West Van. News (West Vancouver), 17 Aug 1928, p. 1

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001C95A8 A Wee z y '.8 ews sa aej $ 1.00 per year. Nemaetands 6c per Copy Ct'rculatittgil the Dtstrict of H~est Vattcouver-- A&ttbleside, Hollyburtt, Westott, Duttdarazre Cypress Park, Caulfeiidf, Whytecliff, Etc. Vol. II I El G HT PAGES HOLLYBURN I'.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 17t) 1928 No. 20 RESUIIE OF COUNCIL'S DISCUSSIONS REGARDING iWIARINE DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION Fllis-Cotton Ltd. I'robably Get Contract. The tenders for the Marine Drive extension wer'e opened at the council meeting of 5th June, and were referred to the consulting engineer for tabulation and report on same at the adjourned meeting on Thursday 7th June. Consulting Engineer Hanes submitted a tabulation of the tenders at the adjourned meeting on 7th June, when the tender of Colfix Pacific Ltd. for $ 134,747.80 was accepted sub- ject to the approval of the rlepartment of public works, Vic- tor ia, Councillor EVatt not voting. At the council meeting held 3rd July the clerk was instruct- ed to wire the department of public works at Victoria asking for an immediate answer to the council's communciations re- garding the road contract, either approving or otherwise of the council's decision, and a special meeting was called on 9t,h July to consider the matter. At the special meeting on 9th July there was read a copy of a telegram dated 5th July from P. Philip, deputy minister of public works, concerning the conference with the Reeve and Councillor Blair on the Colfix Pacific tender. It was resolved that Mr. Johnson and EIr. Hanes go to Victoria and interview Mr. Philip in order to try and agree on the Colfix specifications. Two letters dated 10th and 13th July from G. S. Hanes and orig from P. I'hilip dated 13th July were read at the council ) meeting on 16th July and laid over. At the council meeting of 30th July a letter was received and filed from G. S. Hanes dated 30th July re P. Philip's sug- gestion that Messrs. Verner and Hanes go into the question of Marine Drive widening, etc. A letter from P. Philip was read at a special meeting of 1st August concerning the proposed pavement on Marine Drive &rom mile 4 plus 1600 feet to mile 11 plus 800 feet. It was resolved that the municipal solicitor be asked in view of the resolutions already passed in connection with the widening of 5Iarine Drive whether the council is at the present time free to reconsider the tenders and to make a fresh award of the con- tract. At the council meeting of 6th August the following reso- lutions were passed: "That in view of a letter of withdrawal, dated 6th August, received from Colfix Pacific Ltd., the resolution previously a- warding the contract to them be rescinded, and that the com- pany's cheque be returned to them forthwith." Carried, Councillor Fiddes dissenting. "That the recommendation of the deputy minister of public works, as outlined in his letter of 1st August, be endorsed, and that the contract for widening and paving Marine Drive be awarded to the Ellis-Cotton Co. for $ 173,582 accordingly, to include the installation of concrete strips on shoulders, provid- ed that the amount of contract will not exceed the amount specified in tender submitted." Carried, Councillor Fiddes dis- senting. A letter had been previously read from the municipal solic- itor advising the council that they were free to act as regards the Marine Drive widening tenders. The Reeve, with Councillors Blair, Fiddes and AVatt, were appointed a committee to confer with Engineers Duncan and Hanes and the contractors on the matter of the contract. Engineer Duncan was appointed resident engineer on the contract, and G. S. Hanes was advised of the letting of the contract and of Engineer Duncan's appointment. COI'Y OF LETTER FROAI ELLIS-COTTON LTD., 10th AUGUST, 1928. As per arrangement arrived at, at the conference between the reeve and your engineers, Messrs. Hanes and Duncan, we beg to state that we are agreeable to sign a contract in ac- corrlance with the resolution passed at the council meeting last Monday, August 6th, 1928, with the understanding that should your engineers deem it advisable they are at liberty to reduce our contract to the extent of $5,000, In connection with the matter of crushed rock in the founda- tions, it has always been our intention to give you crushed rock and riot crushed gravel. Trusting that this will clear up all the contentious points and that the contract can be signed as speedily as possible as we are fast approaching the rainy season. ELLIS-COTTON LI) IITED, per (sigrred) IVILL ELLIS, Pres. and 4iIan. Director. COI'Y OF LETTER FROII COLFIX (PACIFIC) I.TD. AUGUST 6th, 1928. 6'ith reference to our tender dated June 5th, 1928, for the r«conditioning of hlarine Drive, I am informed that at a special meeting of your council helrl last IVednesday night, its ac- ceptance was again reconsidered anrl again adjourned without definite action being taken. I am also informed that at this meeting a communication was received from the Deputy AiIin- ister of Public IVorks recommending that the contract be (Contirrueg on Page 8) Council Notes The matter of a guard rail at Dundarave opposite Lauders was referred to the chairman of the board of works. 