West Van. News (West Vancouver), 17 Aug 1928, p. 5

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001C95A8 August 17, 1928. Open All Day Thursdays. Ever tried our HOhlE COOK- FD HAhi7 You'l like it! BREAD, CAKES, I IF&, ETC. Strictly Fresh Eggs. Mrs. DRAPER IlOhl E COOK I YG Sl'FCIA LIST 2435 hiAI(INE DRIVE Neat Dundaraee Hall. NOTE PHONE: West sstt The Famous end .P.oi:or ".i s can now be obtained here. West Van GA:RAGE Ambleside IVest 130 Auto Repairs &c Accessories IIOLLY BU ltN Barber Shop 16th E; Marine EX PERT SEIt VICE E. hlARSH Proprie.or I I I I c Js cs c & ~ hlember of the B. C. hlining and Stock Exchange Stocks Real Estate Insurance and Loans Orders promptly and efficiently executed. 579 Dunsmuir St., Vancouver I'hone Seymour 6894 (. ). )('.W S Wishes to inform the public that he is now specializing in MINING STOCKS DEATH OF T. iV BAKER. Thomas IVatkins Baker, son of 31r. and 31rs. Edward EV. Baker, 24th and ~Iathers, died on Sun- day at the Vancouver General Hospital after u short illness. The deceased, who was in his twenty-fourth year, was born in England and had lived in British Columbia for twenty years. He is survived by his parents ancl one sister, to whom the symp- athy of the whole community will go out in their sudden be- reavement, The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon from St. Stephen's Church, Rev. A. Harding Priest officiating, and interment was made in IVest Vancouver cemeterv. Among those who sent flowers were. ibIrs. Howard Freer, ~lr. Dudley Howard Freer, i~Ir. and iiIrs. T. Watkins Baker und fam- ily, 31r. and ilIrs. D. )Vatkins Baker und family, Mr. and IIrs. Edgar Crickmay, Mr. ancl i~Irs, Cecil EVutkins Baker, Ganges: Terence and 11arjorie; hIrs. Pen- treath und "Bubbles," i~lr. anti iWIrs. E. T. Dickinson, i11r. Len Dickinson, Cousins Evelyn, Dor- othy und Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. James Alexander and family, ~Iother and Dad, 3Iargaret, Ida, ~Ir. ancl ~Irs. Speck and family, i11rs. O'. Richmond, AiIr. and Mrs. Huwkes and Bert, Rev. und Mrs. A. Harding Priest, the North Shore Cricket Club, The AVest Van. Cricket Club. The Lynn Valley Cricket Club, Capt. H. Jeffries Davis, his uncle and Godfather, Bermuda; His aunts in England; iAIr. and )Irs. P. C. Chapman and family; Capt. and iAIrs. G. B. Spurrowe, 51r. Wen- moth und Kathleen, i~Ir. and Mrs. Neville Smith and family, Mr. ancl 51rs. Burling, AIisses Eileen and Kathleen Hampson, Miss ) Iaido )Vishar t, Miss Evelyn Johnson, i11r. and AIrs. Frank Harrop, Mr. and 31rs. woodcock, and DIiss )Voodcock, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gibb, The staff of R. P. Clark R Co., Mr. and 51rs. Har- vey Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. Glover, Mr. A, Brundrett, Mr. Walter Anderson, )Ir. R. Blox- ham, Mr. and Mrs. Bloxham, 51r. and Mrs. James Smith, L':ly and Vera, Point Grey; and others. C. H. LEiVIS OF RED blILL, iVEST HAY, IS ILL C. H. Lewis, the popular pro- prietor of the Red Mill at West Bay had a sudden attack of sick- ness last Friday, and it will be necessary for him to remain abed for two or three weeks. This enforced idleness is partic- ularly chafing to Mr. Lewis, as he has been used to being quite active. His friends and patrons who have admired the manner in which he has improved the )Vest Bay beach will hope for his rapid recovery. Information and advice gladly given I'hone Seymour 6972 New office address: 709-710 Bower Building 543 Granville Street, Vancouver Don't criticize. Remember to think of your own frailties. LUNN'S CAFE NOIV OPEN FROilI 7 A.ilI. TO 11 PDI. Lunn's Cafe is now opening at 7 o'lock in the morning and will remain open until 11 o'lock at night for the better service of those requiring early and late meals. The cafe will still spe- cialize on 40c lunches and din- ners as well as short orders. For the Suburban Home ODORLESS NON- EX I'I.OSIV E NON-I'0 ISONOUS Cheaper thun ordinary gus. Can be used in uny standard gus appliance. B. C. ROCKGAS AGENCY SHOIVRO051:--1443 5Iurine Drive, at Ambleside Phone IVest 693. THE )VEST VAN NEAVS ~ & ~-'I ~ ~ ~ p IHoi 0 8 H W t Hl f4~ ~ ~ 0 I W t-4 t. ~ 0 t tt W V &t ~ - ~ ~ I.t4 @ra-+4'H'- ~ tent ~-- t tI ~ ~ . ~ t 4HRHttt41&+- ~ ~lr. and IIrs. Crump, 25th and Bellevue, moved on Tuesday into a house on Argyle Avenue between 21st and 22nd Streets. 