001C95E1 O'EEI~ END EXTRA SPECIALS IN ',acies Si z ...ose in all wanted colors. ART SILK HOSE, per pair...............................,....... 49c PURE THREAD SILK HOSE, per pair................................ 89c SII.K TO THE TOP HOSE, Full fashioned, per pair.... $ 1.59 Big values in all lines of Dry Goods a»d ihlen's EVear a»d Children's Clothing. ~grigor's .'.~ry ~afoot s S:ore 1540 i&larine Drive, bet&veen 15th and 16th. THE WEST VAN NEIVS %Vest Vancouver Sible School Ambleside Hall, hInrine at 14th Sunday, September 23rd at 3 p,m. Iwnder MR. PERCY KING Subject: "TllE CohlhlANDER OF THE KliVGS Ol" TIIE EARTH." EVERYBODY iUELCOME Come to the Class on Sunday. A real welcome awaits you. NOTICE! Vocal Classes for Ladies STORE WILl. RF OPEN for business on SATURDAY hlORiVING, September 29th. Mrs. DRAPER HOhlE COOKING SPECIALIST 2435 hihRINE DRIVE Next Dundarave Hall. NOTE PHONE: West 368 Y01J ( 30)Y hlovements of the limbs call into play the co-ordinated services of thousands of nerves. The will to move and the power of motion alike depend upon these nerves. CH I ROP RACTI C QUILL H ELP YOU Phone IVest 383 Roberta A. Vass D.C., I'h. C. Graduate of Palmer School C H,J 1401.'AC "0 4 Next to Stratton Bakery Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver ".:Ile 1l~antry AIRS. F. X. HODGSON'S SINGING CLASSES O'ELL ATI'ENDED The ladies singing class organ- ized by Nrs. F. X. Hodgson, ivhich meets every Tuesday at 4 o'lock in Dundarave Hall, is becoming very popular and is growing in numbers each week. The features of the instruction at these classes include: How to produce a beautiful tone; EVhat causes hushed tones; How to breathe correctly; )Vhat is res- onance; How to obtain a pure pianissimo; How to overcome throat stiffness; Vowelization and pure diction. These points are not only explained but dem- onstrated clearly by Mrs. Hodg- son at her classes. Mrs. Hodg- son's ability as a ginger and teacher is generally recognized throughout the province. J. S. Bragg, a minister of ad- ministration for the Australian Government, was a .visitor in )Vest Vancouver this week, the guest of Syd Cross, 14th and Esquimalt. Mr. Bragg, who has extensive coal interests in the Commonwealth, left on AVednes- day on "the Niagara" for Aus- tralia. The more a man.really knows, the more willing he is to be taught some- thing else. PROFESSOR 51ORGAN OPENS EVENING SINGING CLASS FOR LADIES Professor James II I. Morgan announces the opening of a sing- ing class for ladies in the Holly- burn School. The class will meet each wednesday night at 8 o'- clock, instruction being given in solo, ensemble, breathing, part singing, phrasing, rhythm, and diction. Professor Morgan has done much in musical circles and has an enviable reputation as an in- structor. West. Vancouver has long felt the need of facilities for person- al vocal lessons at a reasonable price and the opportunity af- forded by 51rs. F. X. Hodgson's class in the afternoon and Pro- fessor Morgan's class in the eve- ning will fill this want in an ad- mirable way. Jack Fleming, aged 14, of Van- couver, had the misfortune to fall and break his arm while camping at Horseshoe Bay last Saturday. He was taken to the North Vancouver General Hos- pital. "Oh, Tommy, how did you ever get such a black eye?" "Because I did not choose to run, mother." HOT hlEALS SERVED Try our Home Cooked Products for your home supply. HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16th E: Marine EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH Proprie.or Gladys--"He's so romantic. When- ever he speaks to me he always says: 'Fair Lady'." Edward--"Oh, that's a force of habit. He used to be a street-car con- ductor." Prospective Employer -- "But can you get up in the morning?" Maid Applicant--"Can I? AVhy, in my last place, I used to be up and have all the beds made before any- one else was up. THE '~Pest Fan Nees'ublished Every Friday H. HODGSON and F.F.LOVEGROVE Publishers Phones: Next Tuesday night at Dundar- ave