West Van. News (West Vancouver), 17 Aug 1928, p. 6

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001C95A8 35c Extract Wild Strawberry. 26c 60c J. 4 J. Modess .................. 49c 26c Lesol, 3 Oz........................... l9c 25c French Cleaner ................... 19c 60c French Balm, chapped hnnds, Sunburns, etc......................... 39c 25c A. B. S. E: C. Tablets............ 16c 25c Red Cedar Flakes for moths ........................................ 19c 65c Woodward's Gripe Water 49c Fresh Shipment Willard's Choc- olntes ............................ 1 lb. 75c Dr. Scholl's Arch Binder for tired and aching feet .................... $ 1.00 26c Rexall Tooth Powder............ 16c S5c Writing Pnd ........................ 26c 35c Musterole .......................... 29c 60c Black's White Pine nnd Tnr ........................................... 39c 15c Sterno Canned Heat 2 for 25c 10c Feeding Bottles ........ S for 25c 26c Colgate's Tooth Paste ........ 19c 20c Waterman's Fountain Pcn Ink ...~........................................ 16c 50c Black's Juniper Kidney Pills ....................................... S9c $ 1.00 Lorie Bay Rum ................ 69c Wampole's Antiseptic Solution 25c nnd $ 1.00 50c Syrup of Figs nnd Senna.... 39c $ 1.26 Eno's Fruit Salts......,..... 9Sc 60c nnd 76c Fly Tox.... 48c nnd 72c 75c Heavey Russian Oil............ 59c West Van. Agents C. I'. R. Telegraphs nnd Can. Pac. Exp. i~lnncy Olde} ~I~-esag'e ii Iran Store G. E. REID, ilIanager Prescriptions Filled By Fully Qualified Druggist at City Prices New Building--Corner hlarine and 14th. FAST DELIVERY NO OI'DEIL IS TOO SiiALL WEST 323 %y ~ ~ ~ ~nt }} ,!igixI;.a ii es.~'gightI.eI}I,I O N no comparable interurban systemon this continent are fares as low as on B.C. Electric lines. You can travel from Highland Park to Vancouver, 8.3 miles, with a transfer on Vancouver city lines for only eight cents (cost of commutation ticket in 50-ride book). Many other fares are at the rate of about one cent a mile, exclusive of transfer. It is probable that these fares are the lowest on the continent. IIRH}sH Cola}IiHM ~}}&TRlclbuLNr}v'Co. VANCOUVER cf VICTOR}& I rain Sc.iedu..e The Pacific Great Eastera Railway Company Between North Vancouver to Whitecliff, for Horseshoe Bay Week Days Leave North Vancouver for all points to Whytecliff; 6.00, 6.40, 7.40, 9.45,11.45 a. m., 2.05, 3.00, 4.00, 5.42, 6.42 and 8.20 p. m.Leave Whytecliff for all points to North Vancouver; 6.50, 7.50, 8.30, 10.60a. m., 1.10, 3.10, 3.60, 4.50, 6.30, 7.30 and 9.10 p. m. Sundays and Holidays Leave North Vancouver for all points to Whytecliff; 8.40, 9.25, 10:2511.25 a. m., 12.25, 1.25, 2.25, 3.25, 4.25, 6.25, 6.25, 7.30 and 8.30 p, I,Leave %'hytecliff for all points to North Vancouver, 9.25, 10.26, 11.25 a.m.12.25, 1.25, 2.25, 3.25, 4.25, 5.25, 6.25, 7.30, 8.30 and 9.30 p. m. RETURN FARES FROM NORTH VANCOUVER TO WHYTECLIFF ADULTS 50c CHILDREN 25c (Good day of issue only) Illustrated folder and further information may be obtained at P.G.E. Station, Lonsdale Ave., 'Phone North 300. THE REXALI. STORE Cut Rate Drugs FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS SUI(E TO GET HETTEI(--If the Invalid takes medicine prepared in our prescription department. We bnck up the doctor by supplying ex- actly the medicine he orders, His skill nnd our faithfulness makes for a speedy recovery. Choose your druggist N'ith the same care you give to the choice of a physician. THE YVEST VAN NEEVS Mr. and Mrs. Crane will move into Captaiii Lunn's cot tage, 15th and Haywood, at the e»d of the month. Mr. J. Steele-Smith has pur- chased the Partington house, 15th and Gordon, and with his wife and family will move in very shortly. DIr. Smith has been appointed to the staff of the High School, a notice of ivhich appointment was given in our last issue. AIr. and 5Irs. Phelp of Van- couver have taken the Wailer cottage, 13th and Marine. Mr. and 5Irs. Rees of Vancou- ver have rented the Snell House at 22nd and Lawson. Mr.. Rees is the accountant for the Home Oil Company. Mrs. Ewen, who has been liv- ing in Vancouver, has taken the McDonald cottage at 15th and Fulton. General Victor Odium has had two new targets installed on the archery course at his Whytecliff home. 5Iembers of the British Co- lumbia branch of the Canadian Authors'ssociation were the guests of 3Ir. and &Irs. H. A. Stone at a garden party and re- ception at Caulfeild on Saturday afternoon. Entries for the new telephone directory must be in by the end of August. Mr. and Mrs. John MacPhail of Vancouver have moved into the fine new home which they have had erected at 23rd and Inglewood. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis, 24th and Haywood, left on Wednes- day for a trip to Portland, Ore- gon. Rev. P. McCormack, who has been supplying at the United Church for some wekes, left here yesterday to return to An- acortes. Mrs. J. E. Durbin, 20th and Haywood, has returned from a two weeks'isit to Victoria. Mrs. Elfstrom of the Hay Block is leaving shoaly for a trip east of the Rockies. Gordon Gray, the insurance specialist, who resides at 26th and Mathers, and Mrs. Gray and family, are leaving for a holi- day visit to Orcas Island. FLANNEL DANCE TONIGHT The flannel dance given by the Tennis Club will be held tonight (Friday) in the Hollybum Pa- vilion. At the affair tonight the prizes will be awarded to the winning tennis players for the competition games just finished. Dancing from 9 to 12. Refresh- ments will be served. gxM~&g}u}g}g}i}}u}rmucm Jack Milton of the municipal ferry staff returned to IVest Vancouver after spending three weeks ciuising along the west coast of Vancouver Island. John Fox, who has been stay- ing with Mrs. Morley Johnson, 26th and Lawson, left on Satur- day for Cranbrook. Miss Alice Scott of Calgary was visiting here last week, the guest of Miss Marjorie Pineo, 13th and Keith Road. Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson and family, 20th and Fulton, who have been spending a twoiveeks'acation at Roberts Creek, returned here on Wed- nesday. Harry Farr, who is practicing flying at Tacoma, was in West Vancouver on Tuesday, return- ing to Tacoma the same day. His sistei Mis Grant recently went by aeroplane from Tacoma to Seattle, and thoroughly en- joyed the experience. Mrs. Cullington of West Bay entertained Dr. and Mrs. Vroo- man of Vancouver last week- end. Miss Jones of Vancouver has taken the Spratley cottage at 22nd and Marine Drive for a short period. Nr. and AIrs. Chas. Stamatis and family, 1941 Bellevue, have moved into their new home at 20th and Bellevue. Miss Taylor of Crescent Beach and a former resident of West Vancouver was here on Wed- nesday visiting Mrs. EV. Taylor, 13th and Marine Drive. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Morris and daughter, 24th and Bellevue, spent the week-end with friends in Seattle. Captain Dunn has about com- pleted the construction of his new home at 22nd.and Ingle- wood. Captain Mostyn Williams of Kamloops is the guest of Major C. J. iMarshall, 30th and Palm- erston. DIrs. W. W. Hawtin, "Cal- thorpe," Altamont, has left for a short visit to her sister, Mrs. William Heatherbell, who re- sides in Victoria. General and Mrs. A. D. Mc- Rae will be at home to their North Shore friends tomorrow from 2 to 7 at a garden party to be held at their residence, "Hycroft," S h a u g h n e s s y Heights. Good progress is being made with the work of construction of the municipal hall addition. The roof and side frames are now in position and the cement work on the vault and cell has been finished. COLFIX Makes a Perfect Road Surface .".~:.ceo.i',s August 17, 1928. Swimming FIONA SENTANCE SIVIAIS THE LION'S GATE i~Iona, the 15-year-old daugh- ter of 51r. and Mrs. J. G. Sen- tance, 13th and Duchess, start- ed from Hollyburn Pier on Fri- day afternoon and swam across &he Lion's Gate to prospect Point, a distance of one and «e- quarter miles. In case the sw™ should prove too long, Jack Low len and Joe Grisedale followed in a boat, but the precaution proved to be u nnecessary, she finished fresh and strong. The distance is long even «i an adult, but for a girl of the age of Monta Sentance it is ~ very fine effort, more especially when one considers the strong and treacherous currents that pour back and forth through the First Narrows. It is believed this is the first time for ten years that such a feat has been performed. FIRST ANNUAL SWIAI FOR CLARKE CUP 4UON BY ISABEL WILSON The first annual iace foi the cup donated by D. I. Clarke, president of the West Vancou- ver Swimming Club, took place last Wednesday night. The swim was from Weston to Dundarave, approximately 1,000 yards. The result was as follows: 1st, Isabel wilson; 13:50. 2nd, Audrey Nester; 14 mins. 3rd, Lena Clampett; 14:08. 4th, Molly Edwards; 14:15. 5th, Winnie Dorchester, 14:25. COUNCILLOR AVATT GIVES CUP FOR ANNUAL SNIi&I CORI PETITION Race Next wednesday Night Mr. D. Clarke, president of the newly formed West Vancou- ver Swimming Club, which is affiliated with the Canadian Amateur Swimming Associa- tion, announces that a silver cup has been donated by Councillor J. Watt for competition each year for a swim from Hollyburn Wharf to Dundarave wharf, the competition being open only to members of the Nest Vancou- ver Swimming Club. It will be- come the property of any mem- ber winning the race three times, not necessarily in suc- cession. This swim will be held next wednesday night at 7 o'lock. of all kinds. Kiln Dried, per load $3.50 Slabs, per load ............ 3.50 Cedar, per load............ 3.00 HOY'S TRANSFER Phones: West 112 North 1654 II a 8)f Phone North 345 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y BURRARD S IIP.I!; P.;}I Anything in Sheet Metal Furnaces, Stores, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights Tar and Gravel Roofs, General Repairs of all kinds. 229 Lonsdale Ave. North Vancouver, B. C. HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON ffunetal Birectars North Vancouver Parlors 122 AVest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 i i„l (Pacific) Factory:North Vancouver Offices: 570 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver, B. C. We have 21 Factories throughout the world--from Sweden to Singapore--all in successful operation. This is the answer to--IS COLFIX A SUCCESS'ictoria,Kelowna, Verno, Nanaimo, Trail, Nelson, Kam- loops, etc., are all satisfied with Colfix. for Safeiy from the Dairy with tho Highest Score 9 Quarts for One Dollar North 122