West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Aug 1928, p. 2

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001C959D THE JULY CLEARANCE SALE I .'.X:enC eC. ullti.. OlliOrrOW Real Bargains in all Departments. Come and get the Bargains. Enjoy your holidays and week-ends at delightful mountain, river or sea- side resorts! Pacific Stage Lines bring Vancouver, Grouse illountain, Whyte- cliff, Horseshoe Bay, Lad- ner, Port bloody, Port Haney, White Rock, Boun- dary Bay or Seattle close to popular pleasure places... a cool, speedy way to travel! Phone Seymour 4 0 0 0 for information, schedule and special sum- mer rates. Regular ocroico, ond special coochce cncckendo ond halidome %Vest Vancouver Bible School Ambleside Hall, Marine at 14th Sunda&, August 5th, at 3 p. m. Leader MR. PERCY KING Subject: "THE hIESSAGE OF GOD TO ISRAEL IN THE ISLES." EVERYBODY WELCOME Bring your questions along on Sunday afternoon. HOLLYSURN HALL Corner 14th and Duchess Sunday, at 7.30 The Grandeur of The Gospel. by illr. Duncan Burden A Scotch Evangelist A Short, Bright Service. Flannel Dance ~~rigors".~ry ~~ooc s S:ore 1540 IlIarine Drive, between 15th and 16th. THE WEST VAN NEAVS WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society C II U RCH ED I FICE 20th and Esquimalt, Hollyburn Sunday Services 11.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Subject August 6th "Sl'IRIT" Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8.16 p.m. St. Stephen's Church 22nd street near Marine Trinity 9 (August 6th). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11.16 a. m.--Holy Communion 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. The annual Sunday School pic- nic will be held Wednesday, Aug- ust 22nd, at Second Beach, Eng- lish Bay. There will be Divine Service at St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild, Sunday at 3 p. m. Unitec C &urcj& 21st street near Marine Minister, Rev. A. M. O'Donnell Morning duet--"Love Divine" (Stainer), Mrs. Colin Maclean and Mr. Stuart Neville. Evening anthem--"Teach Me 0 Lord" (Attwood). .baptist C iurc& 16th and Duchess Rev. David Long, Pastor. August 3, 1928. TH@ GROWTH AND DEVELOI'hlENT OF OUR DISTRICT. (Continued from Page 1) of July and August as he or she ca» in a bathing suit on the sands. People will go any reasonable distance for this pleas- ure, and at present Vancouver residents are travelling about thirty miles to obtain it. They»e going in their hundreds and thousands, when we in West Vancouver, by showing a little enterprise and at very small cost to the municipality, might have them living here and using our beaches. Further, among the crowd who spend their holidays at the Surrey beaches are some of our own people, nor can they be blamed for going where there is the attraction of clean, sandy beaches. At what little cost in money and labor our beaches ca» be cleared was very clearly demonstrated last week. On Friday Mr. Sagar of the EVest Van, Jewellers got his son and five other small boys to spend the day clearing a portion of the beach of stones and debris at the foot of 16th Street. They were all little boys, and they only worked one day, but in that time they had cleared a patch approximately six feet broad by fifty feet long leading down to low water mark. Comment is almost needless, but it clearly shows how very little eKort and money is required to attract to our district maiiy of those who now go to other nearby resorts. The final sentence in the quoted article is the most significant: "In the days of the big future assured for Vancouver, these beaches will be the beaches of the people and, perhaps, the ONLY sea beaches left for holiday playgrounds." In penning these words the writer infers two things as axiomatic and beyond discussion, the future greatness of Vancouver and the importance and therefore the value of sea beaches as playgrounds to attract holiday makers. The past and present failure on the part of our councils and res- idents to make any eff'ort whatsoever to clean up our beaches and clear them of stones would indicate that so far we have failed to grasp that which is patent to everybody else. Sec- ondly, it would appear that )Vest Vancouver is considered by outsiders to have no beaches of any potential value. It is a natural assumption for any non-resident to make at present. He cannot know as we do that the layer of stones which covers them at present is little more than surface covering, that such a layer can be removed with a minimum of effort and at a minimum of cost in proportion to the benefits to be derived from such a removal, and further, that, once removed, the process would not have to be repeated. In this issue Mr. Troughton, in a very timely letter on the subject, suggests the building of groins, such as are used in most seaside re- sorts in England, and his suggestion is well worth consid- eration. In any case a few little boys have shown us the way. It is not to our credit as a growing and up-to-date municipality that they should have done so, but it will be much more to our discredit if, now that we have been shown what can be done in a few hours by their little hands, we allow any more time to elapse b fore we apply the lesson they have taught us. Y. 40 ~ ~ rl TCLL~ SL StkCCO / Ca& Ciao Lwt % Lrlc:Ov v g ~QJI 4 T I ~ lag Ts vep Ea H.C. OR I EggtSPORTAT$ON' 0 ~ AT ~ t-I -tigwA=)kg~kglji ~~MP+~1 g'Aj=glg W RA A GOOD ~rr p c i ~ i e & & c s IS A CONSTANT JOY. Have the children taken regularly and so keep a record of their develop- ment. THE (...IIG S"IJ.). 