Hall, Miss Anne Ritchie will give a farewell recital. She will be assisted by the McIn tyre Quarfette and Miss Margaret McIntyre will act as accompan- ist. iAIiss Ritchie has been a resi- dent of West Vancouver for sev- eral years during which time she has been actively engaged in the musical activities of the district. Her reputation as a soprano solo- ist started in West Vancouver, but it has already extended to outside limits. This artist's am- bitions now carry her to larger centers and she is preparing for a wider audience by going to Chicago and New York to study under some of the outstanding teachers of those cities. It is quite possible that she will ex- tend her studies in some of the musical centers of Europe with the probability of being away from AVest Vancouver for a con- siderable time. The recital next Tuesday wiIl give her friends and the general music loving public of )Vest Van- couver an opportunity not only of showing their appreciation of Miss Ritchie as an artist but also of their good wishes for her per- sonally. The evening's programme is as follows: SELECTIONS from "La Boheme................................ McINTYRE QUARTETTE ..........Puccini (a) Plaisir d'amour .................................................................. Martini ( b) E le gieelle ............. -- ..............- - .... " ............. hfasscaict (c) Bonjour Suzon ........................................................................... Thome ANNE RITCHIE One Fine Day--"h!adame Butterfly" ................, ANNE RITCHIE Puccini (a) Eritok .........................-......-...-.......-- - . ---....-""-----.--""---"- G g............. Grieg (b) To a Wood Violet .................................................................... Felton (c) Maschka .................. Haersche McINTYRE QUARTETTE West 363 West 412L (a) Irish Folk Song................................................................ A. Foote (b) The Kerry Dance ................................................................... hlolloy (c) The Lass IVith the Delicate Air ............................................... Arne ANNE RITCEIIE Business and Editorial Offica'. 1361 Marina Driva Mail Address: P. O. Box 101, Hollyburn, B. C. (a) Adagietto L'Arlesienne Suite-Bizet (b) Air Russe .............................................................................. Chaminade McINTYRE QUARTETTE (a) Turn Ye To Me......................... ,..............J. K. Lees (b) AUithin a Mile .......................................................................... J. Hooks (c) Comin'hro'he Rye ...................................................... J. K. Lees ANNE RITCHIE $1.00 a year by mail or carrier, News stands 6c per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION Pace, Pace, mio Dio................................."....."- --.----.----" (From "La Forza del Destino) ANNE RITCHIE God Save the King. ............... Verdi Anne Ritchie's Farewell Recital Next Tuesday WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CII U lK'H EDIFICE 20th and Esquimnlt, Hollyburn Sunday Services 11.SO a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Subject September 23rd "REA LITY" Sunday School at 1000 a m Testimony Meeting IVednesday at 8.16 p. m, United Church 21st street near Alai&ne 51inister, Rev. A. III. O'Donnell Lord's Day Services. 10.00 a. m.--Sunday School. 11.15 a. m.--Morning worship 7.15 p. m.