional year for them. Thanking you Mr. Editor, your truly, G. BULKLEY. Putting the horse before the cart has now been changed to "quart before the hearse" by ob- liging bootleggers. "Papa, the preacher was here to lunch today." "You don't say so!" "Yep, and he swore about mamma's cooking the same as you do, only hc bowed his head and held his hands over his eyes." A keen-eyed mountaineer led his overgrown son into a country school- house. "This here boy's arter lcarnin'," he announced. "iVhat's yer bill o'are v" "Our curriculum, sir," corrected the school master, "embraces geography, arithmetic, trigonometry--" "That'l do," interrupted the father. "That'l do. Load his up well with the triggcrnomctry. He's the only poor shot in the family." MorIern Homes We have some specially good buys in new modern houses which we can sell on easy terms. GEO. HAY Notary I'ublic 1405 hfarine Drive Off'ce Phone West 21 or Scy. 1260 Residence Phone iV. 32R or iV. 204X O'EST VANCOUVER HOARD OF SCHOOIi TRUSTEE& !~, r'gi 5 %'ill start on Tuesday, October 2nd. The Board of School Trustees is prepared to institute night classes during the ivinter months in the following or any other subjects, provided sufficient applications are received: iVOODQ'ORK IN 0 DR ESSillAK ING SHORTHAND 4 TYPEWRITING HOOK-KEEPING BASKETRY i&I I I.I.IN ERY A minimum number of ten is required to form a class in any one subject, and all applications for enrollment are to be in the hands of the Secretary by 5 p. m. on Friday, September 28th, 1928. R. P. Clark E. Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. SEASIDE RESIDENTIAL HOhlE site, beautifully situated with mag- nificent view, extra large area G5x ~150 feet. Real Bargain. Sound investment. $ 1850 on terms. CONSULT US for iVaterfront, Home- sites, Acreage, Investments, Insur- ance and Loans. Insurance in all its branches. R. P. Clark 4 Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. 823 Hastings St. iV. Sey. 7483, 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCIIER, iVest 225. LAND ACTH. B. GARLAND, Secretary Board of School Trustees. Notice of Intention to apply to I'urchase Land. Groceries - ....ar(.ware - .. aints Now is the time to fix leaky Roofs and see to Stove pipes, Broken windows, etc. EVe have the material. SPECIAL - BROOMS Five String Corn Brooms ......................... 49c Rot a cheap broom, but a good broom, cheap. ROGERS GOLDEN SYRUP, 2 lb. Tin .. EAGLE BRAiND ~IILK, per tin.. NABOB TEA, lb. pkt.. NABOB COFFEE, lb. Tin............ SN'IFT'S CLASSIC CLEANSER .. EVA PORATED 3 II LK, all kinds... .. 18c 20c ,. 65c 65c . 3 Tins 25c .. 3 Tins 33c I ~ &-- Phone West ' Ambleside FREE DELIVERY CLASSIFIED ADS ADULT STUDENT--i%ants piano to hire. Greatest care. References. Phone %Vest 209R. FORTUNE CUI'NN--Suites to rent furnace heated, also rooms for boarders. ROOif AaiD BOARD offered young lady ot young man. Terms reason- able. Phone iVest 92Y1. WOiIAN iVANTS iVORK -- hfrs. Busst, West 98L3. IA)ST--Small collie pup from Raw- kins Boathouse. Phone West 3501 FOIC RENT -- Three Room Modern cottage. Furnished. 24th and Hay- wood; $ 18 month. Phone West 311 R'7. FURNITURE FOR SALE--Kitchen Range. IIeatcr, Dressing Table, kitchen Table and Chairs. Dining Room Table and Chairs. Apply Miss Clay, 14th and Clyde after 7 p. m. REI.IABLE GIRL iVANTED--From 8 to 6 to look after boy 24 years and assist with light housework. No washing, no Sunday work. Mrs. Shaw, corner Duchess and 16th. Phone %Vest 656L. ROOif AND BOARI) OFFERED-- Suitable for ladies or gentlemen. Home comforts and good cooting. 2061 Esquimalt. ATTRACTIVE hfODERN BUNGA- LOiV, open fireplace, two bedrooms, For Rent. waterfront at Dundar- ave. Low rent to good tenant. Phone West 413L after 7 p.m. CLOSING OUT SALE at the Candy Box, hfarine Drive, next week, all stock as well as tables, chairs, fix- tures and small lean-to will be sold. I'EIIFECTION COOK STOVE For sale--Nearly new. Phone West 92Y1 iVANTED--Competent woman nr girl for general housekeeping work. Two adults and one child. Phone West 164 R3. TH AT LITTI.E JOB -- Gardening, Rock iVotk, Rustic iVork, Lawns, Pruning, Spraying, Concrete Paths, Drives, etc. Fencing, Rough Car- pe ntery, Painting and Kalsomin- ing. Repairs of all