001C95D0 TIIE WEST VAN NElVS Service that All Housewives Like There's no delay with the meal you'e planned at a certain hour for when we tell you that your Groceries will be delivered at n named time we do it. 1 OU CAN SAFELY ORDER 8 Y l'HOV E for everything a grocer should carry. Phone or call at i 'l,'i),1I~IVili',ll S (; VOCE 4Y PHONE YOUR ORDERS. West 16 AVe deliver. 1lIen's Suits nnd Overcoats TAILoR ts23 ppfrom The new Fall Samples are now here for your choice. Qual- ity and Fit Guaranteed. YOU'L BE SATISFIED M. WILLIAMS 16th nnd hlarine. Ambleside GUSTO%I TAILOR CLEANING AND PRESSING Phone West 20 a':cry Service AUTO or RADIO Charging -- Repairs Rebuilding, Etc. West Van Battery Service Next to )Vest Van. Garage (W. Craig) formerly with Crawford's Battery House in Vancouver Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The West Van Watchmaker & Jeweller 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside THE .f, arce S &0) 1520 Marine Drive hIarcel, Steam and Finger IVav- ing, Haircutting, Shampooing and Scalp Treatments For Appointment %VEST 304 I hi R. 8 O N W I S 5[vs. Margaret Hay divas re- newing acquaintances ln West Vnncouvev last iveek. Trustee J. B. Leyland has been delegated to secure a suitable flag to fly from the net flagstaff at Ingleivood School. lVive screens have been placed on the lower ivindows of Holly- buvn and Pauline Johnson Schools. The West Vancouver Lumber Co. Ltd. made application to have the board sidewalk extend- ed in front of their net build- ing to 15th Stveet, and to have the ditch levelled. The engineer divas i»stvucted to report on the cost of such walk and ditch. R. J. Salter asked for a road to be built to his house on 29th Street near Palmevston Avenue. The engineer divas i»structed to investigate and report. ihIiss Frame asked the council to have the cornev of 26th Street and i~Iarine Drive graded. The matter was referred to the en- gineer. Mv. and Mvs. H. A. Eagel're having an addition built to their home at 22nd and Fulton. ilIv. and Mrs. Hyndman, "0th and Fulton, moved to Vancou- ver on Saturday. Mr. and )Irs. McLaren of Pt. Grey have moved into the house they purchased from Mrs. AVill- sher at 25th and Kings. Mr. and 5Irs. J. A. Le Gree, who have been occupying the Thompson cottage at 16th and Waterfront for tivo months, have returned to Vancouver. DTrs. G. C. Byrnell spent the week-end in Nianaimo on a visit to her son. St. Patricia Kindergarten and Girls'chool, conducted by Miss Joan Durbin, opened for the fall term last Tuesday. ilIr. and ilIrs. Dayton Case, ac- companied by Mr. and AIrs. Bur- nett, made an auto trip to Har- rison Hot Springs last ~veek- end, leaving EVest Vancouver on Saturday and returning 31onday night. Don't forget to attend the fall show of the Horticultural Soci- ety at Dundarave Hall tomor- row. A splendid display of fruits, vegetables and domestic science. Next Wednesday the council of the Board of Trade will meet at 8 o'lock. The regular meet- ing will be held on Monday, 17th instant. NUBONE CORSETS Surgical Belts LINGERIE, HOSIERY 17th & Marine. AVest 224 blvs. Saunders, ivho has been a guest at the Fortune Cup Inn fov the past week, returned on Monday to Vancouver. 0 Mvs. F. D. Cvamer of Portland spent the holidays with hei brother and sister-in-laiv, Mr. and i~Irs. Chet Shields, 14th and Bel levue. ilTr. an() DIvs. Penn, ivho have been occupying a house at 19th and Bell".~le, returned last Tues- clay to their home in Vancouver. 31v. and ilIvs. Hill, who have been summering at a house at 27th and AIarine Drive, have moved back to Kerrisdale. ilIrs. Iiing, of Caulfeild, left on Saturday for an extended trip south. The ATisses Stevenson have taken over "the Clachan" from i~Tiss Chris tison. Mrs. i~lcKenzie of Kitsilano, is occupying for a short time hev cottage at 23rd and Bellevue. ilTrs. Page, who has been oc- cupving the Clark cottage at Sherman's, moved back to the city on Tuesday. J. Duck~vorth and J. )Vallev oi the municipal ivaterivovks staff, who are on a motor trip south, had reached Ashland, Oregon, on Monday according to reports received from them by friends here. They reported the weath- er as being very warm in Ore- gon. Miss Dorm nworth, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ridley of Caulfeild, left for her home in Powell River last Sat- urday. Mr and Mrs EVebber of EVhitesvood, Sask., arrived in )Vest Vancouver last Sunday for a holiday visit with Mv. and Mrs. Matthew, 13th and Esqui- malt. LEGION TO RESUiAIE REGULAR AIEETINGS The Canadian Legion, West Vancouver branch, ivill hold their first regular meeting since the summer recess in the Legion rooms, Ferry Building, next Fri- day evening at 8 o'lock. Here- after the monthly meetings will be held on the third Friday of every month, as heretofore. I'articulars of the federal gov- ernment's new life assurance scheme, available to ex-service