001C95E1 THE'EST VAN NEWS September 21, 1928, TIIE REXALL STOI(E Cut Rate Draags 1-1 more days till the big lc SALE. IVatch our xrindoivs. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS 60c Zam Buk ................. Ssc 25c Healing Ointment...... 16c 60c Pile Ointment .................... 33c 25c IVright's Coal Tar Soap.... 19c 60c Melba Vanishing Cream.... SGc 60c Cocoa Butter Cold Cream ... 49c S5c Golden Glint Shampoo Cin- derella ................................... 26c $ 1.00 93 Hair Tonic ............ 83c 35c Gentleman's Talcum....... 2lc $ 1.00 Van Ess ....................... 79c $ 1.00 Russian Oil, heavy...... 69c 60c Kotex ................................. 50c 60c Babs ........... 49c $ 1.00 Cod Livrr Oil.... .. 71c 60c Thermogene ............... 50c 35c writing Pads, line................ 2lc 10c Envelopes.................... 3 for 2lc 36c Chase's Linseed and Turp- entine ............. ............. 26c 25c C. B. Q.'s........... IGc 60c Robertson's Barley .... 43c r6c Kruschen Salts ........... 63c 25c Baby Borated Talc............ 16c 60c hiilk of hfagnesia, large.... 33c 36c Venos Cough Syrup... 23c 60c Vacuum Refills ............. Ilc ~ror Elephants'I-HE elephant, man's most intelligent helper, requires 500 & pounds of green food daily,which attendants must gather. A motor eats nothing but electricity, supplied at the throw of a smitch. Some day arash-tubs, old-fashioned irons, and the other household and industrial tools whose work can be done much better by motors will be exhibited in museums- along with stuffed elephants l Zkctriity is rs red economy in industry, on the fawn, and in &c honrc DJBTrsn CtN,IIMBDf I',l~ggggzgyargQ v~coUYEat VICTOEGA Phone North 345 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y BURRARD 8 IIel! . I) .cl Anything in Sheet hIetal Furnaces, Stores, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights Tar and Gravel Roofs, General Repairs of all kinds. 229 Lonsdale Ave. North Vancouver, B. C. HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON I'uneral Qirrclars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Play a game of 3 tables for ypur pleasure Q " ' ' ' 14th Street Right at the Railway Crossing Corporation of the District of )Vest Vancouver. '..'AX SA '.: will be held at MUNICIPAL HALL, HOI.I.YBURN, B.C., on AIONDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1928, at 10 o'lock a. m. Lists will be issued shortly and mailed on application. IVest Van. Agents C. P. It. Telegraphs and Can. Pac. Exp. igloney Order i'.esage i .~rug Store G. E. REID, hlanager Prescriptions Filled Hv Fully Qualified Druggist at City Prices New Building--Corner illarine and 14th. FAST DELIVERY NO ORDER IS TOO ShlALL WEST 323 CANADIAN I.EGION HOLD ylEETING The West Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion resumed their regular monthly meetings last Fi'iday in the Canadian Leg- y ion rooms, when there were pres- ent a larg:r number of comrades tha» at any which have so far been heltl since the branch was formed. Considerable routine business which had piled up dur- ing the summer recess was transacted and tentative ar- rangements made for the branch's social activities during the fall and winter. It was decided to hold a dance in Dundarave Hall on Friday 19th October, and it is hoped to put on other dances during the winter as well as some smokers. John Lawson and Captain C. J. Archer were appointed a com- mittee to act with the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., in the purchase and sale of poppies. The annual memorial service will be held at St. Stephen's Church on Sunday, 11th Novem- ber. The members of the branch will parade in a body to the morning service at 11.15 a. m., and will afterwards march to the Memorial Arch and deposit a wreath there. Robert Kinloch was admitted to membership in the bra»ch. Any other ex-service men resid- ent in the municipality who de- sii'e to become members will be welcomed, IIHmnn'Irs.O'. D. Colvin, 17th and Fulto», has returned home from an extended visit to Calgary, Al- berta, where she was called by the serious illness of her father, A. Blake. illr. Blake passed a- way last week. Mrs. Hairier, 15th and Esqui- malt, who is in Mrs. Davies'est home at 22nd a»d Bellevue, is much improved. Good Progress is being made with the construction of Marine Drive extension. The contract- ors are working from the Whyte- cliff end. bliss Dorothy Galloway, Van- couver, was a house guest of ilIrs. C. V. I»man, 14th a»d Ingle- wood, for the week end.t H. G. Ware retur»ed o» Fri- day to his home at 22nd and Lawso» from Salt Spri»g Island. C. Gray, who has lived for the past year at the new home he built on )Vest Beach, but who recently took up residence with his daughter in South Vancou- ver, has been seriously ill and in the Vancouver General Hospital. The visiting English school- girls, travelling across Canada under the auspices of the I.O.D. E., &vill visit Capilano a»d Whytecliff on Thursday. At Horseshoe Bay they will be the guests of the Girl Guides at tea. Mrs. L. M. Clement, 11th a»d Mathers, is expected home to- day from Bridge River, where she has been on a visit for the past three weeks. 