West Van. News (West Vancouver), 31 Aug 1928, p. 1

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001C95C5 A Wee z.y '.8 ews sa oej Circulatiug i'1.00 per year. Nemsatandl Sc per Copy the District of West 1&'ancouver-A mblesi de, Hollyburn, Weston, Dry/arave Cypress Park, Caulfeild', Whytecliff, Etc. Vol. III EIGHT PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 31st, 1928 No. 22 Ellis-Cotton Ltd. Awarded Marine Drive Contract A special meeting of the coun- cil was held on Tuesday, 21st August to consider the Marine Drive extension contract ex- clusively. A telegram dated 21st August was read from the dep- uty minister of public works sug- gesting delay in the final award of the AIarine Drive widening and paving contract. The meet- ing was then adjourned until the following evening. At the adjourned meeting on wednesday the municipal solic- itor presented all members of the council with copies of the contract drawn up by him be- tween the cot~oration and Ellis Cotton Ltd. for the widening and paving of Marine Drive as auth- orised by by-law No. 381. After a full discussion of the same, clause by clause the meeting was again adjourned till Friday, Aug- ust 24th. IVhen the council met on Fri- day, a letter was read from the deputy minister of public works dated 23rd August referring to his telegram of 21st August, in which he stated that his depart- ment had no objection to a pene- tration pavement, and that the final choice lay entirely with the council. A sealed letter delivered to the clerk by Colfix (Pacific) Ltd. was laid on the table, which on being opened and read, was found to contain a request under date 24th August for a delay in awarding the contract for the Marine Drive widening to per- mit the company to submit a fresh tender for the work. A contract between the cor- poration and Ellis Cotton Ltd. for the 5Iarine Drive extension together with a surety bond for $52,075.00 approved by the solic- itor was then fully reconsidered and it was: "Moved by Councillor Blair, seconded by Councillor AVatt that the said contract be approvedand entered into by the corporation and that the said contract be ex- ecuted in duplicate on behalf of the corporation by the Reeve and Clerk of the municipality and the corporate seal affixed there- to by the Clerk, and one copy thereof be delivered to Ellis Cot- ton Ltd. together with that Company's cheque deposited with its tender." Councillor Jackman moved and Councillor Fiddes seconded as an amendment: "That all bids be thrown out and fresh tenders for the widening and paving of the 5Iarine Drive be called for." The amendment being put to the meeting there voted for Councillors Jackman and Fiddes; against, Reeve Vinson, Council- lors Blair and IVatt. The motion was then put and carried: Reeve Vinson, Council- lors Blair and )Vatt voting for and Councillors Jackman and Fiddes against. In connection with the recent report of the engineer on pro- tection work on the Capilano River banks, in which he recom- mended an expenditure of $900, he was instructed to interview Engineer Verner, Dominion en- gineer, on the matter. SUI'PORT THE EXHIBITION.HOARD iVILL CONTROL NORTH SHORE SOCCER Council Notes The fall show of the IVest Vancouver Horticultural Associ- ation will be held at Dundarave Hall on Saturday, September 8th. Doors open at 2 p. m. Official opening by Capt. Ian illackenzie, i~l.P.I'., «t 3.30 p. m. All resid- ents of the municipality are urged to keep this event in mind and give the association their support by attending the show and also by becoming exhibitors as f«r as possible. Catalogues may be obtained at several of the stores and membership tick- ets may be had from any of the directors..The membership fee for the year is $ 1.00 and this entitles the holder to entrance to every exhibition held during the year and also ten entries in the various classes as shown in the catalogue. The hall will be open Friday evening for entries and also on Saturday morning. To assist ex- hibitors. who have a large a- mount of vegetables, the com- mittee has arranged to have a truck call for such exhibits upon request made not later than Friday night. At a mass meeting of North Shore football enthusiasts held in the K. of P. Tall, North Van- couver, )Ionday evening, a res- olution was adopted favoring