--Evening )Vorship. The Annual Harvest Home Services will be held in the Un- ited Church next Sunday at both services. The morning message will be "The Joy of the Harvest Home." The old-time Harvest Hymns will be sung and special music rendered by the choir. The evening service will be given over entirely to Thanks- giving and praise with a brief message on "EVhy We Should be Thankful." A Feast of song will be given by the choir under the lead-rship of Professor Morgan and assisted by friends from the city. The Church will be decorated with fruits, flowers, vegetables, grains and other seasonable of- ferings. After the services these articles will be distributed to the sick and needy by the Deaconess Society. The members, friends and ad- herents of the congregation are invited to co-operate by their presence in making this a real community Thanksgiving. AVe all have much for which to thank God. "The most Christly life is one which is keyed to the note of praise and thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is possible only to those who have time to re- member. No man can give thanks who has a short mem- ory." Special Music at Harvest Ser- vices, Sunday, Sept. 23rd. Sunday hlorning Anthem: "0 Lord How Mani- fold," Barnby. Sunday Evening. Anthem: "0 Taste and See," Goss. Quartet te: Mesdames Watt and Howieson, Alessrs. Johnston and Addy. Solo: "Psalm of Thanksgiv- ing," Alliston; Mr. A. J. Addy. Anthem: "Praise AVaiteth for Thee," Goss. Duet: "Love Divine," Stainer; Mrs. Colin McLean and Mr. Stu- art Neville. Anthem: "0 Be Joyful," Gar- rett. Solo: "Come unto Me," Har- riss; Mr. Sydney Hollis. Solo: "0 for the Wings of a Dove," Mendelsohn; Miss Anne Ritchie. Anthem: "Break forth into Joy," Barnicott. Duet: Watchman, AVhat of the Night?" Sargeant; Mr. Syd- ney Hollis and Nr. A. J. Addy. Anthem: "Abide With Me," Thompson. Organist: Mr. J. Haydn Young.. Pianist: Mrs. J. E. Durbin. Conductor: Professor J. M. Morgan. The regular monthly meeting of the AVomen's Alissionary So- ciety was held in the Church Hall last Tuesday afternoon. This proved to be one of the most interesting meetings of the year. The President, Mrs. W. Herrin, led the meeting. Scripture was read by Nrs. Law- son'nd Mrs. Nerrick. Dr. Mar- garet wallace, a medical mis- sionary from India gave an int- September 21, 1928. l '.W 'A . -A"S I can save you money, IVhy spend more? A NET SkIIPi~lEiVT OF FALL HATS JUST Al 1V; Prices from !l2.50 fo h4 N one h ig1& er C. & M. STORE Next B.C. Electric 05ce. cresting address on "The Pro- ducts of the Mission School," which showed the wonderful work being carried on by our )Vomen's Missions in India. A ~veek from next Sunday the Congregational Rally Day ser- vice will be held. A special morning service will be held for the children of the Sunday School and their parents. A young people's rally will be held in the evening in which a num-bei'f young people will take part. A number of the boys of the Sunday School will take part to- morrow afternoon in the Sunday School Track and Field meet to be held at Brockton Point. A Juvenile and Junior Foot- ball team will be entered in the Sunday School Football league. Edward Hindmarsh, Reginald Hamilton, Bruce Hamilton, Gor- don Keith and David Keith rep- resented the United Church at the Great Young People's Rally held in St. Giles Church last IIIonday evening. St. Stephen's Church Trinity 16 (Sept. 23). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a m --Sunday School and Bible Class. 11.15 a. m.--Morning Prayer. 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. The preacher Sunday evening will be the Rev. EI. H. Jackson, rector of St. George's Church. The annual Harvest Festival will be held Sunday, September 30th, to be followed by the Har- vest Supper Monday evening in the Parish Hall. The re-organization meeting of the Anglican Young People' Association will be Iheld next Tuesday in the Parish Hall at 8.15 p. m. At the Track 8: Field meet to be held September 22nd and 29th at Brockton Point the Sunday School will be represented by a strong team and wil] make every effort to hold the Allan Cup which has been won by St. Stephen's for the past two years. .baptist C.sure.& 15th and Duchess Rev. Da'vid Long, Pastor. Sunday School 10 a m Church Service, 11 a.m. AVeekly prayer service eacli M'ednesday at 7.30 p. m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High 5Iass 1030 a m Benediction, 7.30 p. m. AVeek Days--Mass 8 a.m. Help boost the local Ssvimming Club by turning out to )he first Annual Dance at Dundara&e Hall on Saturday, September 29th.