001C9590 THE )VEST VAN N EKVS July 27, 192S. TH E R FwXALL STORE Cut Rate Drugs SATURDAY AND MONDAY SPECIALS "Modess"--The new hygenic con- venience f'r ~vomen, introductory offer ......................................,.. 49c 60c Pulford's Cream of Olives 39c 60c Jergen's Lotion ... ... 4Sc 26c Beecham's Pills .. 22c 60c Beecham's Pills 43c 60c Gin Pills ................. 43c 16c Amami Shampoo ................ 12c 16c Icelma Dry Shampoo 3 for 25c 30c Bottle Aqua Velva Free with Every 36c Tube of Shaving Cream. 16c Old Colony Fountain Pen Ink 6c 50c Fly Tox ...................... 4Sc 60c Fly Tox Sprays .. 36c $ 1.00 Grey's Balm ...................... 89c 60c Woodyard's Gripe Water 63c 26c Peroxide ............................... 14c 60c Day Dream Vanishing Cream ................... ... Slc 26c French Cleaner .................... 19c 36c Orange Blossom Talcum .. 19c 26c A. B. S. i& C. Tablets ....... 17c 60c Clearo Shampoo ....... 39c 20c Sun Visors ............................ 13c 26c Stomach and Liver Tablets 14c 60c California Syrup ................ 49c 36c Dr. Black's Tooth Paster.... 23c West Van. Agents C. P. R. Telegraphs and Can. Pac. Exp. ibloney Order i -esag'e i~.|rug Store G. E. REID, hIanager Prescriptions Filled By Fully Qualified Druggist at City Prices New Building--Corner bIarine and 14th. FAST DELIVERY NO ORDER IS TOO SAIALL WEST 323 ,('") i j, ) iI sti Cl V' HERE is no need to do without those beautiful lamps or those handy electrical appliances just be- cause your house is not wired for convenience outlets. Any electrician can quickly and cheaply install them in your home without disfigurement or damage. Always put in duplex outlets. They cost only a trifle more and double the usefulness of the outlet. ~~~g Qgwm: 'm;aackiuwazCo. vhN COUVER vlCTORIA Illustrated folder and further information may be obtained at P.G.E. Station, Lonsdale Ave., 'Phone North 300. COL FIX Makes a Perfect Road Surface AUe +ve 21 Factories throughout the world--from Sweden to Singapore--all in successful operation. This is the answer to--IS COLFIX A SUCCESS? Victoria, Kelowna, Vernon, Nanaimo, Trail, Nelson, Kam- loops, etc., are all satisfied with Co]fix. I ~ I I ~ '~ (Pacific) ~ ~ il.l:, ~ Factory:North Vancouver Offices: 570 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver, B. C. I rain Sc,aeclu..e The Pacific Great Eastera Railway Company Between North Vancouver to Whitecliff, for Horseshoe Bay Week Days Leave North Vancouver for all points to Whytecliff; 6.00, 6.40, 7.40, 9.46, 11.45 a. m., 2.05, 3.00, 4.00, 6.42, 6.42 and 8.20 p. m. Leave Whytecliff for all points to North Vancouver; 6.50, 7.50, 8.30, 10.50 a. m., 1.10, 3.10, 3.50, 4.50, 6.30, 7.30 and 9.10 p. m. Sundays and Holidays Leave North Vancouver for all points to Whytecliff; S.40, 9.25, 10:25 11.25 a. m., 12.25, 1.25, 2.25, 3.25, 4.25, 6.25, 6.25, 7.30 and 8.30 p, m, Leave Whytecliff for all points to North Vancouver, 9.25, 10.25, 11.25 a.m. 12.25, 1.25, 2.25, 3.25, 4.25, 5.25, 6.25, 7.30, 8.30 and 9.30 p. m. RETURN FARES FROill NORTH VANCOUVER TO WHYTECLIFF ADULTS 50c CHILDREN 25c (Good day of issue only) TIVO FIRES ON ]' E. &SO.N A. S The fire brigade had to turnout, twice on Saturday to fight fires on the property of th& T G. E. Railway. The first was at Cau]fei]&] station, where the p]anks of the platform were set on fii'e as a result of the o]d pa- per ind iubbish undeineath be coming ignited by a burning match or cigarette end. The hand apparatus at Caulfeild was sufficient to extinguish the blaze and it was not necessary to use the chemical ~ The other fire was at the railway bridge which crosses Marine Drive at 30th street, where one of the trestles became ignited. The crew of one of the passing trains assisted in putting the fire out, which did little, if any, damage. 5Ir. and AIrs. 4V. B. Burton have sold their house at 30th and Marine Drive, and expect to leave shortly for a trip up the coast. 0 0 Mrs. Colin J. Marshall, 30th and Palmerston, left on Satur- day to spend a holiday at Lang Bay. AIrs. Frank Adams of Cau]- feild, has gone to Toronto to at- tend the Canadian Henley. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Houghton 30th and Marine Drive, are leav- ing the first of the month for Gossip Island where they ex- pect to spend the month of Aug- ust. i~Iiss Edna Peacock of Na»ai- mo, spent the week end the guest of Mrs. Grisedale, 16th and IVat- erfront. Mrs. Partington and family, 17th Street ant] Waterfront, re- turned on Saturday from a visit to Victoria. A serious bush fire broke out on Sunday morning at Sandy Cove. The fire brigade turned out quickly and assisted the officials of the Forestry Departmeiit in extinguishing the blaze. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hampson and family, 20th and Fulton, left on Saturday for a short holiday in Vancouver Island. They crossed to Nanaimo and proceeded to Victoria where they expect to stay for several days. Colonel Codville of Vancouver, has taken the house of ) Ir. and Nrs. B. R. Harrison, Kings Ave., for two months. J. Bagnall, 11th and Keith who has been in poor health for some time, was taken to the North Vancouver General Hospi- tal last week. Mr. and Mrs. 4V. Armstrong of Vancouver, have moved into a house at 22nd and Lawson. George Reid, 21st and Marine Drive, manager of the Lesage Drug Store, is back at the store from his ho]jdays, which he spent mostly on the courts of the )Vest Vancouver Tennis Club Mr. and Mrs. R. P. B]ower and family, 22nd and Bellevue, moved on Saturday into a house at 18th and Fulton. Good progress is being made with the construction of the large new lumber warehouse and office which the lVest Vancou- ver Lumber Co. is having erect- ed on their property at the cor- ner of 15th and Marine Drive. Miss Lorna Thompson, 11th and Esquimalt, has returned to her duties at Hollyburn Post Of- fice, after a holiday spent at Alta Lake. