001C95B3 TIIE I&EXALI. STOIIE Cut Rate Draags FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS Ii ..I8 $3.50 Ukes $ 1.00 Beef, Wine 0 Iron.... G5c Norway Pine Syrup............ 36c Venos Lightning Cough Syrup ........................................ 29c $ 1.25 Dr. Price's Favorite Pre- scription .................................. 9sc 60c Klenzo hlouth Wash.......... 33c 60c Beecham's Pills .................. ISc 50c Gin Pills ............................... 39c 25c Hydrogen Peroxide( one bot- tle limit) ............................... 9c $ 1.25 Georgia Rose Body Pow- d rer ........ ................ ............. 8 7c 85c Virol Medium ........................ 79c 50c Jergen's Lotion .................... 4Sc Sce the new Scripto propelling pencil ................................,.... 16c 10c School Scribblers........ 3 for 12c GOc Vacuum Bottle Refills........ 43c 75c hlilton ..............,................. 69c GSc Rubbing Alcohol ................ 5lc 26c Kidney E. Liver Pills........ 18c 50c Day Dream Tooth Paste.... 29c 35c Infants Glycerine Supposi tories (12's) ............................ 2Sc GOc Bromo Seltzer ......,... 43c 25c Kleenex ............................. 19c $ 1.25 Budweiser Malt ................ 98c 35c hlillbank Cigarettes, 25's 3 for $ 1.00 Dr. Scholl's Foot Balm........... 50c reduced cost of electric service +gASED "';1+." sg o~ -: ',:,:::;;;.': ' ~~~ j,&0 OW much more do you pay for rent and food and dothing than before the war? While the cost of practically everything else has eady increased, the price of more electric 'ght, more dependable service, is much less. The cost of replacing machinery and equipment has gone up ac a starding rate. W'ages have increased, as is right because of increased living costs. But because of the advance of science and invention and of efficient management, we have brought down the cost of electric light to you--in Vancouver 63 per cent. since 1917. amdt~ llr&erslcRsuwazCO. VANCOUVER VICTORIA I10 14 COL FIN Makes a Perfect Road Surface We have 21 Factories throughout the world--from Sweden to Singapore--all in successful operation. This is the answer to--IS COLFIX A SUCCESS? Victoria, Kelowna, Vernon, Nanaimo, Trail, Nelson, Kam- loops, etc., are all satisfied with Colfix. (Pacific) ~ ~ .~;i"... Factory:North Vancouver Offices: 570 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver, B. C. Phone North 345 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y BURRARD S IIIRP.'. I'.ct Anything in Sheet hletal Furnaces, Stoves, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights Tar and Gravel Roofs, General Repairs of all kinds. 229 Lonsdale Ave. North Vancouver, B. C. HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON Ij'unreal 9irectars North Vancouver Parlors 122 EVest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phnne Fair. 134 Play a game of 3 tables for your pleasure S..- ..DS 14th StreetRight at the Railway Crossing $$'est Van. Agents C. I'. R. Telegraphs and Can. Pac. Exp. hloney Order t -esage t~~.~rug Store G. E. REID, illanager Prescriptions Filled By Fully Qualified Druggist at City Prices Ne'er Building--Corner i41arine and 14th. FAST DELIVERY NO ORDER IS TOO ShlALL WEST 323 AUttust 24. 1928. 51R. AND MRS. I.ES ~~E ENTERTAIN IN HONOR OF NEPH r.~V THE )VEST VAN NEKVS F Lesage. local druggist, Lesage entertained at dinner recently in honor of their cousin, Norman Lesage. »d h'iancee,&Iiss Dorothy Engvick, whose marriage will be an event of next iveek. Coral tinted hydrangeas and a miniature bride and groom centred the pretty table, Pink and white streamers interwoven with wedding bells making a pretty setting. Covers were laid for Miss Engvick, Mi's. James L. Bu]lard, &Iiss Madeline Stone, Mr Norman Lesage, and 5Irs. and Mr. Edward F. Lesage. The Misses 51arjorie and Ger- aldine EVarner, whose home is at Smithers, B. C., have been the guests of their cousin, Miss 51argaret Nyland, 29th and Ma- rine Drive. The visitors left for their home last Sunday. DIrs, Carl H. Rock of Cleve- land, Ohio, was a visitor to EVest Vancouver last week with Mrs. George A. Stone at her home in Caulfeild. Mrs. Rock left to re- turn to her home last Saturday, and en route will pay a short visit to Banft, Alberta. EIate Macdonald of the ferries received a cable last week an- nouncing the death of his elder brother, John Macdonald, a lead- ing merchant of Alnwick, North- umberland, England. It is just six months since his wife pre- deceased him. Mrs. william A. Anderson of Caulfeild made a motor trip to Mount Baker last week. Edward F. Lesage, with Mrs. Lesage and their two children left for Sidney, Vancouver Isl- and, last Sunday, to spend a short time as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Cochrane. illr. and Mrs. J. D. Smith of Vancouver, with Miss Angie Smith of the General Hospital sta0', have taken Mr. and Mrs.Davis'ouse on Marine Drive for a few weeks. Miss Helen Matheson of Caul- feild has now returned from a holiday spent on Gambier Island. An enjoyable surprise party was held at the home of Mrs. Miles, 23rd and Haywood, in honor of Miss Mary Perring of Edmonton, Alberta, the occasion being her twenty-first birthday. The invited guests 'were the Misses E. Thomas, D. Miles, C. Thomas, Mrs. Perring and Messrs. A. Foreman, C. Speck and R. Rudda. The party later went to the tennis dance. Mickey Abbott of the West Van. Garage was taken sick last week a nd had to remain in bed