001C95B3 August 24, 1928. THE WEST VAN NEREUS Correspondence Canadian Legion Branch, B. E. S. L., 23rd Aug., 1928. The Editor, Dear Sir:-- I have been instructed by the Executive of the Canadian Leg- ion Branch in this District to make it known that the Canadi- an Legion, of the British Empire Service League has no connec- tion with a British Columbia or- ganization entitled or called "The Federation of Veterans in B. C." nor do any of the of- ficials of the Canadian Legion hold office in such an organiza- tion. The Canadian Legion is a properly chartered Dominion or- es in Canada and with 99 branch- in Canada and with 99 branches es in British Columbia. 4Ve will be pleased to answer any inquiries on matters effect- ing the veteran or his depend- ents. F. AV. RIVERS, Secy. West Vancouver Branch NORTH SHORE INDUSTRIES GRANTED TERilINAI. RATES The North Vancouver city council has been notified by the Vancouver Harbor Commission that as a result of arrangements made with the C.P.R., C.N.R. and the Great Northern all North Shore industries on the water- front up to St. George's avenue have been granted terminal r rates similar to those now in ef- fect in Vancouver. The present arrangement af- fects those industries located east of St. George avenue, the point to which the Harbor Board's terminal railway is com- pleted, and the matter of grant- ing terminal rates to waterfront industries located west of St. George avenue will be consider- ed upon completion of the Es- planade subway and the linking up of the Harbor Board's ter- minal railway and the P.G.E. at a point west of Lonsdale avenue. Servant vs. 6'ife IVife: "The maid has just given notice; she said that you spoke insultingly to her over the telephone yesterday." Husband: "Great Scott! I thought I was speaking to you." CHII.DRENsS REASONS FOR iVANTING TO GO 'TO SCHOOL (Continued from Page 5) baseball, games, making, doing, l hat calls him. Many cities seem to have overlooked the rights of the "normal" boy and girl. When the "best" teachers are the only ones who are permitted to teach the normal children (as in the special classes), and when teachers may turn occasionally to the natural, normal, creative activities which the child loves and does when released from the schoolroom, there will be a product in keeping with the time and eff'ort used for training chil- dren. Good teachers, doubtless, have always smuggled through a little creative expression for their pupils; the children betray their teachers, by going ahead in real activity throughout their lives. What is happening in our schools? In some rooms of some school buildings, children are liking schools. In the past that was not found frequently. Chil- dren had no need of liking school. Paren t and teacher alike agreed that rigid discipline and arduous tasks were the right of every child. It was something which he should expect to find. If he received his few floggings, he should not consider it more than his clue. Any accident or any impulse which might find the fatal floor to his rightful punishment. But something is happening at the schoolhouse. The child is moving toward it with eager step in some cities. The child is moving away from the school doors with a wistful glance at the close of the day. "EVhy must we have these long vacations?" asked one child in a sixth grade when meeting the principal two weeks after the schools had closed for the sum- mer. "KVe have plenty of time for vacation on Saturday and Sunday." "I wish we could have school at Christmas time, all except on Christmas Day and New Year' Day," said a little girl in early January."I'l tell you how they ought to have the schools. They ought to have school begin at 7 o'lock in the morning and keep going until 6 o'lock at night," said one little fellow who had for several years been a nuisance and torment to all teachers. These are actual happenings. The ~~iter can produce the names of all four children.