West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Aug 1928, p. 4

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001C959D THE EVEST VAN NEWS THE ltEXALL STORE Cut Rate Drugs FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS 76c Wyethes Sage and Sulphur 69c $ 1.00 Dnnderine ....................... 94c 85c Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic 63c 60c Paradi Talcum ...... .. 3)c 36c 1 lb Tin Talcum................, .. 24c 60c Zonite ... . ~ . 39c 60c Milton .. ~ . ~ ~ . ~ ... .. 35c $ 1.00 Lavoris ................. 60c Klenzo Antiseptic ........ 35c $ 1.00 Milkweed Crenm ............ 86c 60c Dyspepsia Tablets ............ 32c 25c Stomach 6: Liver Tablets.... 14c $ 1.00 Armands Face Powder.... 86c 40e Vellum Writing Pads ....... 29c 16c Mucilage ........................ 9c 16c Sterno canned heat.... 2 for 26c GOc Syrup of Figs ....... 48c 60c h'fosquito Lotion... $5c 25c Beechnm Pills, 23c 60c Gin Pills ............................ 40c 25c A. B. S. 4 C. Tablets ...... 16c $ 1.26 Kennedy's Port ................ 98c 16c Tips fr Thermos Flasks.... llc 60c French Balm ........................ 33c 60c Jergens Lotion .................... 43c 20~1~ Off Sun Visors. 40c French Cologne .................... 29c 60c IVoodward's Gripe IVater.. 49c Enos Fruit Salts .......... 98c P OLITICAL ownership of the public utilities,so highly recommended by some people, is a great thing--for the /idlers. In the last few years no less than 1500 com- munities oa this continent have sold their elec- trical businesses or shut the doors of their elec- trical plants or deptrtments and are served by company systems -- allowing the spiders to spin their webs undisturbed. The fleas would seem to indicate that men trained in the business of making and deliver- ing elearicity in companies owned by the people themselves do a better job than men who may be good business or professional men, but who are not trained operators. amI~g COLIPKM ZIXCTRICIbGXWaY CO. VANCOUVER VICTORIA 3%4 ib I 'rain Sc.~eklu..e The Pacific Great Eastera Railway Company Between North Vancouver to Whitecliff, for Horseshoe Bay Week Days Leave North Vancouver for all points to Whytecliff; 6.00, 6.40, 7.40, 9.46, 11.45 a. m., 2.05, 3.00, 4.00, 5.42, 6.42 and 8.20 p. m. Leave Whytecliff for all points to North Vancouver; 6.50, 7.50, 8.30, 10.60 a. m., 1.10, 3.10, 3.60, 4.50, 6.30, 7.30 and 9.10 p. m. Sundays and Holidays Leave North Vancouver for all points to Whytecliff; 8.40, 9.26, 10:25 11.25 a. m., 12.25, 1.25, 2.25, 3.25, 4.25, 5.25, 6.25, 7.30 and 8.30 p, m, Leave Whytecliff for all points to North Vancouver, 9.25, 10.25, 11.25 a.m. 12.26, 1.25, 2.26, 3.25, 4.25, 6.25, 6.25, 7.30, 8.30 and 9.30 p. m. RETURN FARES FROM NORTH VANCOUVER TO WHYTECLIFF ADULTS 50c CHILDREN 25c (Good day of issue only) Illustrated folder and further information may be obtained at P.G.E. Station, Lonsdale Ave., 'Phone North 300. GOLF IX Makes a Perfect Road Surface KVe have 21 Factories throughout the world--from Sweden to Singapore--all in successful operation. This is the answer to--IS COLFIX A SUCCESS ~ Victoria, Kelowna, Vernon, Nanaimo, Trail, Nelson, Kam- loops, etc., are all satisfied with Colfix. (Pacific) ~ ~ il.&: ~ Factory:North Vancouver Offices: 570 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver, B. C. West Van. Agents C. P. R. Telegraphs and Can. Pac. Exp. hloney Order i -esage i.