001C9590 THE WEST VAiN NE4VS Correspondence July 27, 1928. J~FFARY NET I'RESIDENT OF TEiVNIS CI UB 1 I I Order YourPERSONALS Editor KVest Van. News: Sir--Through the medium of your valued paper, we, the un- dersigned, wish to express our appreciation of the increased ferry service. It is a very great conveni- ence, and we would like to thank the members of the council for giving us such a splendid rush- hour service. H. SWEET, A. ST. JOHN, G. 31. WEBSTER. B. Burton I.easing District Ig Iil"„I!"„'. I( '.S Mr. B. Burton, who for the past four years has been pres- ident of the AVest Vancouver Tennis Club, has sold his house here and is moving to the city. ~Iuch of the success of the club has been due to the active in- terest taken in its a%airs by Mr. Burton. At a meeting held last i~Ion- day general regret was voiced at his departure. J. E. Jaff'ary, 25th and Kings, was named president for the ensuing term, and L. Davenport& remains as secretary. Anyone interested in Tennis Club mat- ters. in obtaining membership or general in formation, should phone either of these gentlemen. There are, we understand, still a few vacancies for membership. friends who knew him in busi- ness in other districts and the new name--Lunn's Cafe -- ivill identify the proprietor more closely with the business. The cafe specialises in a 40 cent lunch and dinner. a 0 0 Dr. and Mrs. H. D. lV. Pineo of Hood River, arrived here yester- day on a visit to Dr. Pineo'.~ mother, ~Irs. George Pineo, 13th and Keith. 0 0 ~ F. Searle is having an addi- tion built and repairs made to his house at 29th and ~Iathers. 0 0 0 C. C. Poisson has purchased the lot on the corner of 30th and IVaterfront adjoining his prop- erty and is having it cleared and beautified and fenced. Lunn's Cafe Lunn's Cafe is the new name of the West Van Restaurant which has been operated by A. Lunn for the past two and a half years. Mr. Lunn has many 0 0 41rs. N. White of Vancouver, who has been visiting her par- ents, i~Ir. and Mrs. A. webb, 25th and Bellevue, for the past month has left for a trip to the old country. 0 0 0 Mrs. Vincent Nightingale, 24th and Haywood, is confined to the house with a sprained ankle. from ,'I ormanc.'s 14th and IIarine Mr. and ~Irs. E. Parker, 22nd and AIathers, have as their guest i~Ir. Blackstock who is on a trip here from the old country. ~ 0 0 F. C. Vernon is building a new house on Gordon Ave., between 22nd and 23rd Streets. 0 0 0 The ~Iisses Mitchell and Adair of the nursing staff of the Van- couver General I Iospital, are guests at the Fortune Cup Inn. 0 0 0 The new house which John MacPhail is having erected at 23rd and Inglewood, is nearing completion. 0 0 The best of everything at reasonable prices. Fruit and Vegetables ia Season.SWDItilER RESCUED OFF DUNDARAVE A male visitor who was swim- ming ofF Dundarave Pier on Sun- day evening found himself being carried out into the bay by the rough sea and called for help. Another stranger went to his as- sistance, and Philip Brine, 22nd and Bellevue, also jumped into the sea, with his clothes on, to render aid. Eventually the struggling man was brought ashore, but not before he had be- come thoroughly exhausted by his eff'orts to get back to the pier. Phone or call We deliver. Phone West 66 4Irs. Hudson and son Jack, of Vancouver, are arriving here to- morrow to spend August at the Fortune Cup Inn. 0 0 0 The i1Iisses Tristram, 20th and Fulton, are moving shortly to their store at West Bay. 0 0 0 Mrs. Frank Convery of Van- couver, is spending a month at the Fortune Cup Inn. 0 ~ 0 The Misses iWIary and Eva 5Ic- Bain, 29th and waterfront, are spending a fesv aveeks in Vic- tol'ia. GORDON ROBSON Barrister L Solicitor West Vancouver office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 403 Suite 801; 510 Hastings St., IV. Phone Seymour 4199. FAACY CAKES Those familiar with the sup- erior excellence of our bread and rolls will naturally look for a higher quality in our pastry and cakes. They will not be disap- pointed in their expectations. Our plain and fancy cakes, jelly rolls and pica of all kinds are of the class that pleases all pastry consumers.Apricots for . reserving Now is the time to get them. 6'e have the fruit, the sealers, rub- bers, tops and everything necessary for canning and preserving. For Groceries at Economical Prices, TRY US. S 'TTON'S BAKERY A~blesideg/A &:7s GQQC-g$0 0 0AIrs. EV. A. Anderson, Miss Jean Anderson. R.N., and Mr. C. Anderson have moved into their summer home at Caulfeild. 