001C95D8 THE iVEST VAN NEWS Tll E ("OOI) Ol.ii ,Iie.lan e I &iH.&ON% I 8 Dlr. and Airs. Guy A. Coney a»cl family, who are occupying a house at 24th aiid Ottawa, are movi»g at the eiid of the mo»th into the Bellham house at 24th a»d Mat hers. L.O.L. iVo. 2990 is holdi»g their regular meeting next Tues- day at S p. m. in St. Stephen's Cllul'ch liall, 011 Avhich occasio» they ivill receive a frater»al visit from North V &ncouver lodge L.O.L. i~liss Frances &I. Cooke has retur»ed to Victoria after spending a two weeks'acation visit as the guest of her sister and brother-in-laiv, ) Ir. and AIrs. H. A. Huiit, 2321 Kings Avellue. i~rocery I t is mighty satisfying these days to be able to rely absolut"- ly upon the goods you buy. Whe» you deal at GREEN- WOOD'S you are sure of get- ting the best possible at fair prices. Doctors W. H. and Roberta Vass, the Ambleside chiroprac- tors, are celebrating their 25th ivedding a»»iversary next Sun- day. They have a host of friends here ivho &vill wish them even more happiness i» the next twenty-five years than they have had in the past. Felicita- tions, doctors. I 'i!i!.Ili)VI,'Ii.li S G. (OC I.'Y Dlr. and 31rs. A. E. Moi'i'is «nd little daughter, 24th and Belle- vue, left on Wednesday for a holiday trip to California. They expect to go as far south as San Diego. Mrs. Denton, 14th and AVater- front, has purchased from )Irs. F. Sowerby her house at 15th a»d Haywood. Dr. and Airs. AilcKechran who have been spending the summer at a house at 18th and Esqui- malt, returned to their home in Edmonton on Saturday. Mrs. Stevenson of )Vin»ipeg, who has been visiting in Port- land, Oregon, has returned to continue her visit with her sister 3lrs. Anderson, 23rd and Jef- ferson. PHONE YOUR ORDERS. West 16 We deliver. i~ladame Yulisse, the noted singer, ivho has bee» the guest of AIrs. Adair, blari»e Drive, for the past three xveeks, left for her home in the East a few days ago. 31adanie Yulisse, who for- merly resided in Vancouver, has a large circle of friends here. Elrs. Frederick Barber and family of "Rocklands," EVater- front, Dundarave, has returned home after spending the sum- mer on Vancouver Island. Nrs. Robinson, 24th and Ma- rine, is away on a visit to the East. Men's Suits and Overcoats T.uLOR g&p3 pp The new Fall Samples are now here for your choice. Qual- ity and Fit Guaranteed. YOU'L BE SATISFIED M. WILLIAMS 16th and hlarine. Ambleside CUSTOili TAILOR CLEANING AiND PRESSING Phone West 20 Tenders are asked by the board of school trustees for the purchase of two Royal Quebec heaters. Tlgse can be seen by application to the janitor of the Paulino Johnson School. Ten- ders are to be in by )Vednesday, September 26th, according to a notice in the advertisement given in this issue. The annual meeting of the Vorth Shore Canadian Club was held last night in North Van- couver. Mr. and AIrs. J. Sheridan Flan- agan, who have been spending the summer at a house at 24th and EVatkrfront, rgoved back to the city on bio»day. bliss Loretta Bell is assisting Miss Etta DlcVean in the office of the B. C. Electric Co. here during the absence of J. T. Watt on holidays. An auto collision occurred on Sunday afternoon between two Vancouver cars at the corner of 14th and ihlarine Drive. The left front wheel of one car was smashed, but otherwise no dam- age was done, and none of the occupants were injured. Mr. and Mrs. B. Kloepfer, Jr., who have been living for some months at 19th and Bellevue, moved back to the city on Sat- urday. a::ery Service AUTO or RADIO Charging -- Repairs Rebuilding, Etc. West Van Battery Service Next to West Van. Garage (W. Craig) formerly with Crawford's Battery House in Vancouver Nrs. Stenning, who has been occupying bliss Casey's house at 21st and Esquimalt, has return- ed to Vancouver. Air. a»d AIrs. Reid, Nrs. Kate Lehrman, and Mrs. Hay, all of Vancouver, ivere guests at "the Clachan" over the week end. Nrs. McBride, 17th and Esqui- malt, moved to Vancouver on illonday, where she will in future reside. Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing Miss Donna Hudson of the local B. C. Telephone Co.'s staff, is spending her annual vacation in Vancouver Island . Mrs. Racklyeft of the staff oi the Pauline Johnson school, is occupying one of the suites in the Hay block at 14th and Mar- ine Drive. Mrs. Vick, Alarine D~ve at Ambleside, is living with her daughter, ~ilrs. Rochon, at her ranch at Second Canyon, Capil- ano. The West Van Watchmaker 5 Jeweller Nr. and Mrs. Shellard of Van- couver, have leased the Lowdon house at 25th and Marine Drive. bliss EVinoiia Young, 24th and Inglewood, left this iveek to re- turn to school in Victoria. AIrs. Avory White, 2068 Belle- vue, who underwent an opera- tion in the Vancouver General Hospital last week, is making good progress. 