West Van. News (West Vancouver), 31 Aug 1928, p. 8

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001C95C5 SQUIRREL PEANUT BUTTER, 1 lb. tins .. PERFECT SEAL JARS, Pints, per dozen....... PERFECT SEAL JARS, Qunrts, per dozen ... ...... I 9c ..... $ 1.23 ..... $ 1.39 10 LARGE CAKES ROYAL CROWiV SOAP ..................,.........,.... All for 1 COLONIAL RUG.................................... Total Value $ 185.......... 95c COL51AN iilUSTARD, 5+lb tins, per RED AiVD WHITE BROOMS, regular B. C. LUiiIP SUGAR ........................., RED SOCKEYE SALiiION, +lb tin... CHRISTIE'S PICNIC ASSORTAIENT FLY COILS .. FLIT, 50c size, per bottle....................... ... 24c ... ................. 59c .. 2 lbs. for 19c ................................. 2 tins for 37c BISCUITS, per packet............ 28c .............................. 13 for 25c .............................. ...................... 39c S I i'I' ~ s Government Inspected 5Ieat D. ROBERTS, Prop. Next to Piggly Wiggly PRIAIE STEER BEE:F Boiling Beef, per lb.......... 11c Pot Roasts lb............ 12/pc Oven Roasts, per lb.............. 17c Boneless Stew Beef, lb. ~.,....... 15c Rump Roasts, from lb.............. 25c Prime Rolled Ribs, from..... 25c DELICATESSEN Side Bacon, sliced, lb............. 45c Back Bacon, sliced, lb................ 45c i Ayrshire Bacon, Sliced lb...... 35c ! Cottage Ham, sliced, lb............ 35c By the piece 3c lb less. VEAL LOAF, BOLOGNA WEINERS CORNED BEEF BOILED HAM, BAKED HAil LOCAL SPRING LAIiIB Legs, per lb ... ... .. .... 36c Shoulders, lb................................ 28c BOILING FOWL. per lb........ 26c LOCAL iIILK FED VEAL PEACHES per crate .......... PEARS (Bartlet) . 40 lb. Box $ 1.50 APPLES .................. 5 lbs. for 25c Local Tomatoes ... ~ .. ~ . 2 lbs. for 15c Italian Prunes................ 4 lbs. 25c Bartlet Pears .................. 6 lbs. 25c Oranges, per dozen................. 50c Grapefruit ....................... 3 for 25c Bananas, per lb .......................... 12c VEGETABLES 'ookingOnions, per lb........... Sc Potatoes .................... 13 lbs. 25c Carrots. bunch ........................... 5c Marrows, each............................... Sc Beets. bunch ............................. 5c Green Onions............ 3 Bunches 10c Cucumbers .................... 3 for 10c Lettuce, each .............................. 5c LOCAL NET LAID EGGS Ertra Special Fresh Pullets'ggs, - per doz. 30c. 31bs. New Zealand Butter for $ 1.35 GET THE CASH AND CARRY H ABIT IT SAVES YOU iilONEY ABOUT THE ONLY ADVICE A iIAN EVER NEEDS about the foods he should eat can be given him by his appetite and digestion. They know what is good for him. They will ad- vise him to visit this market and purchase a choice cut of meat. Both our performance and our prices are correct. ROBERTS'Setter Meats 14th and 51arine ljllj(esj: '0 FIRST REGULAR AIEETING OF UNITED iVOAI EN'S ASSOCIATION HELD The regular meeting of the Women's Association of the United Church will be held in the church hall next Wednesday afternoon, September 4th, at 2:15. This is the first meeting of the season, and the ofFicers es- pecially ask that there be a large turnout of the United Church ladies. The annual subscription of $ 10 was ordered paid to the Good Roads League of British Columbia. Dad says: "Clothes make the man; lack of them the woman these days." Doctor: Most fortunate you consulted me! I'm just the very man to cure you. Patient: Then you are famil- iar with my complaint, doctor' Doctor: Familiar? My dear sir, I'e had it myself this 20 years l prompt Delivery smith's i rocery Wc Delirer HARVEY S&IITII I'rop 24th AND AIAIIINE, Opp. Dundnrnve 11nll. I'hone 1VEST 469 GH i» RED AN9 WHITE sToRE SyeciaIs for Friday and Saturday THE )VEST VAN NEKVS Personal Mr. and Mrs. iV. J. Dent, 2360 5Earine Drive, are moving short- ly to a house nt 22nd and Gord- on. 0 Mr s E R. Roiaan 1etul ned on Sunday to her home at 26th and Nathe& s, from the Vancouver General Hospital, where she had undergone an opera'tlon. Engineer James Duncan has returned from a motor trip to Sa» Francisco a»d Crater Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Desborough of Vancouver have taken Mrs. Kettle's house at Caulfeild for the winter. Mrs. Jack Roberts, 27th and Ottawa, who