|rug Store G. E. REID, Blanager Prescriptions Filled By Fully Qualified Druggist at City Prices New Building--Corner blarine and 14th. FAST DELIVERY NO ORDER IS TOO ShIALLWEST 323 August 3, 1928. Mr. Whitaker of the Rock Gas Agency here, has taken the Chinery house at 14th and Clyde and moved in with his wife and family on )Vednesday. Airs. H. L. Thompson and family, 21st and Argyle, left on Tuesday to spend a fortnight at White Rock, blargaret, daugh- ter of i~lrs. 4V. Reid, 21st and Bellevue, accompanied them. Alr. and Mrs. A. J. Cassels and family of Point Grey, moved on Dlonday into a cottage at West Bay, where they will spend the month of August. The new bungalow which C. Stamatis is having erected at 20th and Bellevue, is nearing completion. Mrs. M. Kenealy and Mrs. W. Reid, 21st and Dlarine Drive, left . on )Vednesday for a holiday at Grantham's Landing. Miss L. Sinclair of Vancouver has taken the McEvoy cot tage at West Bay for the month of August. Mrs. John L. Noble, Horse- shoe Bay, has had as her guests Mrs. Stephen Barclay and her daughter Mrs. H. B. Beasley, both of whom reside in Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. 4V. E. Leppard have moved from 21st and Belle- vue to the Oliver house at 15th and Esquimalt. Mrs. Laura Baker, who form- erly lived at 21st and Bellevue, but is now a resident of Vancou- ver, was here visiting friends on AV ednesday. Nr. and Mrs. Jenni had an ad- dition to their family on Satur- day, when a son was born to them at their home at 14th and )Vaterfront. Both mother and son are making good progress. Norma, the younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Gemmill, 15th and Esquimalt, who was taken seriously ill on Friday, is now much better. Mrs. Peacey and family, who have been spending a month's holiday at the Chinery cottage, 14th and Clyde, left on Tuesday to return to the city. TEACHER AVANTED The secretary of the board of school trustees has been in- structed to advertise in a city paper for two teachers as fol- lows: Male teacher for Capilano School. Experienced teacher cap- able of teaching singing for up- per grades (Hollyburn School). EIigh School teacher, special sub- jects Latin, Literature and His- tory. A special meeting of the board will be held tonight to meet candidates and make appoint- ments. NET BATTERY SERVICE OPENED A new Battery Service Station has been opened in West Vancou- ver in the store directly west of The West Van Garage. The pro- prietor, W. (Billy) Craig, has for several years been connected with battery houses in Vancou- ver having worked with the Wil- lard Battery agency, the Camp- bell Battery Service and more recently with the Crawford Bat- tery Service. "Billy" evidently knows his business pretty well and those having radio or auto batteries needing repairing, re- charging or re-building should pay him a visit. He advertises city prices. of all kinds. Kiln Dried, per load $3.50 Slabs, per load .. Cedar, per load...........- 3 00 HOY'S TRANSFER Phones: IVest 112 North 165'Ir.Staples of Ambleside hasmoved into the new homehas had built at Cloverdale. Bliss Josephine Dauphinee, 29th and Bellevue, in her capac- ity as president will introduce the guest of honor, Illtss May Robson, at a dinner to be given by the Business and Professional Women's Club next Alonday at 6 p. m. at Stanley Park Pavilion. A new bride and groom, who will make their home in West Vancouver, are Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lidster, whose marriage took place in Chilliwack on July 21st. Illr. Lidster formerly resided in Vancouver, and the bride (Annie Georgina Burton) in Chilliwack. Thy wedding ceremony took place at St. Thomas Church. Mr. and Airs. H. Lang, 30th and Marine Drive, have gone to Balmy Beach for a month's holi- day. During their absence their home will be occupied by Mrs. ('ecil H. Carter of Vancouver with her two daughters. Ed Black has now supplied coal to the schools, the contract for which he was successful in getting a couple of weeks ago. G. W. webster, 21st and Belle- vue, has left for Alberta where he has some building contracts. Mrs. Webster and family expect to follow him shortly. At the last meting of the board of school trustees a letter was read from A. F. Robinson, submittinig his resignation fol- lowing his appointment to the staff of Vancouver schools. Ac- cepted. ..