West Van. News (West Vancouver), 31 Aug 1928, p. 2

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001C95C5 THE iVEST VAN NEWS iVEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHUIICH EDIFICE 20th and Esquimalt, Hollyburn Sunday Services 11.30 a.m. and 7.30 p. m. Subject September 2nd "hlAN" Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8.16 p.m. BUILDING I ERi&IITS $ 17,680 Eiglit building permits of a total value of $17,680 were is- sued by the municipal hall staff this month. Particulars are as follows: B. C. Electric sub-sta- tion, 18th Street.... $9,500 Dwellings illrs. 5I. williamson, King's Avenue.............. 8,500 J. Dlurphy, Douglas Ave. 1,500 C. A. Cameron, Fisherman's Cove........ 1,000 i'SO.i'A. iS Airs. Faram and family have taken the Ross house at 25th and Lawson and are moving in at the end of this week. )Irs. J. C. Luke, 24th and Ot- tawa, who underweirt an opera- tion last Friday at St. Paul's Hospital, is making satisfactory progress towards recovery. 5lr. and Mrs. E. J. Van Balk- om and family of Posvell River have taken EV. Reid's house at 2295 Fulton Ave., and are mov- ing in on 1st September 3lrs. Harry Stephens, 21st and hlarine Drive, left on Monday to spend the week in Victoria. Miss G. Gill ies of Victoria, formerly a high school teacher here, was last week visiting Mr. and AIrs. John Lawson, 22nd and Bellevue. Miss Giliies'ather is assistant superintendent of edu- cation for the province. i4lrs. B. Flaherty gave a sivim- ming party last wednesday at her home "Wildwood," Caulfeild, being hostess to forty members of the Young Men's Business Club of David Spencer Ltd. In the evening a delicious dinner was served to the guests. F. Harrison and Fred Scott, left West Vancouver with their string of mountain ponies. They have taken them to a ranch at Morley, Alta. Harrison left on Tuesday with the ponies. Scott left yesterday. A young deer divas recently seen at the corner of 22nd and slathers by some of the resid- ents in the vicinity. iVhile there are deer around Cypress Park, it is very seldom they come as far east as 22nd Street. Mr. and iilrs. Foram ivho have been summering at EVest Bay, returned today to Vancouver. AIrs. C. T. Partington, 16th and Duchess, left here today for the city, where she will in fut- ure reside. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory, who have been occupying a house at 25th and Bellevue for the past three months, have returned to Vancouver. bliss Nancy Rudolph, 29th and Mathers, left on Friday for her father's ranch at Dalmead, Al- berta. Additions Mr. 5lcLaren, Kings Ave. iilrs. Hughes, Esquimalt J. A. Smith, Mathers...... Garage B. E. EVood, Esquimalt.... 680 350 1,000 150 $17,680 LIBERAL DANCE The North Shore Liberal As- sociation is holding a carnival dance on Friday, September 7th, in the K.P. Hall, North Vancou- ver. Dancing from 8:80 to 12. Prizes will be awarded for cos& tumes. Captain MacKenzie, M. P.P., provincial member for this riding, will be present, and re- freshments will be served. TAG DAY FOR CHILDREN' AID The Children's Aid Society of Vancouver were granted permis- sion by the council to tag in EVest Vancouver, but not on the femy boats, on Saturday, 22nd September. Mrs. F. Scavington of Winni- peg, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. AV. Cuthbert, 22nd and Jefferson. Mr. Scavington is joining her later, and it is their intention to take up their resi- dence in Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Kyte and family have taken the Hodgson cottage at 24th and Mathers, and are moving in at the end of this week. Nr and Mrs. Penn of Kitsil- ano, are spending a month in one of the Irwin houses at 19th and EVater&ront. Miss Elsie Harrison of the local staff of the B. C. Telephone Co., has left for her annual va- cation. OVER 5000 