001C95B3 THE iVEST VAN NEEVS FOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH AIiss Edna McBain, 29th and Waterfront, is spending a tivo weeks'isit in Victoria. Smith's Grocery, 24th and illarine Drive, has had a set of iAIasterlite lamps installed in the store, tlius adding materially to the appearance of the interior. AIrs. H. S. Priest of EVynyard, Saskatchewan, is visiting DIr. a»d 51rs. W. Sagar, 15th and i&Iarine Drive. E. ihIcBain of Edmonton, is visiting his mother, Mrs. P. A. McBain, 29th and waterfront. Harold Berry, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and AIrs. 4V. L. Berry, 21st and Mar- ine Drive, left on Tuesday to re- turn to England, travelling by ivay of Toronto and New York. Miss Elizabeth Rathje of La- combe, Alberta, is visiting her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. «nd Mrs. E. A. Rathje, 13th and Gordon. AIr. and AIrs. C. R. Messenger and family, who have been oc- cupying a cottage at 17th and Bellevue, are moving at the be- ginning of the month into he a pal'illeilt 51r. DIessengel has reserved for himself in his new block at 16th and Marine Drive, The Misses Clay and Lubin of Vancouver are spending a feiv days at the Fortune Cup Inn. G. A. Smith of Vancouver, has reilted a cottage at 24th and Haysvood. Mr. and Mrs. J. Duncan and family of the city are occupy- ing the Davis house at 25th and Kings for two iveeks. Mr. and 5Irs. Robert Bell and family, are moving shortly from 13th and 5Iarine Drive to a house at 15th and waterfront. Stratton's Bakery have now a handsome new Chevrolet deliv- ery waggon for their bread de- livery, their old delivery car having been worn out by the bad roads in the western end of the municipality. AIr. and Mrs. R. 4V. Froud, 24th and AIathers, are moving at the beginning of next month into the Bell house on Marine Drive near 13th Street. Ernest Smith, 15th and Ful- ton, left on Friday for Swift Current to take part in the har- vesting. Cheap foodstuffs are denr at any price. Quality shouM be the first consideration. You can always rely upon the quality of our goods -- nnd- our prices are loiv and reasoll- able but--we never cut qunlity for price. Buy here and get the most real value for your money. ~ 'ee»WOi:ll S GROCERY PHONiE YOUR ORDERS. West 16 We deliver. Clothes Don't 1lIake the hlan but they certainly affect the ap- pearance. It pays--and.pays in Dollars and Cents--to be well dressed. See our range of cloths and get our prices. YOU'L BE SATISFIED Rabbi Pastinsky with his wife and family, who have been summering for two months in a house at 24th and Bellevue, re- turned to the city on iAIonday. ilIr. Beatty has rented the Par- kyn house at 26th and Mathers for the winter. C. G. Bennett, manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce in Fernie, is spending a two weeks'olidaywith his wife and fam- ily, at a house at 20th and Belle- vue, where they have been spending this summer. They will all return in time for the opening of the school term. J. H. Horne who has motored here from Minnesota, has rented a cottage on Bellevue between 17th and 18th Streets. Ernest Busst, 24th and Math- ers, has returned home from the Vancouver General Hospital, where he had one of his arms amputated, the result of an in- jury to it last winter while log- ging. N. WILLIANS 16th nnd hlnrine, Ambleside CUSTOiAI TAILOR CLEANING AiND PRESSING Phone West 20 a::cry Service Rev. Father A. Macdonald, formerly in charge of St. An- thony's Church here, but now of St. Helen', Vancouver Heights, is spending a holiday at the Fortune Cup Inn. The fire brigade was called out on Tuesday morning to 24th and Palmerston, where a large stump was on fire, the sparks from which were a source of danger to the thick bush and trees in the vicinity. They extinguished the blaze before it.was able to spl ead. AUTO or RADIO Charging -- Repairs Rebuilding, Etc. %Vest Van Battery Service Neit to EVest Van. Garage (W. Craig) formerly with Crawford's Battery House in Vancouver As a result of winning their division of the Sunday School League, the United Sunday School team has won the Dunn baseball cup. This team won every game, in their division, losing out in the playoff for the city championship after a hard game. Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The KVest Van Watchmaker & Jeweller Mr. and AIrs. H. B. Garland, 22nd and Bellevue, are now oc- cupying their house at 13th and Marine Drive. Dorothy Boshier, 11th and Jefferson, while on a picnic on Monday at Capilano Canyon with the 2nd EVest Vancouver Company of the Girl Guides, slipped and fell on a saucer, cut- ting her left forearm badly. She was taken home in a taxi. Mr. and Mrs. Greene and fam- ily have moved into one of the flats in the new Messenger block at 16th and Marine Drive. Mr. Green is on the ferry staff. Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald and Mrs. Hill, all of the city, who are spending a holiday here, have taken a cottage at 17th and Bellevue. Robinson-Lowe A quiet wedding took place at St. Stephen's Church on Satur- day, August 18th, when Bertha, younger daughter of Mrs. M. B. Robinson, was married to Rob- ert Lowe, only son of Mrs. John Lowe of Dalbreck, Coupar An- gus, Perthshire, Scotland. The bride, who wore her trav- elling dress of champagne silk crepe with French felt hat to match, was attended by her twin sister, Miss Dorothy Robinson, as bridesmaid. Mr. J. T. Brown of Burns Lake acted as best man. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. Harding Priest. Ma- jor and Mrs. Lowe left on the Prince Rupert boat for Burns Lake, where they will reside. 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside THE 9 arce S &0) 1520 hlarine Drive hlarcel, Steam and Finger IVav- ing, Haircutting, Shampooing and Scalp Treatments For Appointment AVEST 304 TRADE E'I:H.SON%.I S DUNDARA VE HAI L NOIV UNDER ilIANAGEilIENT OI'lIR.AND IllRS. TAYI OR : o. yburn 'I'heatre Admission Adults 25c Children 1ic Friday (tonight) and Saturday. SYDNEY CHAPLIN -- in- "The Missing Link" (Pithecanthropus Erectus) A riot of laughter with Akka the educated chimpanzee the most brilliant of all acting an& mals. This is considered to be Syd. Chaplin's best comedy since "Charlie's Aunt." Next Monday nnd Tuesday, Geng Strntton Porter s last novel, The Magic Garden with MAltGARET hlORRIS and RA YhlOND K EAN E The garden scenes for this picture were filmed in what is considered to be the most beau- tiful garden in California--the estate of Mrs. George Young, of Ross Valley, hiarin County, California. The garden contains rare plants, shrubs, and flowers from all over the world, and its inception dates back to the time of the old Spanish Dons. 5Ir. and Mrs. lV. R. (Bill) Tay- lor, 13th and Marine Drive, have leased Dundarave Hall and «e now having alterations nlade in the suite attached thereto, and iviH take up residence thei'e on September 1st. The hall is av»l- able for private or public meet- ings, dances, parties, etc., and those wishing to use the hall should telephone IVest 361. The horticultural fall shoiv will be held here on September 8th. Mr. and AIrs, Taylor have long been residents of West Vancou- ver. They have a host of friends and it is expected that Dunda- race Hall under their manage- ment will prove a popular ren- dezvous for social and public af- fairs. CAULFEILD CI UB ARRANGES DANCE I'OR SATURDAY The younger pt;ople of Caul- feild aie making plans foi the annual dance which will be held at the beautiful home of Mrs. Stuart Cameron on Saturday evening. Much interest is being evidenced in the affair, which is being held to raise money for the badminton club. Japanese lanterns will be strung through the trees in the garden, and summer flowers, badminton racquets and troph- ies will be arranged in the house, it has been announced by the committee in charge. Arrange- ments are in the hands of 5Iiss Jeannie Davidson, Miss Eliza- beth Tripp, Miss Helen and Miss Betty Matheson, Miss Margaret King and Mrs. Alan Gentles. Second Narrows bridge offi- cials report that 29,957 persons and 10,182 vehicles of all types crossed the bridge over the week end. On Saturday 10,896 per- sons and 4419 vehicles used the bridge, and on Sunday 19,061 persons and 5763 vehicles cross- ed. August 24, 1928. )pity II88(s- YOU cnn't afford to buy n"y ut the very best makes of these for YOUR Baby. We cnrry the Hest that can be procured. BABY ~ OWDER BABY CREAhl GAUZE ABSORBENT COTTON HORAClC HAHY FOODS FEEDING BOTTLES NIPPLES, Etc., Etc. Your Baby's Health cnn be judged very accurately by its gnin in weight Bring the Hnby in each week and have it weighed on our Baby Scales. WEST VAN l'HARNACY The Store of Service Prompt Delivery Phone 1V. 37 ].UN5'S CAFE 1421 Marine Drive at 14th St. 7 A. M. to 11 P. AI. I'ublic I'hone We+ 611-0 AVe have clients waiting To .(ent j. ouses For ".&e Winter 5 and 6 room places preferred (.W. SAVO.(Y 1429 5Iarine Drive Ambleside PHONE--IVest 698R1 or West 340 Evening--AVest 143 (Established over 7'6 Years) C. J. Overington 14th and Marine For appointment PHONE WEST 135 Ambleside Tea Rooms Ferry Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp and Picnic Supphes, Tobaccos, etc. 0 PoL'l TC SERVI cE -:-I7, ~ Yo 1 UBNc FAv~~ HRRE,'S ftEK 'Wpv--ws rRAYBL )y Qg~ y H& &HT ANO DAY ! g MARK City convenience for the suburban or Country home, at small cost. Rockgas is a form of naural gas liquified, and filled into cylinders under moderate pressure, which turns to pure gas on release of pressure. Rockgas can be used in any standard gas appliance. Rockgas contains NO CARBON hlONOXIDE. In this respect it is far safer to use than water gas or the usual artificial gas. Rockgas has NO ODOR, does not SMOKE, lights instantly, and is per- fectly SA FE to use. B. C. ROCKGAS AGENCY SHOWROOM:--1443 Marine Drive, at Ambleside Phone West 693. Father (reading report)-- "Aren't you ashamed to be at the bottom in a class of twenty- eight boys?" Willy--"It might be worse." Father--"How could it be?" Willy--"Suppose there were forty boys in the class." NUBONE CORSETS Surgical Belts LINGERIE, HOSIERY 17th & Marine. %Vest 224 Next Wednesday and Thursday, JOAN CRAWFORD, JAhlES hlURRAY nnd HOUSE I'ETERS -- in-- "Rose ivlarie" See the biggest canoe race every filmed and the unfort,ct able ice-flood scene. A glamorous romance of the untamed Canadian wilds, and the Royal Northwest hlounted Police, from the great Broad- way success of the same name. The BurrarcI Laundry Limited For People %ho Are Particular THIRD ST and ST DA VIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representatirt F. RIVERS Phone lVest 410L