001C95D8 September 14, 1928. HORTICUI TURAL EXHIBITION IS BIG SUCCESS (Continued from Page 1) Roses Collection roses--Mrs. C. Don- ohoo. Best bowl roses--hfrs. A. H. Albin. Best bouquet Aoe ers--1st, hfrs. Barrow; 2nd, hfiss Bolton; 3rd, &lrs. Masterman. Best arranged bowl of nas- turtium--1st, hfrs. hfasterman; 2nd, hIrs. C. Donohoe. Dahlias, cactus -- 1st, ihf iss Simpson; 2nd, hfiss Harrop. Dahlias, decorative-- 1st, hfiss Harrop; 2nd, hfiss Simpson. Dahlias, show--1st, hfrs. Gris- dale; 2nd, hfrs. Collinson. Dahlias, single--hfrs. T. Gray. Dahlias, collarette--1st, ihIiss Harrop; 2nd, hfrs. Grisdale. Dah)ias, pompom--hIrs. Gris- dale. Display dahlias--1st, hfrs. Blair; 2nd, Mrs. Rehberger. Collection lilies--1st, hfrs. P. E. Bill; 2nd, AIrs. Gisby. Asters, G dig'erent colors- 1st, hl rs. D. hIc Donald; 2nd, Mrs. H. P. Allen. Gladioli--1:t, Mrs. F. A. Cul- bard; 2nd, hfrs. R. B. Rhodes. Phlox -- 1st, Mrs. R. B. Rhodes; 2nd, AIrs. P. E. Bill. ihfarigold, 3 varieties--1st, Mrs. Salter; 2nd, Mrs. R. B. Rhodes. Michaelmas daisies -- Mrs. Rs B. Rhodes. Chrysanthemums -- 1st, Mrs. R. B. Rhodes; 2nd, AIrs. T. Gray.~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ Delphiniums--Mrs. Albin. Annuals--1st, Mrs. R. B. Rhodes; 2nd, AIrs. Masterman. Perennials, 10 varieties--1st, Mrs. R. B. Rhodes; 2nd, AIrs. Albin. Collection Zinnias--1st, Mrs. A. Henderson; 2nd, Mrs. Blair. --1st, F. Hadwin; 2nd, Mrs. Blair. Fruits Best plate apples, Wealthy- 1st, Miss McEwen; 2nd, Mrs. G. F, Hodgson. Apples, Gravenstein--hfrs. R. Reid. Apples, Duchess of Oldenburg --1st, Mrs. F. Hadwin; 2nd, hfrs. Lefeauz. Crab apples--1st, hfrs. Le- feaux; 2nd, hIrs. G. Lloyd. Best plate apples, any other variety--1st, Mrs. Blair; 2nd, hfrs. Lefeaux; 3rd, Mrs. Good- win, Best collection apples--1st, hfl s. Lefeaux; 2nd, Mrs. Geo. Lloyd. Plate blackberries--1st, hIrs. Geo. Lloyd; 2nd, Mrs. Babcock. Plate peaches--1st, Mrs. Der- rick; 2nd, hIrs. Ecclestone. Plate early pears--1st, Nr». Goodwin; 2nd, Mrs. Albin. Plate winter pears--Mrs. R. Reid. Plate red plums -- Mrs. R. Reid. Plums, yellow--1st, Mrs. G. Elgar; 2nd, Mrs. G. Lloyd. Plate prunes--1st, Mrs. Mc- Quaker; 2nd, AIrs. G. Lloyd. Plate damsons--Nrs. D. Mc- Donald. Basket fruit--hIrs. G. Lloyd. Domestic Science Home-made white loaf--1st, Nrs. P. Colpitts; 2nd, Nrs. A. H. Albin. Home-made brown loaf--1st, Mrs. Masterman; 2nd, hIrs. Blair. Bread rolls--1st, hIrs. P. Col- pitts; 2nd, Mrs. Blair. Soda scones--1st. hIrs. hfc- Quaker; 2nd, Mrs. Leshure. Baking powder biscuits--1st, Mrs. Masterman; 2nd, Nrs. D. McDonald. Plate pancakes -- ) Irs. Mc- Quaker. Plain cake--1st, Mrs. Blair; 2nd, hfiss Jack. Apple pie--1st, hfrs. D. Nc- Donald; 2nd, hIrs. Grisdale. Lemon pie--AIrs. Leshure. Best gingerbread.