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Rerrie and family, 1836 Duchess Street, are leaving at the end of this week for Salt Spring Island, where they expect to stay for some time. SALBION RUN STARTED Mrs. E. Rudolph and son Bob by 29th and Matheis have leftfor a visit to Dalmead, Alberta. AIr. and Nrs. Fred Pascual and family have moved into the new house which Mr. Pascual has had constructed at 680 14th Street. Mrs. M. H. A]]work and Miss0. E. Bryan of the local staff ofthe B. C. Telephone Co., are leav- ing tomorrow to spend their holi- days with their parents at Innis- fail. Alberta. Mrs. Edgeley, 20th and Gord- on, who has been confined to the house for several weeks with bronchitis, is now seriously ill with pneumonia. 4V. Herrin of the municipal hall staff, is taking his annual vacation. The salmon run has started in 4Vest Vancouver waters, and a number of fishermen from here and the city were out over the week-end trying theii luck. The mouth of the Capilano River, as usual, has proved to be the best place, and most of the fish have been taken there. So far the salmon caught have been be- tween seven and eleven pounds, and quite a few anglers have caught several fish. The programme of repairsfoi'he roads throughout the muni- cipality has been started. A flush coating was given 14th St. between the P. G. E. tracks and Marine Drive on wednesday. DEATH OF AIRS. BROWN The old timers in AVest Van- couver wi]] be sorry to hear of the death on Monday of DIrs. 4V. P. Brown. Mrs. Brown for years with her two daughters occupied her sum- .mer cottage at 17th Street and Esquimalt Ave., from June till October, though for the last three years the family has not come over owing to Mrs. Brown's ill health. Mrs. Brown who was the wid- ow of EV. Patterson Brown, one of Vancouver's early Councillors, came to Vancouver over thirty years ago with her husband from Scotland. She was a chart- er member of many Vancouver women's organizations, among them being the AVomen's Canad- ian Club on the executive of which she sat for many years, and the Pioneer Association and in these and others was recog- nized as a splendid worker and one who could be depended on to carry out anything she under- took. During the war she was an indefatigable worker, giving up al] her other organization work for this. In Vancouver she was connected with EVard 1 Red Cross having charge of part of the work there, nevertheless every summer she did a full member's sNare of the )Vest Van- couver Branch work as we]]. She was one of the organizers of the Returned Soldiers'lub and those who worked with her in these various organizations knew that she accomplished tremendous things in her quiet way. It was owing a great deal to her work during the war days that her later breakdown occur- ed and for the last few years she has had to live very quietly. The end came on Monday night after an illness of five days. She leaves to mourn her loss three daughters, 51iss Margaret Brown, 3Irs. EV. Scott Rothwell, both of Vancouver, and Nrs. R. S. Barkley, of Sioux City, Iowa. The community has lost a noble hearted woman whose heart and hand were ever at the command of the needy and af- flicted and deep sympathy goes out to the fami]y who were clos- est to her and to whom her loss will be keenest. The foundations of the new addition to the municipal hall are now being built and the vault and cells are in course of being constructed. )Iiss Harrop has returned to her home in EVest Bay after a three weeks'isit to Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. George Metcalfe and family, who have been oc- cupying a house at 14th and Bellevue, are moving back to their home in the city on Mon- day. SCHOOL TICKETS NOT HONORED ON P.G.E. IN JULY AND AUGUST The P.G.E. Railway officials have advised the School Trus- tees that tickets issued to school children were not honored dur- ing the months of July and Au- gust and that unexpired tickets could be used when schoo] re- opened. Miss Sybil Chapman, Kings Ave., is spending a week of her holidays in Seat tie, and will spend the remainder with her parents at their isummer cot- tage at Sechelt. Miss Etta McVean of the B. C. Electric Store here is now able to be out and around again fol- lowing the operation for append- icitis which she underwent a few weeks ago. Dr. F. E. Dorchester, 29th and Mathers, has returned to his home from Portland, Oregon, where he went to speak at a con- vention held in that city. A drinking fountain is to be installed at Dundarave School. Miss M. AVa]], who is taking up special work during her va- cation, has received confirmation of her appointment as a schoo] teacher in the local schools. The appointment of Dr. A. C. Nash as School Medical Officer for AVest Vancouver has been confirmed by the Board of School Trustees. CLEANING UP THE BALANCE OF John Mann's Estate GEO. HAY 11th and illAI4iiVEI'HONE iVEST 21 THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY to buy a lot in the most central loca- tion in West Vancouver at an exceptionally low price. CLEARED LOTS, 50X140, between 21st and 22nd $200, on very Easy Terms, Let us show you these