West Van. News (West Vancouver), 31 Aug 1928, p. 7

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001C95C5 August 31, 1928. From "The Daily Mail" A BRIDGE PARTY IÃ iVEST VANCOUVER How an English Hostess i~Iakes the Best of Her Primitive Home in the IVilds. Vancouver, B. C. The telephone rang and I an&- . wered it--a long distance call from West Vancouver. Is that you, Theo?" said the voice of a new acquaintance. "I am giving a bridge party on Sat- urday evening--three tables. Do , 'come... So glad... Good-bye." Accordingly on Saturday aft- ernoon I left Vancouver by fer- ry. The sun was shining on a sea like a mill-pond; the ferry chug-chugged its way down Bur- rard Inlet through the Narrows, with Stanley Park on our right, and Siwash Rock, with the tree on its summit, before us. My one regret was that the hour'as yet too early for one of our incomparable Vancouver sun- , sets. Half an hour on the water and I was transplanted from the .l.noise and great buildings and Ane streets of this city of mush- room growth to the wilds of the west shore. Snow still lay on the mountains; the nearer slopes thickly clad with trees, were dot- ted here and there with little ivooden houses. At the wharf ~ my hostess's clear English voice" hailed a welcome. Railway Track for Footpath "Do you mind walking on the railway track?" she inquired. "It is much nearer!" ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ "Hpw many trains a day?" I returned, cautiously. "Three now," she replied, and we set forth. Beloiv us lay the sea, and elightly above us .tiny wooden houses of all descriptions. Pres- ently we came to a minute place, partly house and partly general store; on its farther side a creek bubbled, and the little garden by ,".,which we approached the house gave directly on to the track. My surprise got the better of my politeness. "How," I exclaimed, "will you get twelve people in here?" ~: "Easily," answered my friend, but when I saw the room in which we were to play I wond- . ered still more! Chairs That Varied from a Bed to wooden Boxes. The front door opened into a 4living room at one end of which 'a wood fire was burning in a stove, a bed was beside, and little tables were set out for bridge. 'Around them was grouped every 'anner of seat, from the bed .eitself and cane armchairs down ~ to small wooden boxes. Opening off this room were the little kit- chen on one side, a tiny bedroom allotted to an invalid aunt on the other, and a door communicat- '.;ing with the store on the thinl side. IVhat IVould Cranford Have Said? Shades of Cranford and Miss Natty! As we set about our preparations for the party the shopbell kept tinkling, and my hostess disappeared to attend to a customer's wants or to serve a child with an ice-cream cone or a few cents'orth of her own delicious home-made candy. "Captain Marston," said Nolly ~ as we made the sandwiches, "is +Winging me extra cups and saucers, and Dr. Brimlow anoth- er little table The Jamiesons promised sausage rolls--every- one is so kind in helping me! I do wish, though, she added pen- sively, "that I had one other . chair of some kind. Last time I had three tables I did not play myself; but when auntie got tired and I took her place she had to go to bed, for there was absolutely not a thing in the place for her to sit on! Delicious Variety Sandwiches What delicious sandwiches we made. Big piles of brown and ~ white bread were already cut; in THE WEST VAN NEWS alongside. "There ain't no such animal" here. And what about "the mountain goat," on whose route all the KVest Vancouver- i tes live, according to Theo? However, never mind. AVe ap- pear to have impressed Theo. as good fellows, even if ave do wear serge suits in the evening and sit on boxes. Also, there' the question of the excellent food v;i:ovided and so minutely described. EVe'll forgive you ev- erything else, Theo., for those kind words, since as the result of a recent census