West Van. News (West Vancouver), 3 Aug 1928, p. 8

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001C959D prompt Delivery Smith 's ~ rocery We Deliver A. HARVEY SMITH, Prop. 24th AND hIARINE, Opp. Dundarnve II IL Phone WEST 469 cHAix,RED AN9 WHITE svoRE Specials for Friday and Saturday NORWFGIAN SARDINES ........."........................... AYLillER BONELESS CHICKEN, per tin . CORiVED BEEF, No. 1, per tin ...... MARSH'S GRAPE JUICE, quarts ....................,.. iWIAYONiVAISE or Sandwich Spread, per jnr.... GINGER SiVAPS, per lb..................................,...,.. PUFFED RICE -- PUFFED WHEAT ....... iVEW CUT GREEN BEAiNS, per tin ........... HOLSUM'S FliVEST PICKLES, per bottle...,...... IVORY SOAP FLAKES .. GUEST IVORY SOAP ................... CRAB NEAT, i'b Tin, per tin .. SHREDDED IVHEAT, per pkg. Tin~ for 25c .. 38c 19c ................... 7 Oc 1 9c -".......... ............ 1 7c 2 for 29c 1I1JC ........................ 22c ............ 3 pkgs. for 25c 1 doz. Carton for l7c .. 31c . . . .................. 1 Oc r,IS A'L0' ' ~Hi 'Oua. Pan ~EVER THQQ Tea. ES WAA~ TlhE ASSAY~\'overnment Inspected bleat D. ROBERTS, Prop. Neat to CJ $ CJCJ Saturday Extra Special THE )VEST VAN NEEVS DUNDARAVE TWELFTH ANNUAL GALA (Continued from Page 1) 5. 25-yard sivim, boys of AVest 4'an. under 11, G. 25-yarcl swim, girls of )Vest Van. under 11. 7. 25-yard swim, boys of EVest Van. under 12. 8. 25-yarcl swim, girls of )Vest 4'an. under 12. '9. 50-yarcl swim, laclies'pen event. 10 50-yard swim girls of 4Vest 4'an under 16'll. Log-rolling contest. '12. 200-yarcl swim, men' open event (Nelson Spencer cup). '13. 50-yard swim, boys un- der 16, open event. '14. 50-yard swim, girls un- der 16, open event. 15. 100-yard )Vest Van. school boys'elay swim (4-man teams). 16. Diving, l-metre-board, boys of IVest Van. under 14. 17. Divi»g, 1-metre-boarcl, girls of EVest Van. under 15 (Troughton E" Barrow cup). '18. Diving, l-metre-board, ladies'pen event. '19. Diving, 3-metre-board, men's open event. '20. Diving, 3-metre-board, ladies'pen event. 21. Diving, 3-metre-board, men of EVest Van. '22. 50-yard swim, men' open event. 23. 50-yard swim, ladies of )Vest Van. (Morgan cup) . '24. 200-yard swim, 4-man re- lay, men's open event. Note: 311 events marked "'" are open events. AIRS. ROY BARRY'S NIECES AIAKE GOOD START IN I.IFE 3lbs. No. 1 Ne~v Zealand Bu tter for $ 1.33 0 ith Every $ 1.00 Purchase. YELLOW TRAiVSPAREiVT LOCAL TOMATOES........ 2 lbs. 35c APPLES ....................... 5 lbs. 25c Two nieces of Mrs. Roy Barry, who used to reside in )Vest Van- couver, have made a very good start in life. Mollie Rushton, aged 17, and her younger sister, Kathleen, spent their early child- hood in this province. 5Iollie is one of the fifty young "Ambassadors of Empire" who ~vill make a seven-iveek tour of Canada, having been successful in a severe examination in which 250,000 competed, and following that in an interview in which twenty-five young men and twen- ty-five young women were select- ed out of two hundred. They sailed from England on 28th July for the tour, which is organized by the Canadian National Rail- way, the Cunard Steamship Co. and allied newspapers. Kathleen won one of the ten scholarships of $100 warded by the Universal Film Co. for the best essay on "Les Miserables," and as a result of her success is spending the summer in Germ- any learning the language. Lat- er on she will continue her studi- es in France, and there is a pos- sibility that on the completion of her education she may be engag- ed by the film company. FRESH FRUITS Bananas ..................................... 12c Plums ................................ 2 lbs. 25c Peaches, per dozen.................. 35c Oranges, per dozen .................. 45c Grape Fruit .................... 4 for 25c Lemons, per dozen .................... 40c Seedless Grapes ........................ 15c CANTELOUPES CASABAS HONEY DEAVS, AVATERMELONS PRDIE STEER BEEF Boiling Beef, per lb................,.. 10c Boneless Stewing Beef.. 2 lbs 25c aont!ess Corned Beef. Ib 15c, 20c Rump Roasts, Ib from ........... 22c Pot Roasts, lb.................... 12Vqc Oven Roasts, lb ....................... 15c Prime Rolled Roasts. lb....... 25c Side Bacon, sliced, lb.............. 45c Bacl- Bacon. sliced, lb.............. 45c Ayrshire Bacon, lb ...... 30c Cottage Ham, ~&ic .................. 32c Head Cheese,................... 2 for 25c CORNED BEEF, VEAL LOAF BOLOGNA BOILED HAM ROAST PORK, AVEINERS VEGETAL BLES Cooking Onions, per lb...... Sc New Potatoes ............... 13 lbs. 25c New Carrots, per bunch............ 5c New Beets, per bunch ................ 5c Green Peas ................. 