001C9590 THE EVEST 4 A N NEBS July 27, 1928. LIBBY'S PICKLES, per bottle..... WAX LUNCH ROLLS, per box .............. "QUAKER" PORK AND BEANS, 2's,................................ 2 Tins for"FLIT" LIQUID FLY KILLER, Regular 50c, per bottle...............,....... B. C. GRANULATED SUGAR.................................... 10 lbs. for SPECIAL--SERV-US TEA, 1 lb pkgs..... SLICED OR CRUSHED PINEAPPLE................ 2 for KRAFT CHEESE, ~lb package.... hIcLAREN'S QUICK TAPIOCA.... .. 2 pkgs. for "CHIPSO" large package, for....... FANCY ASSORTED BISCUITS.... ........ 10c I'ackages, 3 for 28c 15c 19c 39c 66c 79c 35c 21c 21c 19c 21c ~ 8 Mme WELC BEL ALL To H Government Inspected AIeat D. ROBERTS, Prop. Prompt Delivery Smith 's l rocery IVo Deliver A. HARVEY SMITH, Prop. 24th AND hIARINE, Opp. Dundarave IIall. I'hone WEST 469 CHAIN liED AN9 WHI I),. STORE Specials for Friday and Saturday RECOVERY OF I~IAYOI( TAYLOR IS ASSURED At 10:15 a. m. the mayor' cond it ion divas reported at the Geiieral hospital as "Quite satis- factory. He is doing very favell." Mayor Taylor experienced a good night said early reports to- day from Vancouver General hospital. It is nearly four days sincethe mayor's head divas cut open by a ivhirling metal propellerblade and doubts ivere expressedthat he could come throug)i the experience alive. I'AIR ENTRIES CLOSE TOBIORROiV All entries for Canada's Pac- ific exhibition ivill close tomor- row it is announced by J. K. ilIatheson, general manager ofthe Exhibition association. "We are trying hard to get all the entries in the catalogue this year, and in view of the great numbers expected in each section, it is urged upon exhib- itors that thev submit their en- try sheets as quickly as poss- ible," he stated. Offices are open at Hastings Park, and at 438 Fender Street West for entry receipts, and also for the advance ticket sale on which four automobiles will be given away. AVHAT AVOULD YOU DO. During Hot Heather all me&ts kept in refrigerator ~l«+ w r i ~l wrI L a mal & .. J,.i I Next to IIollyburn Theatre I'HOiVE WEST 3 Closed Thursday at 1 o'lock FIVE DEL.VEIL l HE.+e Ls A TIP7Mi~ 5 STROICHT &NDVRUB WE SELL THE GEST OF ~WooOS TQ You.'~ We want to continue to giveyou this stl'aight tip--that our quality lumber is measured fair- ly and sold squarely. You need have no fear of buying inferior lumber at this yard because we don't sell a foot of it. .'~K~ . j7 II 15, 'I, II:I.llI Iltl),', ll] II.II& 'l,l,'I. 15th and hlarine LIAIITED Phone AVest 115 Play a game of I 3 tables for your pleasure FRESII AND CUltED hlEATS, 13UTTER, EGGS, I3ACON AND Demand the Best Meats No use taking a chance on inferior qualities of 5Ieat on hot It's poor economy to begin with. The Meat we sell is pure and wholesome, thoroughly inspected. SAFETY FIRST--BUY AT JEFFERIES PRIhIE STEER BEEF BOILING BEEF BONELESS STEWING BEEF POT ROAST OVEN ROAST RUMP ROAST SIRLOIN ROAST Nex.t to Pig ly Wiggly Local Eggs EXTRAS, per doz............... 39c FIRSTS, per doz..................... 38c PULLET EXTRAS. per doz.... 34c Fresh Fruits One of the local merchants told us this sveek of having one of those experiences, xvhich, to say the least, are very irritating. This merchant sells potatoes. A ivoman came into the store and asked for a paper bag in avhich to put some potatoes she had bought from a Chinaman. Busi- ness people run into all kinds of human nature, but for unadult- erated gall this requires a lot of beating. Q]qQQ]4th s treet Right, at the Railway Crossing :V.:Ol.icy l O,Oal-.l on First 51ortgage at current rates. Let us finance the building of your new home in West Van- couver. THE ROCKGAS AGENCY NOAV DEAIONSTRATING Local Spring Lamb Shoulder, per lb.. 26c Rib and Breast. per lb.......... 26c Legs, per lb. . 36c Loins, per lb. ,.... 38c TohIATOES PLUMS ......................... 2 lbs. 25c Grape Fruit...........,............4 for 25c Lemons........................l'er dozen 40c Oranges, per dozen ................. 45c Apricots, per lb............... 10c Peaches Potatoes............................ 