001C95A8 THE WEST VAN NEIVS Groceries AND Good Service 50-yard ssvim, boys of West Vancouver under 14-- 1 Jimmie Brosv», 2 Stan Boshier. 50-yard s~vim, girls of West Vancouver under 14--1 )Vilma Donaldson, 2 Edith White. 50-yard ssvim, boys of West Vancouver under 16-- 1 Stanley Boshier, 2 I(oss Forrester. 100-yard swim, men of )Vest Vancouver-- 1 Stanley Strong, 2 Philip Brine. 25-yard swim, boys of West Vancouver under 11--1 Gerald Mills, 2 John EVright. 25-yard sivim, girls of EVest Vancouver uncler 11--1 Helen Brebber, 2 Mary Good. 25-yard swim, boys of West Vancouver under 12--1 Jim Fos- ter, 2 Gerald Mills. 25-yard swim, girls of West Vancouver under 12--1 Edith White, 2 Margaret Currie. 50-yard swim, open, for la- dies-- 1 Allena Clampitt, 2 Sheila Richards. 50-yard swim, girls of West Vancouver under 16--1 Doris Rivers, 2 Nancy Hewitt. Log-rolling contest--1 George Holden, won for third year in succession. 200-yard swim for men (open) --1 George Barrows, Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club, 2 Johnny Bayley, Vancouver Am- ateur Swimming Club. 50-yard swim for )Vest Van- couver boys under 16 (open)-- 1 Phil Tedman, 2 Jim Duffecy. 50-yard swim for girls of )Vest Vancouver under 16 (open)-- 1 Joyce Tedman, 2 Sheila Ritch- ie. 100-yard relay swim for West Vancouver school boys--1 Hol- lyburn School, 2 Pauline John- son School. Diving, boys of EVest Vancou- ver under 14--1 Maurice Meraw, 2 Gerald Mills. Diving, girls of AVest Vancou- ver under 15, for Troughton and Barrow cup--1 Edith White, )Vest Vancouver Amateur Swim- ming Club, 2 Allena Donaldson, West Vancouver Swimming Club. Diving, ladies, open--1 Mollie Edwards, AVest Vancouver Swimming Club, 2 Doris Parkes, IVest Vancouver Swimming Club. Alen's diving, open--1 Morris Roberts, 2 S. AVoodward. Ladies'iving, open--1 Doris Parkes, 2 Allena Clampitt. DiHng, confined . to men of %est Vancouver--1 Phil Brine, 2 G. Hardman. 50-yard swim for men, open --1 Johnny Bayley, Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club, George Burrows, Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club. 50 yard swim for ladies of West Vancouver for Morgan cup-- 1 Ivy 5liles, West Vancou- ver Amateur Swimming Club, 2 Lena Rivers, AVest Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club. 200-yard relay swim for men, open--1 Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club, 2 West Vancou- ver Amateur Swimming Club. 25-yard swim for AVest Van- couver boys and girls under 10 years--1 Mary Good, 2 Lucy Currie. Pei feet weather and t&dal conditions prevailed at the Twelfth Annual Dundarave Re- gatta, held last Saturday. The largest crowd in history was on hand to witness a programme that divas replete ivith thrills. Reeve Vinson opened the Gala and congratulated the commit- tee on the successful arrange- ments made. In a few well chosen words he expressed his satisfaction at the formation of the West Vancouver Amateur Swimming Association, which already has a membership of nearly one hundred. Osving to the club's affiliation arit the Canadia» Amateur Swimming Association (B. C. Section), the Gala was an authorized meet and a large number of the best swimmers and divers from the city and surrounding clubs par- ticipated in the open events. It is highly c&kditable that EVest Vancouver Swimming Club members took first place in three and second place in one of the open events in which the best competition from ouside clubs was represented. George Burrows, in beating John Bay- ley in the 200-yard swim, men' open event, for the Nelson Spen- cer Cup, in 2 minutes 24 1-5 seconds, established a new B.C. record. A very interesting and instructive exhibition of life- saving and rescue from an up- turned boat by members of the Royal Life Saving Society was well received. All of the closed events produced keen rivalry and some very close races were seen. A new race to encourage juve- nile swimming was put on for the cup donated by Mr. F. A. McBride, and a race for boys and girls under 10 years of age for 25-yard swim was won by little Mary Good, 8 years old. Mrs. Vinson presented the trophies and prizes at the con- clusion of the programme. The full list of officials was as fol- lows: Referee, Ald. E. W. Dean, of Vancouver; judges, J. S. Bouch- er and J. B. Leyland; entry clerk and scorer, C. E. Hay; an- nouncer, R. D. Brewis; starters, D. I. Clarke and Gordon Vance; timekeepers, F. Burrows, F. A. 5lcBride and E. Arnott; stew- ards, E. W. Baker, R. R. Bart- lett, D. I. Clarke, J. Cruikshank, H. Sangster, F. X. Hodgson, L, Speck, F. B. Sparrow, G. Vance, H. Wright and Mrs. Cuthbert; secretary-treasurer, P. C. Chap- man. Following is the complete list of the winners of the various events: We want both to be good and satisfying to our customers. Ac- cordingly we specialise in quali- ty products. Our groceries, fruits and vegetables are alivays fresh. Fair prices, reliable goods and good service at i,'i)i', Ill~)jtoi;li: 'S (i ROCERY PHONE 5'OUR ORDERS. We~&.'16 We deliver. DO YOU WANT A NEW SUIT? Don't be misled by the made- to-measure clothing agent who tells you he can sell you a tailor- made suit, as the only genuine tailored clothing is made by your local tailor. You can see your garments under construction and you pay only one profit. Think it over--it ~rill pay you to see M. WILLIAMS 16th and hlarine, Ambleside CUSTOilI TAILOR CLEANING AND PRESSING I'hone West 20 .)a::ery Service AUTO or RADIO Charging -- Repairs Rebuilding, Etc. WeSt Van Battery Service Next to West Van. Garage (AV. Craig) formerly with Crawford's Battery House in Vancouver Watch, Clock and Jewelery Repairing The SVest Van Watchmaker II Jeweller 1522 Marine Drive Ambleside S!AS".