001C95D8 September 14, 1928. Our Store Closes Tomorrow - Saturday and will remain closed until Saturday, 29th. During this time the store will be completely redecorated and I will take the opportunity of having a much desired holiday. OPEN for Buainetut Again on S KTUltl)A Y hlORN IN(', 29th. Tomorrow'ight all our liume (.'ooked Goods w'ill be sold at very greatly reduc- ed prices in order to clear the t helves. Mrs. DRAPER HOhlE COOKI iG Sl ECIALIST 2435 hlARIiNE Dl(IVE Ne at Dundarara Hall. NOTE PHONEt West 388 '.i ei ves As the nerves control and regm- inte all the tissues and organs of the body, it must be evident thnt any disease could be caused by pressure upon the nerves nt various points. CHlltOI'ltACTIC N ILI, HELI'OU Phono West 383 Roberta A. Vass D.C., I'h. C. Graduate of Palmer School C.'t(ll'CAC"I.lR Next to Stratton Bakery &Iarine Drive, Ambleside also nt Vancouver IIOLLYBURiii Barber Shop 15th E: hlarine EXPERT SERVICE F.. hIARSH Proprietor I I I I I III ~ I , Jo« ~ Member of the B. C. Mining and Stock Exchange Stocks Real Estate Insurance and Loans Orders promptly and efficiently executed. 579 Dunsmuir St., Vancouver I'hone Seymour 8894 ajar,I'RE YOU going to build in West Vancouver TIIIS YEAII? GET OUIJA I'LANS and PitlCES W. TlNNEY & CO. BUII.I)EIIS AND CONTRACTORS I'oot of I'hone 20th Street West 322 City OIIice: 1 12 Hastings Street West I'hone Sey. 1914 THE .7 arce S &0 i 1520 hl arine Drive hlarcel, Steam and Finger Wav- ing, Haircutting, Shampooing and Scalp Treatments I'or Appointment N'EST 304 i.ii.' l'.i( 3lr. and ilrs. ilcEIven moved last Iveek into the McMillan house at 15th and Esquimalt. 0 0 0 ilr. and Mrs. A. Lester-Taylor and family, 153.I Argyle Ave., have moved to Vancouver. ilrs. Dewar of New York, is visiting her mother iilrs. iV. A. Adair, ilarine Drive. 0 0 ~ iilrs. M. P. Evans of Vancou- ver, has purchased the house of ilrs. A. Dorais at 20th and Ful- ton. ~ 0 0 ilr. and Airs. S. S. Pride, 17th and Bellevue, have moved into the 3laho» house at 11th and Esquimalt. 0 0 0 Dlrs. A. Cakebread, 21st and Bellevue, moved to Vancouver on iilonday for the winter. 0 0 0 iilr. and itlrs. Biggar and fam- ily, who have been spending the summer at a house at 19th and Bellevue, have left to return to their home in Lynn Valley. 0 0 ~ I Iazedale Farm, Cloverdale, was the scene of a gay party on Saturday after»oon and evening Ivhen members of the Vancouver Business and Professional Wo- men's Club were entertained by iilr. and ilrs. T. Dauphinee, pai- ents of i~liss Josephine Dauphi- nee, president, who resides at 2878 Bellevue. Assisting the hosts Ivas bliss Mima BroIvn, chairman of the social commit- tee. The guests Ivere drive» tn the farm in the cars of various members. A bush fire broke out at noon on Saturday in Memorial Park. The fire brigade turned out and extinguished the flames before any damage had been done. bliss Yvonne Stevenson of Vancouver, is the guest of her aunts the Misses Stevenson of "the Clachan." Bob Tabor has returned to his home at 1202 Inglewood Avenue from Port Clement, Queen Char- lotte Islands, Ivhere he was in the employ of a lumber firm. Charles Gray, who has b~en living for the past year at the new house he has had built at 14th and waterfront, has moved to Vancouver. The Misses hlcLean of Nevr westminster have rented one of the Clachan cottages on 25th Street. Engagement ihlr. and blrs. George Clark of Vancouver, announce the n- gagement of their only duaghter Janet Laird to Air. Harry Thom- as Brundrett, oldest son of Alr. and blrs. H. Brundrett, 1144 Jef- ferson Ave. The wedding will take place at Cedar Cottage Un- ited Church on Septemb.r 19th at 8p.m. ATTENTION, 81(OQ'Nl ES! BroIvnies will meet at the par- ish hall--St. Stephen's Church --next EVecinesday after»oon at 4 o'lock. Birthday I'arty. hlrs. A. Harvey Smith, 24th and Dlari»e Drive, gave a party on bio»day afternoon for her so» Freddie on the occasion of his seventh birthday. The lit tie guests thoroughly enjoyecl them- selves playing games, folloIvi»g Ivhich they sat down to a table prettily decorated Ivith balloons and ships, and Ivere servecl with delicacies dear to childish hearts. The guests Ivere: Ralphie Tip- ton, John and Pat Little, Frankie hladeline a»d Joa» Eccleston, Sylvia Morris, Patricia, Vile, Dorothy and Freddie Smith. The Girls'hoir will meet to- morroIv (Saturday) morning at 10:15 at the Hollyburn School. Professor ilorgan, the conduct- or, requests that all girls be there on time, as he does not want to have any time waste(i in preparing for the concert to be given next month. 