--1st, hfrs. P. Colpitts: 2nd, hfrs. G. Barker. Best layer cake--1st, hfiss Frame; 2nd, hfrs, Grisdale. Best plain cookies--1st, AIrs. Blair; 2nd, Mrs. G. Elgar. Best shortbread--1st, hfra. Leshure; 2nd, Mrs. hfcguaker. Fruit cake, not iced--1st, hfrs. G. Elgar; 2nd, hfrs. Salter. Best oat cakes--1st, ihfrs. hfc- Quaker; 2nd, hfrs. Leshure. Best biscuits baked with Blue Ribbon baking powder -- 1st, hfrs. McQuaker', 2nd, hfrs. Blair; 3rd, ilfrs. hIasterman. Best jar cherries-- 1st, ihfrs. Elgar; 2nd, Mrs. Donohoe. Best jar loganberries--1st, hlrs. Rhodes,'nd, hfrs. Babcock. Best jar peaches--1st, hfrs. Grisdale; 2nd, hIrs. Babcock. Best jar pears--1st, Mrs. G. Elgar; 2nd, Mrs. Grisdale. Best jar plums--1st, hfrs. G. Elgar; 2nd, hfrs. G. F. Hodgson. Best jar raspberries -- 1st, hIrs. B. Babcock; 2nd, hfrs. Gris- dale. Best jar strawberries--Mrs. Grisdale. Best jar any other variety- 1st, Mrs. F. Garland; 2nd, hIiss Dewar. Black currant jam--1st, Mra. Grisdale; 2nd, Mrs. McQuaker. Gooseberry jam--hfiss Frame. hfarmalade, orange -- Mrs. Grisdale. hIarmalade, grapefruit -- 1st, hiiss Frame; 2nd, Mrs. Leshure. Jam, raspberry -- 1st, Miss Jack; 2nd, Miss A. Dewar. Jam, strawberry--1st, Mrs. Babcock; 2nd, Mrs. Grisdale. Jam, any other variety--1st, Mrs. G. Elgar; 2nd, Mrs. Bab- cock. Jellies, crab apple--1st, Mrs. G. Elgar; 2nd, hIrs. R. Reid. Jellies, black currant--1st, Mrs. H. B. Gray; 2nd, hfiss Frame. Jellies, apple--1st, hIrs. R. Reid; 2nd, Mrs. G. Elgar. Jellies, blackberry--1st, Mrs. Blair; 2nd, Mrs. G. Elgar. Jellies, red currant--1st, Mrs. H. B, Gray; 2nd, Nrs. Blair. Jellies, loganberry--1st, Mrs. Blair; 2nd, Mrs. McQuaker. Jellies, any ot;her vaeiety- 1st, Nrs. hifcQuaker; 2nd, Mrs. Blair. Canned Vegetables Corn--Mrs. Grisdale. Peas--Mrs. T. Gray. String beans--1st, Mrs. T. Gray; 2nd, hIrs. Salter. Tomatoes -- 1st, Mrs. G. El- gar; 2nd, Mrs. Grisdale. Pickles, beets--1st, Mrs. R. B. Rhodes; 2nd, Mrs. G. Elgar. Cucumber pickles--hIrs. Gris- dale. Pickles, mustard--1st, Mrs. Blair; 2nd, hIrs. G. Elgar. Pickles, onions--Mrs. Gris- dale. Pickles, sweet--1st, Mrs. Gris- dale; 2nd, Mrs. Salter. Pickles, tomato chili--Mrs. Grisdale. Pickles, chutney--1st, hIrs. G. Elgar; 2nd, hIrs. Grisdale. Needlework Section Hooked rug--1st, Miss hfc- Kay; 2nd, Mrs. hIcTavish. Embroidered towels -- 1st, Mrs. Derrick; 2nd, Nrs. McTav ish. Baby's knitted suit--hfrs. Mc Tavish. Embroidered bedspread--1st, hfiss M. B. Almas; 2nd, Mrs. F. Garland. Patchwork Quilt -- 1st, hIrs. Chine"; 2nd, hIrs. McTavish. Table centre embroidered in colors-- 1st, hIiss A. M, Dewar; 2nd, hIrs. Craig. Afternoon tea cloth, embroid- ered--1st, hfrs. Derrick; 2nd, hfrs. D. hiI. McDonald. Pair pillow cases, embroider- ed--1st, Mrs. Donohoe; 2nd, Mrs. M. Davies. Cross-stitch, embroidered- 1st, hIrs. S. Craig; 2nd, Mrs. Derrick. Embroidered luncheon set- 1st, AIrs. Derrick; 2nd, ihIrs. Chi- nery. Embroidered vanity set- 1st, hIiss A. M. Dewar; 2nd, AIrs. F. Garland. Cut work, any article--1st, hfiss A. Deivar; 2nd, hfrs. Ec- clestone. THE WEST VAN NEWS Groceries - ....ar~ ware - .. aint:s NABOB TEA lb pkt NABOB COFFEE, lb. Tin................. SWII'T'S CLASSIC CLEANSER... EAGLE BRAND ihIILK, per tin... EVAPORATED hIILK, all kinds............ ROGERS GOLDEN SYRUP, 2 lb. Tin... SPECIAL - BRQQM$ oOC ..... 65c Tins 2'ac ....... 20c Tins 35c .. 18c Five String Corn Brooms....................,.......... 49c Not a cheap broom, but a good hroom, cheap. Now is the time to fix leaky Roofs and see to Stove Pipes,Broken Windows, etc. We have the material. FREE DELIVERY CLASSIFIED ADS LAiND ACT FOR IDENT -- Comfortable modern house close to ferry, $30. Also, Eurnished four room modern bung- alow in Dundarave. Phone West 620L after 6 p. m. FOIE l(ENT-- I'our room nicely Curn- ished house. modern. Fireplace, Piano, Te1ephone, Garage. On Waterfront. One minute form Eerry. Reasonable rent for winter. Apply Fourth house East of Ferry. Also Four room furnished cottage, $ 16. Apply West 223L. l(OOhf AND BOARD OFFERED in private family, for gentlentan. Phone West 153R. FOI4 SALE--Dining Room Round table. Phone KVest 136L. STOI(ES in Ambleside Block for rent from $ 16 per month. Immediate possession. Apply Geo. Hay, phone West 21. BLACK SOIL FOR SALE--100 yards IVont last long. Phone AVest 17. CABINET hIAKER--A Oliver, 15th and Waterfront. Repair work done. Cedar chests from $ 15. 8 Ehf STITCH IN G--I'lain.. whi te„5e yard; silk and colored 10c yard. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144. CHICKEN DINNER on Sunday 50e. at Lunn's Cafe. GRAhfAPHONE REPAIRS, new and used records. Low prices. Simpson, one door east of West Van. Garage. SIX CYLINDER CAR FOR SALE-- Powerful motor, good tires, $ 175 on Terms. Phone West 17. NEWhlAN 4 ROBBINS -- Builders and Contractors--Painting, paper- hanging and kalsomining, chimneys built. 28th and Marine. Phone West 74R1. lV. JENVEY, Builder, Cabinet Work of all kinds. Phone West 346L. FOR RENT--Well Furnished fully modern house. Adults preferred. One block from Drive. 2061 Esqui- malt. FOR RENT -- Unfurnished. Three, four and five room suites, modern hot water heated. Apply Mr. ihfes- senger, 16th and hfar"ne. LONSDALE SHORTHAND AiND TYPEWRITING ACADEhfY, hfa- sonic Temple Building. Phone North 1065. We advance you rapid- ly. f'R RE'iT--A two room cottage with water and light. Phone West 69X1. $3750--For Sale--New hlodern Semi- Bungalow, stucco, on beautiful view lot 50x120. all cleared. Six bright rooms, full plumbing, cement base- ment, furnace. Price $3750. Small cash payment. Apply owner, 10'uchessAvenue. Phone )Vest 626X TO 1(EST -- Four-roomed bungalow furnished, including piano. Furnace. All conveniences. Apply 1105 Es- planade. ADULT STUDENT--Wants piano fo hire. Greatest care. References. Phone West 209R. YOUNG work. Apply News. GIRL to assist with house hfodern home. Two adult3. "Housework" c~o AVest Van DAVFXPORT BED for sale, also tent. Cheap. Phone West 104Ll. LOST--Wire haired fox terrier puppy Please phone Gray, West 92R2. FOR SALE--Six Hole Fawcett Range Phone West 151R1. HEATER SVANTED--To burn coal or wood. Must be in good condition. Particulars to "Heater," cIo West Van News. ELECTRIC LIGHTI te G 0 iring Mot ors Electric and Battery Radio Sets and Supplies 'forth Shore