0 a 0 3lrs. EIill and ~Irs. Page, both of Vancouver, have taken a cot- tage at 26th and Marine Drive for the balance of the month. 0 a 0 i~lrs. Bennett and hIiss Flor- ence Erickson, 20th and Belle- vue, left on Saturclay for a trip to Alaska. 0 4 ~ ~Ir. and ~Irs. i~IcTaggart of Vancouver are at their summer home at EVest Bay for the month of August. a 0 0 Mr. and il!rs. william G. R. Gordon of Vancouver are spend- ing the summer at their cottage at Caulfeild. i~Itss Mary Gor- don tvho has been visiting in Rome, has returned to Geneva, where she has been attending school, and is the guest of her aunt iIiss Brooks 0 0 0 ~Ir. and ~Irs. Chas. Blyth and family of Seat tie were the guests over the week-end of 31r. Blyth's mother, ~Irs. G. Blyth, 22nd and Jefferson. ~iIr. Blyth is captain of the basketball team from Seattle which was playing at the exhibition on Saturday. The Sonrisa went to Gambier Island Monday morning to take a party from the city to the United Church camp at Fir- combe Point. 0 4 s Dan iiIackay, with his niece, ~Iiss Bet ty ~!ackay, both of Langley, were the guests over the week-end of liIr. and ihIrs. J. )I. Stratton, Marine Drive at Ambleside. i~Ir. hIackay, who is a first cousin of DIrs. Stratton, first came to Langley from Scot- land in 1883, and has resided there ever since. He was, how- ever, so impressed with the beauties of West Vancouver that he purposes settling down here. He left to return to Lang- ley on AIonday, while Miss i~Iac- kay, who is a teacher at Lang- ley School, is staying with Mrs. Stratton for some time longer. Captain and Mrs. H. P. Skeet and family, 14th and B.llevue, returned yesterday from a two weeks'oliday, which they spent in Victoria. Mary Field, daughter of Mr. and 31rs. Pat Field, who are summering at AVest Bay, enter- ed into training for a nurse at St. Paul's IIospital on Tuesday. A large stretch of sand was exposed at IVest Beach on Tues- day morning due to the unusu- ally low tide. There was also very clearly revealed the thin- ness of the layer of stones which covers the beach at this point, und what is true of con- ditions there in this regard is true of our whole coast line. Mrs. Davidson, who has beet& visiting her brother and sister- in-law, i~Ir. and iAIrs. J. 41. Strat- ton, AiIurine Drive at Ambleside, returned oii Thursday to her home in Courtenay, Vancouver Island. 44owt--f1' i- -JH - ~-tttHHHI-IH) t4 1 ~ Rev. A. II. O'Donnell, who has been supplying at Anacortes, washington, on a vacation visit, has now returned home. Next Sunday, however, he will preach at the Trafalgar Road Unitecl Church. Rev. J. R. Robertson, pastor of that church, will oc- cupy the pulpit at the United Church here for both services. 0 0 0 ~Ir. Percy King will be the speaker at the IVest Vancouver Bible School in the Ambleside Hall next Sunday afternoon. The class starts at 3 o'lock. His subject will be, "IVho )Vill Take Part in the First Resurrec- tion?" Mrs. E. A. i~IcArthur, 14th and Gordon, with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. ~IcCall, 19th and Esquimalt, left today for a two weeks'ol- iday visit to Crescent Beach. 0 0 0 James Duncan, Duchess Ave- nue, and James Porter left here on Saturday for a motor trip to southern points. They expect to go as fur as Sun Francisco. 0 0 0 Complimenting 3Ir. and mrs. D. Gillett, 15th and Fulton, who urt'. leaving IVest Vuiicouver next i~fonday to take up resi- dence at Highland Park, 41r. and iAIrs. J. Harte, 16th and Esqui- malt, entertained at a dinner party this week. illr. C. N. Schell, a prominent business man of Sydney, Aus- tralia, is visiting Councillor ancl Mrs. J. T. IVatt. Mrs. Harris, wife of Joseph EI. Harris, the popular member for the Scarborough division of To- ronto in the Dominion parlia- ment, has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. lV. H. Porter, for- merly of Gordon Road, Holly- burn. The two sisters with their families spent the after- noon of wednesday with friends in )Vest Vancouver. A bush fire broke out on 5Ion- day noon at 3rd and Inglewood, where