West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Aug 1928, p. 6

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001C959D Something To Coaasider Correspondence WAiVTS BEACHES CLEANEI) To the Editor, West Van News, Dear Sir, The "Development of our beaches" divas the subject of an editorial appearing in last iveek's issue of the West Van Neivs, so possibly a suggestion or two on this matter ivould perhaps be appropriate, the more so, as you have referred to the same idea before. iVo doubt there are various ways of providing, or establish- ing, sandy beaches, but one way that has proved very successful in the Old Country, take the East Coast at Lowestoft, in Suf- folk, (south beach) where groyn- es ivere constructed several years ago, resulted in providing a very fine sandy beach, at very little outlay and to make the at- tempt, here, in a small way to be- gin with, just to test it out, would, methinks, certainly be worth while. Did not the authorities at Ross Bay, Victoria, do something of this kind? Of course we should have a great deal more debris and tide to contend with, nevertheless, if such an idea were adopted, more as an experiment at first and ii it should prove successful, think what the result would mean. No suggestion, to my recollec- tion, having yet been made, pos- sibly this idea might be consid- ered and given a trial. Yours, for all the development we can get, F. J. TROUGHTON. Cheap foodstuffs are dear at any price. Quality should be the first consideration. You can always rely upon the quality of our goods--and- our prices are low and reason- able but--we never cut quality for price. Buy here and get the mos& real value for your money. For Reliability, Try Greenwood's 1,'i!i! )lWOi.'ll S (i ZOCEJZY PHONE YOUR ORDERS. West 16 We deliver. 'ancy {Iuic.& SreatI Buttermilk Raisin Bread COMPLAINS OF UNTIDY STREE Editor West Van. News: Sir--I do not know which de- partment of the municipality is responsible for the tidiness and cleanliness of our streets, but the area round the business sec- tion of Ambleside is in very great need of attention. The antiquated method of garbage collection from the front of stores, etc., during the daytime is not an attractive procedure. It would be greatly to the ben- efit of the business sections if this matter could receive some attention with a view to improv- ing the conditions. Yours truly, K. W. SAVORY. THANKS BASEBALL BOOSTERS Editor West Van. News: Sir--On behalf of the execu- tive of the Senior Baseball Club I wish to thank the supporters of the club for their assistance --those who gave financial sup- port and those who put in active work on behalf of the club. I ivould also thank the fans for their interest and support dur- ing the season, and the West Van. News, which is ever ready to back local sport. Yours truly, ARTHUR W. LUNN, Secretary Senior Baseball Club. SIDEWALK FOR DIILE 1 5IARINE DRIVE The engineer reported to the council on the construction of an earth sidewalk on mile 1 of Ma- rine Drive. The estimated cost of making such a sidewalk cov- ered with torpedo gravel along- side the pole line in a fairly re- spectable manner would be $ 1.- 420. By cramping the sidewalk closer to the highway and mak- ing some kind of a makeshift walk would cost $724 at an esti- mate. An expenditure not to exceed $375 was authorized, this by cutting out 200 yards of fill at $200 and 100 yards of torpedo gravel at $150 as contained in the second estimate.