West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Aug 1928, p. 3

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001C959D August 3. 1928. Have you tried our HOGTIE hIADE BREAD, HOLI&, SCONES, I'IES, CAKES, COOKIES, Etc.? Only Home Made Goods. Mrs. DRAPER 2435 hIAItINE DItIVE Next Dundarare Hall. NOTE PHONEs Weat 3dd Open All Da& Thursdays. WIRE CTLAD 5EftVB 'ou Hollyburn Rainfall FOR J UI.Y July 2 July 3 July 4 .. July 6 . July 28... .17 inch ~3o .20 trace .01 Total 7S inch Corresponcling total for July. 1927, 1.05 inches. Wettest clay for July, 1927, .44 inches. Days with rain, July, 1927, 7. Hon. Ian Mackenzie Majority Reduced ie'A'c'" the /7&stn~ +M~ IVe don't consider life n grind- lteal interest in our work we find A man must show n real int- erest in his work before anyone else will take an interest in it. You pay us the proper price for paying the proper amount of at- tention to the job you send us. Our repair work proves itself out--out on the road, and you can prove you are money in--in our shop. %Vest Vaa Garage Ambleside 6'est 130 IIOLLY BU ItN Barber Shop loth g: Marine EX I'ERT SEIt VICE E. hIARSH Proprietor I I y I I ~ 4 4 hiember of the B. C. hlining and Stock Exchange Stocks Real Estate Insurance and Loans Orders promptly and efficiently executed. 579 Dunsmuir St., Vancouver I'hone Seymour 8894 1Jii'S CA." SI'ECIAL loc hIEAL 1421 hlarine Drive at 14th St. Public Phone 6'est 611-0 Phone North 345 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y BURRARD S IIeI)". Anything in Sheet hIetal Furnaces, Stoves, Gutters, Cornice, Skylights Tar and Gravel Roofs, General Repairs of all kinds. 229 Lonsdale Ave. North Vancouver, B. C. The leacl of Hon. Ian Nacken- zie. Liberal member-elect for this constituency, over his Tory opponent, Jack Loutet. has been reduced to 33, according to the latest figures announced by J. D. Gillam, returning officer. Taking into account all absentee votes recorded to date. the standing now is as follows: ilIac- kenzie, 2,493; Lou tet, 2,460; Macmillan, 401. P. G. E. rRAFFIC SHOiVING GAIN Increased rail traffic and flour- ishing conditions in the country alnng the line are r.ported by Willard Kitchen, director, and Rnbert wilson, executive assist- ".nt, of the Pacific Great Eastern railway, who returned Monday from a week's inspection trip. 'The officials state that the large wooden bridges which the company started replacing with steel girders last year have been completed and trains are being operated over them. DIany Itridges between Squamish and I'emberton have been filled and filling operations are now being carried on the Lilloet sub-div- ision. In the Cariboo country a good crop is indicated. Live stock shipments have started to move end the railway company ex- pects as heavy a traffic as in the record year of 1927. o, y)urn I'theatre Friday (tonight) and Saturday. LAUItA LA I LANTE in ".beware oI Wic.ows" Friday Evening and Saturday Matinee Punch and Judy (The I'uppet I'lay) For the Punch and Judy show Coupon Tickets cannot be ac- cepted. All children 10c. Satur- day afternoon. IVe also have an unusually good comedy with this program --"THE FINISHING TOU('.H" with Stun Laurel and Olive.r Hardy. GET ACQUAINTED WITH THE ICE MAN THE WEST VAN NEWS tS 'The municipal road staff have abraded 18th Street between ~Iar- ine Drive and Argvle. ~ 0 0 The friends of Agnes C. Ny- Iand (sister glary Rosalinda) vjl o has been connected with the convent at Duncans, will be int- tc.rested to know she has been transferred to teach in the Indi- aii Boys Industrial School at Kamloops, which is in charge of the Sisters of St. Ann. 0 ~ 0 P. O'rady, 19th and Bellevue, has returned from a trip to the ivest coast of Vancouver Island. 0 e 0 ~Ir. and ~Irs. A. 4Iacau)ay and family, 16th and Esquimalt, left c:n Thursday for a week's holi- duy in Portland, Oregon. 0 a Mr. and Nrs. Harry Burns, who have been occupying one of the suites in Appleton Court for the past year, left on i~Ionday for Windermere. where they will in future reside. e Mr. and Mrs. L. AI. Clement and family, 11th and Nathers, nave returned home from a holi- day at Redwood, Half Noon Bay. i~Ir. and iiIrs. Fred Aubrey of Vancouver, have taken one of the Griffiths'partments at 25th and Bellevue for August. DIrs. Lewis, ivho has been oc- cupying a house at 12th and Duchess, has moved back to Van- couver. AIr. and Nrs. Bell and family, of Vancouver, have taken a flat at the corner of 25th and Belle- vue. Nr. and Nrs. Adams and Nr. and Nrs. Gray, all of Vancouver, have moved into two of the Clachan cottages and will spend the month of August there. Jean Tite, who has been ill at his fathers home at 15th and Marine Drive, has recovered and left on Friday to return to AVin- nipeg. Mr. and 5Irs. H. M. Graham moved on Tuesday from 18th and Hsquimalt to a house at 15th and Gordon. CADET CORPS GRADED "EFFICIENT" Captain J. AI. Cumming, dis- trict caclet officer, has issued his reports on the annual inspections of cadet corps held during May and June throughout British Col- umbia. The West Vancouver cadet corps was graded as "ef- ficient," which, considering the short time during xvhich the corps has been in being, speaks &veil for H. E. Condon and the boys themselves. Watch, Clock and JeweIery Repairing The IVest Van Watchmaker L Jeweller 1522 Marine Drive A mbleside 19 L.Q.L. iNo. 2990 will hold their next regular meeting on Tuesday at 8 p. m. in St. Stephen's Hall. ~ a a 3Irs. Cockburn, who has been spending a holiday at Cypress Park. has moved back to her home in Vancouver. 