BABIES BORN That LITTLE JOB Over 5000 babies were born in British Columbia for the first half of this year, according to figures from the births, marri- ages and deaths office of the de- partment of health. The exact figures for the six months are 5040 births, 2969 deaths and 2031 marriages. Births in January totalled 824, February 831, March 916, April 784, May 882 and in June 803. Deaths in January were 512, February 452, March 550, April 505, May 467, June.483. Marriages -- January 240, February 288, March 249, April 505, May 828 and June 557. Gardening, Rock iVork, Rustic Work, Lawns, Pruning, Spray- ing, Concrete Paths, Drives, Floors, etc. Rough Carpentry, Fencing, Painting and Kalsomining, Saws Sharpened. REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS If you want that little Job done quickly, efficiently and reasonably Phone R. J. KYTE Mrs. G. F. Cox arrived here Thursday week from New Zea- land to rejoin her husband, who operates a store on Marine near 22nd. The Handyman Address--1561 24th Street. THE Vest lI an Netus Published Every Friday H. HODG$0iV and F.F.LOVEGROVE Publishers West 363 Phones: West 412L Business and Editorial Office.'361 Marine Drive Mail Address: P. O. Box 101, Hollyburn, B. C. $ 1.00 a year by mail or carrier, News stands 6c per copy. ADVERTISING liATES ON APPLICATION Captain C. J. Archer and Miss Edina Archer have returned from a vacation spent at Craig Lodge. Motoring from West Vancouver via Hope, Yale, Lyt- ton and Lillooet, they accomp- lished the trip over the new Cari- boo highway in one day. 4, Mrs. E. Simpson of Shaugh- nessy, has purchased a homesite at Gleneagles, and will build a permanent residence in the early spring. The staff of the B. C. Tele- phone Co. here gave a miscellan- eous shower recently at the home of Mrs. Ellsworth McMillan, 25th and Palmerston, in honor of Mrs. Jack McMillan (nee AVinnie Creelman). Refreshmerits were served, and the evening passed pleasantly in dancing. GOOD HEALTH is a prime NECESSITY for HAPPINESS Chiropractic Will Help You. Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free. Phone iVest 383 Roherta A. Vass D.C., Ph. C. Graduate of Palmer School CH IR(l F RAC TOR Next to Stratton Bakery Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver ~Din~ i 0 Sc.zoo.. Get your SCI(IISBI.ERS, I'ENCII.S. and other SCHOOL ICEQUIICL'ML'NTS AT i~rigor's .'.iry i~ooc s S:ore 1540 hlarine Drive, between 15th and 16th. Everything in DRY GOODS'ADIES CHILDREN S and i&IEN iVEAR %Vest Vancouver Bible School Ambleside Hall, Marine at 11th Sunday, September 2nd at3pm. Leader MR. PERCY KING Subject: "THE KINGDOhl TAKEN AiVAY FROM TIIE JEiVS" EVERYBODY WELCOME Bring your questions along on Sunday afternoon. August 31, 1928 bliss Louise Scott of Frederic- )on, N.B., &vill arrive in the city next Alonday morning and will spend the day with her aunt. Mrs. william Anderson of Caul- fei]d, leaving in the evening «i Powell River where she will re- side for the avinter. "INorley," the home of &»'8~ Stanley Cullington Radclrffe Avenue, )Vest Bay, was the scene of a very enjoyable week e»d party recently when Miss Joan Cullingto» was hostess to a few of her friends. Those be- ing bliss Myri I-Iutchinson, Miss Madeline Stone, Miss Elizabeth Vrooman and iiliss Gretchen Vrooman. St. Stephen's Church Alargaret Johnston, daughterof Alr.. and blrs. F. Johnston, 21st arid Argyle, is seriously ill at her home. 5Il's. Tui'ner of Los Angeles, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. G. E. Bayfield, 20th and Inglewood. AIiss Betty Tite of Caulfeild, has returned from a week's vis- it in Victoria. R. G. Cooke, 12th and Duch- ess, who has been on the prair- ies for several months has now returned home and celebrated his return to this salubrious climate by purchasing a new Ford coupe. Mrs. Cooke who is now in Southern Alberta will be home in a few weeks. Miss Margaret Rudston of the city has returned to her home after a short stay at Caulfeild with her cousin iAIiss Annie Rid- ley. Miss Winnie Brealey of the municipal hall staff, is on her annual vacation. Miss Peggy Harlin is the house guest of Miss Annie Rid- ley of Caulfeild this week. Trinity 13 (Sept. 2): 8.00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School. 