taken among some visitors as to what was the greatest attraction, the major- ity voted "good meals." IVe would point out, however, to iblr., i~lrs. or bliss Theo., that there are eleven trains a day each way, two regular hus ser- vices, one of which connects di- rectly with the city, a 20-minute ferry service with the city, some of the finest residences on the coast. and, since apartment houses appear to be of'artic- ular interest to Theo., we have the most up-to-date apartment house in Greater Vancouver, our scenery is the finest absolutely on the I'acific Slope, which is saying a great deal, and while some of our houses may not be quite fitted up with all the lat- est conveniences, we know old London, Theo., just as well as you do, and there are many houses there which would give you better opportunities for your descriptive imagination. a Jowl was butter beaten light as foam; and so quickly and eas- ily spread. Finely-minced ham was mixed with pickle and salad dressing for one variety of sand- wich; cream cheese mixed with chopped walnuts was spread on brown bread for a second. Hard- boiled eggs and lettuce were chopped very finely and mixed with salad dressing for a third variety, and dates and ~valnuts chopped together for a fourth. A Happy Bohemian Atmosphere The store was closed, and soon the guests arrived en masse, brought down from higher up the hill by the great motor-omni- bus. Some of the women wore evening dress, the men their best navy blue suits. No apology was offered for the makeshift seats and the presence of the bed in the room, nor was one expected by the guests though some came like myself for the first time. All were English; the men mostly old public school boys, while the voices of the women showed unmistakable culture. Life and conditions are accepted as they are out here in British Columbia. A livelihood must be earned and, provided it be an honest one, it matters not how. Back to Civilisation by Omnibus The spirit of friendliness and enjoyment was in the little low- ceilinged room; the air was soon thick with tobacco smoke, and the heat divas suffocating. At 11.30 supper wes served, and at 12.30 the guests took their de- parture borne up the long ascent by the last motor-omnibus. The next morning I took the ferry back to the comforts and conveniences of a city flat. Clouds lay on the mountains as we sped from the western shore; ahead of us was a C.P.R. liner making for port in Vancouver from the Orient. Crossing the railway track which traverses the street as casually as any tramway-car line, I boarded a street-car which soon bore me down Granville Street, Vancou- ver's principal thoroughfare. As I climbed the stairs of an over- heated apartment-house the con- trast was so great that it seemed as if the night on the west shore had been passed in another ex- istence. --Theo. L. Daunt. ,', ~ c Fhone %Vest 28 Amblesidc GROCERIES -- HARDWARE 4 I'AINTS Free Delivery QUALITY MERCHAND!SE FOR LESS FREE DELIVERY CLASSIFIED ADS hl0V IN G? -- Call Hobb Transfer, West 17. Reasonable terms. FOR SALE--hfonarch range, in per- fect condition. Phone IVest 184L. SIX CYLINDEft TOURING CAR f'r sale. Good hill climber. Good tires. $ 175. Terms or will trade for truck Phone AVest 17. FOIL SALE, CHEAP -- Atlas Geo- graphy, Literature, etc.. for ent- rance work. Phone West 67R. FOR RENT--Five room sunny bung- alow. Modern. Electric Stove, Fire- place, Hot Air furnace, Large ver- andah. Rent $40. Phone %'est 660Y Bl KCK SOIL FOR SALE--100 yards IVont last long. Phone ~Vest 17. FOR RENT--From September 1st- hfodern attractive bungalow of four rooms. on waterfront at Dundarave Low rental to responsible party. Phone H. W. Lang, IVest 413L or any West Van. Estate Agent. TO RENT--Two bed sitting rooins with or without board. Close to Pauline Johnson and High School. Phone IVest 661Y. TO RENT--Furnished Cottage on sea front. Close to 22nd Street. Two bedrooms. Garage. Garden. Splendid