&'S SA.! at P&ARCF.'S D]XYGOODS 14th Street and blarine Drive Phone West 144 Commencing SATURDAY, AUG. 17th, until AUG. 25th. Dundarave Regatta and Acquatic Sports Most Successful Yet PERSONALS Blrs. Reckbyeft of the Pauline Johnson School staff, has taken one of the suites in the Hay Block and will move in at the e»d of this month. Mrs. Alanrell, a former resi- dent of )Vest Vancouver, but who now lives in Point Grey, was a week-end visitor at her old home in West Bay, being the guest of Mrs. Cullington. Mrs. AV. Partington, 15th and Gordon, is leaving to join her husband on the prairies, having sold their house here. Dr. Vass, the Ambleside chi- ropractor, whose home is at West Bay, has as her guests Mrs. Flora Hill, bliss Roberta Hill anti Mr. Fred Hill of Seat- tle. The visitors will be here for two weeks. G. Pendrid, nephew of Mrs. Edmunds of West Bay, has re- turned from a fishing trip and will remain in )Vest Vancouver for a while longer. F. V. Guinan, 25th and Mathers, was last week seized by two men at Powell Street and Columbia Avenue and robbed of his pocketbook containing money and papers. L.O.L. No. 2990 is holding their next regular meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesday in St. Stephen's Church hall. Constable George Shepherd, 15th and Esquimalt, was the vic- tim of a nasty accident on Sat- urday while picking plums on his property. The ladder on which he was standing collapsed and for a few moments he was left suspended on the jagged end of a branch, which had en- tered his right forearm. Several stitches were required to close the wound. Dr. and DIrs. A. C. Nash, 1495 Clyde Avenue, had as their guests last week Mrs. Arthur Rugg of Vernon, and Mrs. D. Mitchell and her daughter, also Airs. Mitchell's father, Mr. Ma- son, all from the Interior. Mr. and ilTrs. Fay, 24th and waterfront, moved back on Tuesday to their home in Ker- risdale. W. Alexander will be the spe- cial speaker at Hollyburn Hall Gospel Service next Sunday night. A feature of the service will be the singing by a female quartette. Service starts at 7:30 p.m. PITMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Est. 1898 Vancouver's Leading Business College Individual Attention DAY and NIGHT School Night School, 4 nights each week Enrol at any time. 4 2 2 Richards St. Phone Sey. 9135. Cor. Hastings August 17, 1928. t agazines Order your magazines from us and we will deliver them as they arrive each week or month. Si'ECI %1 1'REE. With each tin of Mermen's Horated Talcum you receive a full size tube of Mermen's Skin Balm. Excellent for baby's skin and just as good for your own. FI L&l-- A complete stock from Toron- to just in. Come in and have your Kodak loaded. WEST VAN I'H&R&&&Y The Store of Service I'rompt Delivery I'hone lV. 37 SPECIAI. 40c AIEAL LUj&N'S CAFE 1421 hlarine Drive at 14th St. 7 A. ill. to 11 P. hl. We have clients waiting "0 (ent j.-ouses For ".&e W'inter 5 and 6 room places preferred I(. W. SAVO R't 1429 hlarine Drive Ambleside PHONE--West 698R1 or West 340 Evening--West 143 (Established over 7'k Years) C. J. Overington 14th and hlarine For appointment PHONE WEST 135 Ambleside Tea Rooms Ferry Wharf AVEST VANCOUVER Camp and Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, etc. I, yes MAA~. KOTEX ........... ........................................... 3 Boxes for 95c See Our Window for Other Bargains Some of Our Speciaj.s RAYON SILK HOSE, regular 50c pair ........... 3 pairs for $ 1.00 BROKEN LINES OF CHILDREN'S HOSE, values to 75c per pair ......................................... 3 Pairs for S1.00 ALL WOOL BATHING SUITS....................--------- ~/2 Pr&cc COTTON CREPE HOUSE DRESSES, ................... 69c Each ENGLISH FIGURED CREPE and RAYON SILK BEACH DRESSES, values to $2.95 for.......................... $ 1.75 Each NU BONE CORSETS LINGERIE, HOSIERY 17th 4 Marine. EVest 224 THE .) arce S io) ] J20 blarlne Drive illarcel, Steam and F'inger IVav- ing, Haircutting, Shampooing and Scalp Treatments For Appointment iVEST 304 A RE YOU going to build in West Vancouver THIS YEAR? GET OUR PLANS and PRICES W. TINNEY 8z CO. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Foot of Phono 20th Street West 322 City Office: 112 Hastings Street West I'hone Sey. 1944 . WHrvs~R Yovk aRofKs Sl8 OLSNALt ~ ~- &'«Q.um sour@ C. YO OH& A,ND A1 C '. Tle .Eurrartl l.auudry Limited For People who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. AVest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L