West Van. News (West Vancouver), 7 Sep 1928, p. 7

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001C95D0 September 7, 1928. SALADS A daintily arranged salad, of whatever kind, appeals to the eye as well as the palate and it t may be served as a separate course or as an addition to other dishes. It often proves quite an economical way of serving up pieces of fish, meat, etc., that otherwise would not be suitable for table. Ingredients and Garnishes The salad-bowl is a wonderful asset in the way of decoration, if a bowl be useful, but, nowadays. the individual salad dish of glass or china threatens to exclude the crystal or wooden bowls form- erly so popular. The garnish of a salad should give some indication of its prin- cipal ingredient; little piles of chopped white and yolk of eggs might garnish an egg salad, for instance, whilst fillets of an chovy would be suitable for a fish one. It is well, however, nn matter how d.corative it may be to keeo out anything that is meatable. A green salad, of whatever kind must be perfectly fresh and crisp, and fairly dry. The leaves wilt ivhen they lose their moist- ure and, therefore, if they can- not be used at once they should be kept in an airtight tin or wrapped in a damp cloth. A good way for lettuce is to place a little wat;r in the bottom of a deep dish, put in lettuces, then cover with muslin or thin calico, wet- ted, and they will keep beauti- fully crisp. After the vegetable is washed. it should be carefully drained and dried, othenvise the oil of the dressing will not cling to the leaves. A great part of the success of a salad depends on the dress- ing. Nothing but practice will teach the exact quantities to use but on old Spanish Proverb has it that "A salad dressing requir- es a spendthrift for oil, a judge for salt, a miser for vinegar, and a madman to mix them!" Acids such as vinegar and lemon juice, draw out moisture from fish, lettuce, etc., and it is no uncommon thing for mayon- naise, ivhich divas beautifully thick ivhen poured over to be- come thin and watery before it is required. I prefer dressing served in a separate dish, but if it is added to the salad it should be done only at the last minute. For a Good Dressing The chief point when making mayonnaise is to add the oil very slowly and the easiest way to manage this is to have a cork with two grooves cut in it fit- ting the oil bottle. One groove or hole is to let in the air. Care must be taken that a whole cork replaces the grooved one before the bottle is put away. The recipe for mayonnaise requires half pint Salad oil, one dessert- spoonful (or large teaspoon) vinegar, yolk of one egg (raw), a few drops lemon juice, quarter teaspoonful mustard, a pinch of salt, pepper and cayenne. Put the egg yolk in a basin; add mustard, pepper, salt and cay- enne, add oil, drop by drop, stir- ring quicklv all the time, then vinegar and lemon juice. The sauce should be kept quite stiff, but, if iifter all the care has been taken, it should curdle another yolk of egg switched in will bring it back to its original state. The French dressing, simply a well-seasoned mixture of oil and vinegar, is usually the most suitable to use. The pro- portion is one part vinegar to four of oil. A French woman once advised me to use oil of Provence and ivhite vinegar which is stronger and finer than malt. Cream may be used by those who do not like oil but in this case lemon juice should be used instead of vinegar. THE )VEST VAN NE%'S The Flier's PrayerTHE LITERARY SOCIETY EXCURSIOiV TO SECOND CANYON The society's summer excur- sion was made last Saturday to the Second Canyon of the Capi- lano, and there was a good turn- out, though the president, Rev. A. 3f. O'Donnell, was unfortu- nately detained. The smoke screen seemed to have the ef- fect of keeping the temperature