0 0 Mrs. Jack Cole and family of Port Alberni, are visiting Mrs. Cole's fatheg F. Searle, 29th and Mathers. Ferry No. 6 passed her annual inspection on Tuesday. This completes the inspections of the ferries for this year. 0 0 0 PHOAE WEST 27 And our Delivery man will ealL(Formerly Granger's) Corner 21st and ~larine. IVe Deliver. Phone West 405 0 0 Mrs. H. Scotton of Britannia Beach, is spending a few days with DIr. and Mrs. AV. KV. Haw- tin, "Calthorpe," Altamont. W. Cooke, of "Innisfail," 22nd and Marine Drive, has moved to Vancouver, where he is staying with friends. Harry Atkins with a party of AVest Vancouver men left on Sun- day for an auto trip through the Cariboo country. They expect to get as far as Williams Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sewell of Vancouver, are occupying one of the Cole cottages at 29th and Marine Drive for a month. Fifteen motorists were fined last week in the police court for not stopping at the stop signs ivhich have recently been install- ed on the roads leading into Mar- ine Drive. Two men from Van- couver each paid a fine of $30 under the Liquor Act. Bob Jenny, 14th and Water- front, caught a nice cohoe weigh- ing eleven pounds on Wednesday morning. This is the second co- hoe caught this year. CAPILANO TIiWIBER CORI PAN Y Llill IT ED The stop signs have been re- moved at 14th and 25th Streets, and new signs of a different type are to be put down later. 0 KIr. and Mrs. Paton, 15th and Esquimalt, have had as their guests AIr. and 5Irs. Don Noonan and their family and 5Irs. Nash of Cadogan, Alberta. Mrs. Noon- an is a cousin and 5Irs. Nash an aunt of Mrs. Paton. The visitors are now staying at English Bay. ! ~ ) I I I s s / V V T is sane policy to give your business to the firm that maintains your local pay roll, even when it costs a little more to do so. But it does not cost more, in fact it usually costs less to deal with us rather than elsewhere. of all Rinds. Kiln Dried, per load $3.50 Slabs, per load ............ 3.50 Cedar, per load.......... 3.00 HOY'S TRANSFER Phones: West 112 North 1654 SURPRISE PARTY Between our mill on the waterfront and our camp up the Capilano Valley our firm gives employment to almost 800 men. When, therefore, you require any Lumber--be it in small lots or for a big job- see us first and we shall both be the gainers for it. You may rest assured of always receiving good grades. $~' h Creamo Wagon on Every Street Every i~lorning. From the Dairy with the llighest Score 9 Quarts for One Dollar North 122 On Thursday afternoon, July 12th, several ladies of the Bapt- ist 4iIission Circle pleasantly sur- prised AIrs. P. Colpitts at her home, 13th and Fulton, in cele- bration of her seventieth AVed- ding Anniversary. The table was decorated with pink and white streamers hanging from a pink light shade, tied in bows at each corner. Also a bouquet of flowers. In the centre was a basket decorated in pink and white which contained the pres- ents, it being a cup and saucer shower. A very pleasant time was spent, and refreshments were served. Those present ivere i11rs. P. Colpitts, AIrs. T. Armstrong. Mrs. C. Stevenson, Mrs. Clifford AiIrs. Brown. 5Irs. Vernon, 5Irs. lV. R. Scott, Mrs. Chine", Airs. Wintle, 5Ir~, Provincial. 5Irs. Hibberd, Sr., DIrs. Hibberd, Jr.. AIisses Helen and Evelyn Col- pitts, Miss Eileen Hibberd, 5Iiss Bernice I Ioavell. I I t . &e ~a)i ano '..'ironer "0...):c. ~ "ATERFRONT and PEMBERTON NORTH 305 Night Phone 549L FIRE WOOD NORTH 30-1 NIGHT PHONE NORTH 304K We now take orders direct for kiln-dried Planer ends at $3.50 per cord delivered.