001C9587 July 20, 1928. THE %EST VAN NEWS GARDENS AND GARDENING Wh™sical Review G. HUTI', Architect By ibllNA Landscape Cradwi~ In Landscaping U. of C ~ Amerf Gardeaing. Member Nai Several days ago we were con- gratulating ourselves on the suc- cess we were having with our cabbage and cauliflower plants this year. IVe planted a couple of dozen of each and didn't lose »ingle plant from cutworms, whereas other years found us replacing many plants within a few days after planting. How- ever, as the saying goes, we'ountedour'chickens before they were hatched's the discovei y of several wilted cabbage plants soon convinced us. Our first thought was that the hot day, combined with a possible lack of water had caused the wilting, but on a closer inspection we found that (he roots were badly infected with root maggots; a small white grub about a quart- er of an inch long, the offspring of a fly res«mbling the house fly, but smaller. This fly lays its eggs in the soil around the plant and upon hatching, the maggots work down into the earth and chew off the finer roots finally working their way into the main root, eventually causing the plant to die. AVe dug around the roots of appar- ently healthy plants and found a half dozen to a dozen maggots around each root. Needless to say we took prompt action to get rid of them. To our knowledge there is only one reasonably sure method to do this and that is the use of bichloride of mercury as follows: Prepare a stock solution by taking 1 or more gallons of boil- ing water and pouring it into an earthenware enamel or wooden receptacle; for each gallon of water used take 4oz. of bichloride of mercury. Crush the mercury salts, tie in several thicknesses of cheesecloth, and suspend just beneath the surface of the boil- ing water until dissolved. For use add 1 gallon of the stock solution to 39 gallons of water, or at the same proportion for smaller quantities, and apply the diluted solution to the plants. The first application should be made three days after the plants are set out and followed by three further applications at ten day intervals. Apply just sufficient of the liquid to moisten the soil immediately round and touching the plants. About one quarter of a pint of the solution for each plant at the first application. NOTE--This mixture is very poisonous and corrosive and must be handled with great care. On no account should the stock solution be placed in a metal con- tainer as it will quickly corrode the vessel, neither should the sol- ution be left where children, ani- mals or birds can gain access to it. After many inquiries we find that there is a preparation on the market here for sprinkling on the ground around each plant, the odor of which is offensive to the fly which lays the eggs, and it is supposed to keep them a- way. Of course it is of no value after the eggs have been laid, but as there are several broods each year the use of this powder should help to eradicate the plague. There may h~ve been some of our readers who have discovered a remedy for the root maggots, and if so, we would like to hear Phone West 28 A.mblesideNo Easy htark Johnny, aged six, was told he had to go to the hospital to have his ton- sils removed; and his mother was bol- stering up h s morale. "Ill be brave an'o jest what they tell me, Ma," Johnny promised, "but I betcha they don't palm off no cryin'aby on me like they did when you was in the hospital." can 5chool of Landscape Architecture aa4 tonal Landscape 5crrlce. GROCERY and HARDWARE Paints, Oil and Varnish.from them so that we may pass the information along through Large enough to serve you. Small enough to know your needs. SPECIALS THIS iVEEK this column. Address letters to the writer care of the Editor, or to 8226 18th Ave. N.E., Seattle, IVn. ~Ve feel sure that if our readers will co-operate with us valuable information may be se- B. C. Granulated Sugar.... 5 lb. Carton 37c 10 lb Sacks 73c Pineapple 2's 2 Tins for 25c Nabob Tea, per lb. packts....................... 69c i~lalkin's Coffee, per lb. Tin .......... 65c We Should Worry. cured, to the mutual advantage of everyone. 4Ve would also be pleased to hear from any of our readers if information is desired in connec- tion with the history and method of cultivation of any particular flowers in which they are inter- ested. He was hanging onto his job by a mere eyelash, but he didn't know it. In fact he thought that ha had become practically indispensable to the firm, and announced to some of his fellow employeg that he was going to strike tor a raise. and if he didn't get it he was going to leave the firm flat on its back He made his demand on the boss and came out of the otfice with a puzzled look on his face. "Well," one of the boys queried, "did you tell the boss that if you didn't get a raise you were going to quit?" "What did he sayT" queried a sec- ond. "He said, 'I haven't got time to sing it to you, but you'll