agreeable throughout, though it cut off long-range views. The party first visited the vantage point and saw the net arrangements for the safety and convenience of visitors. They had only to look over a substan- tial and well-placed fence in or- der to descry the river in its rocky channel 400 feet below, contrasting with the days not so long ago when it was neces- sary to lie at full length and peer over the edge of the per- pendicular cliff. There was an- other reminder of the past in the shape of some fragments of the flume which had been car- ried along the side of the can- yon by 51r. Farrell with a bold- ness and ingenuity which won tribute from all ivho saw it. There ~vere many striking views of the canyon which its gang- way made possible even for la- dies at one time, but which are now only to be obtained by ath- letic climbers. The editor divas asked to give an account of the geological his- tory of the canyon, which call- ed for references to the Niagara Gorge, the Black Rock of Novar in Ross-shire, and the Ice Age. The party then followed the vice president, Mr. Duncan, to the net suspension bridge, where he gave a description of Indian pictographic art with reference to the reproductions on the walls of the canyon. He next led the more energetic members down the bluffs to the tunnel in which the big steel pipes which carry the water supply of Greater Vancouver repose in darkness and coolness. His party came back to find the long table spread and a march stolen upon them by the others. Nr. Lawson poured tea and poured forth stories of the past, with the re- sult that a second brewing had to be made. It divas stated that one lady drank six cups and was refused a seventh, which pre- vented her from breaking the record established by the lady whose performance so seriously disturbed )Ir. )Veiler. Another remarkable feat was performed by those who sampled their way right through the sandwiches, tarts, cake, pies and fruit that stood in two continuous rows along the centre of the table. In this they only copied the household methods of the Scot- tish judge described by Dean Ramsay, wherein the killing of the fatted calf was followed by a systematic eating of it up one side and down the other. Every- body was pressed into service. The concluding ceremony of the feast divas the solemn cutting of the bag which had held the tea and the ladling of a spoon- ful of its contents by BIr. Laiv- son into each cup. The cups were then handed iii succession to hlrs. Selwood, who spaed the fortunes of the owners with im- pressive gravity and complete acceptance. All were to enjoy good health, and all were to re- ceive money--some enough tn buy a net hat, some sufficient for a trip round the ivorld. The afternoon had been a quiet one, for the coming holi- day had draivn aivay any noisy excursionists. As the sun ap- proached its setting, the full beauty of the new resort grad- ually showed itself. It is un- fortunate that such a scene of quiet charm can so rarely be al- lowed to remain unaltered; but the Literary Society had an op- portunity of seeing it at its best in the evening hour. Take me somewhere east of Suez )Vhere the worst is like the best, And there ain't no public speak- ers And a boy can get a rest. Phone West 28 Ambleside Groceries- ...art: ware -., aint:s0 ~ 0It %Vill Be Mother--"KVhat are you do- ing, dear?" Daughter--"I heard Daddy say the other day that he was afraid he'd have to buy a new muffler for his car, so I thought I'd knit him one as a surprise. 0 I ~ In the Country "SVhat's the matter now?" "Got to tie up my dahlia'." "EVhat, do they run wild'" --Louisville Courier-Journal. Especially If Someone Else "I'm almost sure that's an old acquaintance of mine sitting over there." "Then ivhy don't you speak to him?" "EVell, he's so shy that he might feel awkNard if it turned out to be someone else. .. 