is convalescing in Victoria after an illness of tivo years, is making good progress towards recovery. bliss Ethel Donnenworth of Poivell River has been visiting at Caulfeild with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ridley for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw of High- land Park, have moved into the Partington house at 16th and Duchess. They are former West Vancouver residents. Mrs. EVrisberg and family have left to join Mr. AVrisberg in Nelson, where they wil] in future reside. John Sinclair is building a gar- age on his property at 1836 Duchess, which is now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Vance, 25th and Bellevue, have moved into Mrs. Harris'ouse, 25th and Lawson. R. D. Brewis, a former well known resident of West Vancou- ver, but ivho now lives in the city, is suffering from a badly infected hand and arm. Mr. G. Gardiner, 15th and Es- quimalt, and her son Billy, re- turned home last Saturday after a nine weeks'isit to the prairi- es, during which time they visit- ed Mrs. Gardiner's old home town, Winnipeg, Man., as well as Watrous, Sask., and Calgary, Alta. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Davis re- turned on Tuesday evening from a two-weeks'acation spent on a tour to Crescent Lake near Olympia in the State of EVash- ington. They report a splendid trip but think that after all the scenery of AVest Vancouver is hard to beat. Mr. Matthews who has been residing at 15th and Esquimalt, has gone to the west coast of Vancouver Island. Chas. T. Kendrick, who has been for several weeks in the Vancouver General Hospital und- ergoing treatment for an injur- ed knee, has returned to his home at 21st and Bellevue. Mrs. Bilton of Vancouver is a guest this week at "the Clach- an." DEATH OF HENRY FERGUSON Vic. Ferguson, 21st and Mar- ine Drive, has just received word by cable of the death at Belfast, Ireland, of his father, Henry Ferguson, in his 76th year. The deceased was chief clerk in the Belfast Probate Court for forty years, and a member of the Orange order for over fifty years. He leaves to mourn his loss his widow, two daughters and one son in Belfast, and Miss Mary Ferguson, Henry, John, and Vic Ferguson in West Vancouver. August 31, 1928, "Keeps the Cook Cheeerful" Your i".roice is f.lur I.choice EVe select our cuts of Meat for your purchase. If we cannot please you with the quality of our meats, we might as well close up shop. EVe must please you with our prices--that is values--as well. Try us on your next meat order. .'..". I'.S 7.'.A". 7. A I'(.'-".. Next to Hollyhurn TheatreI'HONE iVEST 3 Closed Thursdny at 1 oiClock iVE DELIVER IN Soon cueaeg~&RK's QINTENT-- AND RE,ALLY WORTH -Wtl&LK 5'@TNT,NT '6I lii &)A, Lumber is one of the greatest friends mnnkind hns ever hnd. It has helped him build toward happiness. Submit your build- ing plans to us. We can help you with your lumber problem. II&'ll; 4'lIL4'.f,llI~ll),'la 'II[,ll) 'l,i). 15th and 51arine LIMITED I'hone iVest 115 :V:oney i.o .oan on First 5Iortgage at current rates. Let us finance the building of your new home in West Van- couver. London & British North America Co., Ltd. 51ortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents. 626 Pender Street iVest Phone Sey. 6285 Local Representative;-- F. X. Hodgson, West 665R CHANGE OF SCHEDULE The Pacific Great Eastern Railway Company Effective September 4th, 192,8. The train service between North Vancouver and iVhytecliff will be: iVEEK DA YS Leave 1:40 p. m., Leave p. m., 4:50 Leave Leave Leave Leave North Vancouver for iVh ytecliff 7:00 a. m., 9:00 a. m., 4:00 p. m., 6:40 p. m. Whytecliff for North Vancouver 7:50 a.m., 9:50 a.m., 2:30 p. m„6:30 p. m. North Vancouver for Altamont 11:20 a. m., 3:18 p. m. Altamont for North Vancouver 11:40 a. m., 3:38 p. m. North Vancouver for Pemberton Ave., 6:40 a. m. Pemberton Ave. for North Vancouver 6:49 a.m. Illustrated folder and further information may be obtained at P.G.E. Station, Lonsdale Ave., 'Phone North 300. SAS-I, i)00.(S AND I nterior I'inish G.ASS anc G I.AZI!!4G K'F ALL KINDS fj ( I I NO JOB TOO SMALL AND NONE TOO I ARGE GET OUR PRICES--IT AVILL PAY YOU. Ij'jl:I I!S. (e,lj! 'III.II.'I',(I.,',(. ~ iiIAIIINE DRIVE AT 16th STREET Fhone West 199 ASK FOR blR. 5IORTO¹