kinds. Saws sharpened. Phone iVest 172X1. STORES in Ambleside Block for rent from $ 1G per month. Immediate possession. Apply Geo. Hay, phone iVest 21. CABINET ifAKER--A Oliver, 15th and Waterfront. Repair work done. Cedar chests from $ 16. FOR SALF~A saddle pony (mate). Apply Ambleside Tea Rooms 80% ii %%TED--% ith brc& cle for Grocery store. Full time. Apply,"Grocer," c'o West Van News. HEifSTITCH IN G--I'lain white Sc yard; silk and colored 10c yard. Pearce's Dr ygoods, 14 th S tract and Marine. Phone West 144. SIX CLINDER OVEIILAND COACH 1925, $500. H. C. Osborne. West 628Y. CHICKEN DINNER on Sunday'0c. at Lunn's Cafe. iIODERN BUNGALOW FOR RENT $30. Five large rooms: Lot 132x132 Garage. newly decorated. corner hfathers and 25th, on Bus line. Ap- ply, B. R. Harrison or any iVest Van Real Estate Agent. NEiVhfAN 8. ROBBINS -- Builders and Contractors--Painting, paper- hanging and kalsomining, chimneys built. 28th and hfarine. Phone %Vest 74R1. HEATER WANTED--To burn coal or wood. ifust be in good condition. Particulars to "Heater," c',o West Van News. W. JENVEY, Builder, Cabinet iVork oE all kinds. Phone West 34GL. LO iSDALE SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING ACADEMY, hfa- sonic Temple Building. Phone North 1056. We advance you rapid- ly. ELECTRIC LIG HTI5 G iViring ifot- ors, Electric and Battery Radio Sets and Supplies. North Shore Electric. Phone 1540 Lonsdale Ave., North 79.BATTERIES TESTED, Rented, Re- charged and Repaired by experienc- ed Battery man. The New Battery House next West Van. Garage. City Prices. FOUN DATION, CEil FYfT iVORK, Landscaping Lawns made Grading and Clearing T Barnott Resid ence Phone iVest 6?'iR. SEiVING iVANTED -- Ladies'nd Children's work. Mrs. Bloxham, Phone iVest 226. LAND ACT iVEBB'S SHOE REI'AIRS iVEAR BEST--Dundarave. Notice of Intention to apply toPurchase Land. iVEST VANCOUVER HOARD OF SCIIOOI TRUSTEES NOTICE is hereby given that The NEXT REGULAR illEETING of &e )oar( O'. Scioo .rus1tees will be held on Friday, September 28th at 7.30 p.m. Owing to the members of the Board being at Penticton attending the Aiinual Convention of the B. C. School Ti'ustees Association the meeting cannot be held on the regular night that iveek. In Net Westminster Land Record- ing District of British Columbia and situate about Five Hundred feet iVcst of the entrance to Fisherman's Cove, Howe Sound. Take notice that Henry hfill.r I'nr- ry of Vancouver, occupation Fire ifarshal, intends to apply for permis- sion to purchase the following describ- ed lands:-- Commencing at a post planted on the S. E. Corner of a small Island about 500 feet iV. of the entrance to Fisherman's Cove, and about 800 Eeet, and in a ivcsterlv direction from the S. E. Cor. Post of D.L. 771, Group ], Ncw Westminster District, thence iVcst, thence North, thence East, thence South along Foreshore and a- bove lligh Water Mark to Point of Commence ment, «nd containing about «crc, more or loss. HENRY hflLLER PARRY, Dated August 25th, 1928. iVINI)OiV BLINDS-- ifade to order and installed. Est;mates free. Pearce's Drygoods. 14th Street and hfarine. Phone West 144. FOUR ROOif COTTAGE -- Water, Light, Phone, Garden, Fine view. Lot "Sx129; $850, terms. iV EST VA NCOU V ER IN VEST- il ENT COY. iVest 102. Ail BLESIDE )I ALL FOIL RFNT Applications for reservations oE the Ambleside Hall for the present may bc made to the agents. G EO. II A Y Notary Public 1405 hfarine Drive Phone iVest 21 In the Land Recording District of New Westminster and situate near Grace Harbour. Gambier Island. Take notice that I, Alfred Louis De)- amare, of iVest Vancouver, occupation Labourer, intends to apply for per- mission to purchase the following de- scribed lands:-- Comrnencing at a post planted at South East corner, aproximately 600 feet from South cornet of Lot 4~ D. L. 2768, Gambier Island, thence 245 feet to North East cornet; thence 40 feet to North West cornet; thence 250 feet to South iVest cornet; thence 50 feet to South East corner more or less, and containing 1|7 acre more or less. P U R POSE--To build a wall from said islet to Lot 42 opposite, 90 feet distant, for shelter; Secondly to beau- tify what is a bare rock. by planting trees thereon. ALFRED LOUlS DEI MIARE. Dated "9th August, 1928.