Electric. Phone 1540 Lonsdale Ave., North 79. FOUNDATION, CLIENT WORK, Landscaping. Lawns made, Grading and Clearing. T. Barnott, Resid- ence Phone IVest 672R. WEST VANCOUVER BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES TWO SECOND HAND HEATERS FOR SALE Tenders are invited for the purchase of two second hand brick lined ROYAI. QUEBEC Heaters, including piping. These heaters which are suitable for use in large living rooms, can be seen at the Pauline Johnson School on ap- plication to the Janitor. Tenders must be in the hands of the Secretary not later than 5 p. m. on Wednesday, September 26th, 19~%. H. B. GARLAND, Secretary, Board of School Trustees. LAND ACT BATTEI(IES TESTED, Rented, lle- charged and Repaired by experienc- ed Battery man. The New Battery House next AVest Van. Garage. City Prices. Notice of Intention to apply to I'urchase I.and. In New IVestminster Land Record- ing District of British Columbia and situate about Five Hundred Eeet IVest of the entrance to Fisherman's Cove, Howe Sound. Take notice that Henry hfillo.r Par- ry of Vancouver, occupation Fire hfarshal, intends to apply for permis- sion to purchase the following describ- ed lands:-- Commencing at a post planted on the S. E. Corner of a small Island about 500 feet AV. of the entrance to Fisherman's Cove, and about 800 feet, and in a Westerly direction from the S. E. Cor. Post of D.L. 771, Group l. New westminster District, thence West, thence North, thence East, thence South along Foreshore and a- bove High Water hfark to Point of Commencement. and containing about acre, more or less. HENRY hfILLER PARRY, Dated August 25th. 1928. SERVING IVANTED -- Ladies'nd Children's work. hfrs. Bloxham, Phone IVest 226. WEBB'S SHOE REPAII(S WEAR BEST--Dundarave. AVINDOIV BLINDS--hfade to order and installed. Estimates free. Pearce's Drygoods. 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144. REAL BARGAIN--3 Room Cottage, fine garden, well cultivated, block from Beach. near Ferry, only $ 1160, $ 260 cash, balance less than rent. Will pay you to look into this bar- gain. ~VEST VANCOUVER INVEST- hf ENT COY. West 102. Notice of Intention to apply to I'urehase Land. In the Land Recording District of New Westminster and situate near Grace Harbour. Gambier Island. Take notice that I, Alfred Louis Del- amare, of West Vancouver, occupation Labourer. intends to apply for per- mission to purchase the following de- scribed lands:-- Commencing at a post planted at South East corner, aproximately 600 feet from South corner of Lot 42. D. L. 2768. Gambier Island, thence 2l5 feet to North East corner; thence 40 feet to North West corner; thence 250 feet to South %Vest corner; thence 50 feet to South East corner more or less, and containing 1',7 acre more or less. PURPOSE--To build a wall from said islet to Lot 42 opposite. 90 feet distant, for shelter; Secondly to beau- tify what is a bare rock, by planting trees thereon. ALFRED LOUIS DELAMARE- Dated ~3th August, 19"8. , ~ Phone West 28 Ambleside