4 lbs. 25c Yellow Beans, ................ 3 lbs. 25c Green Beans .................. 3 lbs. 25c Cabbage, per lb................ Sc Marrows, each ...... 10c Lettuce. each ............................. 5c LOCAL L'GGS PULLET EXTRAS, doz. 37c FIRSTS, doz............................... 39c EXTRAS, doz............................ 41c BOILING FOWL, per lb......„.. 26c BROILERS, from Each ........ 50c FRESH FISH DAILY LOCA L LA hl B i~I ILK FED VEAL G IIAlN F ED PORK Tenders Let for Caulfeild Sidewalk osFooy MouR FAD- GE VE THE Sist 'To i /SS SOO'1 All spare lumber and combust- ible refuse on the dump is to be burned at once and a clean-up made by the engineer.Tenders for the constructionof a walk from Marine Drive to Clovelly Walk, Caulfeild, were opened by the council on Mon- day night. Two tenders were received, one from J. A. McKen- zie of Vancouver for 1,420, and the other from K. SogoK of WhyteclifT'or $1,800. Mr. Mc- Kenzie was awarded the tender subject to the municipal engi- neei~s approval of his creden- tials. Title to lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, of Block B, D.L. 554, E. 100 was ordered conveyed to K. A. Ray in return for title to the municipal- ity of lots 17, 18 and 19 of Block 8, D. L. 775, 4V. 100, both groups to be handed over tax un- encumbered to 31 December, 1928, and that the clerk be in- structed to compete the trans- action for the municipality. ARE YOU A PURE FOOD FADDIST 2 Yes! Well, then, we'e got some news for you. You will find in this market nothing in the way of 4Ieat Foods that is not strictly up to par in purity and in flavor and in wholesomeness. Your diges- tion will assimilate our choice meats with glad acclaim. Iauy Your Suit in West Vancouver V. W .. AlV.S 16th and AIARINE, AAIBLESIDE CUSTO16. TAILOR ROBERTS' reletter Meats Cash and Carry Saves You AVorry No Phones YOU SAVE No Delivery August 3, 1928. During Hot Weather «ll meats kept in refrigerator. '"1'1 5 %"g'"1 "1 t1 ' '&i" 'iF"u )L Ll ~ IJI ~ i I g ggg ( 1h i i ~ aJ I I I I I ~ I Next to Hollyburn Theatre I'HONE IVEST 3 Closed Thursday nt 1 O'Cl«k WE DEI.IVEIt +0&'r G0IITINOE 'ia DpLgy j ~+&~D &OVR'RM,R, llew &DAY! If you have planned to build don't delay your order. Send it here nnd have it filled. Ive'll attend to it promptly nnd sup- ply you with superior lumber at n price that invites you to con- tinue business re!ntions with us C? I I I'. J cl 'Il.'I;llI gati.'I",, ltl 'I1,l8'I). 15th and hlarine LIAIITED Phone West 115 Play a game of 3 tables for your pleasure C.-.."]' I4th S treet Riglit at the Railway Cross&ng c V oiaey .o,oai-i on First blortgage at current rates. Let us finance the building of your new home in West Van- couver. London & British North America Co., Ltd. Mortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents. 626 Pender Street West Phone Sey. 6285 Local Representative;--F. X. Hodgson, West 665R HAVE PERFECT FLOORS CLEAiV, SilIOOTH, SANITARY, BEAUTIFUL There is no reason for having dirty, worn, unsightly floors. The "Uni- versal" Floor Surfacing i&lachine will clean out the ground-in dirt, take off stains, remove old varnish or paint, smooth up the worn spots and make the old fioor as good as new. Oak, maple, hard pine. birch, or any wood is easily cleaned and made as smooth as glass. They can be re- finished same as when first put down. OLD FLOORS 5IADE LIKE NET--NEW FLOORS ilIADE PERFECT Newly laid floors are easily and quickly brought to a clean smooth sur- face by the "Universal" method. This method saves the builder or general contractor the back-breaking labor and does the work much quicker, bet- ter and at less cost. "Universal" method finishes any floor beautifully and entirely without the usual muss. A vacuum fan deposits all dirt in a bag, leaving the job clean as you go along. Let us explain the method and quote you prices. CORBIN'S JANITOR SERVICE PHONE SEYi~IOUR 5713 130 HASTINGS ST., iVEST SAS.-, 1)00.4S AND . nteriOr,.'iniS 1 G.ASS anc G.AZ IIG OF ALL KINDS I iNO JOB TOO SMALL AND NONE TOO LARGE GET OUR I'IBICES--IT WILL PAY YOU. i j.'Ill.'l I,'S I: I.'...1 j.'I11.li.'.1'I:l..'.i.. FRESII ANI) CURFD hlEATS, BUTTER, EGGS, BACON AND LARD Demand the Best Meats No use taking a chance on inferior qualities of Meat on hot It's poor economy to begin with. The bleat we sell is pure and wholesome, thoroughly inspected. S SAFETY FIRST--BUY AT JEI"FERIES 14th and Marine ~lpItesI: 'li"l Come and see our Patterns. Large selection to choose from Dry Cleaning Dyeing, Repairs and City Prices and Pressing Alterations Open Saturday Evenings till 9 o'lock. We Call For and Deliver. PfIONE WEST 20. iIARINE DltIVE AT 16th STREET Phone West 100 ASK FOR AIR. 5IORTON.