001C95D0 September 7, 1928. THE 4VEST VAN NEREUS ~ ~ I HO COOKING Buy your supply hele and be sure of getting the Best Quality at Reasonable Prices. Mrs. DRAPER HOhl E COOK IXG Sl'FCIA LIST 2435 bIAlrl.i 8 D (IVE Next Dundaraee Hall. NOTE PHONEt Weet SSS The Famous and .To)or ."is can now be obtained here. West Van GARAGE Ar»bleside IVest 130 Auto Repairs L Accessories IIOLI.YBURN . Barber Shop ]5th E Marine EXPERT SERVICE E. hlARSH I'roprietor I i mt a r u i ~ hlember of the B. C. hIining and Stock Exchange Stocks Real Estate Insurance and Loans Orders promptly and efficiently executed. 579 Dunsmuir St., Vancouver I'hone Seymour 8894 4. II). 44;W.S IVishes to inform the public that he is now specializing in MINING STOCKS Information and advice gladly given I'hone Seymour 6972 New office address: 709-710 Bower Building 543 Granville Street, Vancouver A l(E YOU going tu build in West Vancouver THIS YEAlt7 Ger OUR l'LAoNS and I'l(ICES W. TINNEY & CO. 13UI I.l)ERS AN I) CON'I'l(ACTolrS Fuut of I'hone 20th Street West $22 City OIIice.'12 llastings Street West le hone Sey. 191 3 PERS ONALS ~ ~ ill. williams, the Ambleside tailor, is advertising a special line of tailor-made suits and overcoats from $23 up. 0 s s Mr. Percy King will conduct his Bible study class on Sunday a fternoon in Ambleside Hall, starting at 3 o'lock. Dlr. King and the other officers will wel- come any who wish to attend. 0 0 s For the convenience of her clients, Dr. Vass, the chiroprac- tor, is now in attendance at her office next to Stratton's Bake- shop each morning at 8:30. s s s The new building at the cor- ner of 15th and iAIarine Drive, no~v being erected for the EVest Vancouver Lumber Co., is near- ing completion. The building is one of the most pleasing and commodious structures in the district, and its erection is a tribute by Mr. Turnbull to the ultimate growth and develop- ment of EVest Vancouver. It is a practical and tangible mark of his faith in the district. 0 0 0 Two stores in the Ambleside building are being remodelled. That formerly occupied by Val- e»tine's confectionery and the one next door are each being di- vided, making four smaller stores. George Hay, the rental agent, states that the rental prices are to be made quite reas- onable. s e 0 Mr. and AIrs. Harry ICing and daughter Thelma, with Mr. and Mrs. King, Sr., 11th and Duch- ess, returned last week from an auto tour during which they covered the circular route, Van- couver Island, Port Angeles, Se- attle and Vancouver. They re- port a most enjoyable trip. Mr. and Mrs. (Bill) Taylor are moving from the house at 13th and hlarine tomorrow to take up residence at Dundarave Hall, the living quarters of which have been remodelled and en- larged for their occupancy. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor are the lessees of the hall. Mr. and AIrs. J. D. A. Tripp and Miss Elizabeth Tripp have returned to Vancouver from Caulfeild, avhere they have been spending the summer. iAIr. and AIrs. T. Gray, 14th and Clyde, spent last week-end in Victoria. Dlr. and Mrs. Gordon Gray, 26th and Slathers, who have been at areas Island on a holi- day visit, have now returned home. LADIES'OCAL CI.ASS AT DUNDARAVE HAI I The vocal class for ladies or- ganized by )Irs. F. X. Hodgson has received so many entries that it will be held at Dunda- rave Hall each Tuesday at 4 p.m., instead of at her studio or& Bellevue, as announced in our issue last week. LATE AIRS. E. G. GILI RANI'IVASNATIVE OF ENGI.AND Mrs. Ethel Gertrude Gillbank, a resident of this municipality for the past seven years, died last Sunday morning, aged 64. She was born in England and is survived by her husband and four sons. She resided at 22nd Street rind Haywood Avenue, and came to Canada twenty-two year's rigo. The funeral took place on Tuesday a fternoon. Rev. A. Harding Priest officiated. Inter- ment was iri IVest Vancouver Cemetery. Chet Shields, who sprained his foot a week ago whilst climb- ing into the orchestra pit at Pan- tages Theatre. had to hobble around on crutches. IIe has now, however, recovered the use of his foot. bliss Evelyn Colpitts has been confined to her home through sickness. llr. and Ilrs. Colin McLea», 15th and Haywood, left last Tuesday for an auto trip to Port- land. They expect to be away for a week. 0 0 0 The Boarding and Day School for Girls, conducted by bliss Philip at 2303 Bellevue, has re- cently been fitted up with a new furnace for the comfort of the pupils and other alterations made to the building. bliss Violet Lockie-Brown and her sister returned to their home in New EVestmi»ster yesterday after spending the summer months at their cottage on the ivaterfront at Dundarave. e e s .'llr. and 11rs. Peter Olson and daughter of Anacortes, IVashaa ington, were iveek-end visitors of the Rev. and AIrs. A. M. O'Donne 1 I. The Bilton House School for Boys at the junction of 29th Street and the P. G. E. Railroad, of which the headmaster is &Ir. K. B. Foyster, who has a high educational reputation in the old land, has resumed classes this week. Mr. and Mrs. Draper of the Dundarave Home Cookerey Store spent last week-end at Vaucroft Lodge. The store was closed from Saturday till Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Ridley, who have been visiting 1ilr. and AIrs. Ridley of Caulfeild, return- ed to their home in Vancouver last week. Dr. Ridley is a brother of )Ir. Ridley of the 3lilk and Ice Company and The Ma- 1 ine Motor's. Mr. and Mrs. )Iackenzie Math- eson with their family returned to their Vancouver home last Tuesday after spending the sum- mer at their Caulfeild home. Mr. J. Ray and daughters, who have been living at 22nd and Marine for the past two months, left for their home in Vancouver last Tuesday. Miss Kathleen Yates, who has been spending a month's holiday with her parents, Mr. and AIrs. J. S. Yates, 16th and illarine Drive, has returned to Penticton to resume her duties at the hos- pital there. I. O. D. E. TO RESUAIE illEETINGS iVEXT illONDAY The I.O.D.E. will hold their first meeti»g of the season next iAIonday. the 10th inst., at Ingle- wood School, starting at 2:15 p.m. C HA I Riil AN E LG A R ON EXECUTIVE OF B. C. SCHOOL TRUSTEES The chairman of the Board of School Trustees (G. E. Elgar) has been appointed as represen- tative to act on the executive of the Greater Vancouver and New westminster branch of the B. C. School Trustees'ssocia- tion. This association will hold its annual conventio» at Penticto» commenci»g on September 24th, anti it is expected that all mem- bers of the IVest Vancouver boartl and the secretary will at- tend. Mrs. Clara Wilson Teacher of PIANOFORTE "LESCHETIZKY METHOD" STUDIOS--2367 AIartne Drive Dundarave, West Vancou- ver. Phone IVest 689X. Women's Building, Thurlow Street. Vancouver. Phone Douglas 541. I'laying Classes and Recitals. Memory Playing, Sightreading, Ensemble Playing. 100 per cent successes at Exams. Mrs. F. Knight-Hedge 1332 Duchess Avenue will resume teaching VIOLIN, PIANOFORTE and THEORY on hIONDAY, SEPTEhlBElt 10tha Phone AVest 624R PITMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Eat. 1898 Vancouver's Leading Business College Individual Attention DAY and NIGHT School Night School, 4 nights each week Enrol at any time. 4 22 Richards St. Phone Sey. 9135. Cor. Hastings FRAMAR MONTKSSORI School for Young Children Folk Dancing and Rythm included. FALL TERM NOiV OPENa 18th and Esquimalt illRS. lV. D. FRASER I'hone IVest 93La St. PATRICIA KINDERGARTEN AND GIRLS'CHOOL CHINA PAINTING MRS. PHILP wishes to an- nounce that her classes in CHINA I'AINTING and DECORATIVF ARTS will be resumed the first meek in September. Phone Douglas 697. BOAT iVITH CHILDREN DRIFTS ACROSS THE FIRST NARROWS Jackie watson, son of Captain )Vatson, last Friday morning took out little Eric Hoyle and Bert Fitzpatrick in his rowboat. )Vhen off the shore near the Capilano Jackie saw a fish line on the beach and rowed ashore to get it. Unfortunately, while he was aivay securing the line the current carried the boat off shore, and before he could get the assistance of Alr. Dickinson at the lighthouse it had drifted across the First Narrows. Luck- ily no ships were passing at the time, and i~lr. Dickinson, accom- panied by Jackie, rowed across to the shores of Stanley Park and secured the boat, its small occupants being none the worse for their experiences. SCOTTISH SOCIETY The regular meeting of the society will be held on Friday, 21st September, at 8:15 p.m., in "The Clachap," at ivhich a lec- ture will be given by lV. S. ~lit- chell, who will take as his sub- ject "Scottish 9'it a»d Humor.' housewarming which will take the form of a military whist drive ivill be given by the society on Saturday evening, 15th September, at 8:15 o'lock, in the Clachan hotel, to which all friends and members are in- vited. Play will commence at 8:15. There, will be refresh- me»ts and a social hour will be spent at the close of the game. The hlisses Stevenson are home again, having taken over "The Clachan," and are looking for- svard to a pleasarit evening. For trrble reservations phone the secretary at EVest 625Y or the chairman of the committee, IVest 89L, FALL TER&I STARTS THIS WEEK bliss J Durbin Phone 20th and Haywood West 97R Boarding and Day School for Girls with Kindergarten. bliss Philip 2303 Bellevue FALL TERM HAS NOW STARTED Prospectus on Application. Bilton Ho~se School FOR BOYS 29th St. and P.G.E. Railway Started This IVeek. K. B. FOYSTER Phone IVest 150Y2 Prof. J. M. Morgan VOICE PRODUCTIOX SINGING Vancouver Studio: Seymour 101 West Van. Studio: West 173 ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ a ~ a. ~ a a ~ eew ao ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ ~ aa- ~ a-aa- ~ a aa.a ~-ea.ra a A GOOD IS A CONSTANT gOY. Have the children taken regularly and so keep a record of their develop- ment. THE -='. KING STUDIO (V. V. VIXSOX, I'rop.) IVill give you satisfactory work STUDIO 311 Hastings St IV Phone Seymour loe6=--=-~our-- -- --- -~mum SINGING & INTERPRETATION EVest Vancuover Studio 2310 Bellevue Avenue NOIV OPEN FOR FALL TERII Telephone IVest 665R Seven Iledals won by pupils at H. C. &Iusical Festiral since 192-I. LADIES'OCAL CLASS At the request of several ladies Mrs. Hodgson is starting a Vocal Class this season. This class mill meet each Tuesday at 4 p. m. at the Dundarave Hall. Those interested please telephone 4Vest 665~& ~