001C95D0 Our Fall supply of Hot AVater Bottles have just arrived ranging in price from $ 1.25 to $1.50. See tn it that there is one in the house for an emergency. THE IeEXAI.L STOIIE Caat Rate Draags FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS tyt)e ~ 'e,07'0 l e8than in THB best measure of car service is the numberof "car miles" run. In 1927, B.C. Electric cars on the mainland ran 12,350/04 miles; in 1924, they ran 11,166,633 miles. Today, a maximum of 3$4 cars are in use on the mainland system, carrying nearly 6,000,000 passen- gers a month. B.C. Electric service always endeavors to keepabreast of the needs of the public. &~zlsH Coi,UMBar "": Krvzrarc~ VANCOUVER VICTORIA COLFIK Makes a Perfect Road Surface 4Ve have 21 Factories throughout the world--from Sweden to Singapore--all in successful operation. This is the answer to--IS COLFIX A SUCCESS~ Victoria, Kelowna, Vernon, Nanaimo, Trail, Nelson, Kam- loops, etc., are al) satisfied with Colfix. (Pacific) ~ ~ ~~.i"... Factory:North Vancouver Offices: 570 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver, B. C. Phone North 345 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y BURRARD C Anything in Sheet hletal Furnaces, Stoves, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights Tar and Gravel Roofs, General Repairs of all kinds. 229 Lonsdale Ave. North Vancouver, B. C. HARRON BROS. R WILLIAMSON funeral 6frectars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver I'arlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Play a game of 3 tables for your pleasure gys 14th Streeta f a Ril:ht at the Rai)way Crossing 35c Castoria ........................... 33c GOc Dr. Black's hlenthol Cough 60c Baby's Rubber Pant ...... 35c Balsam ..........."- . 4~c 26c Rexail Tooth poivder ...19c 26c Hydrogen Peroxide............ 21c 60c Jergen's Lotion.............. 43c $ 100 Lorie Eau de Quinine.... 69c 25c Citrate of hiagnesia...... 19c 36c Extract IVild Strawberry--.- 29c G5c Rubbing Alcohol .............. 49c 60c Day Dream Tooth Paste.. 39c $ 1.00 Rexall Emulsion Cod Liver»«60c Rexall Orderlies, the Oil ............................................ 59c I ideal laxative......,......... 19c R 39c Harris'Vonder Health Restor- ~ G6c Russian Oil, Heavy.......... 69c .............,.................... $3.00 15c Sunset Soap Dye ... 2 for 25c 50c Lesol, Antiseptic ............... spr I s5c Resell shaving cream........ tpcFREE--AVith every purchase of 10 Auto Strop blades at the regularprice, $ 1.00, the new improved Auto Strop Razor and Strop. Q'est Van. Agents C. I'. It. Telegraphs and Can. )'ac. Exp. hlnney Order i~-esage iI i~irug Store G. E. REID, AIanager Prescriptions Filled By I"u)ly Qualified Druggist at City PricesNew Building--Corner hlarine and 14th.FAST DELIVERY NO ORDElt IS TOO ShIALLWEST 323 September 7, 1928. K. A. RAY'S COTTAGE DESTROYED BY FIRE THE AVEST VAN NEKVS .-'.: %SO.N'A. S IC. A. Ray's cottage at 21st and Argyle was ()estroyed by fiie eaily on Wednesday morn- ing. The reflection from the burning building )it up southern sky and was seen bv many in different parts of the municipality. The brigade were unable to save the bui1(ling, which had been unoccupied since Friday. The cause of the fire is unknown. Mr. and Mrs. Ray left two weeks ago on a pro- longed trip to Europe. AIi Potkins who has been summering at Fisherman's Cove,has returned to Vancouver. an() Mi's. L. R. AIi])er o fEdmonton, who have been spending a month on a visit toAIrs. Miller's mother AIrs, P. A. AIcBain, 29th and waterfront,)iave taken up residence in Van- couver for the winter. e Mls C Goodwin ietuined onSaturday to her home at 21stand Argyle, after spentling aweek in Seattle. AIiss Robertson moved backto the city on Saturday from AVest Bay, where she has been spending the summer. George Grav, 14th and Clyde,has returned to his home from harvesting in the prairies. Mrs. L. M. Clement left onMonday to spend three weeks inBridge River. J. H. Scott, 17th and AVater-front, is ill and in a hospital inVancouver. Mrs. Ben Taylor, 12th andDuchess, has returned to herhome from a trip to Longview, washington. Bernard Nash, son of Dr. andMrs. A. C. Nash, 1495 Clyde, hasbecome a student at Vancouver College, Shaughnessy Heights. Mrs. H. kV. Ross, who residedat 15th and Mathers, has movedto Kamloops. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rhodes, 1269 Esquimalt Avenue, had afamily reunion last week end.Their daughter, Mrs. L. C. Eg-gins of Montreal, arriving tospend a few weeks here, andtheir son Horace also comingover from Victoria to spend the holidays with them. Bert Harrison, accompanied by his son Eric, returned to his home at 1734 Haywood on Sun- day after an extended motor trip up the Cariboo road, during which they got as far north as Clinton. AIrs. G. Bu)k Icy, "Dreamy Nook," Wing's Poii)t, has re- turned from a two weeks'isit to her daughter in Portlaii(l, Ore- gon. She states that quite a number of people had come upfrom California to that city seek- ing employment. IIr. and AIrs. F. Harris have taken over the management of the Grouse Mountain Tea Rooms, North Lonsdale, leaving here yesterday for their new lo- cation. EV. Dickinson, 14th and Esqui- malt, discovered last week that thieves had entered the new house he has just had erected at 14th and Gordon and had stolen some of the plumbing. The matte& is in the hands of the police. Mr. an(l Mrs. Kemp an() fami- ly, ivho have been occupying the Leggatt cottage at 25th an(l Bellevue, this summer, left for Victoria on Friday. A collision occurred on Tues- day afternoon at 17th and Mar- ine Drive between Seeds delivery truck and the horse drawn wag- gon of a Chinese vegetable pe(l- d)er. One of the hind wheels of the waggon was smashed, and the windshield of the truck brok- eii and a froiit tire burst. No- body was hurt. AIr. and Mrs. John Knowles, 11th and Kings, have had an ad- dition to their family, a daught- er having been born to them at the North Vancouver General Hospital on Wednesday. Both mother an(1 child are making good progress. Herbert, the son of Mrs. M. A. Bourne, 25th and Marine Drive, left on wednesday to join his school at Duncan, Vancouver Island. AiIr. and AIrs. Duck of Vancou- ver spent the weekend the guests of Mrs. C. Goodwin, 21st arid Argyle. Miss Currie of the school staff has taken an apartment at the Fortune Cup Inn for the winter. G. Bulkley, "Dreamy Nook," AVing's Point, has in his garden a tomato plant which has over 95 tomatoes on it. He would like to know if there is anyone in West Vancouver who has a vine which can equal or beat this re- cord. of all kinds. Kiln Dried, per load $3.50 Slabs, per load ....... 3.50 Cedar, per load.....~...... 3.00 HOY'S TRANSI'ER Phones: )Vest 112 North 1654 AIiss Morgan is entertaining a number of her friends of the Royal Bank staff, Vancouver, to- morrow at her home in West Bay. ipP$ g g $ 'Of ~g'pig Ia '.' Frank Ellis of the ferry bus staff left on Saturday for a trip to Alberta, going by motor. AIrs. Kemp, who has recently arrived from England, has taken AIrs. Gray's cottage, 2644 Ma- rine Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Jaffary and Miss Mabel DIcBain return- ed on Monday after spending a week's holiday at the Orcas Ho- tel, washington. Dr. and AIrs. G. E. Bayfield, AIr. and Mrs. H. C. Osborne and Mr. and AIrs. L. H. Beamish spent the holidays motoring to Mount Baker, where a chalet has recently been erected. A road through Mount Baker Park 22 miles long leads to the chalet, which is situated at a point 4800 feet above sea level. Chas. E. Burbridge, 23rd and Marine Drive, left on Tuesday for Pitt Meadows, where he has been made principal of the Su- perior school. George Reid, manager of Le- sage Drug Store here, with his bro ther-in-law Bert Cameron left here on Wednesday for an auto trip up the Cariboo Road. They expect to be away for a week. "From the Dairy toith the Highest Score" Mr. Saba, who has been sum- mering at a house at 19th and Watei&iont moved back to the city on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fraser, spent the week end in Victoria, returning oii Monday evening in time for the opening on Tues- day of the Framar Montessori School, which is conducted byMrs. Fraser at 18th and Esqui- malt. 3F,4]gp wQ'&El on street 9 QUARTS for $ 1.00 Phone North 122 Mate George Macdonald re- turned yesterday to his duties on the ferries after his annual vacation. &Ir. and Mrs. H. L. Thompson, 21st and Argyle, are leaving to- morrow for a motor trip to Cali- fornia. Percy Andrews, 18th and Fulton, went into the North Vancouver General Hospital on Monday, where he expects to undergo an operation. FI.OVERS, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, and DOAIESTIC SCIENCE Doors open at 2 p.m. Official Opening at 3e30 p. m. by Captain lan Mackenzie, M.P.P. DUNDARAVE HALL, 'j.'0-MORROW SA','".'.4 .AY West Vancouver Horticultural Ass'n.