-- Christian Science ~Ionitor, July 31st, 1928. Tmting Their I noNledge An enterprising coal dealer, somewhat prone to air his alleg- ed knowledge on every possible occasion, had the following printed on his business cards: "Coal delivered a la carte or coal de sac!" WE HAVE SEVERAL NESV hlODERN HOM ES FOR RENT Furnished or Unfurnished GEO. IIAY Notary I'ublic 1405 Marine Drive Off'ce Phone IVest 21 or Sey. 1260 Residence Phone IV. 32R or KV. 204X REAL BA RG A IN--3 Iloom Cottage,fne garden well cultivated block from Beach, near Ferry, only $ 1160, $250 cash, balance less than rent. Will iiav vou to look into this har- BOARD AND ROOhf WANTED By School Teacher. Close to Holly- burn School, must have piano- Ap- ply, "Teacher," c o West Van News. HUPhfOBILE AUTO FOR SALE-- Four cylinder, California glass en- closed top. Perfect mechanical con- dition and good appearance. Mile- age less than 17,000. Priced for quick sale, $47o. Apply Grigor's Dry Goods Store. FUltNISIIED COTTAGE -- For Rent at IVest Bay. hfodern, light, toilet, etc. Apply the new store, Marine Drive, IVest Bay. Sf iGER SEWING hf ACffl e E for Sale. Drop head, six drawers, al- most new, $30. West 310L. FOR IDENT--Three and four room modern furnished house. Fireplace. On waterfront, one minute from ferry. Splendid condi tion. Also three and four room cottage. Cheap rent for winter. Phone AVest 223L. FOR SALE--Double corner, 11th and Esquimalt Avenue, 66xl22, also in- side lots 66x 122. Enquire Macdon- ald, 11th and Duchess. FOR SALE--White Leghorn Hens. Two years old, 90 cents each. West 462L. LOST--Last Sunday, black and «hite Pointer Female. Phone West 67R or IVest Van News. CAI'AI3LE YOUNG GIRL wants high school education in return for light housework. Sleep out preferred. Apply "Education," c',o West Van News. lV. JENVEY, Builder, Cabinet IVork of all kinds. Phone West 346L. FOR RENT--At Ambleside; furnish- ed or unfurnished four room cottage full plumbing. Also three roomed with semi-plumbing. IVaterfront. Apply Seymour 7261. CHICKEÃ DINNER on Sunday 50c. at Lunn's Cafe. GRAMAI'HONE REPAIRS, new and used records. Low prices. Simpson, one door easg of IVest Van. Garage. NEWhf AN 8. ROBBINS -- Builders and Contractors--Painting, paper- hanging and kalsomining, chimneys built. 28th and Marine. Phone West 74R1. KII.N DRY IVOOD -- Special $ 3.50 Double Load. Hobb Coal and Trans- fer. West 17. ELECTRIC IVIRING--Ranges, Wash- ers, radio, fixtures. Call us for pric- es. North Shore Electric--Radio, G. A. Broder, Prop. HEhf STITCHING--Plain.. white.. Sc yard; sdk and colored 10c yard. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone AVest 144. FOR SALE--On easy terms or for rent, $ 15 month, nice furnished cot- tage with garden. Phone West 451R FOR IDENT I'ERMANEXTLY--Com- fortably furnished four-roomed suite. Three minutes ferry. Rea- sonable rent. Apply evenings, 1365 Clyde. TN 0 SUITES to Ident, fully furnish- ed and furnace heated. Apply For- tune Cup Inn, AVest Vancouver, Phone IVest 330. hf RS. Shf ITH--Where did you get those fine school shoes for Jimmy? hf RS. BROWN -- KVhy I got them from Tites. They have good strong shoes for kids. FOle RENT--SVell Furnished fully modern house. Adults preferred. One block from Drive. 2061 Esqui- malt. FOR RENT--Furnished bedroom in modern home. Phone West 37. FOR SALE--1925 Touring Car in good condition, $325 on terms. H. C. Osborne. Phone West 628Y. BUILDERS--If you are in a rush for goods, phone Hobb Transfer, West 17 Bob's always on deck FOf( REXT -- Unfurnished. Three, four and five room suites, modern hot water heated. Apply Mr. Mes- senger, 16th and hfar;ne. LONSDALE SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING ACADEhIY, Ma- sonic Temple Building. Phone North 1055. We advance you rapid- ly. CHIhfNEWS SQ EI'T by experienced man; also excavating and general work done. Phone AVest 6681 BATTERIES TESTED, Rented, Re- charged and Repaired by experienc- ed Battery man. The New Battery House next West Van. Garage. City Prices. SERVING IVANTED -- Ladies'nd Children's work. Mrs. Bloxham, Phone West 226. iVEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dundarave. WINDOW BLINDS--blade to order and installed. Est.mates free. Pearce's Drygoods. 14th Street and bfarine. Phone AVest 144. FOUN DATION, CENTI ENT IVORK, Landscaping. Lawns made, Grading and Clearing. T. Barnott, Resid- ence Phone West 672R. CLASSIFIED ADS 5l q I &e &g ,r,-'s 4"-r year '- ~ ei, -et@ me Oif aduate ecks on dard ls is guar- iality at \ e ~ L. '» H ~ saf