(Continued on Page 7) 1 egg 2 cups buttermilk &/~ cup siveet milk &/~ cup molasses 1 cup white flour 4 cups graham flour 1 teaspoon salt 1&/~ teaspoons soda 1/q cup seeded raisins Beat egg until light. Add but- termilk, sweet milk and molas- ses. Sift together white flour (except enough to flour raisins), salt and soda and add graham flour. Add liquid ingredients to flour niixture and beat well. Add raisins just before baking. Bake in greased loaf pan in moderate oven one hour. Keep 24 hours before cutting. Five O'lock Tea Biscuit 2 cups flour &/i teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons baking powder 5 tablespoons shortening 2-3 cup milk Nuts, raisins or candied fruit, cut in pieces Sift together flour, salt and baking powder. Cut in short- ening. Add milk, mix thorough- ly and turn out on slightly flour- ed board. Roll out to 1-4 inch thickness. Cut into biscuits with ver small plain or fancy cut- ter. Brush top of each biscuit with melted butter and press into it a nut, raisins or candied fruit. Bake in hot oven 15 min- utes. These can be served with- out butter. Quick Nut Bread &/~ cup brown sugar. Pi cup water 1 cup milk 1 cup white flour 1 teaspoon salt &/i teaspoon soda 2i/. teaspoons baking powder 2 cups graham Qour 3/4. cup walnut meats, cut in pieces Mix together sugar, water and milk. Sift together flour, salt, soda and baking powder. Add graham flour and mix well. Add liquid slowly in flour mix- ture. Beat thoroughly. Add nuts last. Bake in greased loaf pan in moderate oven 1 to 1&/2 hours. Sour Milk Nut Bread 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder 3/4, teaspoon soda 1 cup graham flour 1 cup pecans, coarsely cut 2 cups sour milk 3/4. cup brown sugar Sift together flour, salt, bak- ing powder and soda. Add gra- ham flour and nut meats and mix well. Dissolve brown sugar in sour milk and add slowly to flour mixture, mixing thorough- ly. Pour into small greased loaf pans. Bake in moderate oven about 1 hour. THE )VEST VAN NEREUS ENTRANCE EXAM RESULTS ANNOUNCED Nearly 7000 students have won promotion from public to high school in the Provi»ce of British Columbia as the result of last session's study, according to re- sults a»nounced by the depart- ment of education in Victoria. The )Vest Vancouver promo- tio»s are as follows: Hollvburn--William R. Smith 388; Gordon Edwards, 378; El- eanor V. AIacRae, 376; Marguer- ite E. Edwards, 360; Geoffi'ey J. Cornish, 335; Jessie Hoyle, 317; Thomas Neill, 313; Edith E. D. Barr 300 Promoted on recommendation --Bonita )I. Armstrong, 5Iarion G. Blair, Robert AV. Clements, Evelyn F. Colpitts, Allan H. Dickiiison, Margaret H. Gillett, Stanley G. Grant, Joseph Grise- dale, Barbara F. Hadwin, Peggy AI. Hoyle, Margaret J. McLin- tock, Henry 5Iurphy, Kenneth J. Nash, Robert F. Reid, Edward Rush, Clayton P. Stewart, Do»- aid G. Stewart, Alan AV. Vaug- han, Jack T. Watt. Pauline Johnson--Jane E. Ed- wards, 424; Muriel Howdle, 334; J. Ivan Murray, 320; Priscilla M. Svhnurle, 316. Promoted on recommendation --Edward J. Beard, Evelyn B. Black, Phyllis E. Bloxham, Wil- liam Boives, 4V. )Vallace Brokov- ski, George H. Caslor, James K. Chapman, Grace I. Creelman, Al- bert A. Cripps, Joan M. Curtis, Joan M. P. Dorchester, J. Eliza- beth Edwards, Ila 3I. Cass, H. Ian Hamilton, Robeit Harrison, E. Lucille Johnston, Vera G. Kerslake, 'adie E. Lestinen, Robert H. Lemon, Alma M. Lloyd, Ethel M. Lloyd, C. Nor- man Moore, Annabel S. Morton, Patrick D. V. Murison, A..DIar- jorie Murray, Charles S. Neville, Mary A. O'Donnell, George Ray, G. William Saunders, Elizabeth M. Savory, Paul A. Thackery, Grace E. Thompson, W. Bernice white, Robert D. EVhite, John E. EVood. DATE OF EASTER SUNDAY IS FIXED BY BRITAIN Easter, as far as communi- cants of the Church of England are concerned, hereafter will fall annually on the Sunday after the second Saturday in April, in- stead of being determined, as at present, by the phases of the moon. The bill embodying this change in Great Britain and Northern Ireland was given its third read- ing in the House of Loi.ds yest- erday. It previously had passed the House of Commons and now needs only the assent of King George to become law. THE .f, arce S &o ) 1520 hiarine Drive hfarcel, Steam and Finger Wav- ing, Haircutting, Shampooing and Scalp Treatments For Appointment WEST 304 4. ). 