- jI aSe:. ga"er for Safety from the Dairy with the Highest Score 9 Quarts for One Dollar North 122 GIRI GUIDES RETURN FROAI CAMI'welve girls of the Second West Vancouver Company, Girl Guides, and one member of the First Company, accompanied by their captain, Miss Joan Durbin and Lieutenant Miss Ruth Sack- son, arrived back in West Van- couver last week after a most enjoyable ten days spent in camp at Davis Bay, There were in all fifty-four North Shore guides and five of- ficers camping under the able leadership of Mrs. Deal, to whom many thanks are due for. her splendid work among the girls. Those girls under canvas from West Vancouver were Betty Sa- vory, Josephine Leyland, Bar- bara Harrison, 3laisie Busst, Kathleen Hodgson, Mabel Phil- lips, Eleanor Eager, Margaret Saunders, Wylma Donaldson, Pat McKenzie, Mary Edington and Mal~ Bradshaw and Audrey Lester. A request from the Christian Science Society for the use of the auditorium some Sunday aft- ernoon for a lecture was refused on the motion of trustees Mrs. Robinson and Mr. Edington. Mrs. 4V. D. Colvin with her children returned to West Van- couver last Sunday after a stay ef several months in Calgary, caused by the illness of her fath- er. Mr. and Mrs. Colvin are new living in the Vyvyan house on Fulton Ave., between 17th and 18th Streets. Miss H. Ruddick, teacher on the high school staff, has re- signed, her resignation being ac- cepted at the last meeting of the board of school trustees. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Tait, 29th and %lathers, who have been spending the past two weeks in Keivisdale, have now returned home. SOME TIPS FOR INVENTORS Few of Things Needed Are In- cluded in List. New challenges to inventive genius are the latest entries in the "What's Wanted" book main- tained by the Institute of Paten- tees in London, in which sug- gestions for needed inventions submitted by the public are filed. An unbreakable shoe lace, a mechanical bricklayer, a folding umbrella that can be carried in the pocket--these are some of the devices laymen want. Par- ticularly m demand are 1nven- tions that will make a dwelling more comfortable to live in, and ease the housewife's taska. These are some of them: Vacuum cleaners for the chimneys. A way to prevent water in house pipes from freezing. Apparatus to remove deadly carbon monoxide and unwanted carbon dioxide gas from living room air. Another machine to fill the air ivith health-giving oxygen at low cost. Windows of unbreakable, clear flexible glass. A means of cleaning windows by machinery. A better way of fastening car- pets than by the use of tacks. Non-slippery floor polish. Permanent paint for gas stoves. A way to uncork bottles with- out destroying the corks by a cork-screw. Nrs. T. Sorenson of West Bay, has as her guests her two nieces the Misses Esther and Doris Sor- enson of Seattle. Mr. and Nrss. J. D. Allan and family of West Bay, left yester- day on an auto tour of Vancou- ver Island. The many friends of Mrs. J. J. Rutledge of West Bay, will re- gret to hear that she is suffering from blood poisoning. Mr. and Mrs. A. AV. Dykins, who have been living here for tv o months at 1362 Marine Drive, left yesterday to return to their home in North Dakota, going by way of Bellingham and Seattle. They came up here for a holiday and expressed them- selves as having thoroughly en- joyed their stay in )Vest Van- couver. Mrs. Breckenridge, West Bay, entertained a number of eastern friends at dinner last Tuesday. ~: &SO.N A. iS