22nd and ilarine I'hone iVest 96J. AI.LISOX. Prop. Prompt Delivery SPECIALS FOR FRlDAY and SATURDAY for 23c for 25c 9'7c 10c IOc for 2~c for 20c for 22c for 65c lbs. 25c .. 2 7 rolls Singapore Pineapple (large) . Toilet Paper........ Jiff Soap Flakes (large) Corn Flakes, large size......... Apple and Strawberry Jam Brunswick Sardines Billow Salmon, l 's ........ Finest S.edless Raisins... B. C. Sugar . Tomatoes . NIGHT CLASSES TO HE FORil ED The Inboard of School Trustees are arranging again for night classes to he held this fall and winter. Applications for enroll- nient must be in the hands of the secretar) by 5 p.m. on Friday, 2Hth September. Iky reference to an advertisement relative to this appearing in this issue, it will be noted that the subject~ to be taught include woodwork- ing, dressmaking, shorthand and typeIvriting, book-keeping, bas- ketry, millinery, and any other subject, providing a minimum number of ten applications in each of such classes is received. The classes will start on October 2ncl. 3 .. 2 lbs. . 10 lbs. .. 6 Prompt Delivery C:.. C,OD We Sell only one (irade -- The Best. wellington and the Famous I'embina 8- Gait Coal. also Canmore Briquettes FOIE SER VICE: I'hone IVest 85. I'hone, Seymour 6217 Nest inn Offtce City Office Dundarai e 15$ Alexander StreetDECIDE ON CENSUSFOR NORTH SHORE Ferguson Motor Transfer A census of the municipality will be taken before the end of the current year, it Ivas decided by the North Vancouver District Council on Wednesday night. The municipality Ivill proceed Ivith the work on its own ac- count, with census compilers ap- proved by the provincial govern- ment, unless some action to- wards a province-wide count is taken at the convention of the Union of B. C. iilunicipalities, noIv being held at Trail. It was pointecl out at the meet- ing that all provincial govern- ment grants are based on pop- ulation figures of the 1921 cen- sus, which gave the municipality a population of 3082. Council- lors estimate the figure today is approximately 6000 but the gov- ernment will make»o change until another official count is made. "What i~ your car a five pas senger?" "Yes, but I can get eight in it if they are well acquainted. The Pantry Restaurant AIRS. ItOSS Ross Building, Am bleside. Opens for Business Tomorro~ -- Saturda& Real Home Cooked Neals Special Sunday Dinner, 50c. Roast Beef. Yorkshire Pudding, Roast Pork, Apple Sauce, with Vegetables Pie, Pudding, etc. Try Eating Here Tomorrow - Saturday at 2.30 p.m. at the CLASSIC hlILLINERY STORE 1419 hlarine Drive West Vancouver WEST VANCOUVER .)oarc oI'. '..'rac eInteresting. The contents of The Classic Millin- ery Store, 1149 hlarine Drive, will be sold by auction on Saturday, Septem- ber 15th, at 2.30 p.m. Parson: "And which of all the par- ables do you like the best, my boy?" Tommy: "The one where somebody loafs and fishes."--Culled. Regular Monthly hleeting Will Be Held The Canadian Legion Rooms Ferry Building On MONDAY Next This includes hlillinery, Silk Goods, Show Cases, Large hlirror, Tables. Chairs. Hat and Dress Stands. Fifteen lovely hand-painted pictures, New Heater, etc., etc. THE IVHOLE TO BE SOLD Too hluch Custody. "Gosh, Smith wns certainly un- lucky in his divorce suit." "How's that?" "Why, he got the custody of his mother-in-lnw." SEPTEilBER 17th at 8 p.m. hlembers are requested to make a special effort to attend this meting. WITHOUT RESEltVE iVife, reading: "It says here they have found n long-legged sheep in the Himalaya mountains that can run $ 0 miles an hour. Her Hubbv: "iVell, it would take n lamb like that to follow ihlnry now- adays. ( Ii" R „"„i. Auctioneers 8 Batltffs, Prof. J. M. Morgan VOICE I'l(ODl.'CTION SINGING Vancouver Studio: Seymour 101 West Vnn. Studio: N'est 173 12-1 Fourth Street, iVest, North Vancouver JWWE tVEI L RECIT~I- given by 3 NNE& It'ITCHIE„Soprauo Assisted by THE ilcliV TYRE QUARTEI TF- IN THE UNITED (.HURCH, iVEST VANCOUVER Ou Iuese/ay, September z&tli, tgzZ A GOOD 'I I Q P i I IS A CONSTANT JOY ar b.ty p.lt. ,II ISS,IIA RGA RET .IIel,i') RE - RECCO.III A,V IS T Tickets 50c Pitman Business College Vnncoui er's I.ending Business College. IN I IVIDUAI. ATTENTION l)AY AND NIGHT SCHOOI. NIGHT SCHOOL YOUR NIGHTS EACH IVEEK Students may enroi nt any time RICIIAltl)S STREET (At llnstings) I'IIONE SF% hlOI. It 9135 Have the children taken regularly and so keep a record of their develop- ment. THE --: (Il'IG 8'.l'UDIO:: (V V V Ii SON Prop.) Will give you satisfactory work STUDIO: 311 Hastings St.. W., I'hone Seymour 10l6 THE AVEST VAN NEKVS p g g SgNp LS GIRLs'HolTOiIORROiV AT THE HOI.I.YHI.URN SCHOOI-