0 0 Robert Hartley wrote asking that the back lane at 15th and Bellevue be fixed up. The mat- ter was referred to the engineer. K. A. Ray wrote enclosing deeds for Lots 16, 17 and 18, Block 8, District Lot 775, free of encumbrances and asked to have deed in his favor mailed when ready. If the municipality desir- ed to have Lots 6 and 7 in Block 8, in order to have access to Fulton Street, which would give them a straight run from Esqui- malt to Fulton, and have all the land required for future devel- opment, he would be glad to make a trade if they happened to have any suitable tax sale lots. The matter was laid over. 0 0 0 H. V. Bell wrote regarding the riecessity of help in the engin- eer's office. The question was laid over awaiting the return of the chairman of the board of works. To Have Census TakenMackenz ie Officially Declared Elected Some months ago the question of taking a census of the popu- lation of )Vest Vancouver was discussed by the council. They have now requested the attorney general to provide for the taking of such a census in accordance with Section 35 of Chapter 179 of the Statutes of B. C. Tuesday, August 14th. In the presence of J. Loutet, Conservative candidate, 'and C. L. 11cAlpine, agent for Capt. lan iMackenzie, Liberal candidate, John D. Gillam, returning offic- er for North Vancouver provinc- ial riding, declared Capt. Mac- kenzie elected by a majority oi 32. Seven envelopes containing ab- sentee ballots were opened. Se- chelt gave Loutet 9, Mackenzie 6. After all ballots were checked today, 2 ivere rejected, 12 votes went to Lout'nd'8 to Mac- kenzie. The totals were: Mackenzie 2496; Loutet 2466; McMillan (Inependent) 396. Mr, Loutet will not demand a recount, it is stated. Tolmie to Enquire Into P.G.E. First Hon. S. F. Tolmie is making his cabinet by himself, he told the Conservative Association's monster picnic in Victoria on wednesday. "Just now," Dr. Tolmie said, "I am engaged in the process of making a cabinet. I am doing it myself. There will be a lot of excellent men left out. I want to assure you that I am giving the matter my most profound thought, viewing it from every possible angle. I am sleeping over the subject at night and ris- ing in the morning to reconsider it again "I realize," he said "the heavy responsibility that has been placed upon me. This was not something of my own choosing, but having taken the duty placed upon me, I will carry it out as well as I possibly can." The Premier-designate indicat- ed that there would be no delay in the formation of his govern- ment when he was called upon to take office. One of the first problems to betackled by his gov- ernment as soon as it goes into office here will be the future of the Pacific Great Eastern Rail- way, Dr. Tolmie declared. Th new government, he said, would not deal with the railway ques- tion in the dark. He would have a thorough investigation made into it to decide whether the P. G. E. should be sold. If it were decided that a sale was inadvis- able in view of the prospective development of the province, the government would then map out a definite scheme under which the road would be retained for the benefit of the people. EV Has, trn ~ rote regard ing the danger to traffic caused by the growth of bush at the south-west corner of 29th and Mathers. Referred to the engin- eer to be cut down under main- tenance. The engineer reported on A. ~I. Butt's application for access to D. L. 1042-D,which he esti- mated would cost $250. An ex- penditure of not over $ 100 was authorised. The engineer recommended that the timber bridges through- out iMarine Drive should be giv- en two coats of tar at a cost of $750. The question was referr- ed to the chairman of the board of ivorks. Judges Appointed for Horticultural Show The following judges have been appointed by the directors of the )Vest Vancouver Agricul- tural and Horticultural Associa- tion, to act for the September show: Messrs Renton and Moore, Flowers and Boulevards. H. H. Evans, Asst. Horticul- turist, Vernon, Fruit and Veget- ables. Mrs. A. J. Randle of Vancou- ver, Domestic Science. 0 0 0 L. O. B. A. No. 703 was given permission to tag in IVest Van- couver but not on the ferries on Saturday, August 25th. North Shore will Bid for Air Port c 00 oar a ers IIiss B. I. Yates has resigned her position as school teacher as she is being married next month.I'lan Concerted Drive to Have Second Narrows Site Chosen. 4V R Hamilton has been ap- pointed to the vacancy on the teaching staff of Capilano school. The appointment being made at the meeting of the Board of School Trustees held on Thursday of last week. The North Vancouver District Council on wednesday evening last past a resolution authorizing Reeve J. ) I. Fromme to commun- icate with the mayor of North Vancouver and the reeve of )Vest Vancouver with a view to the holding of a joint meeting of three North Shore councils to lay plans for a concerted drive to have the proposed airport lo- cated on the Second Narrows area on the North Shore. Councillor J. M. Bryan, who sponsored the resolution, point- ed out that the Seymour area, which had received such favor- able comment from Squadron Leader A. T. Cowley, is controll- ed entirely by the Federal Gov- ernment, whereas the other fav- ored site, Sea Island, is privately olvned. The School Trustees have de- cided that four inspections of Capilano school will be made each year. Board of Trade Meeting Next Monday Night Schools The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trade will be held next i~lnoday in the Ferr!'uildingRooms at 8 p. m. It is expected that the mat- ter of water supply will be dis- cussed at this meeting and there will be a report from the various commit teess in charge of the pic- nic held so successfully Inst month. The Nigh t School classes, which each year have sho~vn an increased attendance came up for discussion at the last meet- ing of the Board of School 'I'rus- tees and it was decided that the classes will be put in operation again this vear provided suffici- ent enrollments were forthcom- ing. Lord Wi i(i ttgdoa Becomes Patron of C/ioral Society. Lord Willin&don, Gooernor General of Canada, has become Patron of The West Vancouoer Musical Society. Mr. B. R. Harrison, President of the Society, re- ceived tuord just a few days ago informing him of this mark of honor bastoto d upon the premier choir of British Columbia.