001C95C5 THE iVEST VA N NEREUS Service that All Housewives Lilie I I&:B.SON%I S iAIr. a»tl Airs. Crane, who have been occupying one of the flats i» the Ross Block o» blarine Drive at Ambleside are moving i»to a hollse at 16th a»d Hay- s ood. Mrs. Gentillas, ivho has been summering at Caulfeild, has re- tur»ed to her home in Vancou- vel . There's no delay with the meal you'e planned at a certain hour for when we tell you that your Groceries will be delivered at a named time we do it. YOU CAN SAFELY ORDER BY VHn~E for everything a grocer should carry. Phone or call at lI Irs. C. L. Sau»ders of 4 a»- couver is a guest this iveek at the Fortune Cup In». DIrs. Gardiner, svho has been on a» exte»ded trip to Eastern Canada, has returned to her home at 15th and Esquimalt. Captai» Morde» is having al- teratio»s made to his house a»d grounds at 29th «nd Mathers. ilIr. and 5Irs. )Vallis, who have been speiidi»g the summer at a house at 25th a»d Bellevue, have moved back to Va»couver. ihlr. and ilIrs. Baker and fam- ily, ivho have been spending a holiday at 22nd and Bellevue, left on Tuesday to return to their home in Iiitsilano. AIr. Bag»all, Clyde Avenue, collapsed on the dock at Amble- side on Monday afternoon. He was taken to the North Vancou- ver Ge»eral Hosppital. Jack Dewis, who has been staying for a year with his grandmother, Mrs. George Pi- neo, 13th and neith Road, leaves tonight to return to his home i» Canmore, Alberta. 3Ir. and AIrs. Walter of Van- couver have taken the Sewell cottage at 23rd and Bellevue for September. AIrs. Gordon DIcLachlan of Vancouver, was the guest of iMiss Jean Anderson at her. Caulfeild home for a few days this week. Mrs. McBride of Ottawa, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Almas, 13th and Marine Drive, left last iveek for Californi. 51r. and 5Irs. J. R. Allan, 20th and Esquimalt, have moved into the new house which has been erected at 17th and Fulton. Principal and Mrs. F. J. Pat- terson and family, who have been on a two months'isit to their old home in New Bruns- wick, are expet ted back here today. i~Ir. a»d ilIrs. J. H. Paterso» a»d family, 51arine Drive, Am- blesicle, left last Saturday for a week's visit to Harriso» Hot Springs, travelli»g there by auto. Dr. a»d AIrs. A. C. iVash, 1496 Clyde, retur»ed home last »ight from a short holiday at Salt Spring Island. iAIr. and AIrs. Ewart Jaffray, bliss Mabel McBain and Mr. Mil- ler motored to Harriso» Hot Springs over the week end. L.O.L. No. 2990 is holding their regular meeting nezt Tues- day, 4th September at 8 p.m., in St. Stephen's church hall. Mrs. Richardson, who has been staying with AIrs. B. ilI. Grady, 24th and Waterfront, is return- ing to Vancouver tomorrow. Miss Fogg, R.N., of EIaui, Ha- waiian Islands, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. 5IcC. Hill, 1535 Fulton for the past month is leaving shortly for Honolulu where she will be mar- ried to &Ir. Percy George Rob- ertson of Maui. After the cere- mony the bride and her husband will take up residence at Maui. DIiss Ida Porter, 15th and Duchess, left on Wednesday for Kaslo, where she has received an appointment on the high school staff. xjl'i!i! l1llihli,'li:li:,'8 GROCERY PHONE YOUR ORDERS. West 16 We deliver. Clothes Don't Malie the Man but they certainly affect the ap- pearance. It pays--and pays in Dollars and Cents--to be well dressed. See our range of cloths and get our prices. YOU'L BE SATISFIED M. WILLIAMS 16th and hlarine, Ambleside CUSTOi~i TAILOR CLEANING AND PRESSIiNG Phone West 20 a.:cry Service AUTO or RADIO Charging -- Repairs Rebuilding, Etc. %Vest Van Battery Service Neit to AVest Van. Garage (AV. Craig) formerly with Crawford's Battery House in Vancouver 3Ir. and Mrs. James Allan and family, who have been spending a part of the summer at the Mc- Kenzie house, 23rd and Bellevue, are leaving on Monday to return to Vancouver. J. Duckworth and Jack Wailer of the Municipal )Vaterworks staff, are leaving tomorrow for a motor trip through AVashing- ton, Oregon and California. A serious bush fire, caused by a boy dropping a lighted match on the grass, broke out on AVed- nesday morning at Crees've., )Vest Bay. The fire brigade rush- ed out there and, with the as- sistance of the officials of the forestry department, put out the blaze, after a fight of several hours. No damage was done. Mr. and Mrs. Small a»d family who have been summering at East Beach, left on Wednesday to return to Vancouver. 5Ir. and 3Irs. Small are former AVest Vancouver residents. Two hundred new books have arrived in the Hollyburn Public Library from the Government Library in Victoria, and have now been placed on the shelves for the use of the members. AIrs. J. B. Mathers and son James, who have been visiting in Powell River for two weeks, have returned to their home at 15th and Kings. E. Rudolph, 29th and Matt- ers, left last sveek to join his family at their ranch at Dal- mead, Alberta. 5Iiss Edith Glover of Capilano spent a few days during the past week as the guest of Mary and Marjory O'Do»nell, Dundarave. Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The SVest Van Watchmaker L Jeweller Miss AIary Guinan of Prince- ton, was a recent guest of Mr. and 5Irs. F. Guinan, 25th and DIathers. 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hough- ton, 30th and Marine Drive, are e~~ected home this week-end from Gossip Island, where they have been spending a month's holiday. THE iII. arce S &0) 1 1520 hIarine Drive hlarcel, Steam and Finger Wav- ing, Haircutting, Shampooing and Scalp Treatments Mrs. Erickson, 51iss Durbin, and Miss Florence Erickson, who have been spending the past two months at a house at 20th and Bellevue, have returned to Burnaby. For Appointment WEST 304 TRADE i ~ a. L.l NARK NUBONE CORSETS B. C. ROCKGAS AGENCY Surlrical Belts LINGERIE, HOSIERY 17th & Marine. West 224 SHOAUROOAI:--1443 iAIarine Drive, at Ambleside Phone %Vest 693. City convenience for the suburban or Country home, at small cost. Rockgas is a form of naural gas liquified, and filled into cylinders under moderate pressure, which turns to pure gas on release of pressure. Rockgas can be used in any standard gas appliance. Rockgas contains NO CARBON MONOXIDE. In this respect it is far safer to use than water gas or the usual artificial gas. Rockgas has NO ODOR, does not SMOKE, lights instantly, and is per- fectly SAFE to use. DEATH OF AIRS. iV. BRAND YOUNG Ann&e Ai mstrong Stevenson Young, 46, ivife of 4V. Brand Young, 260 Twenty-eighth Street west, North Vancouver, died Wednesday. She had been 17 years in the province and six years in North Vancouver. She is survived by her husband. The funeral was held at 3 p.m. to- day, in Harron Bros. & Wil- liamson's chapel, Rev. A. 51. O'Don»ell officiating. Interment divas made at Capilano View Cemetery. The deceased's hus- band, who is a brother of J. Haydn Young, 24th and Hay- ivood, is assistant city engineer of Vancouver. COUPLE TAKE FREE RIDE A young man and a girl rent- ed a boat o» Sunday at m&dday fl om the Hollyburn Boathouse, and proceeded towards the First Narrows. As they had not re- turned by the evening, it was feared an accident had occurred, a»d nothing was known as to their antecedents owing to their names and addresses not having been taken in the noonday rush. The boat, however, was found on Monday along the shore just west of Dundarave, tied to some piling, and Mr. Rawkins now has it back again. From the fact that the oars and other equip- ment were intact, it would ap- pear that the couple wished for and obtained a free ride. Goldie & McCulloch Co offer for vault doors for the munici- pal hall were accepted, one for a new door at $ 170 and $ 110 for a second-hand door. George Guinan entertained a number of his friends on Friday evening at his home, 25th and Mathers. The evening was pass- ed very pleasantly in dancing and games. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Guinan and Mrs. AIcMillan. Those present in- cluded: Mr. and Mrs. F. Guinan, 3Irs. E. McbIillan, Mickey and EVinnie McMillan, Audrey Lest- er, Kathleen Edwards, Ethel and Alma Lloyd, Gladys and Grace Creelman, Frances Brydon-Jack, AIuriel Liversidge, Evelyn Black, Marjorie Murray Irene McCrum Mary Von Zuben, Ila Gass, Jane Beatty, Priscilla Schnwile, Tom- my Turner, Chuck McMillan, Bernard and Francis Nash, Chuck iVeville, Benny Trafford, Bruce Hamilton, Ross Fon ester, Don and Leslie Stephens, Jess Cripps, Stan Forman, and Lin Von Zuben. I o.yburn 'I'heatre Admission Adults 25c Children 1 ic Friday (tonight) and Saturday. BUSTER KEATON in cci~i" l' ' 'i~'if 6 Reels of Fun. Next Monday and Tuesday, BEBE DANIELS in 'Site's a Sjieii'ext wednesday and Thursday, DOROTHY GISH and ANTONIO hIORENO in "Madam Pompano.our" made entirely in England by an English Company August 31, 1928 High School and Public School Students This year, as in the past, you will find your supplies, approved by your teachers, at this store Note Hooks, Scribblers, I'ens, I'encils, I.oose Leaf Filler, Rulers, Ink, Set Squares, Coin- passes, Stenographer's Note Books, Etc., Etc. I.A DI ES--F R EE! A purse vial of Djerkiss Per- fume with each box of Djer- kiss Face Powder, 60c. WEST VAN l'HARNACY The Store of Service I'rompt Delivery Phone IV. 37 I.VNN'S CAFE 1421 Marine Drive at 14th St. 7 A. 51. to 11 P. AI. Pulilic Phone West 611-0 We have clients waiting To Rent Houses ,For The Winter 5 and 6 room places preferred j(.W. SAVO ('t 1429 51arine Drive Ambleside PHON E--West 698R1 or West 340 Evening--West 143 (Established over 7Q Years) C. J. Overington 14th and 51arine a'Q fe'6 For appointment PHONE AVEST 135 Ambleside Tea Rooms Ferry Wharf AVEST VANCOUVER Camp and Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, etc. „Pglct'. o Ll 5,Y'a~™~ i ~ Ls ~ ~ ' ~ % For People Who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DA VIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. IVest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone AVest 410L OUR. LLST OF PRLC,SS SHOW OKF WAY--- IN WHICH WR NAKK ~ THIS lAVNORY P~y'. ~ g 'I'Ihe Burrard Laundry Limited