for several days. Though he is able to be around now, he has not yet fully recovered. There was at one time a fear that he had contracted ipneu- monia. Happily the danger of that seems to have been avert- ed. H. D. Southam, vice principal of Hollyburn school, has moved to the city for greater conveni- ence in attending his classes at the University. Mrs. Southam and her children will spend the rest of the year at Kelowna, B.C. The Imperial Oil Co. have pur- chased the south east corner of 14th and Marine Drive, from Gintzburger and Rice. It is und- erstood however, they will not erect any oil station on the prop- erty this year. 51rs. James Jefferies, 18th and DIarine Drive, svith her son Pat and &laughter Joan, spent a few days this week at Chilli- ivack. Rex Macdonald of Caulfeild, accompanied by his grandson Jack 51atthews, has left for a few days'ishing at Squamish. AIrs. Turner and her two daughters of Vancouver are spending a two weeks holiday at Horseshoe Bay. Mrs. Hector M. Forbes of Tor- onto is the guest of AIr. and Mrs. 4V, H. 51acBeth at their summer home at Altamont. AIiss Elizabeth Tripp, who has been visiting for a month in Kaslo, has returned to her home in Caulfeild, where she will spend the remainder of the sum- mer. NORTH SHORE ELEVATOR READY NEXT iVEEK Midland Pacific Terminal Ltd. informed the North Vancouver city council AIonday evening that its grain elevator, now under construction on the city water- front, will be completed and ready for operation in less than one month. Request for water service to the elevator was granted by the council. A tivo- inch meter will be installed and a sealed hydrant will be placed. This arrangement is similar to that made with other industries located on the city waterfront. Mrs Stuart Cameron is holi- daying in Seattle, where she is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. AValter Ker. Mr. J. H. Fletcher, the popu- lar proprietor of the Hollyburn Theatre, who with Mrs. Fletch- er and family has been living in the city, has taken the Sin- clair house at 1836 Duchess, formerly occupied by A. A. Rer- rie. Mr. and Mrs. D. McMillan, 15th and Esquimalt, are moving this week into their new home at 20th and Esquimalt. Mr. and Mrs. Kemp, 24th and waterfront, are leaving here shortly for Victoria, where they will in future make their home. Mrs. williams and her son, who have been living the past four years at the Fortune Cup Inn, are moving back shortly to Grandview. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Duval have returned to their home in Caul- feild after spending a holiday in Victoria. ENTRIES CLOSE TOAIORROAV FOR NORTH SHORE'S 24th ANNUAL EXHIBITION Entries for the twenty-fourth annual exhibition of the North Vancouver Horticultural Society in the Horticultural Hall, 22nd street and Lonsdale avenue, Au- gust 31st and September 1st, will close on Saturday, August 25th. All entries must be sent to the secretary, E. S. Alexan- der, 260 17th street east. Officials of the society report that in the vegetables section the value of prizes has been in- creased. Permanent .coops for poultry and rabbit exhibits have been installed and for the con- venience of patrons of the exhi- bition extra parking space for automobiles has been provided. The fair will be officially op- ened on Friday, August 31st, at 3 p.m. A Soft Answer He--"You'e not such a fool as you look." She--"That's where we dif- fer." Mrs. Frank Culbard, 22nd and Haywood, has been ill and con- fined to her home this week. EV. McLaren, who bought the AVillsher property at 25th and Haywood, is having extensive alterations made to the house. Provencial: To Mr. and Mrs. Alsid Provencial (nee Ella Tab- or) at North Vancouver Hospital on August 19th, a son. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Wyllie, 29th and waterfront, who have bought the Benwell house at Marpole, moved to their new home on wednesday. Of all kinds. Kiln Dried, per load $3.50 Slabs, per load .....:..... 3.50 Cedar, per load........... 3.00 HOY'S TRANSFER Phones: AVest 112 North 1654 AIR. AND AIRS. K. A. RAY LEAV E FOR HOLI DAY Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Ray, with their eldest son George, left West Vancouver last Tuesday night for an extended trip to Europe. This trip was planned by Mr. Ray for last fall, but ow- ing to business reasons it had then to be postponed. The special purpose of the journey is to visit Mr. Ray's aged mother in Syria, the con- dition of whose health will de- termine the length of the visit. The ex-councillor and his wife, however, expect to be away from four to six months. Leaving Vancouver, the party will go to Winnipeg en route to New York. Visits will be made at London, Paris, and in Egypt, before their arrival in Syria. Mr. Ray wish- es to bid his adieux to his many West Vancouver friends. fa eelyL. O. L. NO. 2990 The regular meeting of L 0 L. No. 2990 took place in St. Stephens'all on Tuesday, when it was decided to give the chil- dren of the Protestant Orphan- age camp at Boundary Bay their annual treat next Sunday. Cars will leave the corner of 24th and Marine Drive at 9 a.m. The tag day for the orphanage will be held in Vancouver and West Vancouver tomorrow (Satur- day) ~ The lodge is giving a dance in )Vest Vancouver on Friday even- ing, September 28th, further particulars of which mill be an- nounced later. for Safety from the Dairy with the Highest Score 9 Quarts for One Dolla r North 122 ~ -+SO.4 A. S