0 0 0 Nr. and Mrs. W. P. Jones of Vancouver, moved into one of the Clachan cottages on AVednes- clay, where they expect to spend the month of August. 1 Eric, the little son of IIr. and 3lrs. i&Iuir, King's Ave., ran und- er a passing auto on Saturday, suffering a scalp wound ancl con- cussion. He is making good pro- gress towards recovery. 4Irs. 4Iunro, who has 'been summering at IVest Bay has moved back to the city. Mrs. Noyes of Vancouver, has taken one of the Clachan cot- tages for the month of August and moved in on wednesday. Nrs. A. Harding Priest has re- turned to St. Stephen's Rectory after a visit to Harrison Hot Springs. Rev. A. Harding Priest has gone to Long Bay, Gambier Island, where he will act as chap- lain and assistant director of the Church of England junior boys'amp there. A. M. Stephen, 23rd and Hay- wood, returned home last week from Victoria, where he was lec- turing before the summer class- es which have been held in the capital. e H. L. Tupper of Heisler, Al- berta, is visiting AIr. and Mrs. C. AV. Hooper, 17th and Marine Drive. GOSPEL HAI L SUNDAY SCHOOL ASVINS BANNER "Hollyburn Gospel Hall," 14th and Duchess, had the distinc- tion of winning the Sunday School competition for all round S»nday School work. The ban- ner is of blue plush with gold let ters inscribed, "Efficiency Banner, won by." There were a»umber of schools in the com- petition. The marks ivere 371 out of a possible 400. BOYS BURNED FIGHTING FIRE Wvo EVest Vancouver boys, Ralph Patterson, TNenty-fourth and Bellevue streets, and Robe&0 Lemon, Wventy-second street and AIarine drive, sustained painful burns )Vednesday morn- ing ivhen attempting to exting- uish a fire ivhich destroyed a shack on the old Shields mill site, Hollyburn Ridge. The lads camped in the shack for the night. and the fire start- ed from a defective stove. When Ranger Pollough Pogue of the forest service arrived at 6 a.m. the blaze, which had spread to the bush, was under control. The arms of both boys ivere burned, and one lad received a burn on his foot, according to information received by the for- estry department. P I'RSOXAI S iVESTERLY END OF ~IARINE DRIVE TO RECEIW E FI.USH COAT The council received on ~iIon day night a report from the en- gineer on the cost of flush coat- ing miles 8, 9. 10 and part of 11 of Marine Drive, which he estimated would cost $450. The matter was laid over until the special meeting on Wednesday, when an expenditure not to ex- ceed $300 was authorized for this work. TO GIVE ACCESS TO CYPRESS PARK BEACH The municipal engineer re- ported to the council on ~Ionday night on the question of access for pedestrians to the beach at Cypress Park, for which a large- ly signed petition was recently presented to the council. He stated that. on account of those who had signed the petition liv- ing in so many different parts of Cypress Park, access at two places would be necessary. One of these would be by iIr. Doug-las'ome in the old subdivision west of Cypress Creek, which would cost, he estimated, $60. The other access would be con- siderably east of the creek. This was very badly needed and would be a costly and difficult piece of work. It would neces- sitate making a drainage outlet to let storm water pass in the winter, a fill being put in, and a gravel sidewalk being made down to English Bay. The esti- mated cost of this access was $ 110, and of the drainage $ 190. An expenditure not to exceed $60 was authorized THE EARWIG PEST Sanitary Inspector Gracey made the following report on the earwig pest to the council: AV&th regard to the earwig pest in AVest Vancouver, I find the pest has got a hold in vari- ous parts of the municipali~t. North Vancouver city has been troubled with earwigs for at least two years, but so far no steps have been taken to destroy them. South Vancouver in 1927 secured their bait from the Van- couver Parks Board, but this year they have mixed their oem, which was supplied to applic- ants in 7-lb. packets. "Bait used is composed of chloride of sodium, bran, and molasses in proportions of 1 lb. of chloride of sodium to 12 lbs. of bran and 2 lbs. of molasses. Bait- ing at present would be too late to be effective this year." i~Iary had two little fish She kept in tivo small pails On the pian~that was xvhere She used to play their scales l a::cry Service AUTO or RADIO Charging -- Repairs Rebuilding, Etc. %Vest Van Battery Service Next to West Van. Garage (lV. Craig) formerly with Crawford's Battery House in Vancouver Values $6.50 for C~& QI 90 The supply is limited. Phone IVest 456 A. J. RIDLEY Bc SONS HARRON BROS. 8; IVI LL I A%i SON /uncial Bireftars North Vancouver Parlors 122 IVest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phnne Fair. 134 lVEST VAXCOUl'ER TEiv.vis CLUB IN HOLL2'BURN PA VILIoiV FRIDA 2 AUG. zo&h, IqzS Ladies 50c. D~eneg y te lz Gentlemen 75c. Refreshments FLAsVlVEL DANCE