4(.W.IS IVishes to inform the public that he is now specializing in MINING STOCKS Information and advice gladly given I'hone Seymour 6972 New office address: 709-710 Bower Building 543 Granville Street, Vancouver Personal Miss Rossie 5Iayivood of the head office of the B. C. Tele- phone Co. is acting as agent here duri»g the absence on holidays of Miss 0 Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stronge and family, 14th a»d HeHevue, left here o» Wednesday to spend a holiday at White Rock where they have taken a cottage. 0 5Iiss Etta McVean, 24th and Bellevue, has retur»ed to her duties at the B. C. Electric store here after an absence of several weeks following an operation for appendicitis. 5Ir. and Mrs. D. G. Nicholas and son of Aldergrove were visit- ing Mr. and AIrs. R. 4V. Froud, 25th a»d Mathers over the week end. C. L. Costello of Vancouver, has purchased from John Law- so» a waterfront lot at 17th and Waterfront. Mr. and )Irs. Collinson, 24th and Nelson, are holidaying at Galiano Island. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McBeth and daughter of Vancouver have taken a cottage at Altamont for the summer. Captain Stratton left on Wed- nesday to return to Nelson after spending a three weeks'acation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. )I. Stratton, Marine Drive at Ambleside. Mrs. Colin McLean was the soloist at the Buck-Elliott wed- ding. which was solemnised on Friday evening in Chalmer's Church, Vancouver. Ensign Swartz of the staff of the Salvation Army's training college at winnipeg, who has been staying for a fortnight with Mr. and Mrs. J. i'. Stratton, Marine Drive at Ambleside, left on Tuesday to visit her parents at Oakland, California. The engineer's request for a holiday starting 13th August was approved by the council. YVe have clients waiting ..o (ent ..ouses .'or "ie Winter 5 and 6 room places preferred (.W. SAVO(Y 1429 51arine Drive Ambleside PHON E--West 698R1 or West 340 Evening--West 143 ARE YOU going to build in West Vancouver THIS YEAR7 GET OUR PLANS and PRICES W. TlNNEY & CO. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Foot uf Phone 20th Street West 322 City Office: 142 Hastings Street West I'hone Sey. 19!4 August 3, 1928. COUNCIL MAI&E SI&I~IN I UND INVESTi&IENT The council purchased $2G,- 068.24 worth of bonds for sink- ing fund investment at their meeting on 31onday. Particu- lars are as follows: From )Vood, Gundy & Co.-- $ 1g,000 Alberta 4i/, per cent. &968's at $9G.02; net, $12,482, yield 4.75. From Pemberton R Son-- $ 12,000 Alberta 4'/ per cent. 1958's at $96.02; net $ 11,522.- 24, yield 4.75. From R. p. Clark Er, Co.--$2,- 000 yVest Van. 5'. per 'cent. 1940's at $ 103.23; »et $2,064; yield 5.13. Total, $26,068.24. "Your Druggist is More Than a Merchant" This slogan of a xiell known manufacturer, is very true. An excellent prescript'on is « no value unless dispensed ac- curately mtelligently and from first quality drugs. You have to depend on your Drugg&st for all three. We have been Dispensing in IUest Vancouver for eight years and have established our reputa- tion in this regard. Bring your prescriptions to WEST VAN PllARNACY The Store of Service Prompt Deh~ery I hone W 37 c 'OU&& Hollo . PROgypq ~ I SPE;5 SOLVE,O ONE %ROSIE,N- NOW SHE, KHOW5 THE. PLhcE. To SEa9 ~ THE. FAMILY'LbTHEQ I 'I'&e )urrartI Laundry Limited For People Who Are Particular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone West 410L (Established over 74 Years) C. J. Overington 14th Mid Marine 8~ "li+ + For appointment PHONE AVEST 135 Ambleside Tea Rpo~ Ferry Wharf WEST VANCOUVER Camp and Picnic Supplies, Tobaccos, etc. PITMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Est. 1898 Vancouver's Leading Business College Individual Attention DAY and NIGHT School Night School, 4 nights each week Enrol at any time. 4 2 2 Richards St. Phone Sey. 9135. Cor. Hastings