men and recently received by the branch ivill be read out and ex- plained to any interested. It is hoped that a programme for the coming ivinter's acti~sties &ril be drawn up. With these and other important matters to come up at the meeting, it is hoped that every member or any desirous of becoming mem- bers, will make a point of being present. I'IRST HORSESHOE BAY RFGATTA A SUCCESS The first annual regatta to be held at Horseshoe Bay took place on Labor Day and was a decided success. The proceed- ings opened with a parade of campers and residents, and the pvogramme of sports which fol- lowed proved very interesting to the large crowd of onlookers. There was an unfortunate acci- dent during the class B out- boavdmotovboat race, when J. Hooson's entry, Big Chief, got out of control and crashed into a yacht, which was damag- ed considerably, the racer suf- fering a number of bruises. Officials in charge were'. Hon- orary judges, F. A. Miles and George J. Fowler; official ref- vee, J. L. Northey; announcer, Jack Dornan. Reeve V. V. Vin- son presented the prizes. The complete results follow: 25-yard swim, boys, 10 years and under--1, N. Tailing; 2, D. Lamb. 25-yard swim, girls, 10 years and under--1, 5I. Thompson; 2, E. Lammer. 50-yard swim, boys, 14 and u nder--1, E. Ketcham; 2, J. Lamb. 50-yard swim, girls, 14 and under--1, F. Giske; 2, J. Harris. 75-yard swim, boys, 18 and under (F. A. Miles cup) --1, H. Maurice; 2, D. Gordon. 75-yard swim, girls, 18 and under (Great )Vestern Smelting Co. Cup) --1, Miss A. Martin; 2, bliss J. Harris. Class B outboard motorboat race--1, J. EVhitaker; 2, I. Rob- son. 100-yard swim, men campers --1, S. Strong; 2, H. Morris. Rowboat race, singles--1, C. Ansell; 2, Grant. 100-yard swim, ladies--1, Miss A. Martin; 2, Miss M. Brown. Long-distance swim, Point and return (about 3-5 mile)-- 1, J. Reid; 2, M. Roberts. Miss M. Brown was first lady to fin- ish. Trophy donated by J. Mit- chell. Canoe race--1, D. Dempsey; 2, G. )Vilson. Class C outboard motorboat race--1, Vic. Holker; 2, Earle Chang. 100-yard swim, open--1, J. Reid; 2, Quartermaine. High diving, girls--1, M. Ed- wards; 2, Queenie Collison. 200-yard relay race (4-men teams) --1, H.. Downey, G. Law, B. Morrow and B. watson; 2, A. Northey, P. Northey, 4V. Hall and J. Thomas. Canoe tilting -- 1, Downie brothers. ROYAL BULL WINS CUP I'RESENTED BY CLAUDE G. BARROiv'S FATHER The following item is taken from the Derbyshire (Eng.& Times of the 11th of August, 1928: "The 75th anniversary of the Bakewell Agricultural Show was held on Thursday last, the Bar- row challenge cup, being a per- petual trophy given by the late Mr. B. Langdale Barrow (fath- er of ouv highly esteemed citi- zen, DIr. Claude G. Barrow of Dundarave) for the best pedi- gree bull, was won by the "Prince of EVales." TRADE I~8 - w.P '.".('..'3 .( ..'.(:.'.S.. NOW STABILISED EVe will tell you exactly how much your repairs will cost before the job is started. There is on file in our office a price list covering every op- eration on every make of car. Don't take chances. Know exactly what the repairs are going to cost you. a &&e ..'. 01;O'S 51EiII)ERS OF THE AUTO SERVICE CLUB. Phone %Vest 456 MARK City convenience for the suburban or Country home, at small cost. Rockgas is a form of naural gas liquified, and filled into cylinders under moderate pressure, which turns to pure gas on release of pressure. Rockgas can be used in any standard gas appliance. Rockgas contains NO CARBON MONOXIDE. In this respect it is farsafer to use than water gas or the usual artificial gas. Rockgas has NO ODOR, does not SMOKE, lights instantly, and is per- fectly SAFE to use. B. C. ROCKGAS AGENCY SHOWROOM:--1443 Marine Drive, at Ambleside Phone West 693. September 7, 1928. Our De ivery Service Now that the childreii back to school you mny something from the store in " hurry-- Just give us a cnll nnd we'l be glad to send it up. AVe will also send for your Prescription, dispense nnd deliv- er it. This double service is your for the asking. WEST VAN PHARNACY The Store of Service I'rompt Delivery I'hone ~V. 37 SPECIAL 40c BIEAL .U.i i'S CA"- 1421 Marine Drive at 14th St. 7 A. 51. to 11 P. M. Public I'hone IVest 611-0 We have clients waiting . o,(ent. ouses 'or Tee Winter 5 and 6 ~oom places preferred (. W. SAVO &Y 1429 AIarine Drive Ambleside PHOAE--West 698R1 or West 340 Evening--West 143 (Established over 7%i Years) C. J. Overington 14th and Marine For appointment PHONE WEST 135 Ambleside Tea Rooms Ferry Whar! WEST VANCOUVER Camp and Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, etc. For People Who Are Particular THIltD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. )Vest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L „PRice, o LI5& l&~ ~ Ilo» i \ li+ ~ ili~~ cCc s&so~ Oul. LiST oF PR&c,6s SHOD 016 WAV--- IN WHICH WR NAKE ~ THIS LAUNDRY PRV 18, )Im'lf( .RUll( Q Limited