0:=': (V. V. VINSON, Prop.) W&ll give you satisfactory work. STUDIO: 311 Hastings St., W., Phone Seymour 1046 THE '&(est Van Netos Published Every Friday H. HODGSON and F.F.LOVEGROVE Publishers Phones: EVest 363 West 412L Business and Editorial Office: 1361 Marine Drive Mail Address: P. O. Box 101, Hollyburn, B. C. $ 1.00 a year by mail or carrier, News stands Sc per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION The AVest Vancouver Tennis Club is giving a flannel dance next Friday, August 10th, in HoIlvburn Pavilion. Dancing 9 to 12. A good orchestra has been engaged and there will be re- freshments. Ladies 50 cents, gentlemen 75 cents. Mrs. S. G. Howard of Vancou- ver was offered lot 7, Block 5B, D. L. 554, E 100, and $75 cash in exchange for lot 5 of same block and district lot. C. E. Craig of Vancouver was offered D. L. 1066, S. E. 1/g 4, E. pt. for $40, if he accepted the of- fer within 10 days of the coun- cil's letter. Following an examination of the ground, the engineer made his report on an application of K. A. Ray for the diversion of a small stream at Pauline John- son School. He stated it was not worth while obtaining an ease- ment for a portion of D.L. 1057, as the work could be done with- out that being obtained, and would be much cheaper. A di- version could be made with a 15-inch concrete pipe and a ce- dar flume into a portion of the 22nd Street ditch for an esti- mated cost of $200. An expen- diture not to exceed $200 was authorized. B. Patterson-Scott of Vancou- ver applied for the position of resident engineer. His letter was placed on the application file. Complains of Garbage A. J. Charman, Susannah Fox and J. M. Morgan wrote regard- ing the dumping of garbage near their property and asked that the practice of burning the garbage be stopped. The council replied that the garbage dump question was under considera- tion and it was hoped that a suitable location would he ob- tained. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Church Service, 11 a.m. Weekly prayer service eacli Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a.m. Benediction. 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a. m. iv. C. T. U. The monthly meeting of the 9'omen's Christian Temperance Union will be held on Wednesday August 8th, at 2.15 in the Bap- tist Church, 15th and Duchess. Owing to the Baptist S.S. picnic on Thursday, this is a day earlier again this month. In September the meeting will be held on the second Thursday which is the regular day. A cordial invitation is extend- ed to all ladies of the municipal- ity, irrespective of denomination, who are interested in temper- ance reforms. You Can Have Health If your desire for health is not an idle wish. You should get the information from us as to what our health service can do for you. Our Health Service is based on scientific principles which have been tested and proved. Chiropractic Will Help You. Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free. Phone IVest 383 Roberta A. Vass D.C., I'h. C. Graduate of Palmer School CH I ROF RECTOR Next to Stratton Bakery Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver The boy that isn't kept busy doing something that is use- ful is going to keep busy doing something that may be detri- mental to him in future life. Days of Youth "AVe are only young once," you often hear some person remark as an excuse for "hitting the pace." True, we can be young but once, and the pleasures of youth must be crowded into that space of time. But how long are we young? Some men are old at 40, while others are still young at 60. It depends upon the pace they hit and the manner in which they hit it. We can crowd a lot of work and pleasure into youth if we keep our hearts and our minds and our bodies clean, or we can reduce the amount of both and shorten our youth by resorting to reckless dissipation. Your youth is your own. It will be prolonged or curtailed by your own acts. When put to practical use brains become a valuable asset. AVhen merely carried around and never exercised, they are little better than a burden. Half Truths That human failing--to make sweeping assertions--is too primitive to be readily overcome, so one rashly says all men are this, that or the other, although this mature human race should have grown out of this childish habit of making wild generalizations long ago. Although it is an absurd as well as an evil habit, and al- though few generalizations, if any, will bear scientific investi- gation, it is a fact that nothing attracts more notice, is re- ceived with greater credulity, than a thoroughly sweeping statement of which proof is neither asked nor possible. This is especially true of sex generalization, though thoughtful people know that these comprehensive assertions about the relative qualities of the sexes invariably break down under close scrutiny. Yet they are made every day, and scofFed at by few. In school the girl is credited with having a better brain than the boy, but after graduation the girl is said to be in ferior to the boy in any line of business endeavor. Probably the truth of the matter is that the average girl applies herself better than the average boy to school studies, while out in the world the average girl looks upon her occu- pation as a temporary prelude to matrimony, while the boy comes to a realization that he must "dig" early or dig ditches in his old age. A woman claims that members of her sex make the best swimmers, but a physician of the opposite sex contradicts herwith the professional assertion that man's superior physicalstrength makes him potentially better as a swimmer. Both cannot be right, and both may be wrong. IVhere does hyperbole end and prevarication begin? A couple of men can talk almost as long about the kindof tobacco they like as a couple of women can talk about theproper age at which to bob.