view. Phone Fair. 4867. FOR RENT IN hfODERN HOhlE- Two furnished rooms to responsible persons. Can be used as bedroom and sitting room or two bedrooms. Board optional or use of kitchen. Phone West 37. FOUI'OOhlED Furnished Cottage for rent. Cheap for winter. On Waterfront just west of Ferry. Ap- ply Oliver, Waterfront between 16th and 16th.OPEN INVITATION TO BIBLE SCHOOL NEXT SUNDAY FOIC RENT--Furnished or Unfurn- ished, Waterfront modern bunga- low. Foot of 23rd Street. Phone IVest 664L or Bayview 6901. "The Kingdom taken away from the Jews." This is the subject of the special study at the AVest Vancouver Bible School next Sunday afternoon. Mr. Percy King, the leader, has made a special study of the Bible and he has the happy faculty of ex- plaining his message in a par- ticularly lucid and interesting manner. Everybody is welcome and you will find it a very profit- able afternoon. The class starts at 3 o'lock in the Ambleside Hall. I'ARROT--Lost from Travers Avenue a green and red parrot. Would any- one seeing it please phone D. hfor- gan, West 482. DOUBLE BED--Complete, for sale. Good condition, $7.00. West 318R3. ROOhf AND BOARD -- Waterfront house three minutes from Ferry, $7.50 per week. Apply Rooms, clo IVest Van News. H EM STITCH IN G--Plain.. whi te.. Sc yard; silk and colored 10c yard. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144. BOARD AN D 1400hl -- Near Ferry wanted by young lady. Phone West 365R. YEAR OLD LEGHORNS--One Hun- dred for sale. Excellent strain. Also new portable chicken house 28x14. All for $ 175. Phone %Vest 660Y. ELECTRIC LIGHTING. Wiring, hfot- ors, Electric and Battery Radio Sets and Supplies. North Shore Electric. Phone 1540 Lonsdale Ave., North 79. AVE HAVE SEVERAL NET MODERN HOMES FOR RENT Furnished or Unfurnished CHICKEN DINNER on Sunday 50c. at Lunn's Cafe. GRAhlAPHONE REPAIRS. new and used records. Low prices. Simpson, one door east of %Vest Van. Garage. NEWhfAN & ROBBINS -- Builders and Contractors--Painting, paper- hanging and kalsomining, chimneys built. 28th and hfarine. Phone West 74R1 ~ The above remarkable article on "the wild and woolly" life we lead in West Vancouver appear- ed in the London Daily )Tail of the 3rd instant. Theo. L. Daunt --shall we not say Theo. L. Dauntless, since the story is set out in the style of Bruce's trav- els in A frica--seems to have made a most peculiar journey to get over to AVest Vancouver. He or she--the minute way in which the making of sandwiches is described would almost sug- gest she--states that "the ferry chug-chugged its way down Bur- rard Inlet through the Narrows, with Stanley Park on our right and Siwash Rock with the tree on its summit before us." Now what kind of position did Theo. or the ferry get into to estab- lish such bearings as that? It' like a story we once heard, but no matter. EVe have been vis- ualizing ourselves on the ferry and visualizing ourselves there sitting backwards and upside down and wrong end to, on the upper deck and the lower deck, also hanging over the side suf- fering from mal-de-mer. And still we can't get Stanley Park on the right and the Siwash Rock in front of us when going down the Inlet. No, sir, it can' be done. Theo., of course, is a highly proper young man, or he would not have had an article accepted in the Mail, and still less would he have been invited and met by a )Vest Vancouver hostess. If it were not for these things, we should have said that, he got hopelessly tight in Cor- dova Street before getting on the wrong boat and going up the Inlet instead of down. If not, why this short trot along the track to a house and store com- bined, with a stream running GEO. HAY Notary Public 1405 hfarine Drive Office Phone AVest 21 or Sey. 1260 Residence Phone W. 32R or W. 204X SHORTHAND and Type~witing. Private classes under experi- enced lady teacher. Reasonable terms. i~Irs. Stenning, 2061 Esquimalt. W. JENVEY, Builder, Cabinet AVork