65cNABOB TF.A, lb. pkt. NABOB COFFEE lb. Tin.................. SEVIFT'S CLASSIC CLEANSER.. EAGLE BRAND iAIILK, per tin.. E& A PORATED alII LK all kind ~ ROGERS GOLDEN SYRUP, 2 lb. Tin... Uc)c 8 Tins 2ic .... 20c .. 3 Tins 35c Noiv is the time to fix leaky Roofs and see to Stove Pipes, Broken AVindpws, etc. EVe have the material. FREE DELIVERY CLASSIFIED ADS WANTED TO BUY -- Small Cook Stove. Particulars to "Stove" cIo ~Vest Van News. WEST VANCOUVER -- attractive bungalow, five rooms. Every con- venience. Garage. Semi-furnished, near water. Hase $30. Phone Fair. 5791 R. FOR SAI.E--Six Hole Fawcett Range Phone KVest 151R1. HEATER WANTED--To burn coal or wood. Must be in good condition. Particulars to "Heater," c'o KVest Van News. GOOD ItAiGL FOR SAI E I hone West 178X.hlODERN HOhl ES EVe have some specially good buys in new modern houses which we can sell on easy terms. 1-4 inch top and botom BOARD AND ROOhl WANTED Hollyburn district. Address, "Teach- er," c~o West Van News. WILL GIVE BOARD and Room for Winter months to 2 or 3 gentlemen Remarkably good home-cooked meals. Near bus and Waterfront. Apply, "Advertiser," c,o West Van News. STORES in Ambleside Block for rent from $ 16 per month. Immediate possession. Apply Geo. Hay, phone West 21. GEO, HAY Notary I'ublic 1405 Marine Drive Off;ce Phone IVest 21 or Sey. 1260 Residence Phone W. 32R or W. 20-iX FOR SALE--McClary Stoic 4 holes ,Good condition, $2LOO, including pipes Phone West 459 TO RENT -- Four-roomed bungalow, furnished. including piano. All con- veniences. Apply 1105 Esplanade. FOR RENT at $28 per month on lease, new modern four-roomed bungalow', close to hlarine Drive and 22nd Street. West Vancouver. Apply AVhitakcr and Whitaker, 942 Pender St., 4Vest Seymour 7949. TO RENT--Furnished Cottage on sea front. Close to 22nd Street Two bedrooms. Garage. Garden. Splendid view. Phone Fair. 4867. ELECTRIC LIGHTING. Wiring, h1ot- ors, Electric and Battery Radio Sets and Supplies. North Shore Electric. Phone 1540 Lonsdale Ave., North 79. BI.ACK SOIL FOR SALE--100 yards AVont last long. Phone IVest 17. FOR IDENT IN hIODERN HOhIE- Two furnished rooms to responsible persons. Can be used as bedroom and sitting room or two bedrooms. Board optional or use of kitchen. Phone AVest 37. R EA L BARGAIN--3 Room Cottage, fine garden, well cultivated, block from Beach, near Ferry, only $ 1150, $250 cash, balance less than rent. AVill pny you to look into this bar- gain. FOIL ItENT--hlodern attractive un- furnished bungalow of four rooms, on waterfront at Dundarave. New- ly decorated. Low Rental to re- sponsible party. Phone H. AV. Lang, West 413L. lVEST VANCOUVEit INVEST- hl ENT COY. ~Vest 102. AhlBLESIDE HALL FOIL RENT CABINET hIAKER--A Oliver, 15thnnd waterfront. Repair work done. Cedar chests from $ 15.Applications for reservations of the Ambleside Hall for the present mny be made to the agents. GEO. HAY Notary Public 1405 Marine Drive Fhone AVest 21 RELIA13LE GIRL IVANTED--To look after boy 24 and assist with light housework. Good home. Sleep out. Shaw, 16th and Duchess, FOUNDATION, CEMENT WORE, Landscaping, Lawns made, Grading and Clearing. T. Barnott, Resid- ence Phone West 672R. FOR RENT at a%i per month on lease --Attractive new stuoco home; six rooms and sun room. Situated on north side of Marine Drive, between 25th and 26th Streets. Immediate possession. Apply AVhitaker and Whitaker, 942 Pender St., West. Seymour 7949. HEhlSTITCHING--Plain.. white.. Sc yard; silk and colored 10c yard. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and h1arine. Phone West 144. R. P. Clark % Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. ATTRACTIVE HOhIE--Lovely view conveniently s;tuated, nice garden, well built, bright nnd cheerful, in excellent condition. Tiled walls in bathroom and kitchen. Very sound value at $3000; on terms. CIIICKEN DINiNER on Sunday 50c. at Lunn's Cafe. GRAhlAI'HONE REI'AIRS, new'nd used records. Low prices. Simpson, one door east of IVest Van. Garage. ACRE SNAI' Well situated, could be subdivided into six good lots, $850 only. Terms to suit purchaser. NEIVhlAN 8'OBBINS -- Builders and Contractors--Painting, paper- hanging and kalsomining, chimneys built. 28th and hfarine. Phone West 74R1. && A-i TED--&&oman or girl mornings for housework. Phoae after 6 p. m. AVest 201R. 13UILDING LOT on hlathers Avenue, Dundarave. Fully cleared. Fine view; $450. SIX CYLINDER CAR FOR SALE Powerful motor, good tires $ 1,75 on Terms. Phone EVest 17.G LEN EAG I.ES GOLF CLUB--Open to non-members. Good opportunity for beginners during week days. W. JENVEY. Builder, Cabinet Work of nll kinds. Phone West 346L. BIC YC LES FOR SALE--T» o good bicycles, cheap. Phone IVest 408R. FOR RENT OR SALE--Attractive bungalow. Full plumbing. Esqui- malt and "0th. Rent $25 month. Phone Douglas 551. FOR RENT-- IVell Furnished fully modern house. Adults preferred. One block from Drive. 2061 Esqui- malt. Consult us for IVest Vancouver hlunicipnl Tax Sale Lands. R. P. Clark % Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. 823 Hastings St. W. Sey. 7483, 748-i Local Representative C, J. AltCHElt, West 225. FOII RENT -- Unfurnished. Three, four and five room suites, modern hot water heated. Apply Mr. bles- sengcr 16th and 41nrine LAND ACT I.ANI) ACT Notice of Intention to apply to 1'u rchase Land.I.ONSDALE SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING ACADEhlY, Ma- sonic Temple Building. Phone North 1055. IVe advance you rapid- ly. Notice of Intention to apply to l'urchase Land. In New westminster Land Record- ing District of British Columbia iind situate about Five Hundred feet IVest of the entrance to Fisherninn's Cove, Howe Sound. Take notice that Henry hliller Par- ry of Vancouver, occupation Fire hlarshnl, intends to apply for permis- sion to purchase the following describ- ed lands:-- Commencing nt n post planted on the S. E, Corner of a small Island about 500 feet lV. of the entrance to Fisherman's Cove, and about 800 feet, nnd in a westerly direction from the S. E. Cor. I'ost of D.L. 771, Group 1, Ncw IVc stminstcr District, thence \Vest, thence North, thence East, thence South along Foreshore and a- bove High IVntcr hlark to Point of Commencement. and containing about acre, more or less. HENRY hllLLER PARRY, Dated August 26th, 19~~'. In the Land Recording District of New Westminster and situate near Grace Harbour. Gambier Island. Take notice that I, Alfred Louis Del- nmnre, of )Vest Vancouver, occupation Labourer. intends to apply for per- mission to purchase the following de- scribed lands:-- Commencing at a post planted at South East corner, aproximately 600 feet from South corner of Lot 42, D. L 2768. Gambier Island, thence 245 feet to North East corner; thence 40 feet to North IVest corner; thence 250 feet to South West corner; thence 50 feet to South East corner more or less, and containing 1|7 acre more or less. PURPOSE--To build a wall from said islet to Lot 42 opposite. 90 feet distant, for shelter; Secondly to beau- tify what is a bare rock, by planting trees thereon. ALFRED LOUIS DELAMARE. Dated 29th August, 1928. CHlhINEYS SWEI'T by experienced man; also excavating and general work done. Phone IVest 668L 13ATTERIES TESTED, Itented, Re- charged and Repaired by experienc- ed Battery man. The New Battery House next IVest Van. Garage. City Prices. SEWING IVANTED -- Ladies'nd Children's work. hlrs. Bloxham, Phone IVest 226. W EI313'8 SIIOE REI'A I RS % EA R B EST--Dundarave. WIN DOIV BLIN DS--blade to order and installed. Estimates free. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone IVest 144.