the formation of a board of con- trol to govern all football activ- ities on this side of the Inlet during the approaching season. EVednesday evening was the date set for the holding of a meeting to organize the board. All North Shore teams will be entitled to send three delegates to the organization meeting. The primary function of the board will be to foster football and assist the game in every way. The matter of entering North Shore teams in the first, second and third divisions of the Van- couver and District Football League was discussed, but no action was taken pending the holding of the meeting EVednes- day evening, when that issue will be thoroughly threshed out after it is known what clubs are in favor of an amalgamation for the furtherance of football on the North Shore. Insurance Tenders Asked Tenders were called for bus passenger liability insurance for $5,000 one person, $30,000 one accident, to be delivered at the municipal hall not ilater than Tuesday, 4th September. 0 0 0 The engineer was asked to re- port on the application of A. AV. Lunn regarding an improvement to the lane at the back of his property, and garbage collec- tion, also on A. Roxburgh's re- quest for improvement to Doug- las Road, and on B. E. KVard's application that the lane be op- ened in the rear of his prop- erty on Esquimalt Avenue. 4 0 0 A. G. Ajello's request to have the brush cleared on the road leading to his property at 29th and 51athers was.referred to the engineer with power to act. An expenditure of not to ex- ceed $ 15 was authorized for the cutting of the brush and the grading of 7th Street as asked for by Mrs. D. R. Thomas. The chief constable put in a report, giving a list of the rela- tives of G. L. Bagnall with their addresses. The matter was laid over. Councillor Jackman Acting Reeve Councillor Jackman has been appointed acting reeve in the absence of Reeve Vinson, who has gone to Portland, Oregon, to at tend a convention. The reeve will probably return via Trail, where he will attend the convention of B. C. Municipali- ties. An invitation was sent the council by the clerk of North Vancouver District to attend a joint meeting of the three iNorth Shore municipalities for the pur- pose of making a combined ef- fort toward having an airport established on the North Shore. The council expressed their will- ingness to do so, and a meeting was arranged for Thursday, Au- gust 30th, in North Vancouver city hall. A letter was received from the B. C. Insurance Underwriters'ssociation, Vancouver, asking them to have the fire chief and chairman of the fire committee attend the convention of the Pa- cific Coast Association of Fire Chiefs at Sacramento 1st to 6th October. The council regretted finding it impossible to have the fire chief attend this year. Good Roads Convention Monday is Labor Day iWIA URIC E ROBERTS ASVINS iVESTON-DUNDARAVE SiVIM A Public Holiday Next Monday is Labor Day. The last big holiday of the sum- mer season. On Tuesday the children start school again. There is no other public holiday except Thanksgiving Day for anybody until Christmas. Hence it is expected that everyone who is in a position to do so will avail themselves of this opportunity of "having a change." The stores, offices and most of the business places will be closed. Don't forget in your shopping on Saturday to put in an extra supply to carry you over until Tuesday. The swim for boys of the ~ )Vest Vancouver A m a t e u r Swimming Club for the cup pre- sented by P. C. Chapman, vice- president of the club, took place last 5Ionday evening at 7 o'lock. The course was from teston to Dundarave Pier, a distance of approximately 1,000 yards. There were seven starters and all finished except two of our juvenile swimmers, Smiler Mills and Hugh Montgomery. These two little fellows did very well, W. H. Hill, 17th and Esqui- malt, wrote regarding the acci- dent to his little daughter on the 13th August in falling out of the back door of the bus. He was advised that the matter had been referred to the insurance company for their attention. The request of H. V. Bell for help in the office of the engi- neering department was laid over. In reply to an invitation from the Canadian Good Roads Asso- ciation to attend their conven- tion next month in Regina, the council replied that, while