clearing operations were going on. A large tree became ignited throughout its length, and the sparks from it ignited the surrounding bush. The fire brigade went to the scene, and as the result of their efforts and those of the forestry officials soon had the blaze out. No dam- age was done. Daisy and Hazel Brealey, Hel- en Colpitts, 5Iarjorie Vernon, Helen Ritz and Dorothy Arm- strong have returned from ten days spent at the camp of the Baptist C. G. I. T. at Keats'slaild. iAIrs. EVrisberg and family, 25th and Lawson, are leaving the first of the month for Kaslo, where ~iIr. Wrisberg has secured u permanent position. Councillor uncl SIrs. J. T. AVatt und family and BIr. and AiIrs. John Harte, who have been on u week's motor tour over Vaiicou ver Island, returned home on Friday. a Miss IIelen watson of Burn- aby is spending u few days in IVest Vancouver, the guest of her aunt, ~Irs. I. B. 4IcGechaen, 13th uncl Fulton. e 51rs. Flu hei'ty has returned to her home at Caulfeild after a month's visit to New York a»d other eastern points. a E. Lane, acting vice-principal of 1Iollyburn School, who is at- tending the summer school at the University of B. C., was in IVest Vancouver over the week- end. 0 s bliss O. Bryan, agent of the B. C. Telephone Company here, and her sister, i~lrs. 11. H. All- work, chief operator, have re- sumecl their duties after spend- ing u two weeks'acation with their parents at Innisfail, Alta. a illrs. IVinters of i41ontreal is visiting 41rs. Alfred G. Harris, 11th and Keith Road. 0 a 0 bliss Grace Hurdacre of North Vuiicouver is staying u month at the home of ~lrs. R. B. Cripps, 23rd and ~lurine Drive. P I'iRSOxx~AI 5 ROUTINE BUSINESS ONLY AT P.G.E. 11EETING HERE Only routine business was transacted at a meeting of d!r- ectors of the Pacific Great East- ern Railway on 31onday. The full boarcl was in attendance, in- cluding the three directors from Vancouver and the two Provinci- al Government directors, Hon. Dr. AV. H. Sutherlancl and Hon. A. 3f. 31anson. The meeting was the last which will be attended by the two tlir- ectors, as the 3IacLean adminis- tration will go out of office in rt few days. In the meantime, the three Vancouver directors, ."mes- srs. AVillard Kitchen, Chris. Spencer and lV. J. Blake wilson, will carry on until the new cab- inet assumes office and appoittts a board or fills the places of the former government directors. St. Patricia Kindergarten and Girls'chool, under the direction of 31iss Joan Durbin, will re- open for the fall term on Tues- clay, September 4th. The salmon fishing continues good and has attracted a num- ber of local anglers and others from outside. E. J. Farr of Van- couver landed a salmon on Sun- day weighing 23 1-2 lbs., which is the record so far, and one that will take a lot of beating. C. J. Overington brought in a 12- pounder on ~londav BODY OF ~IAib FOUitD AT FISHER~IAN'S COVE The body of a man, clothed only in a suit of heavy under- wear minus identification marks, was found in Fisherman's Cove at 11.30 a.m. Sunday by Con- stable wilson. Dr. Dyer, the cor- oner, reported the body as that of a man about 60 years old, and stated it had been in the water at least six months. The remains were taken to Harron Bros. and williamson's parlors in North Vancouver, and as the result of inquiries insti- tuted by Chief Squires were identified by a clerk from the Crown Hotel, where Ingram re- sided. The shape of the man' jaw and a portion of the over- shirt which remained on the body convinced the clerk that the remains were those of the miss- ing man. Ingram was not heard from after he left the Crown Hotel on Christmas Eve to go to the Ni- agara Hotel, where he was em- ployed as a clerk. He is surviv- ed by a niece, ~Irs. J. Buchan, 1563 Fifth Avenue, AVest, Van- couver. GORDON ROBSON Barrister 8; Solicitor West Vancouver office No. 1447 hlarine Drive. Phone West 403 Suite 601; 510 Hastings St., 4V. Phone Seymour 4199. :o,yhurn Theatre Admi~ion Adults, 25c. Children, 15c. Friday (tonight) and Saturday. CLARA BOW in 'GET YOUR IVAN'ext Monday and Tuesday, REGl.iALD DENib Y "Good Morning Judge" and Cheeting Cheeters with BEI T% COIII'&ON Next Wednesday and Thursday, Two Arabian Knights