find the firm's an- swer in the second line of that grand old song, "Hail. Hail, the Gang's All Here" '. LOCAL NET LAID EGGS A specialty. IVe go right to the ranch and fetch em. FREE DF&IVKRY CLASSIFIED ADSNOTE Tbe wriier wtli consider li ~ pleasure io answer questtons concernlag the garden In ibis column. The questions should be addressed io the writer in care ot the Editor. The ~newer will appear ln an early issue or If a persoaai reply ls desired a ~ tamped, ~ elf-addressed envelope should be eaclosed GENUINE GALT COAL--Phone Ed. Black, West 68. HIGII SCHOOL GIRL ~ould care for children few hours daily. Apply IVest 203R. DUNDARAVE HALL and its equip- ment for rent on a favorable lease. Living quarters. Apply K. A. Ray, 21st and Argyle. Phone West 30L. ART bIONUbIENT CO., LTD. Speci- alising in Capilano View Cemetery Tablets. 602 Kingsway. Fair. 1&8. Oh, Joy! Oh, Boy! The Board of Trade picnic is nert Thursday. Everybody invited. Cars leave Marine and 14th at 2 o'lock. FOR REVT--August and Sep™~r, well furnished house-keeping suite. Modern. two bedrooms, delightful location, cise to Beach, $40 per month. Apply, "Suite," c',o West Van. News. Jolted TEIOR Electric Wash!ng hlnchine for sale at a real snap price. Machine as good as new. Phone West 316. "I'd like to go to a funeral this aft- ernoon, sir," said the office boy. 'Oh, you would, would you?" the chief heartlessly replied. "Well ~ youwon'." "No, sir; I know I won'" the boy murmured resignedly. "But I would like to all the same." Something tragic nnd appealing in the youthful voice led the chief to ask: "Whose funeral T" "Yours. sir,'said the boy. THE ROAD TO HEALTH IS PAVED WTII GOOD I'IIEVENTION SIX - ROObIED FULLY SIODERN house, convenient to ferry, new range. Phone West 146R. Almost everybody thinks that the other man hns the easier and the bet- ter job. There is a general tendency to ascribe success to luck. In the same wny, many communities excuse their failure to secure health for their constituents because of some local dif- ficulties and, at the same time attrib- ute the success of other communities to "just luck." It is true that every place has its o'vn problems nnd difficulties. It is equally true that the healthy commu- nity hns succeeded, not. because of luck, but because its members did what wns necessary to overcome their local difficulties. Throughout Canada you will find a great variation as to health conditions between places that may be fairly compared with each other. There is, of course n reason for this. This reason is not hard to find; it is a simple one. AVhere the best health work hns been done, their health con- ditions are best, nnd so on. down the scale, the health of the community corresponds to the health work done by the community. Every citizen should inquire as to the health standing of his home town or county, find out how it compares with others, ask these questions of the local or provincial health depart- ments. Every citizen should then ask himself whether or not he and his fellow citizens are providing the money and other support necessary to enable the health department to pave the health road of the community with sound preventive measures, so that the citizens may travel along in happiness, free from the bumps of disease. the ruts of ill-health, the sud- den, unguarded crossings of epidemics nnd the unprotected precipices of pre- ventable fatal diseases. FOR IDENT--Well furnished cottage one block from Drive. Adults pre- ferred. Apply 2063 Esquimalt. LOST on Playground, brown leather bag containing knitting. Please phone West 175R. Reward. NEWbIAN 8c ROBBINS -- Builders and Contractors--Painting, paper- hanging and kalsomining, chimneys built. 28th and Marine. Phone West 74R1. HEMSTITCHING--Plain.. white Se yard; silk and colored 10c yard. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and bfarine. Phone West 144. lV. JENVEY, Builder, Cabinet Work of all kinds. Phone West 346L. Even Unto the End. LOST--Wire haired terrier puppy. Phone West 92R2.Isaac Goldstein, a dealer in ready- to-wear was just about to close his business career. He was lying on his denth-bed and around him were gath- ered his sons. "Are you there, Benny?" said Isaac. "Yest, father." "And are you there, AbeT" "Yes. father." "And you too, Sammy T" "Yes, father." "Den who the detel izz taking care of de bizness?" WANTED--Housekeeper to take full charge, must be competent with children and good plain cook. Ap- ply "Housekeeper," West Van News. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL wants a few hours light work daily except Sun- day. Apply Schoolgirl ~ c'o News. ELECTRIC WIRING--Ranges, Wash- ers, radio, fixtures. Call us for pric- es. North Shore Electric--Radio, G. A. Broder, Prop. FOR SALE--Attractive Seven Room- ed House with lovely grounds. Terms to suit purchaser or will lease to responsible party. For par- ticulars phone West 185L R. P. Clarke & Co. (Vancouver) Ltd- FIVE ACHES. Close in, about half cleared and in garden. Agreeable location, good view. $4000 or close offer. Terms. Hubby's Birthday Greetings Narcissus--"Looky here, black man, whut's you all gwine gimme for my birthday present?" Black Man--"Close yo'yes, honey." (She did as he said.) "Now whut yo'ee?" Narcissus--"Nuthin'!" Black Man--"Well. dat's whut you all gwine git." II%ID ll ANTED for General House- work. Sleep in preferred. Phone AVest 238L ACRE HOhIESITE, neith Road, love- ly homesite, natural trees. Owner anxious to sell, $860. Cash or terms. % YANDOTTE HENS and Barred Rock pullets for sale. Apply 1428 Esquimnlt. Phone West 649R. BUILDING LOT on Esquimalt, good view, water, light, phone, paved Road, $200. Your own terms. ONLY PLACE for Running Shoes, Tennis Shoes and Gym Shoes: TITES. New address: hIes- senger Block, opposite Ambleside Lumber Company. Consult us for nll real estate, mort- gages, insurance service.blind Your Own Business The train robber was holding up n Pullman car--"Out with your dough,I'l kill all men without money and kiss all women." An elderly gent said--"You shall not touch these ladies!" An old maid in an upper berth shouted: "You leave him alone; he's robbing this train." R. P. Clarke 4 Co. (Vancouver) Lttt 823 Hastings St. W. Sey. 7483, 7484 GENUINE GALT COAL--Phone Ed. Black, West 68. Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, West 225. FOR SALE S. E. Corner of 30th and hlatliers Ave., Lott 66. D. L 556. This comprises 1.37 acres overlooking the Straits of Georgia, situated in residential area, only one block from hIarine Drive. Hop Beer illay Be Made at Home FOR SALF Nice Cottage on Fina large lot. Garden. Fine sea view, $ 1,000. FIVE-ROOhI BUNGALOW on 200 feet frontage. Lovely garden, sen view. Garage. $2750. AVEST VANCOUVER INVEST- hIENT COY. IVest 102. Take It or Leave It. Hop Beer -- Four ozs. hops (compressed), 1 qt. malt syrup, 2 lbs. brown sugar, 1 cake yeast, 1 pk. gelatine. Boil hops in 2 1-2 gallons of water for 2 hours, (simmer after it comes to a boil), then strain liquid through several thickness- es of cheese cloth. Add another 2 1-2 gallons of water (cold), and bring all to a boil. EVhen boil- ing add malt, sugar and gelatine and boil 1 1-2 hours. Let cool, strain through cheese cloth, then heavy cotton cloth folded several times. EVhen cooled to blood heat, dissolve yeast cake in a small quantity of the liquid. Stir well into liquid. Set away in a cool place to ferment. Skim off all the scum from time to time for about 72 houi s or until fermentation has finish- ed. IVhen no more fermentation shows, strain again and bottle immediately. Cork securely. Set away about a week. It is better to syphon it into the bottles with a rubber tube, taking care not to stir up the sediment. It does not have to be strained the last time if syphoned. Goldstein (to hotel clerk)--"What T You want me to pay $36 for my room in this hotel? Why, that is outrage- ous. Clerk--"But this on the American plan; your meals are included in that price." Goldstein--"Well, I tIidn't eat a meal here." Clerk--"They were right here for you; that's your fault." Goldstein--"Then you owe me $35." Clerk--"What for, may I nsk?" Goldstein--"For kissing my wife." Clerk--"But I didn't kiss your wife, I tell you." Goldstein--"Well ~ that's not my fault; she was right there for you." $1,000 Cash. J. B. Leyland West 63R1 CHEVHOLEF TOURING FOR SALE New tires, excellent condition $475. Terms. H. C. Osborne, 4Vest 628Y.WE HAVE SEVERAL NEW hIODERN HOiMES FOR SALE GEO. HAY Notary Public 1405 hIarine Drive. AVest 21 City Office: 315 Cordova Street IVest Seymour 1260. SEWING IVANTED -- Ladies'nd Children's work. hirs. Bloxham, Phone AVest 226. WILL ACCEPT West Van. Property in exchange for modern house, with large garden, near hfagee Station, two blocks from new public and high schools. Phone IVest 69SR1 or IVest 340. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAI4 BEST--Dundarave. WINDOW BLINDS--Made to order and installed. Estimates tree. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street nnd hlarine. Phone West 144. TO iVATER USERS VERNON FEED STORE h. C. SEARLE Phone IVest 9 . i'er;i izers for Your Garden FUEI.4 BUILDING SUI'I'LIES FOUiNDATION, CLIENT WORE, Landscaping. Lawns made. Grading and Clearing. T. Barnott, Resid- ence Phone West 672R. Application forms can be obtained at the Municipal Hall, Hollyburn. AbIBLESIDE HALL Applications for reservations of the Amblesida Hall for the present may be made to the agents for the build- ing. Service from the old mains will be discontinued after July 31st, 1928. JAS. OLLASON, C. M. C. GEO. HAY i&otary Public 1405 Marine Driia Phone IVest 1 Be at hlarine and 14th nert Thursday at 2 o'lock to go to the Board of Trade picnic. All EVater Users residing in District Lots 430 and 1493 are hereby notified that application should be made for service from the New Mains.