12 lbs. 25c EVatermelon. per lb.................. Sc Seedless Grapes, per lb......... 20c The Rockgas Agency has now opened up for business at 1451 Marine Drive, and are busy dem- onstrating their gas product for the benefit of interested persons who call on them there. The gas it is claimed, is safe and econo- minal and may be used for both cooking, heating and lighting. ELKS DAY AT EXHIBITION, AUG. 8TH LOCAL hIILK FED VEAL Oven Roast, per lb., from ..... 20c Stewing Veal, per lb..... 15c SATURDAY ONLY EXTRA SPECIAL iVEW ZEALAND BUTTER 3 lbs. $ 1.25 P RO VISIONS Pure Lard, 1 lb pkg......... 19c Back Bacon, Ib by the piece... 39c Side Bacon, lb by the piece ... 39c Ayrshire Bacon. lb by piece. 28c Cottage Ham, lb by piece...... 32c "The greatest day for children in the history of Greater Van- couver," is the way in which theElks'lag and Children's Day, scheduled for August 8 at Hast- ings Park is described by those familiar with past occasions of a similar nature. Between 30,000 and 50,000 is the wide range of estimates upon which the Elks have to work in preparing for the day. Last year more than 40,000 children took part in the celebration, filling the large grandstand in the oval at Hastings Park and overflowing on to the racetrack and grounds. This year the number is ex- pected to be even greater, for many of the children who had such a large measure of enjoy- ment at the festivity last year are expected to be there again this year with their playmates. How much poorer life will be when at last ankles are so com- monplace as to be unnoticed. SA L~ION just out of the water 15c lb. half or whole Theatre Tickets given with every 50c purchase. B. C. E. EiiIPLOYEES TO HOLD PICNIC THE WlSE AOVSE'WII-f ES HER DE,NANO R PORES s EArS Socio evaa I mg! Ji Members of the head office staff of the British Columbia Railway Company will hold their annual picnic tomorrow. Sechelt has been selected as the site, and over 600 members of the staff will leave the Union Steamship wharf at 8.45 a. m. on the SS. Lady Cecilia. AVhile practically all the offices of the company in the head of- fice building will be closed for the day, a few clerks will remain on duty. THE hIEAT-SHOI'PER OF WI SDO&1 Selects this shop for several reasons. She knows that we sell only the purest, freshest meats obtainable, and she knows that she will be waited upon in a careful manner and that her purchase will be delivered on time. Buy Your Suit in West Yancouver V,. W.l.. AV,S 16th and hIARINE, AhIBLESIDE CUSTOM TAILOR .IROBERTS'!letter j"..I:eats 14th and Marine 'Illtesl: "0 Come and see our Patterns. Large selection to choose from Dry Cleaning Dyeing, Repairs and City Prices and Pressing Alterations Open Saturday Evenings till 9 o'lock. We Call Fnr and Deliver. I'HONF. IVEST 20. No Phones YOU SAVE No Delivery HAVE PERFECT FLOORS CLEAN, ShfOOTH, SANITARY, BEAUTIFUL There is no reason for having dirty, worn, unsightly floors. The "Uni-versal" Floor Surfacing hlachine will clean out the ground-in dirt, takeoff stains, remove old varnish or paint, smooth up the worn spots andmake the old fioor as good as new. Oak, maple, hard pine. birch, or anywood is easily cleaned and made as smooth as glass. They can be re-finished same as when first put down. OLD FLOORS hlADE LIKE NET--NEW FLOORS hlADE PERFECTNewly laid floors are easily and quickly brought to a clean smooth sur-face by the "Universal" method. This method saves the builder or generalcontractor the back-breaking labor and does the work much quicker, bet-ter and at )ess cost. "Universal" method finishes any floor beautifully and entirely withoutthe usual muss. A vacuum fan deposits all dirt in a bag, leaving the jobclean as you go along. Let us explain the method and quote you prices. CORBIN'S JANITOR SERVICE PHOiVE SEYhlOUR 5713 130 HASTINGS ST., IVEST SAS.-, )00.(S AND , nterior,'.inis & G.ASS anc G.AZ..i G OF ALI kINDS NO JOB TOO SMALL AND NONE TOO LARGE GET OUR PRICES--IT AVILL I AY 4 OU. :l lls I: l', balll ',:IP..3 ~l.l. q . i' . hlABINE Dl(IVE AT 16th STICEET Phone West 199 ASK FOR AIR. IlIORTON. London Jk British North America Co., Ltd. 51ortgage -- Insurance -- Finance and Estate Agents. 626 Pender Street AVest Phone Sey. 6285 Local Representative;-- F. X. Hodgson, KVest 665R