deep- ly interested in the work of the association and appreciative of their work, they would unfortu- nately be unable to take part in the convention. IIrs. Jane E. R. Hastings wrote in reference to H. B. Gar- land's garage, which was block- ing the view from her property. The council advised her that, as the garage could not be erected on iiIr. Garland's lot anywhere other than where it now stands, they could not order its remov- al. They had hoped that an easement of a site on her land would be offered to and accept- ed by BIr. Garland, but unless that could be arranged or Mr. Garland of his own free mll moved his garage elsewhere, the structure must remain where it now stands. The AVest Vancouver Lumber Co. applied for a culvert and entrance to their premises at the corner of 15th and IIaripe Drive. An expenditure not to exceed $20 divas authorized for the work. both of them swimming more than three-fourths of the dis- RESIDENT ENGINEER TO BE APPOINTED FOR blARINE DR. EXTENSION COUNCIL REPLY TO BOARD OF TRADE RESOLUTIONS Re Quashing Building Bylaw In connection with the hIarine Drive extension the council on DIonday night authorized the chairman of the board of works and the municipal engineer to appoint a resident engineer for the work at a salary not to ex- ceed $ 175 per month. In connection with the request of the Board of Trade that the present building and zoning by- laws be rescinded, the council advised the Board of Trade that the zoning bylaw was under con- sideration for amendment, and that any helpful suggestion would be considered. Cleaning Up Beaches As regards cleaning up the beaches, they fully realized the benefits to be derived from hav- ing the beaches cleaned up, but that unfortunately finances did not permit the undertaking of such work at present. FERRIES SHOO'PERATING SURI'LUS OF $6.812.32 An operating surplus of $6,- 81~.32 was made by the ferries and buses for the seven months ending 31st July, according to a report presented to the council on i~Ionday night by the muni- cipal auditors. This did not in- clude an ap"roximate charge of $ 12,600 for depreciation and de- benture iriterest. COUNCIL i~IAKE SINKING FUND INVESTiilENT COUNCIL'S REQUEST FORCENSUS REFERRED TO IIUNICII'AL INSPECTORP.G.E. ANNOUNCE IVINTER SCHEDULE A. E. Ames and Co. Ltd. of- fered to the council for Sinking Fund investment one $500 5",& Bond due 1st January 1962 at 100 and accrued interest to yield 5'~ . An offer was also re- ceived from the Royal Financial Corporation of one $ 500 IVest Varicouver bond due 1962 at $ 101.15 to yield 5",& and of an- other $500 IVest Vancouver bond due 1932 at 99.86 to vield 5" The offers were accepted. In connection with the recent request the council addressed to the attorney-general for a cen- sus which had been forwarded to the inspector of municipali- ties for his attention, the coun- cil were advised that their let- ter would be placed before the inspector, who was at present away, upon his return to his office. The winter schedule of the P. G. E. R«iiway has been «nnounc- ed to take effect from next Tues- d«y, 4th September. There will be eight trains a day going west out of North Vancouver, and the same number of trains going east into the North Vancouver terminus. The full schedule ap- pears in this issue. J. Finder-iAIoss applied for the position of building inspector. His letter was laid over. tance before being forced to give up their efforts. The times of the finishers were: 1. Maurice Roberts, 15 min. 2. Stan Stronge, 16r/& mins. 3. Laurie Speck, 18 min., 15 seconds. 4. Charlie Chapman, 19 min. 5. Gerald Hardman, 19 min. Isobel )Vilson and Molly Ed- wards took advantage of the competition offered by the event and swam the distance with the boys, their times being respec- tively 18 min. and 22 min. The very sporting attitude of Stan Stronge and Laurie Speck of handicapping themselves, al- though this was an open event, calls for considerable praise. Stan insisted that he be given a 4-minute handicap and Laurie was equally insistent that he be handicapped 3 minutes. This was very sporting for they could have hardly expected to win with such a handicap and with such strong competition. How- ever, they made good time, for their actual times were 12 min. 30 secs., and 15 min. 16 secs., respectively.