11.15 a.m.--Holy Communion. 7.15 p.m.--Evensong. There will be divine service at St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild, Sunday at 3 p.m. The church building has been further beau- tified by the addition of a well- proportioned belfry erected last week to house the bell recently given by Mr. and Mrs. Stone. Cyril Haworth has been ap- pointed chairman of junior sidesmen, vice Mr. AVilfred Hawkes, who is still in hospital. The rector and several mem- bers of the parish attended the funeral Tuesday at the Vancou- ver Bible School of the late Elr. A. W. Le Huquet, who was for many years a very earnest work- er both at St. Stephen's and at Caulfeild. Unite&. Church 21st street near Marine Minister, Rev. A. M. O'Donnell Lord's Day Services'0.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.15 a.m.--Morning Worship. 7.15 p.m.--Evening worship. Evening solo--"Selected"--Miss Joan Durbin. The morning subject will be "Power." As next Sunday is the, nearest Sunday to Labor Day, the pastor will preach an appropriate sermon at the even- ing service. Next Tuesday afternoon the regular monthly meeting of the Women's Association m'Ill be held. In the absence of the pres- ident, Mrs. D. C. Ritchie, who leaves early in the week to spend a vacation on Vancouver Island, the chair will b taken by the vice-president. AIrs. C. C. McVean, who has been visitng her daughter AIrs. James Fiddes, 22nd and Gordon, for the past seven weeks has left to return to her home in Lethbridge, Alberta. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a. m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a.m. )aptist Church 15th and Duchess Rev. David Long, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a.m. Weekly prayer service eacli iVednesday at 7 30 p m GORDON ROBSON Barrister 8'olicitor West Vancouver office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 403 Suite 801; 610 Hastings St., %. Phone Seymour 4199. j Coal and %Too@ Get your winter's supply now. Build&ng Supplies Flour and Feed, Etc. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone AVest 9 LOST LAGOON Sivl&I AVON BY GEORGE BURROWS Thirty-six swimmers started in the Lost Lagoon race held at English Bay on Wednesday evening, when George Burrows, the 200-yard record holder, won in the remarkably good time of 1 hour, 19 minutes, 28 seconds. Johnny Bayley was second with 1 hour, 28 minutes and 9 sec- onds, and Sandy MacKay third in 1 hour, 88 minutes and 29 seconds. Mrs. Grace Knight was first lady to finish, in I her, 41 minutes, 28 seconds. i Audrey Lester was the first West Van- couver member to register, in 1 hour, 50 minutes, 24 seconds, beating the Point Atkinson- English Bay swimmer by 18 sec- onds. Gwen Clay's time was 1 hour., 52 minutes, 45 seconds. Lena Clampitt's time was 2 hours, 1 minute, 87 seconds, and Molly Edwards'ime 2 hours, 9 minutes, 6 seconds. Stanley Stronge occupied seventh place for the first half mile, and then moved up to fourth. He was seized with cramp, however, and had to give up. The EVest Vancouver Swim- ming Club are very pleased with the splendid showing made, as four out of five girl members who entered ivere able to finish the distance, and made a cred- itable showing. AVith plenty of encouragement and some more experience, iVest Vancouve~ swimmers will do their part in keeping the name of their muni- cipality well to the front.