5Iiss A. J. Agar of the High School staff, who was sick last week with tonsilitis, was back at her duties on Monday. Slr. and Mrs. Gardiner are hav- ing alterations made to their house at 15th and Esquimalt. Mr. and Mrs. 5IcNeill, Radcliff Avenue, AVest Bay, have moved to Vancouver. The West Vancouver Lumber Co. expect to occupy their new building at 15th and Marine Drive about the end of the week. 5Irs. Sword, mother of Mrs. Jones, of Horseshoe Bay, is ser- iously ill in the North Vancou- ver General Hospital. Wilfrid Hawkes, who has had another successful operation, is making good progress at the North Vancouver General Hosp- ital. Miss Phyllis Clifford of West »y, entertained at fou rtab]es of Bridge last Saturday. The fiiends of Mi Lewis pro prietor of the Red Mill at AVest Bay, will be glad to know that he is recovering from his sickness. Girls Choir Tomorrow The Girls Choir under Profes- sor J. 5I. Morga» will meet to- morrow morning at Hollyburn School. The practice starts at 10.15. The I. O. D. E. is arranging theii annual masquerade dance for Wednesday, October 24th. It will be held in the Hollyburn Pavi lion. Help boost the local Swimming Club by turning out to the first Annual Dance at Dundarave Hall on Saturday, September 29th. The funeral of L. Dashwood- Jones, who was killed by an auto on Marine Drive in North Van- couver last Sunday, took place on Wednesday from Harron Bros. and Williamson parlors at 2 p.m. to the Knights of Pythi- as cemetery, Mountain View. Rev. A. M. O'Donnell officiated. Jack Jacob of Vancouver spent last week end with the Grafton family at the Point Atkinson lighthouse. Mr and Mrs. J. H. Fletcher of the Hollyburn Theatre, are be- ing congratulated on the arrival of another son. The young man who weighed 9 lbs. arrived on Wednesday of last week at the Bute Stre'et Hospital. He will oin his brotherand sister at home next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie have bought the Southwell house at 24th and Haywood, and are mov- ing in at the end of the month Mrs. Smith, 14th and Gordo», wife of Captain D. Smith of the ferry staff, who entered the North Vancouver General Hosp- ital last Tuesday week, and was operated on the following day, is making splendid progress. It is expected that she will be able to return home next week. Percy Andrews, 18th and Ful- ton, is expected home shortly from the North Vancouver Ge»- eral Hospital, where he recently underwent an operation. The new M. and C. millinery store, located next door to the B. C. Electric, has now received a large shipment of fall hats, which range in price from $2.50 to $4. No hat in the store is priced higher than $4. Last Tuesday evening the 18th inst., a very happy and enjoy- able time was spent at the home of Mr. and 3lrs. Stuart Neville, 23rd and Marine Drive who are leaving West Vancouver to make their home in the city. During the evening musical numbers were enjoyed followed by whist. The prize winners being f!rst ladies, Mrs. Alex. Harvey; first gents, Mr. Stitt; consolation, Mrs. Arthur Garthorne and Mrs. Moncrieff. Dainty refreshments were served at the close of the evening. The invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. Stitt, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Garthorne, iAIr. and Mrs. Lance Garthorne, Mr. and Mrs. Moncrieff, Mr. and Mrs. Part- ridge, Mrs. Harvey, Mr. Alex. Harvey, Mrs. Dewar, Mr. and Mrs. Neville, Miss Blanche Ne- ville, Miss Winona Compton and Chuck Neville. Mrs. Gordon Robson, 3Irs. Col in McLean, Mrs. Harry McLean, Miss Villa McLean and Mrs. Jim ihlclntyre motored to Bellingham on )Vednesday, returning the same day. Mrs. Edgley, 20th and Gord- on, who has been slowly recov- ering from a serious illness, is now much improved. Mr. Nelson of Dundarave, is building a new house at 16th a»d Duchess. Mr. and Mrs. J. D A Tripp and their daughter have return- ed to Vancouver from their home in Caulfeild, where they have spent the summer months. CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD HEAR NAiWIE OF POST OFFICE The North Vancouver postal officials state that they are con- stantly receiving let ters not bearing the name of the post of- fice in West Vancouver to which they are to be forwarded. Ad- dresses such as '13th and Fulton, West Vancouver," or "2520 Mar- ine Drive, West Vancouver" only convey the information that they are )Vest Vancouver letters to the sorting clerk, who is not acquainted with the topography of our district. Any correspond- ence therefore, should be headed with the name of the post office wliere the reply is to be sent, whether the house and street number are included or not, in order that it may be sent to the proper post office here in the first place. Will probably advance in price before very long. BUY YOUR SUPPLY NOW FOR WINTER You'l Save Money. If you are MOVING Call us foi quick service. Reasonable prices. Careful work. Hobb Coal 8 Transfer (Bob Black) Phone West 17. (pP prg6 il,m( sf~ "From the Dairg tuith the Highest Score" 9 QUARTS for $ 1.00 Phone North 122 QF.AIgws~ on avzRY street XVERY IQQri liA -..+SO:8 V .S