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside Coal and Wood Get your winter's supply now. Building Supplies. Flour and Feed, Etc. GORDON ROHSON Barrister 8" Solicitor West Vancouver office No. 1447 hlarine Drive. Phone West 103 Suite 801; 510 Hastings St., W. Phone Seymour 4199. iMrs. F. Hurling, has returned to her home at 25th and Mathers after a holiday of several weeks at White Rock . Captain J. watson of the mun- icipal ferries, has returned to his duties after his annual vacation. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 NOiV STAHILISED We will tell you exactly how much your repairs will cost before the job is started. There is on file in our office a price list covering every op- eration on every make of car. Don't take chances. Know exactly what the repairs are going to cost you. a:.":.ae 0~;0:. S illEi11BERS OF THE AUTO SERVICE CLUB. Phone West 456 NET WIAIL SERVICE NOW IN EFFECT Starting yesterday a new mail service was put in effect in the local post office. The morning mail arrives at Hollyhurn at 7:13 a.m. and the afternoon mail at 3:30 p.m. Outgoing mail is at 7:13 a.m. and 3:44 p.m. I.et- ters should he posted a half hour before these times to ensure go- ing out on these mails. On holidays, for both outgo- ing and incoming mail, the time is 8:51 a.m. A.'..".."A ( '4 .'S i1IIl,k TO I)E DELIVERED IN DAYTIIIE INSTEAD OF NIGHT A. J. Ridley i& Sons announce that, commencing next Sunday a»d continuing throughout the winter, their milk will be deliv- ered during the daytime, the night delive-y heing discontin- ued. ANNE RITCHIE GIVING I'AICEWEI.I. RECITAL bliss A»ne Ritchie the well know» sopra»o, announces a farewell recital to be given on the evening of Sept. 25th in Du»darave Hall. She will be as- sisted by the Nclntyre Quar- tette a»d Miss Margaret Mcl»- tyre will act as accompanist. bliss Ritchie is leaving next month to take up a special course of study in Eastern Unit- ecl States cities, and will prob- ably go to Europe for more ex- tended study. September 14, 1928. A HO'I'A.I.ER BO I"I'LE Is such a comfort these chilly nights, We have our usual ciuality- a guaranteed bottle that has proved its worth many times in West Vancouver. guild the children up so they can resist colds and coughs this winter. Now is the time to begin. hinny wise moth- ers are doing this. A TONIC'EST VAN PHARMACY The Store of Service I'rompt l)elivery Phone W. 37 I iVEST VANCOUVER HIGH SCHOOL Commercial Department Awards won June, 1928: Grade IX.-- Remington Certificate--Lillie Becker, 26 words per min. Remington Card Case--Selma Siewert, 44 words per min. Grade X.-- Remington Card Case--Seiji Homma, 40 words per min. L. C. Smith Bronze Medal-- Ella Gentleman, 45 words per min. L. C. Smith Silver Medal-- Frances Brydon-Jack, 54 words per min. NUBONE CORSETS Surgical Belts LINGERIE, HOSIERY 17th 8; Marine. West 224 Sl'ECIAL 40c 51EAL .U.I5'S CA". 1421 Marine Drive at 14th St. 7 A. 51. to 11 P. 51. I'uhlic I'hone West 611-0 I'ROF. ilIORGAN TO OPEN SINGING CLASS Prof. J. M. Morgan is opening a singing class for the young ladies of EVest Vancouver. The class will be held in the even- ings. An advertising announce- ment of this will appear in our next week's issue. HOARD OF TRADE AIEETING NEXT ilIONDAY The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trade will be held next hIonday night in the Ferry Building Rooms at the foot of 14th Street. The I'resident, Colonel Savory, will be in the cha,ir. Several matters of vital importance to the district will be discussed, and a representative attendance is requested. CANADA'S POPULATION IS NOW 9,658,0000 H. C. Has 583,000; Increase of 8000 Since 1927. Canada's population is esti- mated by the bureau of statis- tics as 9,658,000, an increase of 139,000 over the estimate for last year. Estimates of population are. In figures for 1927 and 1928, respectively: Prince Edward Island, 86,700; 86,400. Nova Scotia, 548,000; 547,000. New Brunswick, 411,000; 415,- 000. Quebec, 2,604,000; 2,647,000. Ontario, 3,187,000; 8,229,000. Manitoba, 647,000; 655,000. Saskatchewan, 836,000; 851,- 000. Alberta, 617,000; 681,900. British Columbia, 575,000; 588,000. Yukon, 3470; 3500. North )Vest Territories, 9,050; 9,200. When the last Dominion cen- sus was taken in 1921, the pop- ulation divas computed at 8,788,- 000. The increase in the last seven years, therefore, was 870,- 000, or an average of 124,000 a year. The increase in popula- tion between 1911, the year of the previous census, and 1921, was 1,582.000, an average of 158,000 per year. Charming 5 Room fully modern BUNGALOW Well built and warm Glassed in verandah. (. W. SAVO (Y 1429 hlarine Drive Amblesi de PHONE--West 698R1 or West 340 Evening--West 143 (Established over 74 Years) C. J. Overington 14th and blarine a'e'or appointment PHONE WEST 135 Ambleside Tea Rooms Ferry Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp and Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, etc. SLANKHS DOSS UP soFr&&g 'ure I 1 Ha aTHER LAUHDRY I H QS, Caon -- Wlgg 9 Q YQQA. BLANKETS ~ Qp So &g,Ah!D ~ Tile )urrariI l,auliillry Limited For I'eople Who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone )Vest 410L