of all kinds. Phone West 346L. REAL BARGAIN--3 Room Cottage, fine garden, well cultivated, block from Beach, near Ferry, only $ 1160, $250 cash, balance less than rent. AVill pay you to look into this bar- gain. FOUNDATION, CLIENT WORK, Landscaping. Lawns made, Grading and Clearing. T. Barnott, Resid- ence Phone West 672R. F URN IS H ED COTTA G E -- For Rent at West Bay. hfodern, light, toilet, etc. Apply the new store, hfarine Drive, West Bay. iVEST VA NCOU V ER IN VEST- hf ENT COY. West 102. hf RS. Shf1TH--AVhere did you get those fine school shoes for Jimmy T hf RS. BROWN -- Why I got them from Tites. They have good strong shoes for kids. FURNACE FOR SALE For sale High Powered Cast Furn- ace, almost new, cost $ 145.00 install- ed. Capacity 15,000 to 20,000 feet. Offers to be in hands of hfunicipal Clerk, Hollyburn, B. C., not later than September 4th. Ahf BLESIDE HALL Applications for reservations of the Ambleside Hall for the present may be made to the agents for the build- ing. FOI4 RENT--IVell Furnished fully modern house. Adults preferred. One block from Drive. 2061 Esqui- malt.GEO. HAY Notary Public 1406 hfarine Drive Phone West 21 FOR RENT -- Unfurnished. Three, four and five room suites, modern hot water heated. Apply Mr. hIes- senger, 16th and Marine. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Purchase Land. R. P. Clark k. Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. LONSDALE SHORTHAiND AND TYPEWRITING ACADEhiY, h!a- sonic Temple Building. Phone North 1055. AVe advance you rapid- ly. ATTRACTIVE HOhIE--Lovely view conveniently situated, nice garden, well built, bright and cheerful, in excellent condition. Tiled walls in bathroom and kitchen. Very sound value at $3000; on terms. In the Land Recording District of New IVestminster and situate near Grace Harbour. Gambier Island. Take notice that I, Alfred Louis Del- amare, of West Vancouver. occupation Labourer, intends to apply for per- mission to purchase the following de- scribed lands:-- Commencing at a post planted at South East corner, aproximately 600 feet from South corner of Lot 42, D. L. 2768, Gambier Island, thence 245 feet to North East corner; thence 40 feet to North West corner; thence 250 feet to South West corner; thence 50 feet to South East corner more or less, and containing 1~7 acre more or less. PURPOSE--To build a wall from said islet to Lot &" opposite. 90 feet distant, for shelter; Secondly to beau- tify what is a bare rock, by planting trees thereon. ALFRFD LOUIS DELAMARE. Dated 29th August, 1928. CHDIN EYS SWEPT by experienced man; also excavating and general work done. Phone IVest 668L. ACltE SNAI' Well situated, could be subdivided into six good lots, $860 only. Terms to suit purchaser. BATTERIES TESTED, Rented, Re- charged and Repaired by experienc- ed Battery man. The New Battery House next IVest Van. Garage. City Prices. BUILDING LOT on hfathers Avenue, Dundarave. Fully cleared. Fine view; $450. G LEN EAG LES GOLF CLUB--Open to non-members. Good opportunity for beginners during week days. SEWING lVANTED -- Ladies'nd Children's work. Mrs. Bloxham, Phone IVest 226. Consult us f'r West Vancouver hlunicipal Tax Sale Lands. ~VEBB'S SlIOE REPAIRS IVEAR BEST--Dundarave. R. P. Clark 4 Co. (Vancouver) I.td. 823 Hastings St. W. Soy. 7483, 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, iVest 225. WIN DOIV 8LI N DS--hl ada to order and installed. Estimates free. Pearce's Drygoods. 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144. LARGE COOKING APPLES (Kings) .. 7!bs. for 25c SEEDLESS GRAPES 2 lb@. 23c RED MALAGA GRAPES . .. 2 lbs. 25c RIPE TOMATOES ..... .. 3 lbs. 2&e GRAPE FRUIT, Large Size .. .. 3 for 23c B. C. CANTELOUPES................................. 4 for 25c GOLDEN BANTAM CORN, per dozen............ 23c POTATOES, Good Cookers............................ 13 lhs. 25c Seasonable Fruits and Vegetables. New Laid Eggs Direct from the Ranch. IUe Go and Fetch Em.